On today’s mini episode Kristin talks about reframing our day to expect the best out of our interactions, meetings and efforts instead of the worst- let’s shift our thinking so we can get more out of life and go after what we want- let’s put fear aside and bring our best selves into the world.
This is Your Life. Your One Life. How Will You Choose to Live It? I choose to celebrate those among us who stepped off the path of expectation and into their purpose and a life worth celebrating. Step into an Abundant Life & Business God has called you to.
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Kristin speaks to entrepreneurs who are doing work they love and building lives they love and doing it on their terms and stepping into what God has called them into- let’s start taking action to create and monetize our creative ideas and passions and turn them into thriving businesses- let’s go after our dream work, make more money and spend more time with people we love living our best lives and have lasting impact in the world.
Learn more about working with Kristin, joining her community or her podcasts at KristinFitch.com
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Hi, in today's daily encouragement episode, we are going to talk about how we expect the best in our lives, how we look to having a great future instead of expecting the worst from people or circumstances, or what we have in our lives. So I'm going to give you quick two quick tips on how we can improve this. Here's what I want to ask you. What is holding you back? What is the thing that's holding you back from going after your dreams and from finding meaningful work you love? Aren't you ready to wake up to the possibilities that are in your life and go after the things you've dreamt up? It's time for you to feel alive again lit up and for you to know that you're deserving, and you are worthy for the future that's waiting for you. I want you to feel fulfilled and find abundance in your life. I think it's time and I'm ready to help you get started. Now, I'm your host Kristen, of building a life you love. And each week on the show, we're going to help you figure out how you do go after your dreams and find work you love. Here we go. Let's get started. Okay, before we jump into the two ideas or tips, I just want to point this out. A lot of us I think when we want something in our life, we're afraid to go after it fully, because I think we're afraid we won't get it. And we don't want to get disappointed. So we'd rather stay in a state where we say, Oh, I know, I can't get that I know I can't afford that. I know that's, I'm you know, that's not for me, I can't get that job, I am not qualified. But we're always we're often putting things in a negative state, instead of saying, oh my gosh, I think I can get that job or I think I can afford that house, or whatever it might be. And so I think we have to realize that we're, we're starting off our statements in our mindset with I can't, or I could never, or I can't afford that, or whatever it might be. So that's the first thing, I just want to point that out to that a lot of people that are stuck and aren't getting everything they want, they're stuck in that state of expecting the worst or not expecting the best, or that they can have a better or different outcome. So the first tip is, when you start your day off in the morning, you write down, what could go right about today, or this may be the day that blank could happen. Or this will be a great day if I make progress towards you know, and then fill in the answer. But I think if every morning, you, you look at your day, you know what you have planned, it can be you know, both work and personal. And then say, Oh, wow, you know, I have this great dinner plan this evening with friends or today at work. I know I have a conversation with my boss, or I get to talk to a client and there may be an opportunity to work with him on a bigger deal. So I think we have to look at the rest of our day and figure out Oh, where are there opportunities where instead of thinking about how the day won't go? Well, we can think about how might this day go really well, because then we're going to start thinking about that and playing it in our subconscious about what that might look like. So that's the first the first thing I recommend is just writing down. How would today make be a really great day, like what would happen? What would have to happen? And how can I work towards that. And of course, stopping the negativity trying to reframe your language in a more positive way. And then the second tip is, reframe your game. Okay? So what I'm talking about is, before you go into the meeting, before you go into the room, before you go to lunch, before you have a conversation with somebody,
do something that will put you in a more positive mindset, and it will prepare you for what's you know what's coming up. So, it might be that you repeat a statement or an affirmation that you put on your phone. And you know, you might just say it to yourself quietly, you might just read it on your phone, that it'll get you in the right mindset, you know, thinking positively and thinking about abundance and how this meeting, you know, it could be a really great meeting, you know, so you bring that great energy to the meeting instead of sort of a one more meeting How irritating or some people they get pumped up by listening to a song that gets them kind of in the mood and motivated positive. That's a great idea too. But just figure out a way to reframe your game. In other words, before you step into circumstance, a meeting a conversation, reframe your brain, find a way to disconnect from what happened prior. And be prepared mentally for what you're stepping into. So you can show up fully present and that you can show up and bring your best self and show up with your best attitude about how that meeting or that conversation is going to go. And then I'd also say we have to remember that even if it doesn't go the way we want that doesn't mean it's
negative, it just means that there's an opportunity to still move that thing forward. Because sometimes even nose or maybes or things that seem like roadblocks, they might just slow us down. But it doesn't mean that we're not going to get the thing. So I just want to remind you that we have to take responsibility for our own attitudes, or mindsets. Our negative self talk, if that's what we're doing. And also, if you have kids, we have to be careful, because if that's how we're speaking to ourselves, if that's our speaking about our work, that our lives, that's what they're picking up on. And most likely, if we're doing that all of our kids are doing it too, because they're seeing our example. So if this goes on, this is way more potent than just ourselves, because it's the people around us. And then also, if you have people around you that are really negative all the time or toxic, try to limit how much time or interaction you spend with those people. Because they let us think that this is a normal behavior when we really need to change this behavior. So that's it for today. I hope you have a great day. And I hope you can reframe your game, and that you can think about what could go right today. And I just want to leave you with these words by Oscar Hammerstein. The second, there's a very real relationship, both quantitatively and qualitatively between what you contribute and what you get out of this world. So I just remind you, go participate, go be part of your life. Try to bring the positive energy and your best self forward and into all of your conversations in the work you're doing. I think we do need to know what we want in order to define life on our terms. And we have to be willing to break the past scripts so that we can move into better and more beautiful and amazing things. And if you're ready to go after your dreams and define life on your terms, head on over to Kristin fitch.com. And download the free no limits workbook to help you look at different ideas in front of you and how you might create, scale and monetize those ideas. So you can start going after your dreams today. And if you enjoyed the show, we'd love it if you'd subscribe and leave us a review and rating on Apple podcasts or wherever you listen to podcasts. And if you have ideas for the show, or guests that you'd like to recommend, I'd love to hear from you. So DM me on Instagram at Kristin Fitch or you can email me from the website. Thanks so much. And thanks again for listening in. Until next time, have a great week.