Maybe you’ve felt uninspired, burned out, unclear or uncertain about your future and how you are meant to show up in this season of your life and I’m here to tell you – God has big plans for you on the other side of the uncertainty and fear- you’ve just got to be willing to tap into the joy, and peace and dreams he offers you.
I think many of us have become disconnected with the purpose & joy that God put in our hearts to share with the world.
You don’t have to stay stuck in a job or situation that’s sucking the life out of you. What I learned is that it all starts with getting clear on who we are made to be and tapping into our inner gladness (Joy).
Maybe like me, you’ve felt disconnected from your purpose or joy through much of your life.
So much of my professional identity and assumptions needed to be peeled back for me to see clearly the vision God had for me to encourage others to live a more joyful, creative, open hearted life that allowed them to serve the world doing work that fills them up.
#freedom #followyourjoy #purpose #findyourpurpose #findyourcalling #clarifyyourpurpose #christianentrepreneurs #sidehustle #dowhatyoulove #startabusiness #godgivendream #purposedrivenlife