Today I want to share a message of love, and hope to anyone suffering with depression, or feelings of hopelessness or going through a season of darkness or extreme loneliness. If you or someone you know is struggling you can call or text 988 24/7 to get support through a crisis line. Always reach out to someone and if needed please contact a professional therapist or doctor.
I want to remind you- you are so loved by people around you and by God. I Love You.
We each need other people, and connection (to a person and even a pet)and touch- even hugging a puppy or holding someone’s hand or getting a hug. Finding even a tiny thing to be grateful for each day (soft blankets, or dogs) also helps just a little light get in.
You are unique and have so much worth and value just as you are- without changing, or accomplishing anything- you were made for a purpose and even if you don’t know what it is right now, and even if you don’t feel you have worth I promise you- you do.
One day as you begin to feel a bit more hopeful, a bit more promise for the future Your story, your words, your hurt will help someone else through their own struggles and journey through a hard or hopeless season.
And family and friends- check on your people. And tell them you love them. Tell them you are proud of them just as they are- not because of the striving or degrees or certain job or whatever but right now you love them and need them. Sit with them. Don’t push or force, just do little things to help them heal. Find resources and make sure they know they can call or text 988 or find a local or online counselor. But practice acceptance and baby steps.
Make time for people- book a flight and get on the damn plane and see your loved one. Drive 15 hours- make the call- do whatever it takes to show up in your loved ones or friends lives. People are struggling- all ages from young kids to seniors and everyone in between. How do we help? How do we heal? We connect. We invite. We sit quietly. We make a meal for someone. We tell them they are loved and worthy. We pray. We keep showing up and we fight for the light and for community.
‘When I was brought low he saved me.’ Psalm 116
I shared part of this message last month which was National Suicide Prevention Awareness Month and I felt moved to share this on the podcast in case it can reach someone or be shared with a loved one who needs to hear a message of hope and love.
If you or someone you know is struggling with hopelessness, or suicide or going through an emotional crisis you can text or call 988 24/7 to get support and speak to a crisis line.
This podcast is my opinion and is not medicial or professional advice or guidance. Please find a professional counselor or therapist or psychologist to speak with. Please get profession help with depression- there are many counseling, medical therapies available. Seek the advice of a Christian counselor or Pastor for recommendations or counseling.
Learn about Kristin Fitch and her podcast Faith Fueled Woman and to sign up for her email and 7 Day Faith-based Encouragement Challenge (7 days of Encouragement sent to your inbox)- click here.
Reach out to Kristin to have her speak at Your Event, Summit, Church or Group – Go to
Download and Printable a Free Daily Devotional Journal Page here.
Depression, Suicidal Thoughts, You are Loved, Feeling Hopeless, Hopelessness, Loneliness, Struggling with Loneliness, Harmful Thoughts, Christian Inspiration, Christian Therapy, Christian Prayer, Darkness, You are Loved, Christian Support, Prayer in Hard Times, Prayer for Depression
Kristin Fitch
Hi, this is Kristen, the host of the show. And today is actually,
I guess a special episode it is titled,
I feel so alone, I feel so hopeless. And really this episode is for anyone that's just struggling, that is going through a season that's just heavy, that's dark. And if that's not you, but you know someone that is struggling right now that is feeling hopeless, or wanting to harm themselves, or just feeling so lonely, then it may be that this episode would be great for you to send on to them. And so I just want to share a message with you that I actually posted and shared online last week. But really, it just comes down to you. I just want to let those know there's everybody know that if you're feeling alone, if you're feeling hopeless, you don't see your worth, you don't just don't know how loved you are, how needed you are. Then I have a message to share with you today that I wanted to put on the podcast as well. Hey, beautiful, beautiful soul, I am actually here today, to just tell you if you're having a hard time right now, if you just feeling hopeless, maybe even depressed, maybe you're having harmful thoughts, I just wanted to let you know that you are so loved and you are needed. And you have such worth beyond measure. You have purpose in this world. And you may not know what it is right this minute. But I promise you, each of us was made uniquely and special to show up in this world and your story and your words, even your heart and your love are needed. One day you are going to push through this and you will actually help other people with your story and what you've walked through. And I know so many people, even some in my family right now are struggling with just a darkness and a hopelessness. And I noticed that before this month ended, it is National Suicide Prevention Month. And I just felt it's so important to come and tell you that I see you and you are loved the people in your life, your family and your friends, your community, the world, whether they know that you're walking through this hard season or not. They love you, they need you and they want you to be here. And I would just say to you keep try. Keep working. Keep fighting to find hope. Again, even in small moments. Go and tell someone share what you're thinking. share your feelings with someone, either someone you know, or you can go online. And there's websites like seven, where people can listen, you can always 24 hours a day you can call 988 That is a crisis line, whether you need help because of suicidal thoughts, or whether you're just having emotional crisis. Also, just know that just sitting with somebody and holding their hand, getting a hug, physical touch makes a huge difference. Getting a good meal, you know, insight in your body. Praying, even if you've never prayed, even if you don't believe in God, it has such power in it. But the most important thing is just find one, little light, find some tiny thing in this moment to be grateful for. Sometimes it might be our animals or maybe cool get around someone's animal give the animal a hug. Because I promise you feeling that love that connection to something else is so important. And I love this quote by a poet that I follow and just really love her work called, she's Victoria Erickson. And it says sometimes someone isn't ready to see the bright side. Sometimes they need to sit with the shadows first. So be a friend and sit with them make the darkness beautiful. And that's what I would say to you is if you know other people that might be having a hard time they might be struggling and you're not the person having a hard time with them, check on your health, um, you love that. Tell your family that no matter what they do, what their choices are, they have value. And they have worth right now in this moment, no matter what else they ever do in their lives, no matter how much we've screwed up. We have value and you are so loved. So I just pray and I just want to tell you that you are loved and I love you and please just reach out to someone and know that we need you here in this world. I
just want to share a few other things with you today. The first is It's Psalm 116 which says, when I was brought low, he saved me. And sometimes we forget when we just feel hopeless, when we just don't see how our future we don't have a vision for our future. We don't realize that, just like God has purpose for us, that God is what can provide us with hope and peace in our lives with joy, again, with being able to feel and understand that the reason maybe we don't feel hopeful that we don't see our value is because our soul is weeping, our soul is just lost. And it's not. It doesn't understand why social media and why everything we're currently doing is not fulfilling us that we feel this hole right deep within us, makes us feel lost or disconnected from other people or even disconnected from ourselves. That makes us feel numb, numb to the bone. We just, we can't even see how tomorrow or next week or next month or next year could be great. But I promise you, it's there on the horizon, when you walk through the darkness. And when you can see the light, slowly, a little bit more, a little bit more. As it comes into focus, you will have hope again, you will start to discover your purpose and that God is here for you, He loves you, and He will give you such joy you've never known. And I love it one of the authors that I have enjoyed all of his books, Bob Gough, in his book loved us says sort of about sort of darkness, he says, God searches for us, no matter what dark place we're in, or what door we're behind. He hears our impossible, audacious prayers for ourselves and others, and he delights in forgiving us and then answering those prayers by letting us return home to him. And Bob, in his book talks about saving kids in other countries that have been taken or harmed by witch doctors, like legitimate witch doctors in other countries.
And, you know, we're talking about people that are truly doing, you know, really evil things in the world. And Bob is working to help those kids and truly even trying to work and help those witch doctors. And I do believe that there's so much hope. And there's love for you. And it doesn't matter. You know how broken you feel. But we're here for you people in your life. There are people around you that are here for you. They want to hold your hand, they want to lift you up. They just want to sit with you in the darkness and let you see that there is light, there is love waiting. And we really can't do it ourselves. We need each other. We need community even when we don't feel like being around other people. Sometimes just getting around one other person can make all the difference. And praying. Like I said, even if you don't know that you believe in, you don't believe in God, even if you feel like he has not been there for you. I'm telling you try again. Just pray, pray for you to be released from this bondage of desperation and loneliness, of hopelessness, of despair, of feeling like you don't see what the point is of your life. I promise. There is so much point there's so much amazing things that your future will hold for you. And there is hope. But if you need to talk to someone and you don't have a family member or friend, you can talk to them. Like I said, you can call or text 24/7 The crisis hotline, which is 988 and you can talk to somebody or have someone text you back. But more than anything, just know that your life matters, you matter. You truly are loved. You are loved by God that makes the mountains that literally makes the world rotate on an axis around the sun. You are loved by the maker that creates the waves and makes the sunshine in the bird sing every day. So I just want to tell you again, you are so loved I love you and you are needed. You are so valuable and so worthy. You have so many gifts, whether you're using them currently or not. They are there they are waiting for you to put them forth into the world. Hey, um, as I wrap up today, this is Kristen and I just wanted to tell you if you stuck with me And you listen to today's episode, you know where I just wanted to share some encouragement and I hope some hope for someone out there that just needed to hear this message today. Thank you for joining me, and you are always welcome to connect with me. You can get DM me on Instagram at Kristin Fitch or you can email me just go to my website Kristin But just know you're just such a beautiful soul. And I just hope that you will just keep looking for that small glimmer of hope that small glimmer of light, looking for those tiny things that will just you realize you're grateful for you'll find a way to connect with another human or an animal or get in nature. If you only remember one thing from today, just know you are loved that I love you and I know the people around you love you. No matter what you're walking through no water no matter how you're feeling, no matter who has harmed you or done you wrong or what you've done in the world. You are loved and you pursued by God and there are people around you that want to lift you up in love. Thanks again for listening and if you would like to be encouraged and lifted up, I have a seven day encouragement challenge. If you'd like to sign up go to faith fueled and just enter your email address and you will be sent seven days of Christian encouragement inspiration to your inbox. Thanks again for listening to bathe killed woman. If you enjoyed the show, we would love it if you would share it with a friend. And if you would leave us a rating and review on Apple podcasts because it helps us get discovered by more people who spread more hope in the world. Thanks again for listening in. Please reach out to a professional for help or call or text 988 for support.