We each have many roles, titles and jobs in different seasons (mom, wife, daughter, sister, volunteer, worker, specialist,etc) and when we find ourselves in a season of change where a title, role or job transition, loss or change happens we can struggle to let go of that identity or accept a new identity. But if we can remember our truest identity is being a child of God, a daughter of the King we will always be able to more easily let go of the confusion, insecurity or difficulty titles, roles and identities can cause us. We all experience being known and connected to roles we have, relationships we have, and titles we hold but we are not defined by those things- instead we are most deeply defined my our relationship to God, how he has made us, the gifts he has given us and the way we live in Christ.
This episode helps us remember our identity comes from God and how to stay focused on that identity above any other titles or roles we are given.
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Daily Devotional- Message of Hope, Christian Womens Devotional, Bible Study, Christian Living, Christian Inspiration, Draw Closer to God, Identity in God, Identity in Christ, Identity Loss, Identity Crisis, Life Transition, Job Loss, Divorce, Empty Nester