Today, Kristin Fitch delves into the important question of identifying our desires and understanding what we truly want in life. She emphasizes the significance of asking ourselves, “What is mine to do?” and exploring not only our aspirations but also the things we may need to let go of. Kristin shares insights from a podcast episode by Emily P. Freeman, highlighting the biblical notion of naming our wants and the relevance of doing so for our personal growth. She encourages listeners to reflect on their dreams and desires, asserting that they are not selfish but rather a part of God’s purpose for us. By taking the time to connect with our true selves, we can navigate our lives with intention and clarity, ultimately stepping into the future God has designed for us.
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- Asking yourself what you really want can lead to powerful insights about your life.
- Taking time for solitude and silence is essential for understanding your desires and dreams.
- Naming your wants and desires is not selfish; it’s a way to align with God’s purpose.
- Reflecting on what is yours to do right now helps clarify your priorities and goals.
- Embracing your unique desires allows you to step confidently into your purpose and service.
- Rest and renewal are vital; you don’t have to do it all at once.
faith and purpose, Christian women podcast, spiritual growth, identifying desires, personal development, what do you want, reignite your passion, biblical wisdom, life intentions, clarity in life, finding purpose, self-discovery, women’s empowerment, nurturing dreams, navigating challenges, faith-led living, quiet time with God, prayer and reflection, Christian encouragement, podcast for women
Kristin:Hey, friends.
Kristin:Welcome back to Faithfield Woman.
Kristin:This is your host, Kristin.
Kristin:Today we're going to talk about what is it you really want and can you even name it?
Kristin:And then we're going to talk about why does that even matter?
Kristin:And how is this in some ways biblical?
Speaker B:Welcome to Faithfield Woman, a podcast designed for Christian women eager to deepen their faith and shine God's light in every.
Kristin:Aspect of their lives.
Speaker B:Each week, we'll delve into practical strategies, inspiring stories and biblical wisdom to equip.
Kristin:You with the tools you need to.
Speaker B:Navigate life's challenges and grow deeper in your faith.
Speaker B:From finding calm in the chaos, forming deep Christian friendships, to everyday ways to connect with God.
Kristin:We'll cover it all.
Speaker B:Hi, I'm your host, Kristen.
Speaker B:I'm an encourager, a faith led entrepreneur, a mom, and a wife.
Speaker B:Let's be encouraged in our everyday lives.
Kristin:As we let our faith guide us, fuel us, and fill us with God's.
Speaker B:Incredible peace, wisdom and joy in our lives.
Kristin:All right, all right, here we go.
Kristin:Okay, so I was listening to a podcast episode by Emily P.
Kristin:She's an author, she's a spiritual director and the podcast host.
Kristin:And I only listen to her episodes on occasion.
Kristin:But her podcast is called the Next Right Thing.
Kristin:But one of the questions in this episode that she shared was really powerful and I think she got it from someone else.
Kristin:But I just want to share it with you because if you ask yourself this question, if you actually ponder it, if you let it kind of play about in your mind, I think it's really powerful.
Kristin:And so let me share with you.
Kristin:She said, what is mine to do?
Kristin:And she said, what is mine to do right now?
Kristin:And she also later says that there are also some things that are not mine to do or not to do anymore.
Kristin:And I don't know about you.
Kristin:I don't know if anybody is feeling like they're in limbo or transition, maybe lacking a little clarity in some area of their life.
Kristin:But I know for me that I often find myself in different seasons wondering this, what am I supposed to work on now?
Kristin:And while I know it in some areas, of course, sometimes there's other areas where I struggle with that clarity or I struggle with, do I keep doing this, right, this thing, this work, or working on this project?
Kristin:And so I think it's a really powerful question that you should definitely write down, what is mine to do and what is mine to do right now?
Kristin:And then also, what isn't mine to do?
Kristin:What is, what is the work or the project or the opportunity or activity that you're doing now, that maybe it's time to leave it or pause it.
Kristin:And maybe as we are just rolling into 20, 25, maybe now is the perfect time to decide some of these things.
Kristin:And she also explains that, that, you know, when you ask that question, it doesn't necessarily mean that you're going to get an answer, right.
Kristin:It's not like flashing lights and ding, ding, ding.
Kristin:But what it is, is it's more.
Kristin:She always calls it arrows, right?
Kristin:But it's.
Kristin:She says they the questions or what you come up with might be arrows, not answers.
Kristin:And I think one thing she talks about, and Mark Batterson talks about as well, and I'm talking about now, is we need to name what we want.
Kristin:And for some of us, I know this feels selfish or it feels maybe unchristlike, but what's interesting about that is, is even Jesus asked people, what is it you want me to do?
Kristin:And so.
Kristin:Or I'm sorry, so, for instance, in the Bible, he asked the blind man, let me see.
Kristin:Is it Bartimas, what do you want me to do for you?
Kristin:And he replied, I want to see.
Kristin:But what's relevant about that is, is he one?
Kristin:He had faith that he.
Kristin:That Jesus could heal him to.
Kristin:He requested the change of the way his life was for what he wanted.
Kristin:He wanted to be able to see.
Kristin:He wanted a future that looked different than his past.
Kristin:And Jesus.
Kristin:Jesus said to him, your faith has made you well.
Kristin:But Jesus asks, what do you want me to do for you?
Kristin:But if we don't even know what we want, if we can't name it, because what we've mostly done is caregiver and caregivers.
Kristin:We've cared about everyone else and the needs, the work we do.
Kristin:We've cared about serving others.
Kristin:All of that is important and worthy work.
Kristin:And I would say, don't stop doing that.
Kristin:But it shouldn't be to the detriment of knowing who we are, knowing what our desires and our dreams are, or what we want.
Kristin:And this is a common struggle for a lot of women.
Kristin:We cannot name what our desires are.
Kristin:We cannot name what we want.
Kristin:Sometimes it's even small things.
Kristin:Well, what restaurant would you like to go to?
Kristin:Well, I don't know.
Kristin:I'm fine with anything.
Kristin:Or it can be big things in being afraid to speak aloud your dreams for your future, being afraid to speak aloud the life that you want, being afraid to speak aloud that you want, healing right from God, being afraid to speak it, whatever it might be.
Kristin:And so sisters, we have got to start claiming what our desires and our dreams and our wants are.
Kristin:They are not selfish.
Kristin:God put them on our heart for a reason.
Kristin:He made us who we are for a reason.
Kristin:Now, of course, if it doesn't align with what he has for you, then that's, that's a different type of thing.
Kristin:But I think most of us have these desires, these things we're longing for, these dreams that are from God.
Kristin:And so now I'm not talking about saying I want to make $50 million, right?
Kristin:Like that's.
Kristin:You might say that maybe you want more abundance or you want something, you just want to be able to know that you're cared for.
Kristin:Something like that.
Kristin:But I think this is so important and I think we have to get good at asking ourselves these things and then taking the time to answer them.
Kristin:And if it's hard for you, that means you need to spend even more time asking and then taking the time to answer them for yourself and one day speaking them out into the world.
Kristin:We need to be able to also share with other people.
Kristin:This is what I really want.
Kristin:This is how I'd like to grow into this future that I envision for myself.
Kristin:You know, I think this is what God has for me.
Kristin:This is where he's moving me.
Kristin:And like I shared last episode, I just, I am about to release a 10 day email challenge to help all of us step into what?
Kristin:What are our intentions and what is it we desire?
Kristin:What is it we are dreaming about?
Kristin:How do we deepen our faith?
Kristin:How do we reignite our passion?
Kristin:How do we step into more purpose in our life?
Kristin:And so it is called reignite your passion.
Kristin:Step into the life you were made for.
Kristin:And it's a 10 day email challenge.
Kristin:It's absolutely free, but each day it's just going to take you a couple minutes to read through the email.
Kristin:It gives you a little scripture or quote and then it gives you an exercise or journal prompt to write down and take a few minutes to reflect on and just to get real and to get honest with yourself.
Kristin:Maybe say a little prayer and just ask God to kind of give you some insight, you know, a little whisper or a download.
Kristin:But if that sounds of interest to you, head on over to my website, Kristin and anyone that signs up for my email newsletter.
Kristin:In the next week, two weeks, I will add them to this email challenge.
Kristin:But I can't wait to see how we can have shifts in our life when we take a little time each day for ourselves and to see what God wants to tell us through our shift in perspective, maybe a shift in our heart, maybe an awakening of our, of our creativity, of our curiosity, of our faith, of our connectedness to ourself.
Kristin:And so I would love for you to join me.
Kristin:So like I said, head over to and you can be a part of that 10 day challenge which starts later this week.
Kristin:And so back to the concept though.
Kristin:So we just need to remember that naming what we want, naming the desires we have on our heart, naming the dreams that God's put there, understanding and kind of just letting it, or chewing on what is mine to do.
Kristin:Ah, it is such important work.
Kristin:And this work takes time to be alone.
Kristin:It takes silence, it takes solitude, it takes time to not be running around for, you know, five minutes, 10 minutes, if you have more time, 15, 30, that's amazing.
Kristin:But it takes us getting quiet.
Kristin:And so if this is something that's hard for you because you've not done much of it, that's okay, just start with a minute, start with five minutes.
Kristin:But it's much like doing physical exercise or walking.
Kristin:We just need to get in a habit of it and it will grow and stretch us.
Kristin:It'll become easier if we do more of it.
Kristin:If we get quiet each day, just a little bit, if we make time for silence just a little bit each time we do it, it gets a little easier.
Kristin:And remember, it doesn't mean that we won't have thoughts when we're being quiet or we're by ourselves alone.
Kristin:Not on our phones, not on our computers, not with kid or somebody kind of screaming in our ear for something.
Kristin:It's a couple minutes to have the space to listen, to listen for what God wants, to kind of speak onto our hearts.
Kristin:It's space for us to hear our own deepest desires and thoughts, wants and dreams.
Kristin:So this is not frivolous, this is not selfish work.
Kristin:This is work that helps us know how can we show up in the world being our truest self, our most Christ life self.
Kristin:Because when we know who we are and who we were made to be, when we know what we want because of our unique imprint that's we're here to put on the world, we are going to show up more confidently knowing that we are stepping into work and purpose and service that we're meant to do.
Kristin:And also remember, God also designed us for rest and to live at a pace that's not exhausting.
Kristin:And so that'll be my next episode.
Kristin:We're going to talk about that.
Kristin:How do we slow down our pace?
Kristin:How do we accept and receive rest and renewal and be open to reception?
Kristin:Because a lot of us, our whole lives, we have just rushed and thought that we can't rest until we've done it all.
Kristin:We've checked everything off our list till everyone is happy and everyone's satisfied and everyone's fed in all the things.
Kristin:But that is not the case.
Kristin:We were not asked ever, even though it might feel like we were asked to take care of everyone else to the point of our exhaustion.
Kristin:We are meant to rest regularly and we're only meant to do in a day what can be fit into a day.
Kristin:But I think most of us, we have tried to fit in multiple days into a day and then we wonder why we're exhausted.
Kristin:Even God took more than one day to create the world.
Kristin:He did not try to fit it all in before that day was over.
Kristin:Now, yes, our the way we see time is obviously not the way God sees time, but that's just the way that from our human perspective, we understand it right?
Kristin:So I hope you'll go and join me for my 10 day email challenge to reignite your passion and step into what you were made for.
Kristin:I know it will be exactly what you need as we step into the rest of this month and so I hope you'll join me.
Kristin:If you have any questions, you can reach me through my my website or you can DM me on Instagram.
Kristin:I'm at Kristen Fitch.
Kristin:You can definitely follow me over there and let's connect.
Kristin:Until next time.
Kristin:I hope you have a wonderful and blessed week.
Speaker B:Thanks again for listening to the show and if you enjoyed today's episode, we.
Kristin:Would love it if you could take.
Speaker B:A minute to leave a rating and review on Apple Podcast because it helps our show get discovered by more people.
Speaker B:And if you'd like to be encouraged in your faith and in your life, go on to and sign up to get my newsletter.
Speaker B:I have lots of freebies and lots of inspiration encouragement that'll be coming your way and I would love it if you joined part of our community.