On today’s episode, Kristin shares ideas from Bob Goff, Hal Elrod and Victoria Erickson on being courageous, passionate and focused on your big dreams and getting to work or keep going. It’s when we believe in ourselves and put forth consistent, focused, extraordinary effort that we reach of big goals and dreams. This is part 4 of the Create a Life You Love series.
If you are stuck, feeling defeated or unsure of where to focus this episode is perfect to get you moving towards your big dream.
Are you ready to create the life you’ve wanted? It’s time to get clear on your priorities, goals and take consistent action to make it happen- let’s get going.
- Building a life you love requires courage, love, and a strong sense of purpose.
- To achieve your goals, show up every day with unwavering effort and determination.
- Define your big vision clearly to communicate it effectively and engage others.
- Consistency in pursuing your goals can lead to extraordinary outcomes over time.
- Focus on eliminating distractions that hinder your progress toward your ambitions.
- Connect with supportive people who inspire you and help you stay accountable.
Join our growing community of Christian women committed to living fully and intentionally with God’s guidance. Download our free Joyful Living Devotional Journal and reignite your passion today.
Download Our Free Workbook: Ready to take your first step towards a more joyful, faith-filled life? Download our Reignite Your Passion Workbook and start living with purpose today!
Book a Consultation: Feeling stuck? Let’s work together to align your life and goals with God’s purpose. Book a free consultation today to start your transformation.
Are you trying to design a life you love but get stuck in the what-ifs, and expectations and obligations in your life? Welcome to Building a Life You Love, a podcast dedicated to helping you step into a life where your passion blooms from within, your faith deepens and simplicity becomes your favorite synonym for everyday life. What is holding you back from designing a life you love. It’s time to give yourself permission to step into a future that nourishes, renews, and supports you and What God Has for You.
Each week we’ll dive into creating positive habits, stepping out of your comfort zone, making space for meaningful relationships and deepening your faith.
I share practical tips, uplifting guest conversations and expert guidance you can use.
We will focus on:
– Simplifying Our Lives
– Slowing Down Our Pace
– Rediscovering Our Passion, Creativity & Curiosity
– Stepping into New Possibilities at Any Age
-Igniting Our Faith Fueled Dreams
– Cultivating Healthy Physical, Mental and Spiritual Practices
– Overcoming Fears and Limiting Beliefs
– Makeovers: Learning to Be Present, Calmer and Grateful
– Cultivating and Nurturing Our Friendships and Marriages
building a life you love, personal development, courage and love, creating positive habits, mindset for success, achieving goals, life transformation, overcoming obstacles, passion and purpose, self-improvement, practical tips for life, meaningful relationships, productivity strategies, inspiration and motivation, community building, extraordinary effort, journaling workbook, reignite your passion, Hal Elrod Miracle Equation, Victoria Erickson quotes
Hey, hey, friends, and welcome back to building a life you love.
Kristen:Today is part four of the series, create a life you love.
Kristen:And so I can't wait to share this with you.
Kristen:We are going to talk about how.
Speaker B:Do we keep showing up every day and make beautiful things in our lives?
Speaker B:How do we decide today that it's going to be an epic day and that we are going to truly use our hearts and our hands and our minds to create and be a part of beautiful things, to make it a day that is just magic.
Speaker B:So that's what we're going to dive into today, and I'm going to give you some tangible ways that you can do this yourself.
Kristen:Have you ever imagined building a life you love, but got stuck in between the what ifs, expectations, and obligations in your life?
Kristen:Welcome to building a life you love.
Speaker B:The podcast dedicated to helping you step.
Kristen:Into a life where your passion blossoms from within, your faith deepens and simplicity.
Speaker B:Becomes your favorite synonym for everyday life.
Kristen:Hi, I'm your host, Kristen, an encourager, a bait led entrepreneur, a mom, and a wife.
Kristen:Join me each week as we dive.
Speaker B:Into creating positive habits, stepping out of.
Kristen:Your comfort zone, making space for meaningful work and relationships.
Kristen:I'm going to bring you practical tips, uplifting conversations, and expert guidance that you can use.
Speaker B:So why wait?
Kristen:Step off the path of executions and into a space that feels genuinely yours.
Kristen:Subscribe now to building a life you love, and let's begin this transformative journey.
Speaker B:Together towards joy, peace, and purpose.
Kristen:All right, before we jump into today's episode, I wanted to let you know if you haven't already, head on over to kristanfitch.com and grab either my creating a life you love workbook it is a journaling workbook.
Kristen:So if you are a person that loves lists and you love journaling, it's perfect for you.
Kristen:It's behind the bucket list, and there's about 50 pages for journaling and for list making that I think you're really going to love.
Kristen:And if you haven't already grabbed it, I also have reignite your passion workbook, which is an awesome resource.
Kristen:So head on over to kristenfitch.com freebies to grab those now.
Speaker B:Or at least bookmark it.
Speaker B:Here we go.
Speaker B:Today's whole episode is actually based on words by Victoria Erickson, a poet and writer that I just adore.
Speaker B:She says, every morning you rise.
Speaker B:I want you to remember this.
Speaker B:There are amazing things to be a part of and fight for and feel, because the world will unlock hundreds of doors when you think this day all the courage, love and intensity you can.
Speaker B:And I think it's so true.
Speaker B:And that's what we're going to dive into today.
Speaker B:It really speaks from a place in my heart that I believe that we're meant to build a beautiful life and that revolves around work.
Speaker B:We do maybe hobbies.
Speaker B:It revolves around creating and being parts of beautiful communities and the relationships that we have.
Speaker B:Right.
Speaker B:And to be of service and to step out in faith.
Speaker B:And so, you know, as I do that, I'm going to be honest with you.
Speaker B:I'm, you know, I'm having to pause.
Speaker B:I'm having to slow down and not just try to push out episodes because I'm still finding my way.
Speaker B:Right?
Speaker B:I'm still finding my way to paint.
Speaker B:This is the best podcast it can be for you.
Speaker B:And that really speaks to, you know, what I want to put out in the world.
Speaker B:And of course, I will start back with interviews in the coming month.
Speaker B:I just, as I kind of regroup, I'm going to be putting out calls for new interviews with amazing, wonderful people that have just created beautiful things.
Speaker B:But I say all that to say that this quote that I posted, I think, a week or a week and a half ago on Instagram that I shared earlier from Victoria Ericsson, it really just hit me this morning, and I decided I want to talk about it, and here's why.
Speaker B:You know how some things happen where we just hit an intersection and then we keep getting that whisper of the same idea but in different words over and over again?
Speaker B:Well, that's what happened to me with this quote.
Speaker B:At the end of the day, here's basically, you know, why her quote hit home and why I think it's so important for us to talk about today.
Speaker B:Basically, she's talking about if we have three ingredients, courage, we have love and intensity, right?
Speaker B:And then we find amazing things to be part of, fight for, or I would also say, build or create in the world.
Speaker B:That is what we're meant.
Speaker B:That's how we're meant to show up, and that's how we feel fulfilled.
Speaker B:We feel purpose when we do this.
Speaker B:And so I'm also reading the book by Hal Elrod called the Miracle Equation.
Speaker B:And it's amazing.
Speaker B:I'm not done with it yet.
Speaker B:But in his book, he's talking about two things.
Speaker B:He's talking about having unwavering faith in your belief that you can actually reach your big goals, your big vision for this time or this season in your life.
Speaker B:The second thing, though, is he's talking about putting forth extraordinary effort.
Speaker B:So we're talking about, why are some people successful?
Speaker B:Why do some people have, they keep hitting it out of the park with what they're working on.
Speaker B:And he basically, this is, he's been working on this concept, and he's shown it in his own life.
Speaker B:He's proven it.
Speaker B:He's helped other people use those two parts of his equation to make everything happen in their life that they wanted.
Speaker B:And it doesn't mean that we don't have failure along the way.
Speaker B:Of course we do.
Speaker B:What it means is if we have unwavering or that faith, right, and belief in what we're capable of, that if we keep working hard and we put the right, we have the right mindset, and then we put extraordinary effort forth that we can achieve those things.
Speaker B:And it really comes down to, do we have the courage?
Speaker B:And then I'd also say the belief, right, that we can make it happen, that we can go after our vision or our purpose or our big goal, and we can make it happen if we put in the hard work, right?
Speaker B:And that doesn't mean to the detriment of other things in other parts of our life, like our health, but it means that we stay super clear on that vision or that mission or that goal and that we go after it with such a level of intensity, like Victoria Erickson talks about.
Speaker B:And so, as I thought about both of these things kind of intersecting, right, that I had read them both recently, it just made me think, wow, you know, why do so many of us, though, get stuck nearest we're not having the level of success or we're not having.
Speaker B:We're not hitting, you know, what it is we're trying to hit when we want to hit it.
Speaker B:And I think it comes down to those things.
Speaker B:Are we, do we have the courage to step out, right.
Speaker B:And try it?
Speaker B:Do we, does it, is it something that's just so much on our heart?
Speaker B:It's so, we're so passionate about it, about hitting the goal or stepping into this vision, you know, because it takes that sort of continued excitement, that continued enthusiasm, that continued drive to keep working on something, right, and then every day to show up and put in the effort to make it happen.
Speaker B:And so the reason I'm bringing this up to you is if we have a goal, if we have a business we're trying to build or we're trying to improve our lives, maybe financially, how do we do it?
Speaker B:I think this is it, right?
Speaker B:Show up with courage.
Speaker B:Do something that you're so passionate about, either fighting for being a part of or helping.
Speaker B:When you want to build something around an idea or a concept or a purpose, then go do it, but then show up every day and work to do the thing.
Speaker B:And I think some of us get stuck in two areas.
Speaker B:First is we're not really taking the time to define what is it, what is the big current goal or vision that we're going after.
Speaker B:Because if we can't define it for ourselves, how are we going to tell other people about it and get other people to come on board, to either be our customer or to work with us on the idea, or to make the sale or to pitch the concepts.
Speaker B:So one, we have to get super clear what is our big goal, our big vision, and what's our top priority.
Speaker B:And then two is how do we go and make that happen?
Speaker B:What's the action, what are the steps we have to take every day to make progress on that thing?
Speaker B:And it doesn't mean we won't have setbacks.
Speaker B:It doesn't mean we'll hit the goal or the vision right when we want to.
Speaker B:But as Hal talks about in his book, it's about becoming the person that is successful by doing the work and keeping that belief, having the mindset that we're able to do it.
Speaker B:So it's when we bring together that consistent action that goes beyond the effort, goes beyond what most people do.
Speaker B:So it's not ordinary, it's not mediocre, it's nothing, you know, sitting there and checking our phone for 4 hours of the day.
Speaker B:Instead, it's how do we have focused thought and energy and action towards our big vision or goal?
Speaker B:And then two, how do we maintain that?
Speaker B:Well, that's usually with, you know, having a system, having a schedule that allows us to consistently show up and take the effort to be laser focused on our one main thing.
Speaker B:For right now, I want to share a little paragraph from the book undistracted by Bob Goff.
Speaker B:And then I also want to share with you a concept that he shares in the book that I think is super helpful.
Speaker B:But here's what he says.
Speaker B:What has got you distracted?
Speaker B:What is the big ambition you've been trying to launch that seems to be stuck on the tunnel?
Speaker B:I know it's hard.
Speaker B:Much of life is hard.
Speaker B:Get back at it.
Speaker B:Keep showing up for yourself and the people who will benefit.
Speaker B:If you don't have quit, you're probably just a few sentences away from the next grand adventure.
Speaker B:Find a couple of people who will make themselves available to you.
Speaker B:Be the kind of person who will be available to others and start pointing towards the stars once again with awe and wonder and undistracted and relentless determination.
Speaker B:Start the countdown.
Speaker B:The angels in heaven are itching to look at your life and say, we have lift off.
Speaker B:Look at you go.
Speaker B:Where will you land?
Speaker B:Once again, the theme of that paragraph is so much, so close to the words I shared from Victoria Erickson.
Speaker B:And they're so similar to the idea in Hal's book about having a relentless determination, not being distracted, right.
Speaker B:To be super laser focused on our goal and then to get help and move forward in the direction of that dream of yours.
Speaker B:And somewhere in the book, I cannot find it right now, he talks about that he has up in his office, on his board.
Speaker B:I can't remember if he's post it or he just has kind of like squared off areas.
Speaker B:He has his top big vision, his top big goals currently for his life that he's working on, working towards.
Speaker B:And he doesn't replace one of those unless he finds some other big purpose in some other big vision to be added to that board or to be replaced with some or one of them to be replaced with something else.
Speaker B:So I think it's important, one, that we decide what's our big goal or our big goals and vision right for where we're at and what we're working towards.
Speaker B:And two, I think we need to regularly see them.
Speaker B:I think it's so important.
Speaker B:And he has this other little area of the book that I want to share with you just to encourage you and then remind you, be courageous, show up in love or what's really pulling on your heartstrings.
Speaker B:Believe in yourself and then have crazy intensity so that you can seriously reach this purpose, this goal, this vision that you're working on, or that you so deeply want to work on creating or building but you haven't done yet?
Speaker B:Maybe you keep stopping because it's scary, or maybe you keep stopping because you keep having setbacks.
Speaker B:But I'm telling you, keep going.
Speaker B:Work with that intensity and that passion and you'll get there.
Speaker B:So this is what Bob says.
Speaker B:Do you have a song yet to be written?
Speaker B:Finish your work.
Speaker B:Do you have a book inside of you but you've been deferring the process of writing?
Speaker B:Pick up your pen.
Speaker B:Do you have a strained relationship that demands a difficult conversation?
Speaker B:Make the call.
Speaker B:Are you stuck in a job that isn't you anymore?
Speaker B:Quit, literally finish your work?
Speaker B:Or is there someone you have wanted to connect with but have felt like it would be too big of a risk to ask.
Speaker B:Don't just start the work like I did with my guitar, finish it.
Speaker B:You might need to find someone to help you take the last courageous step.
Speaker B:Find a safe friend, a wise counselor, a family member, a trustworthy pastor, or the guy at the tire store.
Speaker B:Seek out people who have the patience and experience.
Speaker B:Have a deep love for creating that you may lack.
Speaker B:Identify people who get things done and draw close to them.
Speaker B:Figure out what has been getting in the way, those things that have been distracting you and eliminate them.
Speaker B:If you want to honor and dazzle God, find the work he's given you and do it until the job is done.
Speaker B:I think that's so good.
Speaker B:Bob.
Speaker B:You are amazing and each of you is so amazing too.
Speaker B:You really are here to be part of beautiful and amazing movements and things and causes and ideas, to fight for the things that pull on your heartstring and to build and create beautiful communities and families and products or services.
Speaker B:So go and show up and step out and do those things.
Speaker B:But like I said, it just takes that courage, that love and that, you know, crazy amount of effort to have that laser focused to go in that direction.
Speaker B:But just get started or get finished, whichever you need to do.
Speaker B:And I would love to connect with you and cheer you on, help you if you need someone to encourage you or just listen to where you're stuck and help you with ideas.
Speaker B:So reach out.
Speaker B:And until next time, I hope you have a and thanks again for listening in.
Speaker B:And if you enjoyed the show, we'd love it if you'd subscribe and leave us a review and rating on Apple Podcast or wherever you listen to podcasts and you can check out freebies and resources we have for you@kristanfitch.com.
Speaker B:and if you have ideas for the show or guests that you'd like to recommend, I'd love to hear from you.
Speaker B:So dm me on Instagram rstanfitch or.
Kristen:You can email me from the website.
Speaker B:Thanks so much.
Speaker B:Until next time, have a great week.