On today’s episode Kristin talks to Kevin Rizer, entrepreneur, author, and speaker, about his new book Always Wear Pants and 99 Other tips for Surviving & Thriving While You Work from Home about working from home, and how to balance our work and personal lives and set healthy boundaries. Kristin & Kevin also talk about being intentional with your schedule and asking yourself regularly- do you enjoy your work, does your work fulfill you or give you purpose and what to do if it’s not. They also dive into asking for what you want and how to address some of the biggest challenges folks around the world are dealing with working from home.
Ep 110: Creating Successful Businesses while Prioritizing Our Family Life
On today’s episode Kristin talks to Kevin Rizer, entrepreneur, author, and speaker, about his new book Always Wear Pants and 99 Other tips for Surviving & Thriving While You Work from Home about working from home, and how to balance our work and personal lives and set healthy boundaries. Kristin & Kevin also talk about being intentional with your schedule and asking yourself regularly- do you enjoy your work, does your work fulfill you or give you purpose and what to do if it’s not. They also dive into asking for what you want and how to address some of the biggest challenges folks around the world are dealing with working from home.
Ep 109: Showing Up Fully Ourselves, and being Endlessly Curious
On today’s episode Kristin talks to Kevin Rizer, entrepreneur, author, and speaker, about his new book Always Wear Pants and 99 Other tips for Surviving & Thriving While You Work from Home about working from home, and how to balance our work and personal lives and set healthy boundaries. Kristin & Kevin also talk about being intentional with your schedule and asking yourself regularly- do you enjoy your work, does your work fulfill you or give you purpose and what to do if it’s not. They also dive into asking for what you want and how to address some of the biggest challenges folks around the world are dealing with working from home.
Ep 107: Always Wear Pants and other Insights on Working from Home, being Intentional, and Finding Work that Lights Us Up
On today’s episode Kristin talks to Kevin Rizer, entrepreneur, author, and speaker, about his new book Always Wear Pants and 99 Other tips for Surviving & Thriving While You Work from Home about working from home, and how to balance our work and personal lives and set healthy boundaries. Kristin & Kevin also talk about being intentional with your schedule and asking yourself regularly- do you enjoy your work, does your work fulfill you or give you purpose and what to do if it’s not. They also dive into asking for what you want and how to address some of the biggest challenges folks around the world are dealing with working from home.
Ep 105: Let Your Passion and Purpose Guide You to Your Life’s Work
Ep 105 Let Your Passion and Purpose Guide You to Your Life’s Work On today’s episode Kristin talks to Lillian Reekie, a parenting strategist, and author of six books, about…
Ep 101: The Experience of You- Understanding Your Personal Cultural and Why It Matters
Ep 101 The Experience of You- Understanding Your Personal Cultural and Why It Matters On today’s episode Kristin talks to Maura Barclay, Neuro-Facilitation Practitioner, Author and Chief Mindset and Culture…