God has called us to let our light shine before others so we can give Glory to God. We are designed as creators, makers and craftsman and it’s through our…
Don’t Allow Comparison, Worry or the Future Steal Your Joy
In Scripture we are told not to worry about tomorrow or be anxious yet often we find ourselves doing exactly that- worrying about tomorrow’s problems, or goals or number of…
You Can’t Love God without Loving People
On today’s devotional Kristin encourages each of us to consider if we are truly loving others- are we showing up in love and kindness towards others- especially those suffering or…
How to Step into Who God has Made You to Be
On today’s devotional we discuss the importance of knowing who you truly are and how God wants to use you for his Glory. Kristin shares biblical scripture from Ephesians and…
Trust in God & Praise Him Even in Extreme Hardship
On Today’s episode Kristin shares scripture about the importance of trusting in God even when life around us seems to be crumbling because always comes through. And she shares why…
Learning to Slow Down to Experience Everyday as the Gift God Gave Us
On today’s episode (daily devotional) Kristin talks about how we can experience every day as the gift God has made it. We do this by slowing down and being present…
How to Have Peace in Difficult Seasons and What the Bible Says about Hard Times
Today’s episode shares scripture that reminds us God is with us even in hardship, even in difficult times. God will bring us through our trials and tribulations but we need…
You Can Change the World Exactly Where God Has You & With Your Kindness
On Today’s devotional we talk about the importance of kindness and how cheering others up is an important part of encouraging others. And how where you are right now is…
Is Your Faith & Trust in God Faltering? How to Grow in Your Faith Like a Mustard Seed
Sometimes we go through a season or time where we question what is happening to us or has happened and we begin to doubt God or his power- but how…
Cultivating Godly Friendships- Why You Need Friends and Community in Your Walk with Jesus
We are meant to live in community. One of the many blessing God has given us is friendship- when we cultivate friendships we will reap thee rewards- finding wise counsel/advice,…
Reignite in Me the Desire to Seek You Daily, God
On today’s Faith Fueled Christian Woman, Kristin shares 7 ways you can reignite your passion and desire to do life with Christ and to make time with God and God’s…
Let’s Renew Our Minds and Hear the Will of God
On today’s episode Kristin shares Romans 12:2 and how it encouraged her today especially. She talks about the importance of renewing our minds with scripture and time with God and…
Ep 37: How Resting on the Sabbath can change our lives
On today’s episode Kristin talks about the call for us to rest on the Sabbath and how life-giving it is for us and why God created it for us to…
Ep 36: The Importance of Friendship & Community and Why We All Feel so Loney
On today’s episode we talk about why we all feel so lonely after two years of a pandemic and what we can do about it. Even the bible says to…
Ep 35: Helping Others & Practicing Hospitality
On today’s episode Kristin speaks into our hearts about being generous with our time, gifts and inviting others into our homes. She talks about the command to pursue hospitality and…
Ep 34: What is Your Plan G- God’s Plan for Your Life?
On today’s Spark of Faith episode Kristin talks about following God’s plan for our life or following your plan G instead of trying so hard to create our own plan…
33: You are Valued & Needed
On today’s Christian Inspiration episode Kristin talks about that each and every person has value and is needed during their lifetime and made on purpose with their own unique gifts…
Ep 32: Nothing Can Stop God’s Plan for Your Life
On today’s episode Kristin talks about Isaiah 14:27 which says ‘Nothing can stop God’s plan for your life.” and she shares that even in a slow season, a season of…
Ep 32: Be at Peace Among Yourselves
On today’s episode Kristin talks about the need for each of us to consider if we are holding onto viewpoints, and opinions and perspectives that put a baricade up between…
Ep 31: Let’s Love- What Would Happen if We Started With Love?
On today’s episode Kristin talks about how Love brings us together and how it bringing everything together. Love truly is what makes the world go round- it makes life beautiful…