Month: May 2021

  • Podcast Episode 17: Living Our Best Lives through Slowing Down, Healthy Habits and Health Holidays to Experience Optimal Health, Wellness & Joy

    Episode 17:  

    Living Our Best Lives through Slowing Down, Healthy Habits and Health Holidays to Experience Optimal Health, Wellness & Joy

    What is holding you back from going after your dreams to start your business or to write a book or launch a podcast, to sell your art or clothing, or to start an online business or gain freedom of time or income or take that trip of a lifetime? 

    Kristin talks to Gosia Nagy a Practical Well Creator who helps her clients find their sweet spot between their effort and optimal health. They discuss the role health has in living our best lives and what happens when we are operating at suboptimal health because as Gosia explains we cannot be a good mom, wife, friend, owner or employee if we are not feeling well and caring for our bodies.  They also discuss taking your body on regular health holidays to reset.  Gosia shares her journey to being an entrepreneur and coach in order to prioritize her health and wellness in a fast-paced world.

    Let’s start taking action to create and monetize our creative ideas and passions and turn them into thriving businesses- let’s go after our dream work, make more money and spend more time with people we love living our best lives.  And learn how Curiosity, Creativity, Mindset, Communication, Play, and Faith play a role in improving our lives.

    Connect with Gosia:

    Instagram @GosiaNagy

    Here is the full episode transcribed:



    Wed, 5/19 3:51PM • 39:18


    people, body, life, health, healthy, mindset, gosha, scheduling, schedule, holidays, decided, eat, taste buds, bit, find, feel, sleep, food, live, water



    Here’s what I want to ask you. What is holding you back? What is the thing that’s holding you back from going after your dreams and from finding meaningful work you love? Aren’t you ready to wake up to the possibilities that are in your life and go after the things you’ve dreamt of? It’s time for you to feel alive again lit up and for you to know that you’re deserving, and you are worthy for the future that’s waiting for you. I want you to feel fulfilled and find abundance in your life. I think it’s time and I’m ready to help you get started. Now, I’m your host Kristen of building a life you love. And each week on the show, we’re going to help you figure out how you do go after your dreams and find work you love. Here we go. Let’s get started. On today’s episode, I’m excited we’re going to talk about the role of health and being able to live our best lives because often we overlook those health signals and or mindset signals that are telling us to slow down and that we don’t have to go with what culture is telling us as far as the speed in the way we live. Hi, today I’d like to welcome to the show Gosha naggy, she is a practical well creator, she helps people find a sweet spot between their effort and their optimal health. So they can show up fully for their lives. And she has a podcast coming out in the next month called well and beyond. I’d like to welcome her today. Hi, Chef. Hi, Christine. Thank you for having me. Thanks. Can you share a little bit more with the listeners about your backstory and how you’ve, what were your What was your journey like in order to get to this point.



    So I was a very healthy person. When I started my life. When I started enjoying my life, I was fulfilling all my dreams always going well. And then somewhere along the way, I found myself comes increasingly canceling things one way or another, whether professionally or socially or within my family. And I’ve been out under stress, I just moved to another country, I was looking forward to go back to my corporate job after I had a baby. And all that. I realized one day that it’s either My daughter is sick with colds and flus, or I’m having a cold or flu or a slipped disc, or indigestion or some other story. And this is where I arrived at, oh my god, I gotta do something about it. And I started doing that. And as I was doing it, taking care of myself looking after my wellness, only to get back to where I was before, to be back in life to show up again, in my own life. This is where I figured out that there’s so many other people suffering and having the same challenges I did on a bigger or smaller scale. And I decided to start helping them out. And that’s how I arrived where I am now. I’m curious, why do you think we get to that point where so many things are going on with us? You know, maybe our body sending us signals our mind sending signals, but are we ignoring them? Are we just kind of pushing them aside why we get to this point where we have all the stress going on. And maybe we’re not caring for our bodies the way we should? I think this is how the society how the culture we live in this is how we are shaped, we are told to show up no matter what the school environment when you’re a student, unless you’re really sick, you’re supposed to show up. And then there is also the appetite for life. Right? We we are living in a culture of increasing the pleasure and just enjoying life. And that’s what we spend most of time and money on at the moment as a society. And I think we also tried to fulfill so many roles, and some of them are not necessarily the roles that we are well suited for. And therefore they cost us more. Yeah, and this is and we don’t recover from this, and the fast pace that we’re living in, in order to perform to achieve that success level. From what it is around. We all want to be at the highest level because we don’t consider for ourselves the success maybe our success is not as high because for us the success is another balance is that much of professional success. And not Batman, not much more. But we need something else. So it’s about I think it’s also about being not being true to yourself, not being yourself not recognizing your needs. This is all my big picture. And in the small picture. We don’t feel as children we feel when we are out of balance that my daughter when she was tired, she would fall asleep with her foot in her mouth. This is when she said I’m done. This is too much. I need a break as adults. You know we drink the coffee and we say



    I hate to say up another hour to finish the movie or whatever it is that we you’re doing, or mothers used to stay up to look after the children. So yeah, we don’t recognize when we’ve come too far. And maybe in the short term, we can do that. But in the long term, it’s causes troubles in our bodies. Yeah. And I think one thing that you sort of you were alluding to is that we aren’t what we’re not doing is stopping and keep asking ourselves what is right for me, instead of what is culture and society? And even if we have a corporate job, what is it telling me that I need to be in what I need to do and how quickly I need to move? Instead of saying, hold on? Maybe I don’t want all those things, or I only want part of those things is part of it, that we’re not actually asking ourselves? What would make us fulfilled in what would make what would what would our life look like? For us, we’d find that alignment, if we look at this, and we decide this is my alignment, this is what me inside, what I desire, or what is the balance for me, the desire of the soul, and the heart, or the ambition, whatever you call, it, might be in conflict, or not exactly aligned with what your physical body needs. So I like to look at those things, from the perspective of your physicality, your body needs to sleep, your body needs fuel, it needs water, and then you have the aspect of mindset. And then you have the aspect of the something. And the something is that happiness, it’s the fulfillment is doing what you love. But even if you’re doing what you love, and you could spend 24 hours, reading books, or interviewing people, if you don’t take care of your physical body, while you’re doing what you love, your body will probably withstand a lot. Comparing if you were doing something that you don’t enjoy that much, but you still need to look after your body. Yeah, so how do we get there? How do we look at everything we’re doing and start living better, so that we are wholly starting to heal and coming from a place that were healthy, both mentally, physically, spiritually.



    So I like to think about this that when do you feel you were at your best health and your best? Well,



    and usually, most of my clients, this is somewhere between 17. So teenage, if they mature enough. So when they were teenagers, up to maybe 30. A lot of times with women, this is until they had their first baby. And when you could talk to that feeling and remember how it felt to have that body. That’s your baseline.



    And just realizing how different you feel now in your how your body feels differently, comparing to what it was dead. It’s a huge step for our mindset to realize. Things are a little bit of at the moment. Yeah, do you have advice for people to start seeing it that and then things we can do that can help us in this area? My advice is to take your body on holidays. And that’s what I like to do with my clients. I think we should do holidays for our body as open as we take ourselves for holidays. But this is the time not to go and be crazy and eat crazy foods or, or do things that are out of ordinary. How about thinking about holidays, as the time that you give your body the ideal fuel food, you give it enough rest, which is mostly sleep, you can think about taking a meditation practice, but surely to take your body on holidays. And when you think about it, when you take really nice and relaxing holidays when you come back how you feel. You feel energized, you can take the whole word on because you just took a break. How about taking our body, the physical body on holidays like that and fuel it perfectly for seven days and sleep enough for seven days. And then you’ve got your baseline to start from. You don’t have to be extreme in what what you are eating and how you’re considering this. But make sure you really get plenty of water



    or sleep enough or that you have nothing to stress about or that you have



    Experience only things that are pleasant, or that you only do things slowly. And that your food is just plenty of fruit and vegetables and you skip first order for the beginners, you just skip your junk food. Yeah, I think that’s that is amazing. And first of all, I love that you call it a holiday, I guess we could think of it as look, we might not be able to go to the spa, where they provide these amazing healthy meals for you. And it is very quiet and peaceful. But we can pencil those into our schedule regularly. And to your point, it’s, it’s doable, because what we’re really saying is, let’s make it a week where it’ll be so easy for our body to digest those foods and we know it will nourish us, it will let our mind get calm and relaxed. And then it will just let our body right the nervous system and things start to have a reset, because we’re not over scheduling. And we’re like you said we’re not staying up late bingeing on Netflix or something else. So I love that idea. Do you recommend people do this a certain number of times per year? Or is there any other advice on how people schedule this and I think the most important thing is to do it as often as it works for you and doesn’t cause additional stress. And also how far you go how ideally a holiday is, is it’s also about how what is the line and this is individual, for anybody, for everybody to make sure that this is not a source of additional stress. So I do it four times a year. And then I try to stretch it a little bit longer, but I’m already so a little I’m trying to stretching it. So seven days, I probably do it for three weeks, sometimes in the summer is super time for me because I have very little to do. Kids are on holidays. So I tried to scratch it for four to six weeks, and you still fuel in here, but it is just the food is ideal or close to the ideal food. So that works for me very well. But even a day or two could be beneficial. You also asked about how to how to start. So this may be a concept that is a little a big step. But then you really see the baseline. There’s also you know how you were cooking the frog slowly, as you were, one gets a little bit unwell day by day and is slowly getting the 1000 paper packs. How about doing it’s reversing that tendency and finding one thing that is no questionable, good for your body?



    So we’re not talking going gluten free or vegan? or this or that? No, no, no, we talking? How about start drinking your water? We all know we need to consume a certain amount of water. What a great start. How about having a little salad, if you’re not doing that already, with every single meal? How about drinking a green smoothie every morning.



    Instead of having whatever it is that you’re having for breakfast, this concept of adding the salad or having a smoothing. It’s called crowding out. So you slowly pick one healthy habit and you just get serious about that one little thing. And over time that will add up to and I gave you some tips about what could be the little habits that are relatively easy.



    Another tip that I could suggest now it’s a little bit maybe difficult with the lockdowns in many places. But once we are back to restaurants, and a lot of people do that or do takeaways, before you order your food, just having a thought and you’ve done nothing. You don’t have to shop you don’t have to do anything. You just need to think about it. What am I going to eat today? That is going to fuel my body. Because mostly we go to a restaurant we look at the manual.



    What do I feel like eating what my taste buds one or our taste buds won’t what we had before what we had yesterday if you have cheese today, if you have chocolate today, there are micro pieces of that chocolate will stay on your tongue. And tomorrow morning, you’re gonna wake up and you’re gonna taste and the taste is so little You don’t even know you’re tasting the chocolate or the sugar and you will crave it again because your body or the nervous system is based on your taste buds and it’s saying this is good. This is good. Give me more. Okay, so instead of considering not eating with your taste buds looking to satisfy your body. Yeah, and not your taste. So have a party



    for the taste buds every single



    Often, that’s like a baby food, fuel. And you want that to be the best fuel for you for whatever you do whatever, whatever your life is.



    Yeah, and I think that’s important. And I think you’re right, it’s a lot easier to say, I’m going to pick up one healthy habit. And then try to add to those, instead of saying, Oh, I’m just going to cut out all this stuff I shouldn’t have at one time, right? Let’s add in, you said, start with the water, start with more fruit, you know, maybe a smoothie, and then we can build on it as that becomes a habit. And as we start to say, Gosh, I feel a little better probably because I’m more hydrated, or I’m, you know, giving myself a little bit better food. So just to give you an example of what water can do, and what I’m seeing is results. A lot of people are dehydrated, were they not hydrated enough, it affects your skin. So if you drink enough skin, your skin gets more clear, your skin gets brighter, your eyesight improves a little bit, the way your eyes are looking, they will get better. All the stuff that the smell of your body will get better. The whole digestive process will get better, all the toxins will be having easier way out. And they don’t have to be heavy poisoning heavy metal stuff. No, no, no, we’re talking that side effects of the regular metabolism of the healthy stuff that also needs water, the byproducts of our normal, very good metabolism order beautiful power plant, which is our body that needs water. This is such an important thing for us to remember. And so let me ask you, how did you decide to step into this? I think you had a corporate job, right? I think you mentioned that. But how did you say you know this, I need to design my life a little bit differently. Do you want to talk about that a little bit? Absolutely. So as I was coming, I decided that I’m not going to do that I’m not going to be sick with a full flu or cold 12 times in a year. And that was the case, this was the case that my daughter was never longer in kindergarten than two weeks in a row, I’ve made the decision, this is not how it’s going to happen. This is not how we’re going to live. And I put first my home. And it took me quite a few years to get to to the point that I can say I’m really well. And then I looked at the This was very calculated on my side, I decided, so if I want to now go back and have a career that I like,



    and be successful, what does that mean? Can what career Can I have? and sustain this this level of wealth? And I am very demanding about my well. So for me if I’m not well, if I’m just a little bit unwell, I’m done. I’m not a mother, I’m not, I’m not a good wife. I am my friends, the role of a friend is non existent. And definitely I can’t make any success professionally. So I’ve decided this is what’s going to drive my decision about career that I can be well and sustainably well.



    And so I’ve decided to be an entrepreneur. So I can set my own hours, the site on my own schedule.



    And also, you know, when I talked about when we do what you love, you can do it for a little bit longer or more extensively comparing to something that is maybe not as something that you are not as passionate. This, this is where I decided this is what I’m going to do that I’m gonna help people who feeling how I spell, figure out that quicker. That’s fantastic. And I think you’re right, so many people, whether it’s like you said, it’s dying, a death of 1000 paper cuts, you know, all those little things that our body and our minds telling us we know, we’re overtired, or we’re worn out or we don’t feel like we have energy, we’re not maybe eating right, we know we’re grabbing the quick thing, which a quick thing can be healthy. Often we’d still choose the junk or made a bad choice. But the point is, is some people it’s all the little things if you really look at that it’s it really is a state of mind wellness, and for other people. It’s a really big health hurdle, right or health challenge are going through, but it seems if someone’s having a large health challenge or health crisis, they’re more likely to say, uh, hold on, I need to stop and I need to reassess. And I need to decide how to move forward so I can get better. But when it’s all the small things, it seems like we ignore that we don’t. We want to kind of push it to the side because we think oh, I can still keep going



    I’ll just power through, right, yeah, just power through. Right. And, and so I love that you’re trying to help people, they don’t necessarily have to get to that health crisis situation, it’s if you really stop and assess your life and how you feel every day, and you’ll start to see those signals that this may be isn’t how it has to be, it can be so much better. You know, for instance, you don’t even have to be getting sick all the time, you can just know, gosh, my heart rates always high, or I feel stressed out all the time, or when I can’t sleep well, right. So it can be any of these signals. But that’s not how we were designed, right? We were designed that it shouldn’t be such a busy, crazy schedule. But our culture has told us that this is acceptable, and even when it’s not, and we have to decide to stop it. So I also wanted to touch very quickly basis about how we define this. Well, you know, it’s because I believe that a lot of us are going through live in the sub optimal level of wellness. And it’s not



    what we consider healthy. If we go to a doctor, and you would be considered healthy, you might be not in your optimal state of wellness. And a lot of the issues I was faced with, I was told you need to learn to live with that. Well, as far as I’m concerned, you’re perfectly healthy mess, isn’t it?



    So and I refused to accept that. So I believe that there is we can up a little bit from that healthy, where the medicine especially the western medicine considers us healthy. And we are being told come back when it gets worse or acute. And that level that is that wellness, that feeling really great. And that little gap when we are younger, when we are in our teenage years, or in our early 20s can be compensated by what Chinese call the cheap.



    And other systems of health have different names. But this is using our life force.



    So how about just taking care of our bodies and bringing being there well.



    And then we don’t have to go at the acute stage to the doctor. And that brings up the point that we have to be our own advocates in our lives, I mean for our careers, or if we start a business, but also for our health and for our lifestyle. But we have to realize that we’re in control of that no one else knows our body like we do, you know, so like you said a doctor, they’re only looking at certain things. But we know when we don’t feel well, we know when something feels off our guts telling us this isn’t like you talked about earlier, this isn’t manageable, I can’t maintain this. I can’t go at this speed forever. But we need to listen to those things. Before it’s too late. And by too late. I mean, we end up at the doctor and they say now you have a serious health problem like a big one that can’t be reversed as easily. Or we can cut out a piece of something, what’s gone that far. And then it’s this balance is something else because we are whole. And I’m not saying that you shouldn’t cut out anything that your doctor recommends. No, no, no, I’m saying how about taking care of your body? so nothing gets, which is that stage that it needs to be cut out because it might be too dangerous. So I do have a question. What about mindset, if we’re realizing, you know, this is kind of this crazy pace, but where do I even start? Besides maybe health changes? So with the mindset, I think it’s for me, this was personally how, for me, this was totally worth it. I’ve lost friends, I’ve lost career opportunities. I’ve lost some stuff. But um, well, I didn’t live before my soul was was falling and crumbling, because there was nothing else just this feeling of on Well, for some people it might not be. So maybe they don’t feel this state of unwell so acutely as I did. And to those people I say, who is the fears person in the world that you would like to be the role model for and this works really well for mothers or parents because the children will take on and it doesn’t matter what you say it’s what you do. It’s what you eat. And it doesn’t matter if you eat it at home or on the outside. The kids know what do you want to show your child as a role model and when you are battling with yourself over the unhealthy stuff



    How would you talk and approach your child? What would you say to your child, if they were eating the stuff they shouldn’t. And with the mindset as well, how about this thought, it doesn’t matter what your job is, what your career as you, if you passionate about that, you are able to serve your clients or your employer better, you are able to show up at your work better fully with more to give and contribute, if you really well. And if you eat, if you drink, well, if you have sufficient physical activity, you don’t need to sleep as long because you’re the resting time is less. So at my best times, when I’m doing my body holidays, in the summer, I sleep five hours, that’s all I need. And I used to sleep 10 hours a day, because the body was is using energy for processing the food for the not so perfect food. So I hope this helps with the approach. I also want to say that the western medicine, it’s wonderful, it saves us every single day, they save a lot of lives. But in the quality of the life, they there’s still a long way to go, we still have a lot of to discover. And some things we don’t know why they are. But we increasingly know that the mindset influences the physicality. And one of the examples is that we know that the activation of our immune system. And as this has been a lot in the news is when we are stressed, we our immune system suffers. So if we are arriving with our beautiful technology with all the things we can produce a vaccine for things that we set our mind to we measure things we couldn’t measure before, what will we know in 100 years, or in 20 years about how the minds that how the body functions, what’s important, we could measure, we probably can’t measure to see it. But we have a lot of ancient systems that we could really borrow, or take, bring it and make it in our home in our life to help us feel better, even if it’s just fit if it’s not so obvious. And the mindset. So if the stress influences the immune system, and how our immune cells are able to find the pathogens, how about meditation, what does meditation can do to work for us? What are the other things that we are not practicing that are not popular yet? Here’s one thing that I know, first of all, you’re right, there have been more and more studies, they’re able to start studying how the body actually changes and how it can change other people in healing. When we get into that, right that flow state, that meditative state, where it’s we’re putting out positive thoughts in prayer. So I think it’s a really interesting, newer part of research and science, which is very promising, but also save people right now, after the last year, year and a half of COVID. Yes, there was some more downtime, right, especially at the beginning of that for many months. But what I’m finding is some people, because they’re working remote, a lot more people, they’re not having a appropriate amount of downtime, their work life balance is very skewed, because they’re not turning off their work. They’re booking every second of the day, because they don’t have to drive between appointments. They’re just on zoom. So do you have any last recommendations for that? You know, so for the healthy eating, we’ve talked about that, but maybe, is it taking a break and going on a walk or things like that, because I don’t feel like people are scheduling in enough rest time. So I think it is the work time it is scheduling, I think working hours or working hours. And when you just stick to those working hours with awareness to decide what are my hours are working, there are a little tricks that you can make it more probable that otherwise for example, if you are an entrepreneur, you use a scheduling software, how we scheduled this, call this talk and you just give the given hours. And no you don’t work after hours. I when I see my clients for private coaching. That’s what I do. You it’s impossible to book me outside of those hours that I decided I’m going to work second. I always say if you don’t know what to do, just treat yourself as if you were a child. So if you were you were you had a child who is seven years old and that child



    doesn’t want to sleep doesn’t want to rest, it’s just working. And the working is on the computer, what do you do, you’re made sure that the device goes to sleep, or the internet goes at a certain hour, it’s done. And I know you know the code, you know how to override it. But just the emotion that you will have to click on your computer and say, 15 more minutes and punch in the code. This will make you on the subconscious level, less likely to go and continue. And every single step counts, I also believe in social accountability for everything. So making appointments, where you have to show up for your rest time for outside of work.



    And making it either on a regular basis, or a talk doesn’t matter. If you have a dinner party, if you have a walk with a friend scheduled, if you have a call with a friend, where you’re just sitting and enjoying the chat, but it’s outside of work. And in order to not to do it to continue working, you need to make that effort to reach out and say sorry, I can’t make it. This is again, this is gonna help you to do it less often. So you will be finishing on time, I’m seeing another trend, which is how the lockdown and working from home is adding to people’s health, I’m definitely seeing it in my family. First of all, we are in full control of what’s on our plate, right. So there is less, you need to make an effort to get out of the house or have food delivered, but it’s not so great for you not so healthy. A lot of my clients, they cook Now, every single day at home, which was not the case before because they were more busy with being there, and here and so on. And second, you can still have work. And sometimes the work is not so involving. So today as we’re talking here, we have to be here I have to be here we look in each other’s faces. But there’s a lot of components of work, where you have to be at the meeting, but you’re not necessarily the main contributor, and the more people are in the making, then maybe you can switch up your camera and walk around the room.



    If you were seated in a conference room, this is impossible. So I’m seeing a lot of that. And I think that it’s just thinking about it enough to take advantage of that situation. How am I gonna do this work for me. So I am better. So we extra my wellness. Yeah, and I just don’t want to do and I think part of it is is that people have to realize that they’re in control of their schedules more than they realize. And some friends that say, Well, I’m perfectionist, I’m a this in there, once again, they’re making excuses for their when I say poor behavior, I just mean poor choices to not schedule in time for a walk or time for a break in between a reset in between calls. And I try to encourage them, it can’t You can’t keep that pace. But to your point, we have the power to schedule and breaks, we have the power to stop and eat a healthy salad, you know, especially for at home. But we have to realize it’s not this isn’t a luxury, this really is essential, right? This is critical that we do these things because we won’t be able to maintain it, we won’t be a good we won’t be good to our clients or to our employer, if we work for someone or if we’re an entrepreneur, we won’t be able to give as much to you know, those clients or a family. So I think that we have to see it as this time scheduling in these these things is is critical. It’s not a luxury. So we are not only in I fully agree with you. And we are not only in control of our schedule, but our environment, especially now, you are the one who decides what’s in the fridge today. Whereas when you’re at work, and you’re walking back home, or you’re popping up for lunch, you are not in control of the display in a shop where you’re grabbing your salad with the best intentions and then there is a fudge cookie next to it. And then you just want it because you stole it right. Yeah, so this is why not. Why not take advantage of that. If your fridge is packed with the right stamp. You can go and grab that quick snack. Right? Yeah, and what scheduling I want to also at if it’s not scheduled, it aren’t gonna happen. I have in my calendar every morning 7:30am taking my dog and my child and on the days that it’s tight is just one time around the block all the time on the days but it’s not. It’s we walking. We also have a big walk in the forest.



    Every Sunday, and when something’s Come come up, and we go, oh my god, a wedding would be so lovely now or a party, but assuming it’s the old reality, so if it’s in my calendar, it’s sitting there and it says, a walk. Before I book anything over, it’s the same mechanist psychology, I had to make that decision to, to not do the work to cancel the work with myself. And I do the same thing I scheduling fitness to some extent I scheduling you know, lunch with a girlfriend in the evening, I, you know, walks, but I know what time I’m going to be going that night with with a girlfriend or by myself because of my schedule for the week. But I write them all on my calendar, you know, or even when I’m going to make dinner for that night, because sometimes I’m really busy into the evening time, and I know that I’m tired, and I don’t like I might not want to make it. So I say, Can I start it in the morning? Or can I stop at lunchtime and make part of the meal, but I schedule those things that I write them on my calendar so that I can make those things a priority, too. I think that’s really because there are so many ways to make it super practical. You don’t have to cook every day. You cook once and you eat it three times. And it’s absolutely fine. And you can it’s just having the concept that that everything needs time, I used to be also scheming on the on the prep time. Now I am a prophet. I started cooking at seven o’clock in the morning, by the time I brush my teeth in the morning and wash my face. Half the lunch is half cooked. And it works. Yeah. I love that. Well, wonderful. I’ve loved this conversation today. Gosha. Can you tell us how people can find you online and how they can learn more about you and your programs. I am on Instagram at Gosha Nagi. That’s g o SIANAGY. And this is where you can find everything I’m doing. And you can direct message me there as well. I also have a website, which is almost the same. So and I’m going to have a podcast starting as you mentioned, at the beginning of June, it’s called well and beyond. And this is where you can find me get in touch comm and check it out to find out more practical tips and how to just be well or just a bit better. I love that I think it’s gonna be really helpful episode for so many people to hear some of these tips and the conversation we had today. So thanks again for being with us. Thank you for having me, because I’m so glad we got to have this conversation today with Gosha. Because whether you’re an entrepreneur or you work for someone else, it’s time and time again, I see people putting their health and their their wellness last or at least in last place. We care for other people. We work hard, we hustle. But often what gets neglected is our health and taking care of our bodies and our mindset and everything like that. And I would leave you with this quote. When health is absent, wisdom cannot reveal itself. Art cannot manifest strength cannot fight, wealth becomes useless and intelligence cannot be applied. And I think that quote by her awfulness sums it up. Without health, we can’t joy enjoy the rest of our lives, we can’t be our most creative, we can’t be our most intelligent, and we can’t even spend the money we’re working so hard to make. If we don’t have health, I would just encourage you to make sure that part of defining life on your terms and part of building a life you love has to incorporate making healthy changes so we can live our best lives. Here’s to health above all else. Thanks again for listening in. And if you enjoyed the show, we’d love it if you’d subscribe and leave us a review and rating on Apple podcast or wherever you listen to podcasts. And you can check out freebies and resources we have for you at Kristin Fitch calm and if you have ideas for the show or guests that you’d like to recommend. I’d love to hear from you. So DM me on Instagram at Kristin Fitch or you can email me from the website. Thanks so much. Until next time, have a great week.

  • Podcast Episode 19: How to Gain Financial Freedom and Diversify Your Income so You Can Live Your Best Life and Go After Your Dreams

    Episode 19:  

    How to Gain Financial Freedom and Diversify Your Income so You Can Live Your Best Life and Go After Your Dreams

    What is holding you back from going after your dreams to start your business or to write a book or launch a podcast, to sell your art or clothing, or to start an online business or gain freedom of time or income or take that trip of a lifetime? 

    Kristin talks to Anna Orenstein Cardona, a certified financial educator and money coach, about how to become Financially Resilient and why you should diversify your income. They also talk about limiting money beliefs and how to change those behaviors and how to have healthy money conversations and stop patterns of financial avoidance so you can live your best life.  Anna also shares her journey to begin a side hustle and moving into entrepreneurship with her brand Wear Your Money Crown and what you need to do financially before stepping into starting a business of your own.

    Let’s start taking action to create and monetize our creative ideas and passions and turn them into thriving businesses- let’s go after our dream work, make more money and spend more time with people we love living our best lives.  And learn how Curiosity, Creativity, Mindset, Communication, Play, and Faith play a role in improving our lives.

    How to connect with Anna Orenstein Cardona:

    Instagram @WearYourMoneyCrown

    Anna’s Bio:

    ANNA ORENSTEIN-CARDONA was born and raised in Puerto Rico. She grew up in a multicultural home, where although money was tight, love was plentiful. From a young age she was constantly coming up with inventive ways to raise and save money.

    Anna received her Bachelor of Science degree in Brain & Cognitive Sciences from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), and for the past twenty-one years, she has worked on the trading floors of various large financial institutions, both on Wall Street and in the City of London. A fun fact is that in 2006, she was asked to advise Colin Firth in a trading scene for Born Equal, a television film directed by Dominic Savage for the BBC.

    Aside from her day job, Anna is an NFEC certified financial educator (CFEI) and coach who is passionate about closing the gap in Financial Literacy. She recently founded Wear Your Money Crown to empower others with the knowledge and tools to make smarter financial decisions, align their financial behaviors with personal goals, and take actionable steps to rule their finances.

    Anna is a Board member for the MIT Club of Great Britain and is actively involved in various charities, supporting both children and animal welfare. She currently lives in London with her two very special rescue cats and her Southern Gentleman husband. 

    Here is the full episode transcribed:


    Wed, 5/19 4:34PM • 34:57


    money, financial, people, trading floor, finances, clients, thought, women, love, important, literally, business, uk, trading, job, emergency fund, financially, realize, understand, children



    Here’s what I want to ask you. What is holding you back? What is the thing that’s holding you back from going after your dreams and from finding meaningful work you love? Aren’t you ready to wake up to the possibilities that are in your life and go after the things you’ve dreamt up? It’s time for you to feel alive again lit up, and for you to know that you’re deserving, and you are worthy for the future that’s waiting for you. I want you to feel fulfilled and find abundance in your life. I think it’s time and I’m ready to help you get started. Now, I’m your host, Kristen, of building a life you love. And each week on the show, we’re going to help you figure out how you do go after your dreams and find what you love. Here we go. Let’s get started. On today’s episode, I can’t wait to talk about money. Because here is the thing while Money makes the world go round. We have to understand how to use it, how to be able to grow it and how to make it work for us. And I’m so excited because on today’s episode we talk to a financial educator is amazing. She literally helps us be empowered to roll our money and make our finances grow for us. So let’s get started and figure out how we make that money grow. Hi, today I’d like to welcome to the show Anna Orenstein Cardona. Welcome, Anna. Hi, thank you for having me. Thanks. Anna is a certified financial educator, and she was born and raised in Puerto Rico, where she grew up in a multicultural home, where although money was tight, love was plentiful. From a young age, she was constantly coming up with inventive ways to raise and save money, and received her Bachelor of Science degree in brain and cognitive sciences from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT. And for the past 21 years, she has worked on the trading floors of various large financial institutions, both on Wall Street in the City of London. A fun fact is that in 2016, she was asked to advise Colin Firth in the trading scene from born equal a television film directed by Dominic savage for the BBC. Aside from her day job, Anna is an NF EC certified financial educator and coach who is passionate about closing the gap in financial literacy She recently founded where your money crown to empower others with the knowledge and tools to make smarter financial decisions, align their financial behaviors with personal goals and take actionable steps to rule their finances and is also board member of the MIT club for Great Britain is actively involved in various charities. Okay, and I would love it if you could share with our listeners a little bit more about your background and your backstory because it is so interesting. All this many things you’ve done. Well, thank you so much, Kristen. So my background? Well, you know, it’s funny how you start on a journey in life. And then you find a fork in the road, and you travel the road, less expected. So my background is I was born and raised in Puerto Rico, as mentioned, and I grew up wanting to be actually a veterinarian. I’m a huge animal, lover and advocate. And I started to think about, okay, well, I need to get really good grades to go to vet school, because there’s one in Puerto Rico, you got to go to the US. And so through that journey, even when I was young, in high school, I was very lucky, I got some special scholarship to go to the US and study at CSU, which is Colorado State University. And I realized I’m not apt to being a veterinarian, because I’m too emotional.



    I said, I know what I’m going to look after humans. And that’s what took me to MIT I started with I started with a degree in biology and I ended up changing some brain and cognitive sciences with a minor in neuroscience because it just was so fascinated about the brain. And then I did my pre med requirements for that. But then I realized to go to medical school, you need a lot of money. And you know, there’s two roads about it. Either you come from a family who can help you to do that, or you have to incur a lot of student loans. And I already have student loans for my undergraduate degree. And so my 20 year old self that I know what I’m going to go work in New York for a year or two and then save some money and go to medical school and I literally applied to one job like this so crazy thinking about you know, from an adult you go what you should have applied to 10 or 20. I applied to one job. On the trading floor of this large It was like a boutique but also large financial company called dlj. Donaldson, Lufkin and generous and it was to work on the trading floor. And I remember I didn’t own a suit, I had to go cry on my credit card, get my first suit board the bus from Boston to New York City. And there I was a deal j Let me think I was 21 by that time, and you know, I go into a room full of old men reading the Wall Street Journal and whatever. And I was like, Oh my god, I’m never gonna get this job. And in the interview, literally, when they saw my background, all they wanted to know was about my research. And I was doing research on Alzheimer’s at the time and so



    They hired me, which is so crazy. And that’s where I started my career. Yes. So then I was there for 18 months. And what happened is they merged, they were actually bought, although they said it was a merger by a very large European Bank called Credit Suisse. And so they gave me the opportunity as a young person who is bilingual to come to London and cover Spanish investors in fixing them, you know, again, I was by then 22. And I was like, absolutely, you know, when is someone going to pay me to go to another country.



    But you know, what’s really interesting, Chris, and now thinking about it is the following. I haven’t thought about this a long time actually just talking about the story. And it made me think about it. When I first was offered the job. It was my salary transferred two pounds, right, which is the UK currency, Sterling. And I and nothing else. And I remember sitting there. And during my calculation, as I said, I will go into debt, if I accept that job on those terms. And I, you know, literally filled myself with confidence. And the next day, I went to bless him, Tom guba, who was the head of all 16 Comm. And I said, Tom, I want to take this job, but I can’t afford it. And I haven’t thought about that in a long time. And that was the first real time where I negotiated as young woman to say, I need this kind of certain salary. And I need my housing covered, because the housing in the UK is very expensive, right? And, and, and then he’s like, All right, I’ll get that sorted. And I was like, because if you ask, sometimes it’s all about asking, isn’t it? And so, I asked them, they said, Yes. And that’s how I came to London. So that was in 2000, just after just before the tech bubble exploded, so I came to London. And that’s what got me into the world of let’s say, the European side of investments, because I have been doing for 18 months, the US side. And to be honest, the US being the largest economy in the world leads investments globally. But it was so interesting, getting the European perspective and also working with clients from another country. And so from there on, so I started covering Spanish investors, and I traded with them for their funds, I always covered very large investors, asset managers, pension funds, banks, and then I moved on to cover UK investors. And that’s what I’ve been doing all this time. And so I wouldn’t say it’s good. It probably started around more like seven years ago, something in me, I always felt like the misfit on the trading floor. I felt like you know, I do love numbers. And I do love the environment, you know, phones ringing, trading, shouting, I love that kind of energy. But at the same time, I’m a very creative soul in my heart, I love writing. And so I thought to myself, Oh, I’m going to go to night school and study creative writing. So I started that I went to Faber is a very well known publisher in the UK, and they have a school called Faber Academy. And so I went into the the night school to study creative writing. And I started with adult writing. And then actually, something in me just started to call me for children’s writing. My niece had just been born and I was like, so in love with her. And I was like, Okay, I want to do something for her as a gift. And so that is something that Fingers crossed, hopefully come something is coming up perhaps on it. But through that process, I started to think well, how can I combine my current skill set, which is financial knowledge with something about and I thought, well, kids should be learning about money, how to manage their money, become interested in, you know, make it fun for kids. And so through doing my research for that book proposal, I found out that there is a whole sector of financial coaching and financial education that To be honest, just never crossed my mind. And you know, I always thought it was either you are a financial advisor in a regulated role, or you are what I was doing, which is being on the trading side and sell stocks, so sales and trading of a entities or you would be a wealth manager, you know, like the BlackRock, the fidelity’s, the Vanguard’s, you know, I just never knew there was an in between and so I was like, you know, Mind blown this exists. So I’m like, Okay, okay, what do I need to do to be one. And actually, you don’t need to do anything, which is kind of crazy, because it means anyone can call them health financial coach, because it’s not regulated. But me being who I am very studious. I was like, No, I want to get my certification. And and, you know, there’s two reasons for that. One of it is it just boosts your own confidence and self belief of knowing pick, do you know, and secondly, I think it’s important to show some credentials, you know, even though I have all these years of experience, so that’s the nfcc. They’re the national financial educators Council. It’s a global organization, but focused based in the US and through there, I got certified in 2020. And that’s when I launched where your money crown and the meaning behind that



    You know, a crown symbolizes victory, royalty and triumph. And that’s literally my goal for every single human being so that they can wear their own money crowns and roll their finances. So that’s, that’s the story. I love it. There is so much there we can definitely talk about today. So I’m looking forward to that. The first thing that came to mind that I want to ask you is I think when we talked, you know, before the recording, you mentioned that most of your clients in the financial education and coaching space are women. Is that right? I would say 80%. Yeah, eight out of 10. Yeah. So tell me, is there a certain money mindset that’s going on there that when you start working with people, you have the normal pitfalls, or things where you’re seeing that people can know about and work on? So they’re aware of it themselves? Oh, yeah, that’s a great question. So I would say, Okay, one of the main things it is that, because financial literacy, it’s not taught in school, and it’s not taught really in our adulthood, is it right, you have to make a conscious effort. And I must say, things are starting to change in the educational system, but just not fast enough. And I feel that, you know, when people, especially women, I feel that there’s a lot of masculinity around money, and a lot of masculinity around trading, investing. And even for instance, when I prepare my presentations for clients that I love using quotes, it’s so hard to find quotes about money from famous women. It’s all Warren Buffett, and men like him who I admire. But you know, I find maybe Barbara Corcoran and a Suzy Orman. But aside from that, it’s very difficult. And I’m like, you know, we got to change the narrative, because actually, even research studies have shown that women are better risk takers. But that’s super fascinating topic. Aside from that, but the point is, I would say most of my clients, when I start working with them is that they have just been money avoided, not purposefully, it’s been accidentally right, when we sit down to really work about, for example, their net worth knowing what they actually have diving into their pensions, many times I find out very commonly, women make money, they make good money, and they just put it into a savings account, they don’t allow their money to grow. A lot of the people that I’ve come across that are self employed have not been saving for their retirement, that’s a big one that I changed with them, because it’s so important to change it. And the younger, the better, right? Another point would be about the mindset, I suppose it’s just again, about thinking because the lingo can be so masculine, sometimes and unknown, it’s like the mind shuts down. And so it’s about saying, No, you are a powerful woman who can understand a lot of things, this is easy, you just need someone to explain what it means. So I think those are the most common factors. And I would say the last would be kind of about money avoidance is that this is very common, right? When people get married. And many times it’s the woman who ends up leaving a very successful career to become a mother and look after the children. And sometimes there’s a cost benefit to that. Because in certain countries, like in the UK, for instance, childcare is extraordinarily expensive. And so sometimes it’s inefficient for one of the parents to actually work and pay a child error. But on the other hand, I understand a lot of women want to stay home with their children, but then the gap starts to grow, you know, that the wage gap that we know about, but we have because of that career gap is well, then you start to have pension gap, wealth gap, investment gap, and then you know, it just snowballs and so that’s something that I work with my clients on in realizing we got to close that gap. That’s a in the intro, you said that that’s like that gap, what I’m referring to, it’s that financial education gap, wealth gap, pension gap, and knowledge gap. Yeah, that’s so good. And I think it is so important. Often one person if you are in a long term relationship, maybe married one person tends to handle a lot more the finances and the other person is there a recommendation from that perspective whether you know, man or woman, but is there anything they should be doing small steps they can take to get more involved in their, their finances and the financial picture so that they don’t find themselves you know, not really knowing much about what’s going on? Yes, you know what, I think that’s a great, great point. So I think sitting down together and doing a real talk meaning Okay, let’s know where all our assets are, let’s know what our liabilities are because guys, this is massive, like so many times I have had situations where, you know, one of my clients does not understand that their partner had taken out a loan on something, there are certain situations that can be kind of scary and then the spouse has issues that they did not know they had to serve out being you know, opening the books, let’s say and sitting down and doing a family plan. And this is like once a month it’s to understand Okay, first of all, do we have a household budget and in the budget, you’ll know where your income is coming your expenses right then in that in there as well as putting money towards savings to know where all your account



    Start. This is also about knowing things like, do we have life insurance, because this is another really important thing, Christian that I speak with people. So a lot of times I’ll speak with women who are in a marriage, and they say, Oh, my spouse who’s working had life insurance. I’m like, Okay, hold on, what God forbid, if something happened to you would happen, because, obviously, the emotional strain on the spouse, but also if you have children, you need to have even more income to look after the children, right. And so I really believe in a matrimony or union between a couples, whether you are married or living together, you need to protect both sides and think about the good. And the bad that could happen. So it’s not about thinking about, oh, you know, what if divorce happens, and I’m thinking, What if I lost my spouse? How am I going to deal with things financially, life insurance, does life insurance cover x, y, Zed living expenses, school, you know, all the expenses that could come with childcare, etc. So that would be another and the other would be really important about so each spouse knows or partner knows where things are, financially, and also they talk about their future retirement, because even if you are a non working spouse, in the US, and in the UK, there’s certain they have different lingo. But in essence, the spouse that works, can put money tax efficiently into an investment, such as, for example, a spousal IRA in the USA, and a lot of people don’t know about that. That’s really good advice. So let me ask you, I know that a big part of what you’re trying to educate people on and you’re helping them through, if they’re your clients, is how do we become financially resilient? So can you talk? Can you walk us through that? What does that look like? What do we need to know? And are there things we do that we should be considering? So that we can be prepared, right, as we get older, as we retire, or, you know, go on more trips, or more freedom of time? or short? So I think our financial resilience kind of in alignment with financial power, right? And it’s like, how do we step into that, and I might define that as having the confidence in our finances, that we can be the best version of ourselves. And that means aligning our desires, and values with our goals. And, you know, that also entails having the financial means to be able to make decisions that, as you say, could lead us to either say, Oh, well, I want to go on this trip to visit my friend, in this other country, I want to put money to my retirement fund, I want to do this or that, you know, all that takes wisdom. And so part of the financial resistance is getting educated in financial literacy so that you know, what you need to do, and not to, and I always say about kind of financial resilience, and what money is money is literally the tool that lets us say, No, you know, no to bad relationships, no to a bad job, and no to bad circumstances. And if you know, again, sadly, you won’t get sick to have the ability to say no to that illness, I’m going to get better by going to the best doctors, best nutritionist, etc. Right? So money allows us to do that. And we build our financial resilience. So my key, let’s say my top three tips would be on financial resilience is having an emergency fund, that is vital. And what is an emergency funds, this this cash put aside, it is not invested, it is literally sitting in a savings account. Sadly, now with interest rates globally, you know, it’s difficult to get a big return. But that’s not the point of your emergency fund. The point of the emergency fund is to be your financial cushion. I like to call it your financial parachute. Like if you’ve got to jump out, it’s gonna baby right. So I was saying the emergency fund, and I, you know, a lot of financial educators say three to six months, I think that was pre COVID. I think now with COVID. And seeing the pandemic aftermath, I think you need between nine to 14 months, even because you need to think Yeah, I know. And I know it sounds scary, but I’m going to say something positive about that, at least in a second. But that is basically the time you think it could get you to get the same income that you’re currently having. So let’s say if you’re in a full time job, how long have you lost that job? Would it take you to replace that income, whether it’s in that type of job or not? And because obviously, we have suffered through the pandemic. And we’ve seen really what’s, by the way, sustain the US economy and global economies right now is the, you know, the money that the central banks and countries governments have given the stimulus that has been, and that is not going to be long lasting forever, you know, businesses are having a lot of difficulties. they’ve survived things to furlough, and thanks to a lot of loans and schemes and grants that the government’s have given that that’s not long term. And so we really have to think about financial resilience long term. So the emergency fund that what I did want to say on a positive note is the following. It’s not your living expenses, and it’s today’s state, because if we’re going through an emergency, the first thing we do is tighten our belt. That’s going to be your bare bone.



    expenses, right? So you’re not going to be going on trips or expensive meals or going out or giving gifts to people, you know, you really have to think, Okay, what is for me to have my home, my food, my children’s school fees, etc, etc. And then you prepare that and I know it sounds scary. But if you start, it’s all about starting, right? And by the way, God willing, you’ll ever have to touch that emergency fund, but it’s there. And that’s such a great question to have. So that would be my first step. The second step would be, I think that you need to look at your current financial health, obviously, just like your physical health. Okay, how am I today? You know, instead of doing, let’s say, blood tests, to know what your health is, like, you’ll be doing some financial health ratio analysis. And that’s something where I do with my clients, one on one where we do a deep dive into their finances to basically know terms like what is their debt to income ratio? What is a savings ratio? What is housing ratio, there are certain ratios just like in the medical field, there’s certain things to look at, like cholesterol and blood pressure. So in finances, we look at certain things like housing savings, etc, to know what your health is. And then we analyze it and say, Okay, well listen, I don’t have X, Y, that I need to improve that my ratio is out of whack, you know, I have too much debt, I need to tackle that. Because once you know where you are, you can make a roadmap, you can make a plan. And then the third thing, I think, for financial resilience, which is super important is about mindset. And so I know we’ve talked a little bit about money mindset, but I think it is the most important piece. Because if you don’t fix whatever financial behaviors have have led you to that set, or to a negative situation, or to money avoidance, if you don’t realize what is causing that behind, let’s say behind the curtains, you’re not going to heal, you’ll just fall into the same bandwagon, like people that say, on a health, you know, on a diet, you know, if they don’t really get to the problems of what what is causing the emotional eating? Or is that actually due to chemical imbalances in your body that leads you to gain weight unnecessarily until you do that analysis of what’s causing you to get into debt or to not be able to save, or to not be able to, you know, is it knowledge is it behavioral actions, etc. And so that is something super important for people to do a deep analysis. And part of my certification. We did studies in behavioral finance, but also from back at MIT, when we were doing brain and cognitive really brings. They’re super machines, they’re powerful. And we need to just see that this positive data, and sometimes we need to reboot it. And so those limiting money beliefs, we got ahead, you know, just like we reboot our computers, sometimes they started to behave badly. We need to reboot our brains. And so that’s really important. Yeah, I think that’s so good. And I think you’re right, I think most of us have limiting money beliefs. But to be honest, I don’t know that that conversation happens all the time. I don’t know, it’s that people even realize that they come from childhood and how they were, you know, their upbringing, their past, they bring these limiting money beliefs with them. And of course, if you’re in a marriage, then you have two different, you know, maybe conflicting money, beliefs coming together. So I think it is something we don’t talk about enough. And I think we do need to kind of get to understanding why we spend money certain way or we don’t spend money, like you said, we don’t want to have money conversations. So I think it’s really important. Is there any really easy tip for how do we start diving into that? How do we even understand what our limiting beliefs on money might be? You know, I think that one of the ways is to kind of just think about your childhood, right? And kind of what was that first money memory. And some people like to call it your money story? And to just really dive deep? What was the environment I was in how was money perceived or not perceived, right? Because one of the biggest things have been just people don’t talk about money, and especially women, sadly, you know, a lot of mothers don’t talk to their daughters about money. And we got to change that narrative. And so it’s really sitting down and kind of putting the link between that and the current behaviors and your current financial health. And when I do that, with my clients, I get it kind of emotional, because their eyes open up when they realize, Oh, my God, I get why I’m doing what I’m doing, and then do the steps to fix that. But I was just gonna say you said something super important. And it’s about relationships. And when you’re in a relationship with someone who has different money, beliefs, and I’ve seen this so much, Kristin, and this really is a problem because money is one of the biggest causes of divorce. And so I would love to take every young woman and that and say from the beginning, when you start to date someone and you want to marry them, make sure you understand your money mindset, like are they a saver? Are they a spender? Are they a gambler? You know, you really need to kind of have an open conversation like, do they have that? Because by the way, when you get married, that’s going to become your problem, too. So I think that’s really important to talk about money. Yeah, you’re right. And I do think I mean, maybe nowadays more than you know, I’ve been married almost 22 years.



    I don’t know if there’s more money programs for couples, like you said, couples that are bound to become a couple are about to enter into marriage, because I do think it’s something that, you know, they might talk about religious views and these different things and what do they want as far as a family or not. But I don’t know that we do talk about this money mindset enough. So I think that’s a really good, really good thought there. So let me ask you this. What about someone that’s considering much like yourself, where you have, you know, you’ve had this long term career, but you’re stepping into doing these new things. So two questions for you. The first is, how would you recommend people even look at these opportunities they might step into? Did you find that it’s because you had the skill set, and you were able to pair it with something else? So I’m just curious, like, any suggestions for people there? But secondly, do you have recommendations for financially where we should be poor, they step into something, it could be a side hustle, or it could be a full time position, but something like that? Sure. Okay. So um, the first thing, I think a great exercise is literally take a pen and paper and make a line in the middle of a sheet and on the left hand, write down what I’m good at what you are good at, what are your, you know, your, let’s say, talents, and on the right hand side, what do I like to do? So for instance, I said that I love teaching. And I like the market for financial markets. And so that’s how I was able as well, then I, you know, through the research I was doing for the children’s book, I found out, hey, this exists. So it’s really about researching what you’re good at, and what you, you know, like your talents and what you like to do, because, right, they’re not always the same, right? You could be a great runner and you hate running, you need to find that. And secondly, I’m very passionate about this, because I’m preparing a workshop coming up in two weeks about this topic about people who are launching new businesses and kind of what is the financial foundation that you need for starting a new business, because many times people don’t understand there is an investment, there always is an investment, and then you both, it can either be time, or it can be money. Most of the time, it’s both. And so especially when it’s money, you need to have that, again, that emergency fund in your personal finances, because many times you end up having to finance your business, especially at the beginning. It’s not all you have incoming costs, you know, email service provider course platform website, or web developers, blah, blah, blah, you know, you have all these costs. So you need to really sit down and say, can I afford to do this by leaving my day job? Or do I keep my day job, you know, for instance, I’ve been working behind the scenes for almost two years, building my business still work in the day job and ready to God willing, soon be able to launch myself completely into the business as it’s growing. I really considered like, you know, I want to make money. And so I want to set it up with the correct foundations, you know, and that takes on investments, because it’s very difficult to borrow money for a new business, if you don’t have a credit score as a business, if you don’t have a history of income and profitability, etc. So it’s, yeah, it’s very wise to fix your personal finances, to have the strength and resilience to have a successful business, finance, business finances, that’s good. And then I think also, as you sort of alluded to, you know, you do have to have a little or it’s ideal, if you have a little money in the bank put aside for starting a business, even if it’s an online business, which Yes, can be very affordable. There are initial costs, right with setting up the business, legally. And then also, like you said, just getting an email platform and just the different tools you’ll need. So I think that’s really good to know, hey, I still need to have this money set aside for this, this new goal or dream of mine. And the other thing, though, I would note is, what I love is that there’s so many ways you can test a new concept, whether it’s a business idea, a business venture, or just like, hey, I want to create this journal with this art of mine on it, you can really test that without even starting your business, you can just kind of put feelers out there, hey, this is what I’m thinking of doing. You know, does anyone have interest? So I love that we can kind of start testing the waters before we step into something fully or even do it as you know, a side gig for smart. Totally. Yeah, let me ask you, as you move into doing your own business, like you said, Is there any other last bits of advice you’d give to people that are thinking of stepping out on their own, for instance, was for you? Was it just the payoff of getting more time? Or was it that you could build your brand as far as you want to? And you’re not limited with whatever your career income potential is? What What was it for you that let you do that? You know, for me, it’s more at this stage of my life, you know, and I have been doing and have been doing working on trading floors for 21 years, I decided I want to leave a legacy. I want to do good and have purpose. And you know, even though if you really break it down, you go, Oh, well, you know, on the trading floor, we’re investing the money on behalf of sensei and doing the trades for these asset management firms that fee for the little person and it’s not the same, you know, for me to be able to help individual financially, it’s a blessing. I love it. I love to see their transformation, because by the way, right, especially with women, when you transform a woman or a man, you don’t just consume them, you transform the people around them. It helps their children because they have this knowledge they can pass on they can break that cycle of negativity from



    You know, let’s say their their past financial issues. And so I think it’s really beautiful. So I think my last advice would be find your purpose, you know, and when I say purpose, it’s I do I really, really believe, and part of the mindset I practice is abundance is the same, you know, this is doable, but no abundance is doable without action. And so you have to, again, be pragmatic about, okay, what are the action steps? So first of all, I have the thoughts where I’m going to align my values with my purpose. And secondly, okay, how am I going to do that, and that’s the action plan. And I want every new intrapreneur to have in their action plan, a financial action plan or roadmap because that will allow them to be more successful, to use their mental bandwidth for growth, instead of trying to think how am I going to pay for my health insurance, or my car lease, or my home, that is horrible to have to take that creative bandwidth away from your business to try to take care of your personal needs. And that’s why I’m so passionate of all my clients are pretty much a mixture between entrepreneurs themselves, or have full time jobs that wants to leave and start a business. And this is what we’re fixing, fixing the personal finances so they can achieve financial wellness, and have the cushion to succeed in a business that their heart desires. I love that. And I think that’s one thing I’m finding is, you know, as we hit these different life transitions, whether it’s that you had children, but now they’re they’re older, and you have more free time, or whether it’s just that you’re hitting a certain age, and you’re realizing, you know what, I think I’m ready for something new or, or, hey, I don’t feel as fulfilled as I thought I was, I’m seeking something new. So I love that you’re helping people with that. And because so many people are looking for that next thing, and I love that you’re helping them make sure they’re prepared financially to do that. So I think that’s just that’s just amazing. And I love the work you’re doing. Thank you so much. You’re welcome. Can you tell me no? How can people find you online and connect with you and then learn more about your programs and offerings? Right, thank you. So I, the website is www dot where your money crown calm. And that’s where w e AR like putting it on your head. That’s my Instagram handle is at where your money crowns. And I started recently a free Facebook financial community. And that is where your money crown financial community, it’s on Facebook. But if you go to my website, or my Instagram bio link, you can find all this information. So I’m here happy to help. Oh, that’s wonderful. I appreciate you being with us today. It’s just been great information, I think it will help a lot of people. So thanks again for being with us. And I look forward to connecting with you. Again. Thank you for having me. And thank you for what you do, because you’re helping to empower others. Oh, that conversation with Anna was so good. Because I think so many of us, you really do have such limiting money beliefs, or we are in a state of money avoidance. And I think every one of us can benefit from the tips she shared about how we become financially resilient, or even how we diversify ourselves into multiple revenue streams. And I just want to share with you that I love that when we change our financial circumstances. And when we change our own money stories, that it doesn’t just impact us. It impacts our families, it impacts the people around us, it really does allow for us to create a lasting and meaningful legacy in the world. And I want to leave you with these words by Maya Angelou, you can only become truly accomplished at something you love. Don’t make money or go. Instead pursue the things you love doing. And then do them so well that people can’t take their eyes off of you. Because I think honestly, if we’re doing something we love, and we’re putting all of our heart and passion to it, we will find success both in life and financially. So I would say to you find the thing that lights you up and go after your dreams and thanks again for listening in. And if you enjoyed the show, we’d love it if you’d subscribe and leave us a review and rating on Apple podcast or wherever you listen to podcasts. You can check out freebies and resources we have for you at Kristin Fitch calm, and if you have ideas for the show or guests that you’d like to recommend. I’d love to hear from you. So DM me on Instagram at Kristin Fitch or you can email me from the website. Thanks so much. Until next time, have a great week.

  • Podcast Episode 12: Learning to Dream Again & Reignite Your Passion & Find a New Community after Loss & Illness

    Episode 12:  

    Learning to Dream Again & Reignite Your Passion & Find a New Community after Loss & Illness

    What is holding you back from going after your dreams to start your business or to write a book or launch a podcast, to sell your art or clothing, or to start an online business or gain freedom of time or income or take that trip of a lifetime?  Kristin talks to Dawn Hanlon of Color Me Everything about stepping through the loss of her husband and learning to dream again, reignite her passion, and determine where she fits in the world after a big life transition.  Dawn talks about how gratitude, positivity and finding a new community helped her find her passion and hope again.  She talks about not allowing sorrow or physical deficits (such as Covid Long Haulers that she is recovering from) bring her down by focusing on a positive mindset.  And the role of creativity can help us see new possibilities and help us grow.  You are sure to be inspired by Dawn’s story as she walks through loss, becoming an empty nester, experiencing chronic illness to open a new chapter of her life to build a community around women going through big life transitions and loss through a new online community and podcast.

    Let’s start taking action to create and monetize our creative ideas and passions and turn them into thriving businesses- let’s go after our dream work, make more money and spend more time with people we love living our best lives.  And learn how Curiosity, Creativity, Mindset, Communication, Play, and Faith play a role in improving our lives.

    How to Connect with Dawn:

    Instagram @DawnRanaeHanlon

    Facebook Group: Women, Wisdom and Wine (or whatever)

    Here is the full episode transcribed:

    Unknown Speaker 0:00
    Here’s what I want to ask you. What is holding you back? What is the thing that’s holding you back from going after your dreams and from finding meaningful work you love? Aren’t you ready to wake up to the possibilities that are in your life and go after the things you’ve dreamt up? It’s time for you to feel alive again lit up, and for you to know that you’re deserving, and you are worthy for the future that’s waiting for you. I want you to feel fulfilled and find abundance in your life. I think it’s time and I’m ready to help you get started. Now, I’m your host Kristen, of building a life you love. And each week on the show, we’re going to help you figure out how you do go after your dreams and find a work you love. Here we go. Let’s get started. On today’s episode, we’re going to talk to Don Hanlon, she is going to share with us how we still find our strength and our courage, how we have perseverance, and how we find that place in ourselves where we dream again. And we look for new goals when we’ve had a life transition in life challenges, or even health battles. So I think you’re really gonna love this episode, because so many of us can relate to the struggles and the loss that she’s walked through. So let’s listen in. Hi, I would like to welcome to the show today, Don Hanlon, She is the founder of color me everything where she was selling face masks with happy sayings and things to get people to start a conversation. And she is now creating a community in a podcast called beautifully broken, which is bringing people together and having conversations around things that have happened in our lives, life altering events, and how we figure out how to redefine ourselves. I’d like to welcome her to the show.

    Unknown Speaker 1:45
    Hello, how are you?

    Unknown Speaker 1:46
    I’m great, Don, I would love it. If you can share a little bit more with the listeners about your background, what you’ve done in sort of how you find yourself. And in this new, you know, moving into this new opportunity for 37 years,

    Unknown Speaker 1:59
    I’ve been a nurse, and I’ve been taking care of terminally ill patients for pediatric through adult wife, mother of six. And then three years ago, my husband died. And all my kids grew up and moved out of the house. And I found myself no longer wife, no longer mom that was caretaker and really big changes all at once. And it was a little bit daunting and kind of scary to try to figure out who I was or fit in the world and had to try to reinvent myself and wasn’t sure which way to go.

    Unknown Speaker 2:33
    Yeah. And I think you know, so many people find themselves there, whether it’s, you know, they’re widowed at some point, or many people become empty nesters, and many other things are in a career for a long time. And at some point you you look up and realize it might not be fulfilling you anymore, or I had other dreams how to 30 years past Do you have advice for people that find themselves having gone through a life altering event, and they’re trying to redefine themselves understand their identity in the world and how they can add to their identity or cheat, you know, move into a new identity? Did you have things in tools or mindset changes or work that helped you through that that

    Unknown Speaker 3:10
    first part of that actually, it started with just every day making a thankful list and three things I was thankful for. Because it was so easy to always get bogged down by the negative and all of the things that were no longer my life. So that thankful list grew every day. And it became easier and easier every day to see what there was to be thankful for. And then I started to see more positives around me. And I started reaching out to other people and looking for people that were like me to create new friendships and new bonds with like minded people. And that was very helpful and very supportive. Because even though we were in the same position now, our stories, our lives leading up to that point, were very different. So we had different perspectives, but didn’t matter how we got there. We were in the same place now which created a bond.

    Unknown Speaker 4:06
    Yeah, that’s good. I like that, you know, one, it’s, it really does. Everything really starts to shift in us with our mind read our thinking and our thoughts and what we allow in there. So I think that’s a good good advice. I like to say, you know, we kind of need a mind gatekeeper. If we’re thinking positive thoughts. That’s good, keep doing that. But if we find ourselves having negative, or thoughts that don’t serve us, we need to be able to catch that thought. Let me look at for what this really is. And can I make this better? So and then I love you’re thankful, you know, what am I thankful for list, obviously, you are in a major loss. That’s a hard thing to go through a lot of sorrow, but seeing the great things in your life and that you do have these six wonderful grown children. I can see how that battle starts to shift your mind. So I think that’s a lovely idea for people. Let me ask you, what about as you started to connect with people, right, you started reaching out to people you started being more thankful? How did you just Then to say, okay, you know, I want to try this, this business opportunity selling masks, and then now you’re taking a much bigger leap and working to build this community. And soon, I guess, in May launching a podcast called beautifully broken,

    Unknown Speaker 5:14
    what happened was people kept coming to me and asking me for advice, or your How do you stay so positive. And that’s where the masks came in. With everyone being socially distanced, I kept saying, that doesn’t mean we can’t be social. So having masks that, say, have a great day, or I’m smiling, are you to start conversations or just to have some sort of interaction, because what I was finding is that during the COVID, isolating time, people were very much like the widow community where they were finding themselves isolated, and not only interacting with a very small finite group of people, and you kind of lose your ability to interact and communicate, and you lose your empathy. And so I didn’t want that to be lost. And then that had evolved into my desire for the podcast, because people kept coming to me and asking, you know, how can you be this way, you’ve suffered so much. And I just kept saying, every day I choose to be happy every day, I choose to not let my physical or emotional deficits or sorrow, bring me down. And my thought was that if I could do the podcast, by doing that, I would be able to bring on people who have gone through similar things. And they can give, how they have evolved and what their journey was, because someone out there is feeling alone. And then they’ll know they’re not alone. And they’re not the only one that’s traveling this journey.

    Unknown Speaker 6:55
    Yeah, that’s great. And I think what you said too, about some of the physical or the emotional things that you mentioned. So did you want to mention that a bit about how that impacted your life?

    Unknown Speaker 7:05
    Yes, I was a homecare nurse, and I contracted COVID from one of my patients, and like everyone else that thought it’d be a couple weeks off work, I would be fine and go back to work. That was five months ago, I ended up with long term or long haulers, COVID, I have memory issues, I have a heart damage, I have a lot of physical ailments that have arisen from my body being in constant COVID fight mode, it’s like it went into fighting the disease and the disease is gone. But my body has not come out of fight mode. So exhaustion, chest pain, shortness of breath, low oxygen levels are what I deal with every day, a headache that started in November and never went away, a UPS truck running in my head constantly 24 seven. So these are tiring, exhausting things in themselves, then add the isolation of not and uncertainty of knowing whether I’ll be able to return to my job. And that brought me to the need to figure out who I am once again, where I belong, what my purpose is, and I have a compelling need to help others. That’s why I have a nurse, I’ve been a nurse for so long. And the podcast is to help me help others in a way that makes me feel like I’m doing something good, and that I’m truly fulfilling the purpose that I was given. I feel like I have a gift of healing and helping and that’s what I’m supposed to do. So this is the way that I can do it. But doesn’t isn’t dictated by my physical or my illness doesn’t make it impossible to do. It’s something I can do. Even if I don’t feel well, I can do it. Yeah. Well, I

    Unknown Speaker 8:43
    love that you shared that. And the reason is, is to your point is whether we have long term, physical or emotional things that we’re you know, whether it’s a disease or diagnosis, or like in your case, there’s plenty people with with COVID long haul or syndrome. But what I love about it is you still persevere, you still say I can still do stuff. But it just might mean that I have to take break or go rest or not today, right? But the point is, is you still have that passion, that fire and that desire in you. And I love that you shared that because I think we all even if it means we can only put something out into the world for an hour or serve someone else or have a conversation or start something right because now it’s so much easier to start any type of business, right a podcast, a shop online, which I know you’re gonna do that as well with some more products we’ll talk about later, but it’s just there’s so many options. And so I love that even with everything going on and even if you’ve had COVID and you find yourself in a situation, or like you said you’re stepping through sorrow or loneliness, there’s ways to connect with people online and there’s ways to actually serve those communities. So I think that’s fantastic that you shared that part of your journey. I know that you did the masks and you explain that one of the reasons was you wanted to kind of help people to be more social and to feel connection even When we were afraid to be around a lot of people or a lot of people were, and then we weren’t really being social. But then I think you’re transitioning those masks into offering inspirational quotes and prints and things you want to talk about maybe just that step you took to do that, or they were in process. Yes,

    Unknown Speaker 10:18
    part of the rehab for the memory problems and reading issues that I had with the COVID was, I began reading and so to work on that the speech was stuttering and having speech problems. So I had to read and write a lot. And I started looking at unusual words, words, I didn’t know so that I would have to learn how to say them and memorize the meanings. And I became quite enamored of these unusual words, words that are no longer used in our language, or words we’ve never heard of, but they have beautiful meanings, or the very inspirational and I started writing poetry, again, as part of this, like brain rehab. So I’ve begun taking photos that I’ve taken through the years and taking words that fit the photo. And I’m creating art prints and canvas prints, and then just unusual words, and putting them on T shirts or mugs. And we’ll be having them in my Shopify store, just as a way to help fund the membership program and the podcast and all of that.

    Unknown Speaker 11:26
    That’s fantastic. And two things that you sort of alluded to, in that what you just said, I just want to mention, one is how creativity can do so many things for us first, is it the creativity, right was what is part of your brain who you were using creativity to try to rehab yourself, right? Because I think you said you did painting too. And so you’re just trying to do new things, because it would help your brain rewire and then make new connections. So I think that’s really cool. And then the other thing is, creativity is the thing that lets us say, this thing could be possible, right? And you were willing to say, Okay, I made this thing as as a rehab practice as a creative practice. But then you realize, wait, this could be something that I offer into the world. And that takes some sort of creative process, right to go through that. So I think that’s really cool. And I think often and I mentioned this other times, we downplay the role of creativity in our lives and in our businesses. But I think it’s just so important. So I love that I’m glad you

    Unknown Speaker 12:26
    shared that art and music have been the things that have actually helped me to be able to get my brain working more consistently, like it used to, and the physical limitations that I was having the creativity, the crafting, even if it’s with my five year old granddaughter, the crafting has been good for me physically, but it’s also an emotional outlet. And that is very important. Yeah, I

    Unknown Speaker 12:53
    just had a conversation the other day with a creativity coach. And we basically talked about how creativity is so much, but it’s actually part of it is gives a connection to other people, but it’s also a connection to self, your self expression. I think that’s really wonderful. And I think more people should infuse creativity into their daily or weekly lives. What about any lessons you learned when you reassess your life or tools you use to try to make these new choices and go in a new direction? Was there were resources that you used?

    Unknown Speaker 13:23
    Well, there’s a lot of self introspection and reflection on what’s important. So you have to look at what are the things that you need in your life? And what are the things that you’d like to have. And when it comes right down to it, connection with other people is this important. So for me, trying to figure out where I fit in the world was my need to be with other people and my need to for my creative outlet, it wasn’t easy to try to figure this out and making connections online and joining Facebook groups and things like that. And then reading and I started with Chicken Soup for the Soul. And you know, I read that many times. And every time I read it, I get a different feeling or a different message, because I’m in a different place in my life. So you can read the same story over and over. But every time you read it, depending on where you are in your life, you get a different message. So I started with that book. And then I went to a woman in the blues and the women in the blues book talks about the things in our life that are hurtful and how we can overcome them. And it talks about all different types of events that happen in women’s lives. And it was hard to read at some times, but it made me stop and think about my life where I was and where I want to go. And that’s important. You have to figure out where you want to go and set a course and just every day remind yourself that you need to move forward. You have a goal. And then Kathy Heller had recommended this one women food and God and it’s about The relationship she had with food as an eating disorder. But when you look at it, it can apply to any type of unhealthy practice in your life and how to overcome it and how to reassess and see the damage being done and how you can overcome it. And again, it’s a different message for everyone because everyone’s in a different place. But it’s the message that you need, and you get that message. And it’s not easy, because it’s, sometimes we don’t want to, we don’t want to admit our truths. Sometimes the truth hurts. And sometimes it’s just painful. When you look at where you were, and what you thought you were going to be doing. And then you look at where you are, and all that you’re not able to do those dreams are different, and you have to make new dreams. And that’s really hard to come to terms with that. All the things you work for, for so many years are suddenly gone. And now you have to learn how to dream again. And that’s what happens when you suffer some sort of life altering events, it makes you stop dreaming, because you feel like everything’s lost. But it’s not. You just have to find the place in you that dreams, and reignite it and find a passion again. Yeah,

    Unknown Speaker 16:19
    that’s so beautiful. There’s actually a book that I’ve picked up. And I haven’t read the whole thing through, but I’ve read parts of it. And it’s called wonder switch. The author’s here is the third. But he talks about how we all have, you know, this sense of wonder when we’re when we’re young. But over time, it’s just like the same thing with creativity, which is connected, but we start to lose create the our curiosity and our creativity. And like you said, We stopped dreaming, because as he says, The Wonder switch gets flipped off. And we have to figure out how to flip it back on. So that we can use our imagination and our creativity and our curiosity for, you know, creating things and dreaming and looking at, you know, new ideas. But if we don’t do that, then you know, I know there’s other things that say worry is a misuse of imagination. So we can either choose to, like I said live in the past, it doesn’t mean we don’t have to step through sorrow or hardship we do. And that’s not easy. But we have to get out to the other side where we see, wow, there’s possibilities out there for me. But I have to start spending time thinking about those possibilities, and then realize it might be scary, and it is unknown, it is different than maybe I imagined my life. But that happens to all of us in some way. Whatever it might be, it might not be through death, it might be through some other thing that’s happened to us. But I think it’s so important because to your point, we can get very stuck in our thinking. And we can get stuck in the same pattern behavior. But we have to be willing to put in that work to say Hold on, it’s my choice, I can choose my future, and then start taking that practice on even if it’s just for little bits, like maybe everyday just write down. What’s one thing this year you want to do, or one thing this week I’m going to do, right? So it can be small practices that build up over time to try to see this new vision. But I think that’s super helpful. And I think those books are great recommendations for people. And I think those can be really helpful for people going through transition or life altering, you know, circumstances. Wow, that’s really great. Is there anything else you would want to share with people that you think might be helpful for people that are kind of looking at, you know, defining life on their terms, whether that’s because they’ve gone through something very difficult, or what a life they were living, maybe it was just that they were in overwhelm, and they’re in a career that asked them to work 80 hours a week, and they’re not they’re not fulfilled? They’re not happy? Do you have any recommendations for people on how do you step into this new thing?

    Unknown Speaker 18:39
    Well, first, I would say that if you’re living a life, and you’re just content, you’re not feeling happy and fulfilled, then look at the things that you enjoy doing. Are there hobbies that you enjoy? Or do you like to ride a bike? Do you like to hike or kayak? Maybe you just like being out in nature, you know, find the things that make you feel happy and fulfilled, whether it’s a hobby, whether it’s, you know, another career, it’s never too late to stop and change careers. People are doing it every day, especially since COVID. With all the changes in the world, there are ways to find your happy place. And you know, I think people have been so afraid of change. And now in the last year, so many people have been forced to change and find new ways that it’s not as scary as it used to be, or it doesn’t have to be and the other thing is find people who are like you find a community of people. I started with finding online widow communities with other widows and widowers, men and women who had gone through similar experiences. I joined a group of people that liked to hike and we would go hiking before COVID we would go hiking once a month I joined these different groups. groups that did activities that I thought I might enjoy, so that I would get outside, interact with other people and start feeling like I was living again. And I think that when we get stuck in a place where everything is just, it’s a pattern, and we don’t break out of that pattern, then we lose sight of what’s really important and what really makes us happy. And that is what we need to do find that thing that gives us passion, and hope. And there’s so many outlets in so many ways, especially with so many things online, that you can find those connections, and you can find that passion. And don’t be afraid to step outside of your comfort zone. You know, there was a person that I had heard speak, and they said, Do it afraid. It’s okay to do it afraid and you don’t have to do it perfectly. But take that first step and see what wonderful things come next. And that’s what I would recommend people try. Even if it’s a baby step, at least, it’s a step toward being the you that you really want to be.

    Unknown Speaker 21:08
    Yeah, absolutely. That’s perfect. And I think a couple things you said there one is fear. I mean, you know, they say everything’s on the other side of fear with either opportunity or success, happiness. Every one of us feels uncertain or unsure of ourselves, we question worthiness we question like, I don’t know, this is my identity, I’m not sure I can do something else. But every one of us has those feelings and thoughts, every one of us feels afraid. But it’s just saying, I’m going to take small action every day. And you’ll be amazed at what happens in your life when you’re just willing to take those small actions and steps. The other thing you said, will you write part of living, what makes life so beautiful is the relationships we have and the community that we build around us. And if that changes, because of our transition in life, we do have to go seek out new friendships or new groups of people and like you said, that are trying new experiences. And I think that’s what keeps us young is and like you said, dreaming is we have to be curious, we have to try new things. We can’t just leave, you know, we don’t want to live around, you know, hog day life. Because that, to me, that’s just seems like such a waste of a lifetime. Do you know what I mean? So I, I love that. And I think that’s, that’s gonna help people for sure. So,

    Unknown Speaker 22:22
    man, I’ve

    Unknown Speaker 22:23
    loved our conversation today, Dawn, how can people find you online, if they’d like to learn more,

    Unknown Speaker 22:29
    they can go to my Facebook group called Women wisdom and wine or whatever. And that’s a free Facebook group, with women just supporting each other and trying to help each other through whatever it is they’re going through two nights a month, we do a Ladies Night and just kind of, you know, get your favorite beverage, iced tea, wine, whatever. And just spend some time with other women. And we’re all going through something. And you’d be surprised how many other women have been through it and may have learned some things that they can help you get through. So there’s that. And then I’m on Instagram at dawn Renee Hanlon. And that’s dawn da, w n, Renee, Ra N A. And then Hanlon, h n LLN. So that’s my Instagram.

    Unknown Speaker 23:20
    Perfect, and then coming up, they’ll be able to find you wherever podcasts are played at beautifully broken. So we’ll look forward to sharing that with our audience as well, when that comes out. Thank you so much for your time today, Don,

    Unknown Speaker 23:31
    thank you. It’s lovely to meet you.

    Unknown Speaker 23:33
    I hope the conversation today with dawn will encourage you to keep finding that place inside of yourself that you have dreams waiting to be revealed. And I hope that it will allow you to to be brave and try new things, even when things get hard, or you’ve experienced loss. Because we’ve always been made to be to reinvent ourselves, and to find something that lights us up in whatever season we’re in. And I would share these words from Elizabeth Gilbert with you in Big Magic. She says instead of taking out loans to go to a school for the arts, maybe try to push herself deeper into the world. To explore more bravely, or go more deeply and bravely inward. Take an honest inventory of the education you already have. The years you’ve lived, the trials you’ve endured, the skills you have learned along the way. If you’re a young person, open your eyes wide and let the world educate you to the fullest extent. ascend no longer from the textbook war and Walt Whitman. And I want it to There are many ways to learn that do not necessarily involve schoolrooms and feel free to start sharing your perspective through creativity. Even if you’re just a kid. If you were young, you see things differently than I do. And I want to know how you see things we all want to know. When we look at your work, whatever your work, may be. We will want to feel your youth that fresh sense of your recent arrival here. Be generous with us and let us feel it. After all for many of us. It has been so long Since we stood where you now stand, if you are older trust that the world has been educating you all along, you already know so much more than you think you know, you are not finished, you’re merely ready. After certain age. No matter how you’ve been spending your time, you are very likely earned a doctorate and living if you’re still here. If you have survived this long it is because you know things we need you to reveal to us what you know, what you have learned, what you have seen and felt. If you are older, chances are strong that you may already possess absolutely everything you need to possess in order to live a more creative life, except the confidence to actually do the do your work. But we need you to do your work. Whether you’re young or old, we need you your work in order to enrich and form our own lives, to take your insecurities and your fears and hold them upside down by their ankles and shake yourself free of all your cumbersome ideas about what you require, and how much you need to pay in order to become creatively legitimate because I’m telling you that you are already creatively legitimate by nature of your mere existence here among us. Just remember, you’re never too old to dream, a new dream, or to go after a new goal. Start a new hobby or make new friends. So let’s get going. The world needs your hope and your light and your love. And I think it’s time you started. And thanks again for listening in. And if you enjoyed the show, we’d love it if you’d subscribe and leave us a review and rating on Apple podcast or wherever you listen to podcasts. And you can check out freebies and resources we have for you at Kristin Fitch calm, and if you have ideas for the show or guests that you’d like to recommend. I’d love to hear from you. So DM me on Instagram at Kristin Fitch or you can email me from the website. Thanks so much. Until next time, have a great week.

    Transcribed by

  • Podcast Episode 11: : Finding Financial Freedom, Paying Down Debt & Gaining Confidence through Our Daily Actions

    Episode 11:  Finding Financial Freedom, Paying Down Debt & Gaining Confidence through Our Daily Actions

    What is holding you back from going after your dreams to start your business or to write a book or launch a podcast, to sell your art or clothing, or to start an online business or gain freedom of time or income or take that trip of a lifetime?  Kristin talks to Marie Sonneman, a law enforcement officer, a financial coach and creator of Ordinary to Badass Podcast.  Marie shares her story of paying down over 100,000 in debt and in the process gaining confidence in herself along the way.  As she notes, it’s not things like yielding a weapon that give us confidence but learning to improve our mindset and take small steps to improve ourselves that bring us confidence and real strength.  We also talk about listening to your gut and stepping into new ventures while still having a full-time career.  Marie’s story is both inspiring and shows us how it’s possible to reach financial freedom and step into new opportunities.

    Let’s start taking action to create and monetize our creative ideas and passions and turn them into thriving businesses- let’s go after our dream work, make more money and spend more time with people we love living our best lives.  And learn how Curiosity, Creativity, Mindset, Communication, Play, and Faith play a role in improving our lives.

    You can connect with Marie Sonneman at

    Grab Your Free Color Coded Budget from Marie

    On Instagram @OrdinarytoBadass

    Listen to Kristin on the Ordinary to Badass Podcast on May 17, 2021

  • Podcast Episode 10: Defining Success for Yourself, Why You Should Always Ask for More than You are Offered and Being Strong Role Models for Our Daughters

    Episode 10:  

    Defining Success for Yourself, Why You Should Always Ask for More than You are Offered and Being Strong Role Models for Our Daughters

    What is holding you back from going after your dreams to start your business or to write a book or launch a podcast, to sell your art or clothing, or to start an online business or gain freedom of time or income?  Kristin talks to Sarah Ariaudo, a Mindset Facilitator on the show today. They talk about defining success for your self and in your current season, positioning yourself and using intentional language to get a raise, or promotion, a new opportunity or more time off or get new clients.  How you can define life on your terms- and why you should always ask for more than you are offered.  And they discuss motherhood and mindfulness and how our actions and choices provide our daughters with strong role models for going after the future they want.

    Let’s start taking action to create and monetize our creative ideas and passions and turn them into thriving businesses- let’s go after our dream work, make more money and spend more time with people we love living our best lives.  And learn how Curiosity, Creativity, Mindset, Communication, Play, and Faith play a role in improving our lives.

    You can connect with Sarah Ariaudo at

    Instagram @weinspireconnection

    Instagram @mamaswordsmatter


  • Podcast Episode 9: From working on Guitar Hero to launching a Personal Art Brand – Overcoming Limiting Beliefs & Designing a Life You Love

    Episode 9:  

    From working on Guitar Hero to launching a Personal Art Brand – Overcoming Limiting Beliefs & Designing a Life You Love

    What is holding you back from going after your dreams to start your business or to write a book or launch a podcast, to sell your art or clothing, or to start an online business or gain freedom of time or income?  Kristin talks with professional illustrator, Leeanne Brennan, about her journey from being a character designer on video games like Guitar Hero to building her own Art Brand, Epic Bones, and how motherhood changed what she wanted for her life, and how she overcame limiting beliefs and transitioning into new roles along the way.  Kristin also talks to Leeanne about the habit of taking daily actions, in this case making art daily and how that small act each day made all the difference in building up her audience and body of work. You don’t want to miss this episode that talks about how our different seasons in life often bring with it our desire to reassess our career, our schedule and our goals.

    Let’s start taking action to create and monetize our creative ideas and passions and turn them into thriving businesses- let’s go after our dream work, make more money and spend more time with people we love living our best lives.  And learn how Curiosity, Creativity, Mindset, Communication, Play, and Faith play a role in improving our lives.

    Show note correction:  In the episode Leeanne mentions a quote she loves which is “Clarity comes from action, not thought.” she notes it may have been Cathy Heller who said it but it is actually Marie Foleo.

    You can connect with Leeanne Brennan at

    Instagram @Epic_Bones

    Here is the full episode transcribed:

    Unknown Speaker 0:00
    Here’s what I want to ask you. What is holding you back? What is the thing that’s holding you back from going after your dreams and from finding meaningful work you love? Aren’t you ready to wake up to the possibilities that are in your life and go after the things you’ve dreamt of? It’s time for you to feel alive again lit up, and for you to know that you’re deserving, and you are worthy for the future that’s waiting for you. I want you to feel fulfilled and find abundance in your life. I think it’s time and I’m ready to help you get started. Now, I’m your host Kristen, of building a life you love. And each week on the show, we’re going to help you figure out how you do go after your dreams and find work

    Unknown Speaker 0:37
    you love.

    Unknown Speaker 0:38
    Here we go. Let’s get started. On today’s episode, I have a conversation with a professional artist who talks about her journey from working full time for large companies to being a having her own freelance company to deciding once she started having children that she wanted to build a brand around her artwork. So we’re going to have a conversation with her today. And we’re going to talk about the daily practice of making art and taking small steps or small actions every day. So let’s take a listen. Hi, today I want to welcome to the show Leanne Brennan. She’s a professional illustrator working under her brand epic bones. And she’s also branching out into offering workshops and programs as a mindset leader. Welcome, Leanne.

    Unknown Speaker 1:21
    Thank you. Thanks for having me.

    Unknown Speaker 1:23
    Absolutely. I’m very excited to talk to you. Leanne does some amazing work that she’s going to tell us about and it’s it’s just beautiful. And I love that she has inspiring words and manifestations on her art or much of it lands, you want to tell us a little bit about your background. And in Well, all the things you’ve done and how that’s led you up to what you’re working on now.

    Unknown Speaker 1:45
    Yeah, absolutely. So my background, I grew up in Connecticut, my mom’s an artist. So I grew up in her studio drawing. And I went to pursue that in college, I went to Christie for animation actually. And from there went on to work in the video game industry making amazing games like Guitar Hero and Rock Band and worked as a character artists there. And then I shifted over to motion design, where I started making explainer videos for big brands like Samsung and Fisher Price and stuff like that, which was very cool. And then I decided to go freelance once I had my daughter. And that’s when everything changed, because I had kind of attached my identity to work. And when I wasn’t working, when I was a stay at home mom with my daughter, I felt very lost and kind of fell into a little bit of a depression there. And found myself searching I I didn’t know you know what I wanted to do. And I have this poll to do something for myself and express myself because I’ve always been an artist. But I didn’t know how to do that. And through actually a women’s circle, I found manifestation. And that’s when everything really started to change. For me, I started to do Shadow Work and inner child work, started to identify all these limiting beliefs and unblock them. And eventually, I started making art again, for myself. And I started making crystal grid paintings actually is where I started with that. But when I got pregnant with my second child, I shifted over to the epic bones drawings. And those were I needed it to be, you know, simple art that I could do fast during naptime. So I made all these rules for myself black and white drawings on the iPad, you know, as we went up paint everywhere. And I created 100 day challenge for myself to create a drawing a day. And I made an Instagram account called epic bones to keep me accountable. And that’s where the business got started. It just started with a wish to do personal artwork for myself. And now it’s grown into something that is, you know, amazing and keeps on going.

    Unknown Speaker 4:02
    That is that circle. And so the first thing I wanted to touch on the talk that you brought up was identity. Because a lot of people struggle with that either they are in a position at a company where they identify in that role or position or role as a mom, whatever it might be. And we forget that we can be something we can be this and that or we can be two things that they can come together to be combined. And like you said, when you weren’t working at a full time position instead you were a full time Mom, you were you lost that title, right that identity of the type of work you did. So is there anything that you could share with people about understanding that you can be this one thing but you can add to it right, that multi passionate, multi hyphenated idea of all the things we could be So is there anything specifically that helped you understand how you can step into that or really see yourself differently?

    Unknown Speaker 4:56
    Yeah, absolutely. I actually started reading the power of Now by Eckhart totally. And he talks about being the compassionate witness. And he talks about that your true self, the self, is separate from your thoughts and separate from your emotions. And so he teaches that you, you know, when you have the chatter that like negative self talk, that’s your thinking mind, that’s not you. And when you have this, like raging physical response, that’s an emotion, that’s not you. And the you the self is something separate, it’s something different. It’s something pure, and it’s, it’s you. And so he kind of describes this image of hovering over the thinking mind and the emotional body, and just really having empathy for yourself and watching yourself. And that goes into the mindfulness practices that everyone’s talking about, about creating awareness, this awareness of you this awareness of self awareness of your thoughts and your emotions. And when I started reading that type of work, I, I did, I said, You know what, I stand alone, I am here. And I can be loved. And I am enough, just as me just being here. And that really gave me permission, I think to move forward with the other work that I did.

    Unknown Speaker 6:29
    Yeah. Okay. That’s wonderful. What did help you take that next step into saying, after you were you were home with your kids? And you said, Okay, well, yeah, guessing you, you had to make a decision, at some point, you’re going to go back to work for someone else? Or are you going to start pursuing art on your own or at least on your own terms? So was there something Was it because you started doing that daily practice? And you gained confidence? You changed your mindset? Or was there something was there something else that finally let you feel like you could step into that new that new place?

    Unknown Speaker 7:01
    Yeah, it’s funny, because my husband and I were trying to figure this out together, and, and we said, Oh, well, maybe if you start freelancing again, then you’ll feel that purpose, you’ll feel that passion. And I did, I started freelancing as an illustrator, and motion designer, you know, for all my past clients, and I actually built a thriving freelance career as making more money than I was at my full time salaried position, but it wasn’t, it wasn’t filling my cup, you know that that phrase that everyone says, it just wasn’t doing it for me. So that’s when I went deep into the manifestation work. So that’s when I started learning about shadow, the shadow self. And these are aspects of ourselves that we experienced shame or guilt around in childhood, usually between the ages of zero to seven is when that shadow cell forms, but it can go, you know, beyond into the teenage years, of course, and beyond, but identifying those shadow aspects was huge, because what that does when you heal those, when you own your shadows, and you integrate them, is it gives you permission to to say, yeah, here I am, you know, these are things about me. And, you know, I’m still here. So one of my shadow aspects is people pleaser. And so what that does is it creates a lot of fear, I get very defensive, my ego is very fragile, because I want to make everyone happy. And that, that links into the inner child work of Okay, what do you need to do to give yourself what you needed when you were a child, when you experienced that, you know, shame or guilt. And, you know, I’m the youngest of three kids. And I, you know, went into all this journaling and meditation work to dig this up. And that’s the work, you know, that people talk about, what I realized is that I was always fighting for attention, and I wasn’t getting enough attention, and I needed attention, and I would do anything to get it. And I would make anyone happy so that I could get it. And what that does as you get older is it creates a wound and you want to bury that. So that’s kind of how I was existing. So when you can unblock those things, then you kind of you create movement in your body, you create that self worth, and you start to rise and be open to other forms of expressing yourself. So it’s funny because the thing that I thought would get me back into creating art was like take an art class or like do a workshop and painting But no, it was all this manifestation and mindset work that really freed me up to to move forward.

    Unknown Speaker 9:54
    I’m glad you brought that up, because really what we’re talking about is being true with the things that have happened our past, like you said, we’re kind of pushing parts of ourselves down or ignoring them. And until we realize that we keep ignoring that those

    Unknown Speaker 10:08
    parts and those needs within ourselves, we can’t really feel wholly aligned. Yeah. And it really creates a new story. You know, there’s the statistic out there that we think like 60,000 thoughts a day, or up to 60,000 dots thoughts a day, and 95% of them are repetitive. Yeah. So if you don’t do that work, then you’re just looping that old story over and over again. So when you do the inner recovery work, you’re basically you’re creating a new story for yourself. And you’re suggesting a new story that you can tell yourself. And if you, you know, you bring that up every day, and you work on it, and you’re aware of like, oh, the old story slipping in No, but I want this new story over here, then you can really make big changes in your life. And from all of this, I’ve also created my own version of how to unblock limiting beliefs. So I could go over that if you

    Unknown Speaker 11:11
    Yeah, let’s talk about that

    Unknown Speaker 11:12
    right now. Sure. Okay. So limiting beliefs are kind of tied to shadow. But you find yourself saying like, I can’t, I can’t, I can’t, I can’t. So my biggest limiting belief was I can’t create art with little kids, or I can’t create a business while I had little kids, I have to wait for them to be older. While they’re, you know, in school. You know, I’ll just wait. And so I would have been just waiting. But what I did was say, Okay, look at someone you admire. So pick a topic in your life, whether it’s your career, your relationships, your housing, situation, your family, pick a topic for mine, it was career, and then you find someone that you admire in that area. So for me, it was, you know, famous artists. And then you create the statement, you say, Well, of course they blank. Because blank. So I was looking at Ashley longshore, which I just love this painter. She’s a famous painter, she makes a ridiculous amount of money. And I said, Well, of course, she can make a ton of money and make all this art because she doesn’t have kids. And then you take that statement, and you cross out, well, of course they and you say I can’t. So now you have an I can’t statement. And it reads, I can’t make a lot of money with my art because I have kids. And then what you do now that you have this depressing, I can’t statement is you flip it, and you turn it into the opposite. And you pretend it’s a headline that you’re googling, like SEO optimized googling. And you Google you literally Google, like successful artists, crushing it despite having young kids. Yeah. And what you’ll do is you’ll find all these articles, all these podcasts, all these videos, basically proving that limiting belief wrong. And you’ll find all of these expanders and be like, Oh, my gosh, this person totally did this when she had a two month old baby, right? You know, one of my expanders is this artist. Sorry, shryock. And I listened to this podcast where she said she started her painting a day challenge when her son was two months old. And when I heard that, like, Oh, well, if she could do that, do that. And that’s when that’s when you start to unblock. And that’s when you start to think things are possible for yourself.

    Unknown Speaker 13:49
    That’s great. I remember the first time it was it was a handful years ago, I wrote what are my top 20 or 50, limiting beliefs down. And until you start having to dig and make a list that long, I honestly had never even considered that I had limiting beliefs, because that was a newer area. For me. I was always a positive person. But when I started reading them down, it was like, wow, you know, some of them, a lot of people, they have them around money and all different things. But like you said, like, Oh, well, I couldn’t make this much money, or I couldn’t afford this type of vacation. But that’s not necessarily true. It’s just where we might have been in the past or today. So I think first it’s that awareness of what are those I cants that we’re telling ourselves and repeating. And then it’s, like you said, turning it around on itself, because after the limiting beliefs, we have to write, what do we want? And then how do we bridge the gap? Those are great examples. And I think it’ll be really helpful. You know, that you shared that. How did you decide to the season of being a mom of two kids and then you tried freelancing, and then it just didn’t sit? Right. How did you make the jump from doing freelance work to deciding that you’re going to move more into epic bones being your full time thing?

    Unknown Speaker 14:56
    Yeah. So I actually it was all in preparation. For my second child, because I wanted to use my experience my bad experience with my first child where I got really depressed, like not having a sense of purpose, I wanted to take that learning, and make sure I set myself up for success with the second child. So this was all while I was pregnant with my second child, I’m like, Okay, this time around, when my baby comes, I have to make sure that I have an art project already underway. So that when I’m going through the grind of like nursing all day, and changing diapers, and all the stuff that comes along with being a mom, I can still feel productive, I can still feel creative. So that’s when I set up the 100 Day Challenge. My son was actually six months old when I started it. But I had already been kind of like dabbling and like painting and drawing. And, you know, I set up my little art table, and I got a space ready. So I was priming myself. But I had this in my head that I wanted to do this challenge from the get go, but I didn’t feel strong enough to do it until he was six months old. So that’s when I started. And originally, I wanted to make it about the microbiome. Because that’s what I was obsessing over at the time. So I started the 100 Day Challenge making art that was about health. And it just kind of like evolved from there. So you really just you never know what it’s going to turn into, you just have to start.

    Unknown Speaker 16:30
    Yeah, and I know we’re going to talk about some ways people can use 100 day challenge and some other things in their life. But before we do, I do want to bring up a point about that. It’s definitely true that if you do just say, every day, I’m going to do something, take an action, I’m going to move something forward, even if it scares me, you will see big transformation happen just by showing up every day and doing something you know, it can be art, but it can be something else too. It could be posting something on social, it could be trying a new working towards a new hobby, right learning painting. Anything. So I think that’s I think that’s something that I would definitely encourage people to do for sure.

    Unknown Speaker 17:06
    Yeah, there’s something about doing something every day and having it be a limited amount of time, like, Okay, this isn’t forever, right? This is like, basically three months, like I can do this. And I heard someone uses metaphor, which I just loved is that it can’t you can kind of relate it to making a new friend. So when you’re forming a new relationship, you don’t really trust the person yet you like them. But you know, you’re not really sure. So it’s not on the good days, that the trust forms with that new friend, it’s the bad days, it’s the inconvenient time when it’s like three in the morning and your car breaks down. And you’re like, Oh my gosh, I I have to call her I had, she’s the only one I have to call her. And she shows up, it’s when she shows up that you say okay, I can trust this friend, right. And so when you show up for yourself, for that 100 day challenge every single day, what you’re doing is saying I trust myself, and I’m here for me, and I’m taking myself seriously. And this is important to me. And it really does strengthen that muscle inside you that makes you feel like anything is possible.

    Unknown Speaker 18:18
    Yeah, that’s so true. And I love that I love that example. And just how you explained it, do you want to go a little bit more into your recommendations or tips for people on how they might strengthen that whether creativity or going after something in their own lives? With the tips that you were going to share today?

    Unknown Speaker 18:35
    It’s really important to establish your why I know you hear a lot I like swearing. Yeah, yeah. And that was just essential for me. And you know, my why was I don’t want to get depressed. Well, I have my young baby, but my why was also I really am desperate to create a business around my personal artwork, not work that I do for someone else. And I want that freedom for myself, I want that freedom for my family. And, and I know I just have this feeling that if I just do these drawings, it’s going to get me that much closer. So I just had this like this knowing or this intuition that if I just follow these breadcrumb clues, it’s gonna get me to that ultimate goal. So I think, you know, having your y in place is really important. I also think accountability is huge. Yeah. So for me posting the drawings publicly on Instagram, or wherever you’re going to post if you’re going to do 100 day challenge to hold yourself accountable. And to I almost thought of the drawings as a product in a way and I was like shipping the product. And you know, Seth Godin talks about that in his book, The practice, which I love.

    Unknown Speaker 19:54
    Yeah, me too.

    Unknown Speaker 19:55
    And, you know, it’s he said he talks about how it’s, you know, people say like, oh, You’re so talented, that’s why you can do it. And what he says in that book is it’s really about skill. And skill is earned. You know, it’s, it’s earned through doing the work, it’s earned through doing showing up every day, and practicing your craft. And that’s how you get better. And so that accountability of shipping the work, you know, posting it, and then to get feedback, you know, have people liking and commenting your stuff, it just, it rewards you and it makes you just want to show up even more. So I think that’s huge. Also the support from family. My husband is very supportive. But I really did have to sit him down and talk to him ahead of time and say, Look, I am going to do this 100 Day Challenge, it’s going to be really hard for me to fit this into my day, I’m going to be scrambling at nap time, I’m going to be trying to fit it in in five minute increments, you know, like here and there throughout the day. You know, I need us to agree that the kitchen is going to be a complete disaster all day. You know, yeah. He works remotely. So he comes out for lunch and snacks. And the the the house is just It looks like a tornado.

    Unknown Speaker 21:23
    That’s real life. Yeah,

    Unknown Speaker 21:24
    I needed him to just like, culturally get on board, like, okay, we’re shifting the culture for a house for three months so that I can do this. And we all agree to that. Like I just needed him to say like, Yes, I agree to that. And I needed him to realize, you know, like, every day, I’m going to be checking in with myself. Did I do my drawing today? Did I do my drawing today, and you know, communicating the importance of what you’re doing to that your inner circle, whether that’s family or friends, or whoever you’re surrounded with, I think is so important, because it lets them know, but it also when you say it out loud, you’ve almost like, agree like, Oh, my gosh, I actually have to do this now. And that makes it real. And that was a big, big part of why I was able to follow through with 100 days. Yeah,

    Unknown Speaker 22:19
    I actually have been talking about that recently, which is one year, right? The support part so important. We need to have conversations with people that are around us that you know, they care about us, and be honest and truthful. And then we need to tell them what we need from them. Like you said, we can’t just be like, Oh, well, they should just know, they don’t know, like you said I need support in that. This is what this might look like some people it’s Look, I’m doing this art or I’m doing this new thing. I don’t need your feedback, but I need your support. or other times I might be like, what do you think, you know, or I need to solve a problem. So we need to be clear about what we need, right? Do we need someone to listen? Do we need someone like you said to not gripe about the kitchen being not as tidy as you normally would have had it? I think that’s another point I would make is just we have to be clear, and speak out loud what we need from people. And then and then also for the accountability piece, like you said, because it’s easy to I shouldn’t say it’s easy, but often people will produce something, but they don’t ever share it with the world. But until we release it, we won’t really improve it. We won’t know what people think of it and we can’t pivot or iterate and then make it better.

    Unknown Speaker 23:26
    If there’s one more thing about the 100 Day Challenge, yeah, absolutely happy to share because it was really essential for why I actually finished and one thing I did was create a cop out plan. So what this was was a lesser version of the thing I agreed to do. So I agreed to make a drawing a day and I had all these rules like there would be one character and it would be black and white and it would be on my iPad and procreate. But I needed a plan for the days when I was just so exhausted and not wanting to do it and just like almost at the verge of giving up I needed a plan in place knowing that would happen. So my plan was okay on those days. I’ll just do like a little hand lettered quote. And you know, I would just like look up a phrase or a quote that I thought was inspiring and just draw it really quick and then go to bed. So right so if you’re doing like 100 day challenge to like exercise for 30 minutes you know your cop out plan would be okay on the days that are so hard I’m just gonna do 10 push ups right but if you still show up Yeah, you don’t skip it you do your your plan that you put in place yours you still get to check that box up and you’re still showing up for yourself and that was really really essential.

    Unknown Speaker 24:47
    Absolutely. because like you said, it’s it’s working that habit or that muscle of building that habit. So even if it is a quicker thing. I agree with you that’s that’s a really good point. And I like that some people might not have thought of that yet. You can kind of have a backup plan, the quicker thing to get done, but it still matches your goal, whether it’s a creative goal or shipping out work, or whether it’s, you know, like you said, it could be a fitness goal or work goal, whatever it is. So that’s really good. What about Oh, journaling? I know, you know, you were talking about how journaling has been really important to you along this journey, or this process. Was there any thoughts or tips there? Or had? Or did you already share all of that about how someone might use journaling in their own life?

    Unknown Speaker 25:28
    Yeah, I will say one thing about journaling, I fell in love with that practice, by reading the artists way by Julia Cameron. She talks about having morning pages, and I never would have done this, if I hadn’t read that book. And it’s been around for like, 25 years or something is amazing. But what she says is, you know, you’ve got to just get all that brain clutter out. So I read it, I literally just write, like, I’ll do three pages or so in the morning, every morning, while I’m like having my coffee, and my nine month old is crawling all over me. I’ll try and get it down. But it’s it’s literally like, you know, dear journal, you know, I’m feeling tired today. I know, I say that every day because of the baby. But I’m tired again, like you just, you let your subconscious mind just get on the page. And what that does is it really clears you for creation for the rest of the day, because it’s not running on a loop anymore, like you’ve got it out. And sometimes you’ll notice patterns, I noticed this pattern where I kept writing down and I was really bothered by the acne on my back. So vulnerable to share. But it’s true. Like I kept writing every day, this really bothers me. And I never would have thought to do anything about it. I just thought of it as like, just what it is. But I kept noticing that pattern like, gosh, I keep writing about this. What is this all about? So you start to identify things about yourself that you never would have, they would have just been like floating in your head. And that’s what journaling can really do. It uncovers things, but it also just unblocks that chatter to move you into that creation mode for the day and look,

    Unknown Speaker 27:19
    you know, being vulnerable. The honest truth is we all have stuff. And that’s just the reality of life, especially like you said you’ve had you have a nine month old, there’s hormone shifting, there’s all sorts of things going on there. Is there anything else as far as like people that might be looking to move into their own thing? Or like even you you’re expanding out into these workshops, and you’re sort of stretching out, you know, in new areas? Is there anything that you would tell people that are trying to figure out like, how do I move into my passion? You know, and at some point, I want to work for myself? Maybe they’re not there yet. Do you have any other recommendations for people or tips on how you might step into that?

    Unknown Speaker 27:57
    Yeah, I love this phrase. And I don’t know who said it. Clarity comes through action. It might have been Kathy Heller, actually. Yeah.

    Unknown Speaker 28:05
    I’m not sure if it was her first or not. I

    Unknown Speaker 28:07
    don’t Yeah. Clarity comes through action. And I love this notion of taking action. But I think when we’re first starting, that can be very daunting and very confusing. Because, you know, we’re in this vulnerable state, we don’t necessarily know, you know, what we’re going to be making or how it’s going to work? How is it going to turn into something? So when you hear that you’re like, yes, that makes sense to me, I want to take action, but you find yourself saying like, well, what action or like, how does that even work. So that’s when I really recommend some sort of challenge, whether it’s like a 30 day or 60 day or 100 day challenge to give to yourself, just something that relates to the business you want to start to, you know, the thing you want to do just even if it tangentially relates. So if if your goal is to be like a yoga instructor, for example, then give yourself a challenge, you know, 30 days, I’m going to do yoga for 20 minutes. And you know, post about it, you know, post a picture of your feet on the yoga mat, and write a little blurb You know, every day on Instagram, show it you know, it’s Tuesday showing up again, and you know, as you do that every single day, you’ll start to learn like, what do you love about yoga? And now all of a sudden you have a philosophy around it that might be different than other people. Or you know, what have you learned about your body and how it moves or what what have you learned about how you fit it into your day, and now all of a sudden, maybe you’re not wanting to be a yoga instructor. you’re wanting to be a coach who helps you know, busy moms fit their practice into their day, but you’ll never know unless You just take that little, little action that leads to those little clues. Yeah. So instead of taking the action in terms of like, okay, I want to start a business, I need to get my LLC, I need to, you know, get my website. So not those logistical actions, I think it’s more important to take the little breadcrumb clue actions that will lead you to maybe answering a question that you didn’t even know you had.

    Unknown Speaker 30:32
    Yeah, this happens to me, sometimes there’s like our duer part of our mind. I know some people say masculine energy, but we get stuck in the list like, Oh, my gosh, these are all the things I’d have to do to start a business instead of what if I’m just open to the idea of how do my passions come together my interest in how can I do some small action that will move that forward? And let me step into this discomfort of like, oh, what if I put this out into the world in this little way? Like you said, it doesn’t have to cost money, you don’t have to start a business to start trying these things. thing for myself, when I started doing different type of content, you know, as I was pivoting it, of course, it felt uncomfortable at first, but the more I did it, and then I started getting feedback, you said, you know, it’s not about me, it’s about showing up consistently. And then it’s about how am I serving at least even one other person by sharing this content? Yeah. And

    Unknown Speaker 31:20
    people will feel that it’s almost better that you’re uncomfortable, because what that comes through to the other end is like, wow, this person has so much courage, I can feel their nervousness, you know, I can hear it in their voice, like, good for them. That’s so inspiring, you know, and then they watch you grow, right? And it changes, it changes their life, and they learn from you, you know,

    Unknown Speaker 31:45
    when I think you can tell when someone’s being vulnerable or open, open versus Oh, I’ve done this talk 5000 times. And it’s easy. And there’s really no, it’s not that the person doesn’t mean to be vulnerable, but it’s not vulnerable anymore. Right. There’s something vulnerable and very open about that, like you said, the learning and sharing the journey, not just already being you know, at the end of the journey.

    Unknown Speaker 32:06
    Yeah, there’s something really beautiful about that beginner’s mind. And I think audiences are really craving that right now. That openness. Yeah,

    Unknown Speaker 32:14
    I agree. Wow, Oh, my gosh, this has been such a great conversation, how can people connect with you and learn more about your art, check it out, I believe you sell your art prints and other things, and then also find out more about your workshops.

    Unknown Speaker 32:28
    Yeah, so you can go to Epic I sell art prints in journals. Right now, of all the drawings that I’ve been doing on my 100 Day Challenge, you can find me on Instagram, it’s epic, underscore bones. And I share a lot of my process and a lot of what I’m feeling and also all of the drawings that I’ve been doing. And I’m starting a new 100 day challenge in June. And this time, I’m inviting people to join me, which is so exciting. So I’m building a program around it. And I’m going to be helping people like forum what a good challenge would be, hold them accountable, accountable, set everyone up for success. And that’s gonna be starting in June. So you can find that information on my website, epic bones calm as well.

    Unknown Speaker 33:19
    That is all great. Those are all amazing things you’re doing your art is inspirational, and it’s beautiful. And I just want to thank you so much for this lovely and inspiring conversation today.

    Unknown Speaker 33:29
    Thank you. Thank you so much for having me. You’re welcome.

    Unknown Speaker 33:33
    I’ll just leave you with this idea. In Seth Cohen’s book, the practice, he says, selling is simply a dance with possibility and empathy. It requires you to see the audience you’ve chosen to serve them to bring them, bring them what they need. They might not realize it yet, but once you engage with them, either you’ll learn what’s not working in your craft. Or they’ll learn that you’ve created something that they’ve been waiting for something that is filled with magic. And I want to tell you, what Leanne is doing right now is she is putting magic into the world every day through her art and inspirational words, because she’s showing up every day, and she’s getting feedback from her audience. And no matter what, even on the hard days, even with young children, she’s still showing up. So I asked you, will you find a way to show up in your life daily, and take those tiny steps to see where it might lead you and get you excited, and where you might just find a little magic along the way. Let’s stop settling. Let’s go after our dreams and find work that matters and build a life we love. And thanks again for listening in. And if you enjoyed the show, we’d love it if you’d subscribe and leave us a review and rating on Apple podcast or wherever you listen to podcasts. And you can check out freebies and resources we have for you at Kristin and if you have ideas for the show or guests that you’d like to recommend, I’d love to hear from you. So DM me on Instagram at Kristin Fitch or you can email me from the website. Thanks so much. Until next time, have a great week.

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