On today’s episode Kristin talks to Gail Keyes Allen, a ex-accountant turned Life Coach who helps women stop playing small-  Kristin and Gail talk about how we get better at receiving, change our money stories, and get clear on our desires and how our style sends a clear message about us and our brand and...
On today’s episode Kristin talks to Sheila Smith, a teacher and Inspirational Book Author who is on a mission to encourage her students, teachers and the rest of us with messages of hope, faith and a message to tell us, great things are possible for us.  She shares her journey of encouraging her students, how...
  On today’s episode Kristin talks to Andrea Stephens, an Author and Breakthrough Coach about what is holding most people back from going after what they want and how the lens we view the world through has an impact on our life.  Andrea shares her P.I.V.O.T process and discusses why we need to stop focusing...
On today’s episode Kristin talks to Sonya Highfield, the founder of Real World Creatives and a Wealth Expansion Coach about how creative entrepreneurs can build profitable businesses while building happy and healthy lifestyles.  Sonya and Kristin dive into why you need to know what it is you want and desire so you can reignite that...
On today’s mini episode Kristin talks about the importance of working someplace you are valued for your contributions to the company or cause and how to make sure you are looking for future opportunities where you are respected, others see your worth and value and you are compensated for it.  It’s unhealthy to stay at...
On today’s episode Kristin talks to Dianne Caldwell, the founder of Live the Passion, and she share with us how we understand our strengths to help use gain clarity on how we get into flow and find work that best aligns with our strengths and energy.  It’s a great conversation about how using a tool...
On today’s mini episode Kristin talks about why it’s so important to just try- try new things, creative things, small changes, new places or ideas- and how trying incremental things can lead us to being more creative, new ideas or solutions, more happiness and clarity- small action helps us test ideas, and stretch ourselves and...
On today’s episode Kristin talks to Allie Martin, a Visibility Expert and the Podcast Host of Selfish about the importance of being intentional and making self-care a priority in our lives, especially for entrepreneurs- because we cannot be our best without caring for ourselves.  And Allie shares a few of her biggest wins and big...
On today’s mini episode Kristin talks 5 things you should add to your week to make sure you are fitting in activities that will help you feel less stressed, more fulfilled and content with your week.  She talks about making time for connections- both in our personal lives and business lives, the importance of stepping...
On today’s mini episode Kristin talks about why we need to stop trying to fit everything in, and why we need to stop glamorizing excessive productivity and overscheduled days- instead let’s be intentional with our choices and choose a life that fills our souls, hearts and minds.  Kristin shares words by author, Shauna Niequist that...
On today’s mini episode Kristin talks about Why Your Big Crazy Dreams matter- why you need to dust off those wild ideas, big dreams and start taking chances.  It’s time to put down the worry, fear and things that are holding you back and get going on an idea you’ve been keeping tucked away in...
On today’s episode Kristin talks to Cassie Christopher, a Dietician and Health Coach, about how we can feel good about ourselves and our health and food choices by understanding it’s a journey and every small win and choice counts.  She shares the importance of using curiosity to make healthy choices that make us feel good...
On today’s mini episode Kristin talks about the importance of learning to accept a compliment and why it’s important.  She also talks about why we need to listen to the affirmations people say about us, our true nature and our abilities and gifts.  And a tip about keeping a kudos or compliments folder to read...
On today’s episode Kristin talks to Bevin Farrand, the founder of Take the DAMN Trip about stepping through a hard season and intentionally going after your big dreams and goals.  Bevin and Kristin talk about how Bevin grew her new business and family after the unexpected loss of her husband and why we should not...
On today’s episode Kristin talks to Rob Brown, Author of Truest Fan: Live, Love and Lead with Purpose and they talk about being our own biggest fans, and why that is important before we can be a conduit for love and encouragement to our friends, and families and why this is so important.  Kristin and...
Just a quick message to wish you a Happy July 4th and to let you know I am taking a brief break from the daily episodes- the next episode will air on Tuesday, July 6th and resume then. What is holding you back from going after your dreams, defining life on your terms and from...
On today’s episode Kristin talks to Sarah Hauser, a writer, speaker and mom and they talk about pursuing your calling even in a busy season like motherhood.  Kristin and Sarah talk about the importance of doing the work you feel called to do and why your work matter now and for eternity. And Sarah shares...
On today’s mini episode Kristin talks about the importance of taking micro action to help us gain clarity with a business idea or concept and why it is in the doing that we begin to see more clearly the steps and path forward.  She notes the wise words of Marie Foleo and Emily P. Freeman...
On today’s mini episode Kristin talks about how being a giver and going above and beyond for the people around us strengthens our relationships and helps us grow our business.  She also discusses the importance of having a servant’s heart and how gifting can elevate our connections to others. She recommends two books:  Give and...
On today’s mini episode Kristin talks about the reasons we need to surround ourselves with people who can support us- we need cheerleaders to encourage us and become our super fans and we need others who are doing similar things to us to lean on, grow from and speak openly to, and we need a...
On today’s mini episode Kristin talks about the benefits of having an abundant mindset instead of a scarcity mindset, and how a positive attitude and beliefs can improve our lives and add to a longer life.  She also discusses the difference of a growth versus fixed mindset and why we need to always be growing...
On today’s episode Kristin talks to Rebeca Flott, a Creative Entrepreneur and Artist who shares her love of art, creativity and hope through her art and art experiences and teaching.  Kristin and Rebeca talk about stepping into a new passion and doing it messy.  Practicing Your Craft, how to step out of the house of...
On today’s mini episode Kristin talks about why we should share our personal or business story- the behind the scenes, the challenges or hardships we faced, the wins.  If we want to grow our reach and build an audience we need to be authentic and real and talk about the things that are important to...
On today’s mini episode Kristin talks about reframing our day to expect the best out of our interactions, meetings and efforts instead of the worst- let’s shift our thinking so we can get more out of life and go after what we want- let’s put fear aside and bring our best selves into the world....
On today’s mini episode Kristin talks about the importance nurturing our relationships and being intentional with scheduling quality time and staying in touch with our connections and network.  She offers three strategies on how we can make sure our relationships are growing and thriving and meaningful.   Learn how you can add a few tactics to...
On today’s episode Kristin talks Dena Dyer, an author, speaker and writing coach about what it takes to grow and hone your craft, how to stay relevant and authentic in our fast-paced, celebrity culture without losing yourself and your message, and how 15 minutes a day of focused work can keep you consistently moving your...
On today’s mini episode Kristin talks about celebrating the small things in life- don’t wait to use the china, wear the fancy dress, have over your friends, or enjoy the small moments because it’s in our everyday that we embrace all the magic of life. Kristin encourages you to cherish gathering together, and making moment...
On today’s episode Kristin talks to Margaret James, a Mindfulness Coach and Holistic Nurse, about the benefits of adding a meditation practice into your day, easy ways to add in more mindfulness and intentions into your life and how the simple act of getting quiet can calm your mind and body and add to a...
On today’s mini episode Kristin talks about shifting negative thought patterns into a more positive mindset by talking about making small tweaks to our schedules, finding our triggers and changing how to deal with them, adding encouraging and positive resources and messages into your daily practice and why you should write down several positive ideas/statements...
On today’s mini episode Kristin shares a weekly practice of setting goals for yourself to ensure you are putting time into your relationships, mindset, self-care/recharging, faith, and healthy changes and actions you want to focus on so you can thrive in all parts of your life.  She walks you through setting a few simple goals...
On today’s mini episode Kristin encourages you to start showing up, to start sharing and start telling your story or speaking from your heart because someone is out there who needs to hear it-  stop letting fear or uncertainty stand between you and the person who needs your message or encouragement or product or story-...
On today’s episode Kristin talks to Debbie Cunningham, a jazz singer & song writer, author and speaker about being honest about what we want and going after it in any season.  Debbie shares how she went after her dreams in her forties when her children were seven and ten and what it took to release...
On today’s mini episode Kristin talks about the importance of making time to be creative and using our hands and mind and how using our imaginations regularly helps us tap into an often-overlooked resource within us.  She shares two easy ways we can all add in more creativity, play and fun into our schedule to...
On today’s episode Kristin speaks to Melissa Mashburn, an author, speaker, ministry leader and breakthrough coach about finding out who you are and defining your Why and the importance of creating a Life Plan to help you understand your vision and go after your goals.  They also talk about how to understand your leadership gifts...
On Today’s mini daily encouragement episode Kristin talks about going beyond fear, or feeling unworthy or unsure of stepping into your calling or desires to something bigger by realizing you are needed and deserving and that the world needs you to show up- she shares two easy steps to get clear on your dreams and...
On Today’s mini daily encouragement episode Kristin talks about why it’s important to find in our hobbies or interests each week to experience more joy and happiness in our lives.  She shares a few of her hobbies that she schedules in each month- like taking day trips and outings to nearby towns to take photographs,...
On Today’s mini episode Kristin shares tips to disconnect from our digital devices, email and social media each week and when we go on vacation so we can recharge, relax and connect with the people we love. It is important we are intentional with our choices and find times to turn off, limit our time...
Kristin talks Dawn Higgins Andrews, a mom of 5, businesswoman reaching the top level of Plexus who has grown a team of over 1,500 women to find both financial success and security and flexibility of time while living with metastatic breast cancer for the last seven years.  Dawn’s story shows us that we can move...
What is holding you back from going after your dreams to start your business or to write a book or launch a podcast, to sell your art or clothing, or to start an online business or gain freedom of time or income or take that trip of a lifetime?  Kristin talks to Danielle Bernock, a...
What is holding you back from going after your dreams, defining life on your terms and from finding meaningful work you love? What is holding you back from going after your dreams to start your business or to write a book or launch a podcast, to sell your art or clothing, or to start an...
What is holding you back from going after your dreams, defining life on your terms and from finding meaningful work you love? What is holding you back from going after your dreams to start your business or to write a book or launch a podcast, to sell your art or clothing, or to start an...
What is holding you back from going after your dreams, defining life on your terms and from finding meaningful work you love? What is holding you back from going after your dreams to start your business or to write a book or launch a podcast, to sell your art or clothing, or to start an...
What is holding you back from going after your dreams, defining life on your terms and from finding meaningful work you love? What is holding you back from going after your dreams to start your business or to write a book or launch a podcast, to sell your art or clothing, or to start an...
What is holding you back from going after your dreams to start your business or to write a book or launch a podcast, to sell your art or clothing, or to start an online business or gain freedom of time or income or take that trip of a lifetime?  Kristin talks to Anna Orenstein Cardona,...
On Today’s mini encouragement episode Kristin talks being Authentic and fully yourself and why it matters both personally and professionally.  People follow people and you will connect with people who resonate with your beliefs, passions, energy, and interests.  This episode if for anyone who needs to be reminded of why they are perfect as they...
What is holding you back from going after your dreams to start your business or to write a book or launch a podcast, to sell your art or clothing, or to start an online business or gain freedom of time or income or take that trip of a lifetime?  Kristin talks to Gosia Nagy a...
What is holding you back from going after your dreams, defining life on your terms and from finding meaningful work you love? What is holding you back from going after your dreams to start your business or to write a book or launch a podcast, to sell your art or clothing, or to start an...
What is holding you back from going after your dreams, defining life on your terms and from finding meaningful work you love? What is holding you back from going after your dreams to start your business or to write a book or launch a podcast, to sell your art or clothing, or to start an...
What is holding you back from going after your dreams, defining life on your terms and from finding meaningful work you love? What is holding you back from going after your dreams to start your business or to write a book or launch a podcast, to sell your art or clothing, or to start an...
What is holding you back from going after your dreams to start your business or to write a book or launch a podcast, to sell your art or clothing, or to start an online business or gain freedom of time or income or take that trip of a lifetime?  Kristin talks to Dawn Hanlon of...