Archives: Captivate Podcasts

  • Remove the Barriers that are Stopping You from Starting a Business

    Too many of us have a huge list of all the things we need to do to start a new side hustle or business- but the secret is while we need to know all the future steps and items we need to test the idea out now and put the list aside so we can vet the idea- is there a need or interest in your product or service? Can you sell something now before you get through your checklist and spend months on the perfect logo, website and everything else? This episode is about picking the 1 thing you can do now to move your idea into reality without waiting- move the obstacles and barriers and get going.

    Business Strategy & Encouragement for Female Christian Entrepreneurs.

    Learn to create, scale and monetize your creative passion and turn it into a side hustle or business.


    Entrepreneur, Passive Income, Creative Entrepreneur, Christian Entrepreneur, Female Entrepreneur, Grow Your Business Income, Stop Overwhelm in your business

  • Let’s Renew Our Minds and Hear the Will of God

    On today’s episode Kristin shares Romans 12:2 and how it encouraged her today especially. She talks about the importance of renewing our minds with scripture and time with God and how important it is to slow down so we can experience this renewal and then we can discern the will of God on our lives. If you need to be encouraged today’s bite-sized Christian devotional is for you.

    #christianinspiration #christiandevotional #womensdevotional #christianpodcast

  • 3 Things That Might Be Keeping You Stuck from Hitting Your Goals- How to Get Unstuck

    On today’s episode Kristin shares why you might be getting stuck or spinning your wheels as you test out your business idea or course or program and how you can get moving in the right direction and with less stress. Often it’s spreading ourselves too thin, trying to do too much and in too many directions- how can we get laser focused on one thing and with the top priority or goal and not get distracted? Kristin shares her insights on this topic.

    #priorities #goalsetting#onething #laserfocus #businessstrategy #businesscoaching #coaching #onlinebusiness #topgoal

  • S2 Ep 27: Build a Business with Ease- Stop Overworking and Overdoing

    On today’s episode Kristin interviews Renee Dineen, a bestselling author, Tedx Motivational Speaker, and Founder of The Deep Tissue Institute, about being a workaholic and a doing addict and how we can stop overworking and overdoing and practice slowing down, saying yes to the right things, and be present over perfect.

    This is a great episode for anyone who identifies as a workaholic, perfectionist and is always saying yes too much and wants to learn steps to move away from those tendencies. If you are ready to build a business & life with more ease by being intentional and more authentic this is a perfect episode for you.

    Renee went from having a corporate career and then working in the tech space to start her own business and designing a life and schedule that is sustainable and more in alignment.

    Join Kristin’s 7 Day Encouragement Challenge Today (free) and Join the Your Encouraged Life Community. Join the Encouragement Challenge. Join the Your Encouraged Life Community.

    Or learn about how you can be Encouraged and Coached by Kristin – both 1 on 1 support and group programs to Create, Scale & Monetize Your Creative Passion Online available here.

    Or follow Kristin on Instagram @kristinfitch

    Connect with Renee:

    Instagram: @reneemdineen

    #entrepreneur #femaleentrepreneur #buildabusiness #startabusiness #stopoverworking #workaholic #livecoaching #faithledbusiness

  • What to do When Your Life isn’t Aligned with Your Heart & Purpose Anymore

    Oh today’s episode Kristin interviews Shayna Michelle, the Founder & Creator of The Enjoyment Method, about designing our lives for true enjoyment that aligns with our purpose and our priorities instead of the goals, and priorities that the world tells us to chase. Shayna shares her journey of hustling in her career and hitting a low point that turned into a pivotal moment in her life to realize that her current life wasn’t working for truest desires.

    Shayna shares how she made changes and what she moved towards to change her life to create one that aligned with her purpose through healing, reflection, and other changes. If you have felt you are in a career or living in a way that isn’t sitting well with you it might be time to hear Shayna’s story and how she applies her Enjoyment Method to live a life of freedom, peace, joy and more ease.

    Shayna shares how she stepped away from the hustle and bustle, and became a mom, an entrepreneur and went towards things that light her up and allow her to be present. Shayna and Kristin talk about tapping into our curiosity and exploration and how we rediscover what we truly enjoy, and what be are called to do.

    Join Kristin’s 7 Day Encouragement Challenge Today (free) and Join the Your Encouraged Life Community. Join the Encouragement Challenge. Join the Your Encouraged Life Community.

    Or learn about how you can be Encouraged and Coached by Kristin – both 1 on 1 support and group programs available here.

    Or follow Kristin on Instagram @kristinfitch

    Connect with Shayna:

    Instagram: @theshaynameyer

  • Ep 37: How Resting on the Sabbath can change our lives

    On today’s episode Kristin talks about the call for us to rest on the Sabbath and how life-giving it is for us and why God created it for us to rest not work on the 7th day. Kristin shares the challenge of resting for the entire Sabbath and why its important to strive to honor the Sabbath in our busy lives.

    #christianliving #faithledpodcast #christiandevotional #bibleverse #sabbath #practicesabbath #dayofrest #christianinspiration #womensdevotional

  • S2 Ep 26: Believing in Yourself & Why it’s So Important

    On today’s solo episode Kristin talks about the importance of gaining confidence in ourselves and identifying what we are good at, what we obssess over, what we are drawn to and what knowledge and skills we have that could help us create a product, service or offering people want.

    It is so easy to dismiss our abilities, or not realize we have knowledge or a process or information or a skill other people would pay us for because it will help them or solve a problem or knowledge gap they have.

    #confidence #selfconfidence #skillset #makemoneyfromhome #entrepreneur #faithleentrepreneur #femaleentrepreneur #startabusiness #buildabusiness #greatresignation #quityourjob

  • S2 Ep 25: Are Your Limiting Beliefs Keeping You from Starting

    On today’s solo episode Kristin talks about some of the most common limiting beliefs around starting a business or stepping into a new opportunity and how we can over come these objections or concerns. It’s time to test out an idea, take small action steps and consider if our thoughts are holding us back.

    #startabusiness #entrepreneur #mindset #christianentrepreneur #femaleentrepreneur #limitingbeliefs #takeaction

  • Ep 36: The Importance of Friendship & Community and Why We All Feel so Loney

    On today’s episode we talk about why we all feel so lonely after two years of a pandemic and what we can do about it. Even the bible says to not give up on meeting together and that is exactly what is discussed on today’s episode- how can we still come together, to reignite our friendships and gathering in community or work on building new friendships and community if we don’t feel tethered to others around us.

    Let’s be the friend someone else needs. Let’s build communities we wish already existed. Let’s extend the invitation and create beautiful relationships in our lives.

    #friendships #communities #christianliving #christiandevotionals #christianInspiration #womensdevotional #christianpodcast #faithpodcast #womenoffaith #jesus #christianwomenentrepreneurs #christianentrepreneuers #ministryofjesus

  • Ep 35: Helping Others & Practicing Hospitality

    On today’s episode Kristin speaks into our hearts about being generous with our time, gifts and inviting others into our homes. She talks about the command to pursue hospitality and help those around us both with their needs, and with lifting them up in spirit. Helping our family, friends and neighbors is so important and we are also called to help those in need.

    Do you step into your day looking for how you can show up and serve? Do you show up looking for ways you can be generous and help others each day? This is a great episode to remind us that we all have a role to play.

    #christianliving #christianinspiration #bibleverses #ministry #faithpocast #helpthoseinneed #practicehospitality #hospitality #jesus

  • S2 Ep 24: Leaving a Corporate Job to Become an Entrepreneur – the Mindset & Skills Needed

    On today’s episode Kristin interviews Sara Sabin, an entrepreneur and transformational coach, about working a corporate job and making the decision to leave corporate to start her own business. Kristin and Sara talk about the journey of career transition, starting a new business, and growing a business and the keys to doing so. The importance of mindset, working with a coach or mentor and being intentional and taking clear action steps is also discussed.

    Sara is also a regular writer for both Entrepreneur and The Fast Company. She also comes from humble beginnings and spent more than 10-years in the corporate world before making the switch to helping entrepreneur

    This is a great epsiode to get inspired if you are stepping into a business or your considering leaving your job and launching your own thing.

    Join Kristin’s 7 Day Encouragement Challenge Today (free) and Join the Your Encouraged Life Community. Join the Encouragement Challenge. Join the Your Encouraged Life Community.

    Or learn about how you can be Encouraged and Coached by Kristin – both 1 on 1 support and group programs available here.

    Or follow Kristin on Instagram @kristinfitch

    Sara Sabin – The Underpreneur

    Connect with Sara:

    Linked: Sara Caroline Sabin | LinkedIn

    Download Sara’s ‘6 Myths about Building a Six Figure Coaching Business (and what to do instead!)’ Download The Guide ( 

     8 ways to get out of your head and make a bigger impact – Sara Sabin

    #careertransition #quityourjob #greatresignation #launchingabusiness #womenentrepreneurs #christianentrepreneurs #transformation #entrepreneur

  • S2 Ep 22: Why Your Customer Interactions Matter More than You Know

    On today’s solo episode Kristin shares a story about cancelling a subscription to an online tool because she was frustrated with the product offering and how she understood it worked and why she changed her mind, provided the company with lots of product improvements/suggestions and became one of their biggest cheerleaders. Reaching out to customer, even ones who cancel, or prospects matters more than you know and if you do it right you just might end up with one of your biggest fans!

    #customeronboarding #customers #customerretention #clientonboarding #onlinetools #customerexperience #uiux #entrepreneur #businesstools #videotools

  • Ep 34: What is Your Plan G- God’s Plan for Your Life?

    On today’s Spark of Faith episode Kristin talks about following God’s plan for our life or following your plan G instead of trying so hard to create our own plan A or plan B. Are you partnering with God to step onto the path he is calling you onto? It’s time to take that next step and walk into the opportunities and promptings God is whispering for you to pursue.

    #christianliving #christiandevotional #faithpodcast #bibleverses

  • S2 Ep 23: How to Build Your Business or Ministry Online and Having Hope in Uncertain Times

    On today’s podcast Kristin interviews Aaron Daigle, an author, international public speaker and pastor who encourages Christ follows to grow into their purpose through his Youtube Channel, about building an online platform to reach more people through his ministry.

    Aaron shares his personal story of coming back to his faith years after several traumatic events happened in his life that made him question God and get involved in drugs but found his way back to God and began teaching and pastoring a church.

    This is a fantastic episode about the impact we each have in others lives, how we can grow a ministry or business around our purpose and how we want to impact the world and what it takes to build it.

    Kristin an Aaron also talk about how we can still have hope and faith in uncertain times and how to turn back towards God if you’ve felt distanced, angry, or like God wasn’t there for you.

    #christianliving #faithpodcast #findingGod #christianentrepreneur #ministrywork #christianbusiness #youtubecreator #author

  • 33: You are Valued & Needed

    On today’s Christian Inspiration episode Kristin talks about that each and every person has value and is needed during their lifetime and made on purpose with their own unique gifts nad talents. Even if there are days or years you don’t feel you have purpose or a path or are being of service you have great value. God loves each and every one of us and he has you here for a reason- he made you just as you are and has plans for you.

    #christianliving #christianinspiration #devotional #christiandevotional #faithpodcast #hope

  • Ep 32: Nothing Can Stop God’s Plan for Your Life

    On today’s episode Kristin talks about Isaiah 14:27 which says ‘Nothing can stop God’s plan for your life.” and she shares that even in a slow season, a season of waiting, or a difficult season we can still be moving on the path God has for us. We can be used where we are right now and we should have faith and confidence that he is lining up good and useful things for us.

    #christianinspiration #biblestudy #scripture #christianliving #christiandevotional #faithbasedpodcast

  • S2 Ep 21: How to Find More Happiness & Love in Our Relationships

    On today’s episode Kristin speaks to Tal Zlotnitsky, the Founder & CEO of Our.Love (A relationship tracker app to help couples be happier together) and a serial entrepreneur, about the science of good loving and how we can build stronger, happier and more satisfying relationships by building up our love skills in 7 key areas. This is a fascinating episode about how awareness about how we show up in our relationship and how our partner views our relationship and taking a few minutes each day to improve our love skills will help us communicate better, and understand how to be a better partner.

    We talk about how we show up in our relationships and how important it is that to bring our best selves into the daily time we have with our partner instead of putting our relationship on the backburner, or giving them what’s left of us.

    This conversation is a must listen if you are in a relationship with someone and even if you aren’t most of these skills and information will also help you improve all of your other relationships as well.

    #relationships #marriagetips #love #marriage #healthyrelationships #couplestherapy #couplestips #loveskills

    To learn more about Our.Love visit their website – Our.Love or download the app from the App Store or Google Store to check it out and start improving your relationship.

    To connect with Kristin- go here

    To join her 7 Day Encouragement Challenge – go here.

    To follow or DM her on Instagram – @KristinFitch

  • Ep 32: Be at Peace Among Yourselves

    On today’s episode Kristin talks about the need for each of us to consider if we are holding onto viewpoints, and opinions and perspectives that put a baricade up between us and people we love. And are those opinions, and sides coming between us and how God has called us to live? If you are letting political, medical, or anyother viewpoint become the thing that defines you and others and you are always siding against others and feel angry towards those who don’t align with you – then you might be holding those opinions above loving your family and friends. Today Kristin shares 1 Thessalonians 5:13 which says- ‘Be at peace with yourselves.’ Her question is- is it time to reflect on if we are showing up in the world as generous, loving, humble Christians or are we behaving badly and think other people are the problem?

    #christianinspiration #christianliving #christianencouragement #faithpodcast #christiandevotional #devotional #tornapart

  • S2 Ep 20: Why Creativity is So Important- It’s Not Just Art- It’s How We Live

    On today’s podcast episode Kristin interviews, Hollis Citron, the Founder & CEO of I Am Creative, and the owner of Express Yourself Publishing House, Podcast Host of Creative Conversations with Hollis Citron and has been an Art Teacher for 30 years, and they talk about the importance of Creativity and Curiosity in our lives.

    This conversation is about why creativity is so important in our lives- both personally and professionally because creativity is more than art it is how we live- our choices and self expression. This is a fantastic conversation about how our choices, willingness to try new things and expression ourselves and use our abilities to creative problem solve make us happier, healthier and more productive humans.

    #creativity #creativelife #creativeexpression #selfexpression #entrepreneur #futureofwork

    Connect with Kristin –

    Want to feel supported in your business & Life- learn more about Kristin’s coaching program- The Encouraged & Confident CEO here.

    Or sign up for Kristin’s 7 Day Encouragement Challenge here.

    Follow Kristin on Instagram @KristinFitch.

    Connect with Hollis at: or Creative Conversations Podcast

    or on Instagram @IamCreativePhilly

  • Ep 31: Let’s Love- What Would Happen if We Started With Love?

    On today’s episode Kristin talks about how Love brings us together and how it bringing everything together. Love truly is what makes the world go round- it makes life beautiful and rich. She shares how we can be more loving to our family- our spouses, our kids, our neighbors and even ourselves and what impact that has in the world. God loves each of us and he also wants us to be the hope and love in the world as well.

    #christianliving #bibleverse #christianinspiration #dailydevotional #christiandevotional #womensdevotional #FaithPodcast #christianPodcast