Ready to work with Kristin to make a shift in your life? Click here to get started. Download Our Free Workbook: Ready to take your first step towards a more…
Creating a Life of Purpose: Lessons from My Journey
Kristin shares her journey of rediscovering passion and purpose in her work, emphasizing the importance of aligning one’s career with personal values and calling. Throughout the episode, she reflects on…
Are You Addicted to Your Phone? Ready for a Digital Detox?
Creating a calm digital space is essential in today’s fast-paced, technology-driven world. This podcast episode explores the importance of conducting a digital detox, highlighting how excessive smartphone and media usage…
How to Shift Your Mindset- Reframe Your Day-go from Expecting the Worst to Expecting the Best: Create a Life You Love Part 5
On today’s mini episode Kristin talks about reframing our day to expect the best out of our interactions, meetings and efforts instead of the worst- let’s shift our thinking so…
Unlock Your Best Day: 3 Keys to Creating a Life You Love
On today’s episode, Kristin shares ideas from Bob Goff, Hal Elrod and Victoria Erickson on being courageous, passionate and focused on your big dreams and getting to work or keep…
How to Find Your Purpose and Be Open to New Possibilities with Dr. Azi Jankovic: Create a Life You Love Series 3
On today’s podcast Kristin talks with, Dr. Azi Jankovic, Purposed-based Business Guide, Speaker, Author & Podcast Host of Inspired by Purpose, about helping entrepreneurs and aspiring entrepreneurs to actualize their…
Unlocking Your Dreams: How to Get Unstuck and Step into a Life You Love: Create a Life You Love Series 2
Welcome to Part 2 of the Create a Life You Love Series.On the podcast today Kristin talks with Laura Cruise, Author, Speaker, Coach and Podcast host of Your Dream or…
5 Habits to Reignite Your Passion: Create a Life You Love Series 1
Are you ready to reignite your passion and feel fully alive? So many of us, especially women, get busy in the doing of life that we paused our own dreams,…
How to Let Go of Stress and Avoid Burnout with Amanda Moore Ortega
On today’s episode Kristin talks with Amanda Moore Ortega, Work-Life Balance & Burnout Prevention Specialist, about how to define success for ourselves and include wellbeing into our definition of success….
7 Ways to Experience More Happiness Everyday with Katie Jefcoat
On today’s episode it’s all about Happiness! Kristin talks with Katie Jefcoat, happiness curator, speaker and author and podcast host of Everyday Happiness, about the science and steps we can…
How to Choose Joy in Your Life & Why You Should
Too often we get stuck in routine and obligation and wonder why were fell uninspired, worn out and lost. We have got to tap into the way God made us…
Unlocking Your Life’s Purpose: A Conversation with Purpose Mentors Mark and Adena Delaney
In this replay from May 2023, we welcome Mark and Adena Delaney, hosts of the Purpose Mastermind podcast and mentors dedicated to helping people discover and live out their purpose….
How to Find Your Enthusiasm for Life Again: 3 Ways to Live Fully Alive
I wanted to share 3 ways we can live our fullest, most joyful and loving lives. A friend of mine passed away last week and it reminded me to share…
How to Create a Fulfilling & Happy Life: 5 Steps to Follow
Are you ready to create a future that allow you to find fulfillment and happiness? Do you want to have a bigger impact in the world and be more present?…
Are You Making Time for the Things that Matter Most to You In Life?
The question for today is are you spending your time and money on the things that matter most to you? If we are not careful or being intentional we can…
5 Ways to Start Living Your Most Authentic Life: It’s Time to Choose Yourself
On today’s episode I share 5 ways you can get in touch with yourself, reignite your passion and live your most authentic life. It’s time to step into the life…
3 Ways to Think Outside the Box to Reach Your Goals
Hi Friends- Welcome back to Building a Life You Love. Today I am sharing 3 Questions you can ask to think outside the box to reach your goal, get around…
6 Simple Life Changes You Can Make to Prevent or Reverse Chronic Disease with Dr. Amanda Adkins
Dr. Amanda Adkins, a board-certified internal medicine and lifestyle medicine physician, shares her journey to health and wellness and her passion for helping women prevent and reverse chronic illnesses. She…
How to Prioritize What’s Important to You & Make Time to Work on Your Dreams
TOday I am talking about making time for what is important to you andwhy we have to know our priorities. Chase After Your Dreams, Ignite Your Passion, Simplify Your Life…
Learning to Take a Break for Your Mental Heath – Wrap up of Season 4
Hi Friends, today is a miniepisode with a few ideas I wanted to share with you to think about and reflect on this summer. Also, today is a wrap for…