Month: July 2022

  • Learn My Online Growth Secrets

    Learn My Online Growth Secrets

    Beautiful friend. Welcome back to business and breakthroughs. This is your host, Kristen and I am so excited you’re here with me today. Okay, today we are going to wrap up the secrets of optimizing your online presence to grow your leads and traffic. This is part six of six. And I’m going to do a quick summary of the last six or five episodes. And then I will give you a couple little tips to wrap this series up. And before we begin, I just want to point out the purpose of this series. Even if you’re new, or you’re just thinking about your website, or if you’re somebody that’s has a super established website, both cases these tips can be used. The whole point of this series is to help you grow your impact and your income by simple strategies that you can do on your own. Or you can work with somebody to help you get these things accomplished. But if you implement them, and you’re consistent, which we’re going to talk about in a little bit, they will help you grow your business. Of course, you have to have other things like really clear messaging and understanding your audience. But if you have those two, two things understood, and then you apply these tactics, these strategies, you will see more traffic and then leads as well over time to your website. It really can be your number one business tool every day. 24/7. So let’s dive right in. Okay, first, let’s just do a super quick overview of a highlight from each of the first five part of the series. First is you really do need to have a tech and growth mindset in business, especially when it comes to growing your business through your website. And I get it tech can be frustrating tech can be hard, we can you really want to throw our hands up. Because you know, there’s so much to learn. And there’s always new things kind of getting thrown at us. Here’s the good news. You don’t have to be an expert. And you really should just learn as you go. What do you need to do now? What do you need to add? Have you outgrown where you’re currently at, and you need to do something different. And there’s always so many resources online, from YouTube videos to people like myself that can really walk you through steps and tactics, to tutorials into programs. So or short for people, of course, that you can hire out to help you do these things. So you can learn as you go. That’s the first big lesson is just have an open mind have a growth mindset that you’re just gonna have to continuously learn, but learn what you need to know now not you know, six months or a year or two down the road.


    The next number two lesson and part two that we talked about is SEO how do you optimize your website? So that it’s search engine optimized? Meaning how do you show up in Google search results, you know, or other search engines, but Google is the big boy right? The the number one search engine? Well, you do that by putting in the keywords and keyword phrases and all the places that will help Google know, hey, this is a good fit. So that’s adding in the meta title and description, which is in your back end of your website or your content management system. That’s using the alternate text tags for your images in your in your posts. It’s making sure that you have content, you know that talks about the area that you’re an expert in or that you you focus on and that it has things that people are actually searching for. And then of course, the names of your pages and things like that. But once again, just learn as you go do a little bit at a time, you don’t have to all of a sudden go from doing none of this to everything in a week or a month. All right, just slowly start implementing these tactics. The number three session that we did was how do you use other web sites and social sites to grow your traffic? Well, if other sites that are known for an area that you’re trying to be known for link to you for certain tutorial, or an how to or a blog post, that’s going to help kind of give you more authority. And it’s also going to help give you more traffic. Same with social share your blog post or your website when you have like you know new content, or maybe a template or a download, share it on social where you show up where your people are because whether you get two leads or you know two clicks from that a month or you get 50 or it grows to a much bigger number. If you don’t put it there, they can’t see it or be engaged from that place. So do that. Number four was if you’re not blogging, you’re losing out on traffic and growing your business from your website. Once again, you don’t have to blog all the time every day. But if you can be strategic, and you know weekly or monthly, do a new post that ties back to how you want to be known to what you can do Talk about and how you can help people. It’s so important. And as I mentioned that episode, having pillar posts, which just mean the super long like a how to post or a guide that sort of the, you know, tell them all, if you will, in certain areas that you focus on, it can really help grow your business as those get seen and kind of linked to Alright, so that’s huge. Number five, Part Five, what we talked about is how do you make your website convert? This is trying out things like alert boxes and pop ups, and having freebies, where if people you know, are behind the scene things, people sign up with their email, in order to get that content, you know, in order to get that step ahead from you. So super important. And you do have to try different things. And also you have to try, is it what your person wants, because if you’re trying to give them some sort of freebie or extra, but they don’t care about it, then it’s not going to convert. So sometimes we have to ask, you know, pull people, and then try different content. All right. So here’s what I want to. So that’s a five things we covered in the other five parts. Today, I just want to leave you with a couple other tips that I think will just kind of hit home this whole series for you. The first is, all of this really comes down to the same thing about how do you have a successful business, it’s by being consistent, showing up consistently. That’s true with having a podcast that’s true with running an online business with a coaching business whenever you’re doing. So be consistent show up regularly, you know, don’t make a commitment, like I’m going to show up every day on social media, but it’s not manageable for you make it I’m going to show up twice a week, or I’m going to blog twice a month to make it a reasonable goal that you can commit to for a longer period of time. Number two, as I mentioned earlier, in this episode, learn as you go, you don’t have to know everything right now. That’s how people that really are successful. That’s what they do. They either learn as they go, or they find the expert to help them when they need it. Not before and not after. Number three, track your results. If you don’t track where you’re at and where you’re trying to go, you won’t have a benchmark of if it’s actually working. And of course, with anything with SEO and online, give it time because it doesn’t happen in a day, right, it takes time to get pulled in from the search engines and for your changes to show.


    Number four, add new content regularly. This is huge, but content marketing is big. It just is. And it’s because you’re providing relevant information for your ideal customer regularly that they can learn and grow from the last two things, grow your email list, we do that by asking people to sign up. So whether it’s through our website, or if we have a community or group, when they join, ask for their email in all the places, but ask for it because you’re providing value to them first, or you’re going to in that group or on your website. And then do outreach. You need to be connecting with new people in order for them to come to know what you’re doing in that they should come to you, you’re the go to person for your area. It’s so big, and it’s so important. But that’s how people grow their businesses is by coming on and serving other audiences and being a value. So that can be through podcast guest, you know, to being a podcast guest it can be through guest blogging, writing for magazines, like entrepreneur, Fast Company, it can be just going on other you know, smaller sites that have a really targeted audience, but the person wants to learn from you they want to share with their audience want, you know, so just make that a goal every month is to do some outreach, and some connecting with new audiences. And that is so important. So this wraps up our series of secrets to optimize your online presence. I hope you learned something from it. And hopefully you can apply these tactics over the coming months. And you can really see some growth in how your website is growing your traffic and your leads. So I would love to hear from you. What other things would you like to learn from me and I know soon I’m going to be doing a podcasting series and tell you lots of things that I’ve learned over the last year plus of doing this. So we want to wrap up today with a concept from the book, the genius zone by Gay Hendricks. Some of you may have heard of his first book called The Big Leap. And some of you may have read both of his books. Well, he had the joy of genius, but that was changed to the genius zone. But anyways, in his in this book, he talks about you know, trying to basically work in our zone of genius instead of our zones of incompetence, competence or excellence. And here’s what he says. And while I just gave you a six part series on tactics and strategies I Do want to also point something out, which is what he says here. Many people waste a great deal of their creative time and energy doing things you’re not good at. And your incompetence box may make a list of the three things that you persist in doing that you aren’t any good at. He gives examples like taxes, organizing computers and plumbing are properly are examples. Then he goes on says many other squander the creative energy doing things they are good at, but that someone else could do just as well or better. And then he has you list the three things in your competence box. And then he goes on and says getting stuck in your excellence box is by far the biggest burner of genius energy, list your excellence box and three things that you I’m sorry, three things you do that you’re really good at. 


    You get feed good feedback on how you do them, you’re often well paid at doing them. And people ask you to do more and more of them examples, giving presentations, composing advertising jingles, editing documentaries. But what he says is this, the boxes SAP, your creative energy, from working with creative people, and just about every major line of work. From medicine to management to metaphysics, I have seen up close the unhappiness caused by getting stuck in these boxes. I felt it myself, when I first caught on to these ideas in the 1970s, I began tracking my daily activities carefully. It didn’t take much tracking to reveal the sad truth, I was spending 90% of my time and energy doing things in the three boxes. At best, I was spending only 10% of my time and energy doing what I really love to do. Why do I bring this up? I bring it up because doing tech stuff working on our websites. For most people. This is not in our zone of genius. This is why you most of us probably need to get help, or have someone else do some of this work for us as we’re able as we grow our businesses. And we can farm that workout, whether through a contractor, a virtual assistant or an actual, you know, team member. So I only share that to say, well, I gave you the tactics and strategies because I think we need to understand these concepts. It doesn’t mean you have to do it yourself. And I only share that because at the end of the day, I think we all will grow our businesses, we will all rise, when we really do step into that sweet spot or zone of genius where you know, it’s something that just comes so easy to us and that we’re actually energized by doing it instead of feeling exhausted. And even with the tech stuff. I can feel worn out and exhausted, I have to be careful to not stay in that zone of excellence instead of my zone of genius. So I only share that as an encouragement in one sense to say it’s okay, if this doesn’t come easy to you and that it’s draining. That’s okay. You still want to know the concepts and then go farm it out. If you have to trade with somebody, you know, swap services for what you’re exceptional at. So that’s it. I just wanted to give you that little tidbit in case you’re listening this episode and go oh my gosh, it’s just too much for me. It’s just feels overwhelming or it feels so hard. I get it and it’s okay. Like I said, just understand the concepts because even if you have someone else do it, you have to understand what it is you’re asking them to do. I hope you have a wonderful day. If today’s show got you pumped about building your online traffic so you can grow your business. Let’s celebrate pop over and leave a review. Tell us what you loved about today’s episode or share this with another boss who’s ready to grow next level comm network with other entrepreneurs, authors, speakers, coaches and podcasters at my Facebook group to take your business to the next level. or head on over to Kristin Fitch that calm to find out more about my online growth system.

  • Go After Your Wild Dreams & Ideas

    Go After Your Wild Dreams & Ideas

    Hey, and welcome back. If you guys are in a season where you’re doubting your next step, if you’re unclear in some part of your business, you’re unclear in the next thing that you’re going to add to your business, or you’re just not sure how to stand up and step out. This is the episode for you. I am going to pose the question that Emily P Freeman in her book, The next right thing asks herself when she’s in the midst of a hard decision, she asked herself, am I being led by love or pushed by fear? We’re going to dig into this and several other things today that I think will really help you with indecision and moving forward with more clarity. Beautiful friend, welcome back to business and breakthroughs. This is your host, Kristen, and I am so excited. You’re here with me today. Okay, so why are we jumping into this today, when I have pulled some of the people I’ve worked with, when I’ve pulled some of the people in the groups I’m in? One of the things that came up for them was, I am still all over the place in my business, I’m still unclear in parts of my business, or how to really step it up. And so because of that continuous question, or some version of it, I wanted to dive into this today. Okay, so first up was the question that Emily P Freeman asked herself, when she’s in the midst of a hard decision, when she’s trying to figure out the path forward for herself. She asked herself, honestly, you know, to answer this question, am I being led by love or pushed by fear? And she says, the answer to that question isn’t always clear. But I continue to carry it with me into every difficult situation or decision. I’m sorry. So my first question for you is, has you tried to make choices in the business you’re building and in your life about what brings you happiness? What brings you joy? What is helping you do the creative work you felt you feel that you’re meant to do? What’s holding you back from doing that? What is keeping you in routine and then the mundane instead of at your highest, you know, creative ability? And I think that’s a great question to ask that Emily asked, which is, am I being led by love or pushed by fear? Is there some desire for me to do this thing right now? You know, what am i What’s holding me back? Is it hesitation? Is it worry?

    Is it fear? Is it what if it doesn’t work, instead of what if it does. And the other thing that I want to mention that she shares in her book is, she talks, she says this about another book, and I think it’s just such a lovely thing to share. She says, in his book, hearing God, Dallas, Willard shares that when he has, he asked something of God for direction or clarity in some way, he stated simply in prayer, and then devotes the next hour or so to housework, gardening, driving about on errands or paying bills, things that keep his hands busy, but his mind opened. And then she says today’s practice is to share with your friend Jesus directly the question you’ve been carrying, and then move on to your day as normal. It could help to remember these words, also from Dallas, Willard. I’ve learned not to worry about whether or not this is going to work. I know it does not have to work. But I am sure that it will work if God has something he really wants me to know or do. This is ultimately because I am sure of how great and good he is. And Emily goes on to say, as you simply do the next right thing in front of you. Wash the dishes, write the email, read the chapter, have the conversation, pay attention, not only to what’s happening on the outside, but what is moving on the inside. Look for the arrows not just answers. If God has something to tell you, and you continue to place yourself before Him, He won’t let you miss it. I love that. And I think too often we don’t pay attention to the arrows to the signals to the people to the words, maybe the podcast that shows up just at the right time, or the song that has just the words we needed the encouragement the helping us to make a decision. Those things I don’t think are by chance. And I think it’s things we need to pay attention to. I think too often we get stuck in the what ifs and the what should we do in our to do list that we remove ourselves, right from the our zone of genius from our place of creation, our place of creativity, our place of curiosity, that what if we just did the thing we felt drawn to do right now? What if we did the work that most lit us up? I just think that that is what would bring us to our being able to focus on what we’re really meant to do instead of what we think the world wants us to do or where we think we can make money. You know, I love this how the saying goes about? Don’t worry so much about money. They say, what would you do if money was no if you had all the money in the world, right? What would you spend your time doing? But I think when we’re starting businesses or we’re growing businesses, or maybe we are in a cycle of you know, stuff Ignatian are a cycle of slowness, where maybe we’ve written the book or we’ve started the podcast, but we’re not seeing the growth we want, or we haven’t started the next book, or project that all of a sudden, we’re, you know, we’re still trying to figure out what’s next, what do I do? How am I going to get this done. But we get sort of stuck in those decisions that we pull ourselves out of the creative process, which I think is such a risk, and that the goal is always to get back there to get back to creating, especially creating when we partner with God. And another thing that I wanted to share with you that I think was just fantastic. It’s so lovely, is by the author Jordan Lee Dooley in the book on your every day. And speaking on this topic, she says this sister, you will tackle your unfinished out dreams only when you give yourself permission to dream outside the box. 

    Just try some stuff and show up as your full self. Not an older version, or more figured out version. Don’t try to be the person you perceive others expect you to be be you with your wild ideas and funky quirks and, um, figured out dreams and lack of expertise. When you do that when you root yourself and faith and step beyond the labels, you may be wrapped up in something divine happens, you may even fumble into a dream you didn’t know you had friend try stuff before it makes sense. Because it doesn’t need to all make sense in order for God to use it. He’s got this, he’s got you. And that means you can do something as seemingly small as doodling on computer paper with no idea what it could turn into, even before the lady in Texas makes her purchase, and still be living your purpose. Oh my gosh, those words, they just speak to my soul. And I think that’s the point. There’s so many people that speak to this concept of taking messy action. And, you know, everywhere, one from Marie Forleo. And I know Kathy Heller then speaks about this. But we have to take action in order to gain that clarity. You know, they both and others talk about that concept. Keep taking action, but worry less about what will the action? What will the creative process where will it lead you in just focus more on getting in that state in that space, where you have inspiration, you know, hit you where you have ideas that you’re doing, because you just feel joy because you feel drawn to do it, instead of trying to follow you know, 10 point path. And you get stuck in the how to use instead of actually being your most creative self, because people are going to be drawn to that creativity to the creation that you’re having into that, that light and you that’s lit up when you are creating and when you’re truly your authentic self with all your quirks and your wild ideas and your dreams. So my challenge to you is this, how do you start making space in your day, every day, to have these creative outlets to have more self expression, to allow yourself to clear your mind in order to have those inspirations that divine download the creative ideas that are right there waiting for you. They’re swirling around, they’re just waiting for you to be opened and available. In much like Dallas, Willard said, or Emily P Freeman, we have to sometimes think about what it is we’re trying to understand or get clarity on, but then start doing something it doesn’t have to be trying to figure it out. It’s often better if it’s something else, right? We’re staying busy physically, but not always mentally. And I just think it’s so important to make space for this. And what I like to do is every day is see am I giving myself breaks, you know, going on a walk getting outside, maybe doodling, you know listening to a song that I love or finding a new song, listening to a podcast that gets me out of what I’m working on in into thinking of possibilities. Do other suggestions where you are this one? Can you add a creative practice or creative practices into your day, right? Start it so that you do it at the same time every day. Some people love to do things like morning pages or journaling. You know, obviously also spending time getting quiet meditation, you know, Trant time to hear God. But make space in your day and pick times that you can set this up and it becomes part of your routine. Because when we don’t have to we can get busy and then some of the things that should be important to us. They get put aside they get ignored, or we don’t put the effort into it. Write down your wild ideas. Write down the things that you would love to do, but maybe something has been holding you back from doing them. Maybe you want to start a podcast or write a book. Maybe you want to travel around the world by yourself or start a Photography, course business, whatever it is, just write down those dreams you have, you know, I don’t care how wild and outlandish they are actually, the more wild and outlandish, the better. Maybe they’re so big, you can’t even fathom how you would get them done. Once again, those are the kinds of dreams that often are our God sighs You know, God given dreams, write them down. And I’d like you to put beside them. What is one step I could take towards this dream today, it can be as small as sending someone an email, or telling a friend about your dream and telling them one little thing you’re going to do. Maybe it’s writing your first paragraph for a future book.

    Maybe it’s paying a subscription fee for an app that’s going to help you write every day in the morning for an hour or half an hour. But write down your wild ideas. And keep a book where you add to it you know, a journal or a note in your note on your phone. Next, is there anything you can add to your day to make sure you have time for creative work, and for time to let your mind clear and have those creative inspired moments. And often it’s when I’m taking a walk and I’m allowing myself to pay attention to what’s around me. But I’m have a clear mind that I often will get ideas. You know, it’s often when I’m walking or I’m in motion. Just like the examples I gave earlier, we’re talking about moving your body or doing you know, some sort of activity that’s, you know, somewhat mindless, right like washing a dish, you know how to already wash it. That’s the second thing I would say in the third is when it’s time to make a choice about the path forward, whether it’s just the next action you’re going to take or putting out an idea into the world. Is it fear holding you back? Is it worry or the negative? What ifs? Or is it love is it focused on love. So make sure that if you’re hesitating on something, it’s not out of fear, and try to take the path over and over again towards love and towards being opened and sharing your beautiful inspired work. And I just want to leave you with these words that Michael C Clarke and author and he does affirmations for creatives shared on Instagram today. He says, Hey, you, yes, you remain present this week. Let go of guilt attached to mistakes you’ve already made. Stop worrying about future events that might not even happen. Live in the moment. Focus on what’s right in front of you. Okay, okay. That’s what I’d say to you. Let’s just focus on today. Let’s focus on the week. And let’s focus how we can step out of fear and worry in the what ifs or how we you know, how should I move forward in my business? What’s the next thing and just take some small action? What do you feel the urge the desire or the interest in doing just go do a little bit of that and see where it leads you if today’s show got you pumped about building your online traffic so you can grow your business? Let’s celebrate pop over and leave a review. Tell us what you loved about today’s episode or share this with another boss who’s ready to grow next level comm network with other entrepreneurs, authors, speakers, coaches and podcasters at my Facebook group to take your business to the next level. or head on over to Kristin Fitch back calm to find out more about my online growth system

  • Why Your Website isn’t Converting

    6 Ways to Make Your Website Convert

    re you ready to find out How to Make Your Website Convert? Learn why your website might not be converting now and how to improve your website to make it work for you. I share 6 main tips on what you need to do and provide a few extras that might be keeping your website from bringing you more business.

    This is part 5 of the 6 part series- Secrets to Optimizing Your Website to Get More Leads and Organic Website Traffic. If you haven’t listened to all of the episode grab a pen and paper and get learning with me.

  • How Faith, Hope & Love can Help Us Through Difficult Challenges

    Measuring Your Spiritual Health & Practice

    On today’s show I speak with Pastor Stephanie Lape about how to have Hope when going through hard times or challenges and which daily practices can help us be happy, feel well and be connected to each other, ourselves and God. She also shares some great biblical perspectives on Faith, Hope and Love that were so reassuring and helpful.

    We talk about being overscheduled, saying no so we can say yes to other things, feeling disconnected from our faith and how to reconnect and rekindle that faith and how to focus on the bigger wisdom available to us instead of trying so hard to figure out our purpose on our own.

    Here is the first episode/interview I did with Pastor Stephanie Lape last year (or find Ep 43)- (click here).


  • 5 Reasons Not Blogging Is Hurting Your Business

    5 Reasons Not Blogging Is Hurting Your Business

    Hey there and to on today’s episode, we are going to talk about blogs. Some people want to know do I really have to blog is blogging dead? With all the buzz about podcasting and other things? Sometimes blogs get a bad rap. But we’re going to talk about why they’re so important for your business. And one data point I want to share with you is that companies that blog gets 67% more leads a month, just by blogging regularly. So we’re going to dive into the top five reasons you should be blogging in your business. And we’re going to share some of the things you need to do on those blog posts. It’s easier than you think. And I know you can get started if you’re not doing it already. To beautiful friend, welcome to Business and breakthroughs. Do you want to optimize your online presence so you can get more traffic to grow your writing, speaking or coaching business? Are you constantly trying things online? And wondering what actually works best to grow your email list? get leads and book more opportunities? Are you looking for ideas that will help you grow your brand? I’m Kristin, an online traffic growth coach who built an online brand that reached millions of people. I’ve worked in online marketing for over 20 years. And I know how frustrating it was to work so hard and feel like I wasn’t seeing more engagement opportunities or leads, until I learned to optimize my online presence. After putting the systems in place, I was able to grow an online audience to over 10 million with 38 million pageviews and grew an email list to 50k, all with one brand, I want to help you do the same. Getting traffic online doesn’t have to be so hard. 

    I created an easy to follow online growth system in online marketing strategies that work to grow your audience and increase your traffic, grab your coffee in a notebook, and let’s grow your traffic. Alright, let’s dive right into today’s topic. This is part four of the six part series secrets to optimizing your website to grow your traffic and leads. So we’re talking about blogging today, why you need to do it, how it can help you get more traffic and leads to your website and how it can be easier than you might think. So the first thing though, that I want to talk about is blogging is considered a long form content type. Okay, so what we mean is, I’m going to be talking about blog posts that need to be at least 300 words, in some of the ones I’m going to recommend to you there’s different types are over 4000 words. And that’s why we’re calling it long form content. Because we’re not talking about just a little blurb, or you know, something like your about page on your website, those are all needed, right, your basic pages of your website, this goes above and beyond that, where you’re regularly going to be writing content, right? It’s written content to help your audience you know, in other words, the blog posts should be informative, or educational, but it should help them solve something, it should help them give them information about a topic they’re interested in. So that’s the idea here. 

    Okay. So the first thing I want to share with you is the five reasons why you need a blog today in 2022. And beyond. Here’s the first one. Blogging regularly improves your search engine results. So the more often you blog, and you have, you know, rich content, you know, rich information that someone wants in those blog posts, the more that you will start improving your search engine page ranking, right. So you’ll you’ll rank higher on the Google pages. Number two is you get more social shares when you blog, because people, you know if they read your content, or maybe you email it out to them, or you post on social, if it’s relevant to them, it might be relevant to someone they know and they might share it with others. Number three more people will link to your website if you have valuable content. And you are setting yourself up as a subject matter expert in that area. All right, and that’s another way that we get more we rank higher in search engine results is by getting other people to link to us what some kind, sometimes called backlinks or inbound links or incoming links. Number four, you get more leads, as I mentioned in the intro, because when people read about a topic you’re talking about you once again, right look like someone that knows what they’re talking about. And they often then want to learn more about what you do and how they can work with you. So that’s how you get more leads. Number five, is it shows you have authority on that certain subject or topic. And while that helps both the people that might want to work with you, it also helps Google see that you are an authority, right? So that your blog post may be one that they rank higher because of that authority. 

    Alright, so those are five reasons that you should be blogging. And if you’re already blogging, a lot of times we can improve. Just going through the motions. We can make our blog post better or as we go forward, we can improve them a little bit. So there’s two core things here I want you to understand. One is you need to do regular blog posts, those blog posts, typically Should never be under 300 words. And they definitely can go up from there. Some of the data from HubSpot and other companies say the magic number for for standard blog posts is between 20 120 400 words. Okay? Why is that, because they found that that range of a blog post is long enough free to share enough information that’s valuable to your reader, you know, to your visitors to your website. And so that’s the first thing you can do is, if you’re blogging now, and you’re finding they’re really short blog post, try doing your next blog post, increasing it. Now, every blog post does not have to be 2100 words or more, they can definitely be 300 800 1000 2000. But you do want some that are longer, because that’s going to help with your authority, and you’re going to most likely rank for those longer blog posts. Okay. They also there’s also data that says that sites that have blog posts around 2500 words when they’ve compared all their different, let’s see blog posts, links, that’s where the sweet spot was to get the most leads. So blog post around that same size that I said that 2100 2400 are just over it, often will help you get more leads, because you’re sharing a lot of content in that blog post, which hopefully will help your user you know, with something they’re trying to figure out or solve. Alright, next, there’s something called pillar posts. pillar posts post just mean that you are going to write a longer even longer blog post on a topic, or keyword that’s all encompassing like a guide on a topic. 

    Obviously, this needs to match with what you do, what kind of business are you in? How do you help people? So those guides should be about that. Okay. So why are those important? They’re important, because that really shows authority and other people will start linking to your pillar posts, you know, your guides, if you will, because you have so much information that you’re trying to be the expert on it, you’re trying to be the place where someone can learn all about something, they are longer, they, they aren’t going to take you an hour or two, they’re probably going to take you a couple of days to write them. But you don’t have to do this all the time, right? Because for months and years, there’s pillar posts will drive traffic to your website. And you can even update those pillar posts in the future. If there’s other valuable content to share about that topic. You can update it, and then you don’t have to rewrite the whole thing. You’re just updating it with even more information. Okay, so pillar posts, the recommendation is that they should be 4000 words. And I know that seems like a lot. But remember, you’re only willing to do a couple of these pillar posts during the year. Now, they can range from 2100 to 11,000 words, but the average pillar posts in a really good sweet spot is 4000 words. 

    Okay, so here’s the thing, how do you blog or where do you blog? Well, if you’re on a site, like WordPress, which is the most popular content management system right now, or has been for some time, they have a area in the dashboard that just says posts and that’s where you go and you you actually publish, you know, add and then publish your posts. If you’re on a different site, like square space or something like that, obviously, it’s going to be different. If you use show it, which is just layered on top of WordPress, you should also have the option to be able to post blog posts easily. Let’s see. So the next thing to know is how do you what do you have to do on your blog post in order for it to do well in order for it to be worth your time? Okay, so here’s just a couple highlights. Let’s see, I’m going to go through five. Okay. The first is, number one, you need to have proper formatting in your blog post. In this includes the right heading or using heading and paragraph tags. The reason for that is so that Google can understand what’s what’s the main like what’s the most important important thing on the page. That’ll be your headline right in your head or your different headlines. And then your paragraph tags. It’s important one because Google can see how it’s broken down the page can be read easier. 

    Okay, number two is you need to put your text into the alt text fields. So that’s alternative text. But once again, it helps for reading it helps people that are visually impaired. That sort of thing. Number three is make sure you fill in and edit your Meta Title and Description data. Because once again, that’s what Google’s typically pulling, if you have it filled in for when your search results page comes up. Like if you search something in Google, the little the first sentence you see and then underneath it, that’s the meta title and description. If you don’t fill that information in, they’re going to pull typically, the first copy From your webpage, but often that’s not optimized. So that’s not ideal. Adding them or altering the Meta Title and Description only takes a couple minutes. And if you do use WordPress or you know, other sites, there’s often a plug in I use Yoast SEO. But that just shows you exactly what’s there. Now, it shows you as you edit it, if they think it’s a good choice or not, you know, it has colors red, yellow, green, so it makes it really easy. Okay, next, you want sites to backlink to you, of course, by having great content, but in your own post, you need to link to other parts of your content. So or other sites that have great content. So what I’m talking about is in your pillar posts, let’s say it is about caring for a newborn. Okay, and you have a huge post all about that. But then you have some smaller blog posts that you do regularly, maybe one is about the first two months of having a baby or how to pick the best baby, you know, products and that sort of thing, or how maybe it’s how to get your baby to sleep through the night. Well in your main big, big, big pillar post. You can link to those other smaller blog posts that are related to your bigger topic. Okay, so you need links, you need links in your blog posts, especially are really long pillar posts. Next is, what are you going after? What keywords should you be using to make sure that the people that want your information can find it. 

    Now, you’re not trying to what they call keyword stuff your page, but you’re trying to clearly have keywords in there that are related to what people are looking for. Okay. So that’s the other big thing. And then I’ll give you an extra one. In your blog posts, it is helpful to add media rich content to your website or to your blog post. That can be videos, you know, short videos that can be social media embeds, you know, images, but just break up your content, because visually, it’s easier for people to read, write. And you can also do things like add bulleted points, add numbers, you know, like different steps, just break up your content, and then also have other ways to interact with your content other than just reading everything. That doesn’t mean you have to do a video, recording everything you talk about, you could just do some little snippet videos, or like I said some other social media ways people can share it on social media. Okay, but that’s sort of the gist of blogging. Really, you’re just coming up with? How do I want? What’s the type of topic I would talk on so that people would want to come work with me, you know, what is your business offer? Whether you’re a solopreneur, right, you’re a coach, or a speaker, or a writer or whatever you might be a consultant, or whether you’re a business with more people, what do you specialize in. So that is the first thing I’d recommend is come up with your three top three topics that you could do a blog post on, you know, in the in the next couple of weeks, and then plan out a, you know, day or a couple of days to do your research on these blog posts. And then set time aside to write them. 

    You know, maybe you start with one or two blog posts, it’s more of a standard, you know, range, you know that 2100 Strange, if you will, and then plan to do a pillar post, you know that much longer one that’s more like a 4000 word, post it plan when you have a little more time that you can work on that or work on it a little bit each day for one week, so that you can get it done. Of course, let your audience know, once you do get this blog post going. Just like you share with your your user base, you know, hopefully on your email list, and we’ll talk about that next week. But if you share with them, your podcast episodes, or what you have going on maybe a new course or something, you definitely should start sharing your blog blog posts out with your audience, you know, both your email list and then wherever you also hang out on social media. So it’s super important. So blogging is not dead. So many people wonder about that. Because let’s be honest, podcasting is kind of like the sexy thing at this point. You know, it’s the hot thing. And we’ll definitely talk about podcasting and some future episodes. I have a series coming up after this one that will talk about podcasting. Is it right for you is now the right time and what to consider before you decide to dive into that. But what’s cool about blog post is it truly is an evergreen content, meaning if you do the work now you will keep seeing benefits from it down the road for for years to come truly on the site that I started with that I talked about in my intro. So even when we’re not regularly publishing new content, I get traffic to that site. Yes, it’s gone down because I’m not actively working in that business right now all the time. But we’re still getting traffic. 

    We’re still getting backlinks from other websites. We still get traffic from Pinterest. pins that I put on there years ago or other people pin. So the point is, is blogging is a unique thing because unlike podcasting or YouTube videos, yes, people can still find your content discover it. But if you’re not actively doing it, it’s harder to keep getting those downloads unless you’re getting on other programs and other shows, unless you’re really pushing people there. But blogging, if you have some really great content that’s getting found in search, or from other high profile websites that are linking to you, for your content. For years, you’re going to get traffic from those other sites or from Google. And like I said, people or companies that blog, you know, businesses that blog are getting a lot more leads per month than people that just have, you know, a couple page or a one page website, where you tell a little bit about yourself, but they really aren’t getting value. Right. So the reason you blog is because it is a long form content that’s evergreen, and it allows you to provide value to people before they work with you. So they start to see, Hey, okay, I get how this person might be able to help me or my business. Alright, so it’s really invaluable. It’s worth learning it. There are so many people that can help you through this, obviously, I work with people to do audits of their website. And also I have a course coming up in the next month that will be helping you do this and so many other things to really increase your traffic and your leads to your website. But really to get clear to on how you speak to people, what’s your message in that you’re really in your sweet spot. So obviously, that’s of interest, just reach out to me. 

    You know, what I love is helping people see that things that seem complex, often are a lot simpler than we think we just have to realize the reasons why we should do it. And then figure out what are the simplest steps to get from where we were to where we want to go. We don’t have to learn everything right away. We just need to know, hey, this is something I should start. Even if my first blog post or my first several aren’t that great? It’s okay. Right? Because we have to practice to get better at it. So here’s to stepping into blogging, and knowing that it is worth it for you to do so. And like I said, reach out if you have any questions. If there’s something I didn’t answer and you want to know, you know something further about this, let me know I’d love to hear until next time, have a great week. If today’s show got you pumped about building your online traffic so you can grow your business. Let’s celebrate, pop over and leave a review. Tell us what you loved about today’s episode or share this with another boss who’s ready to grow next level comm network with other entrepreneurs, authors, speakers, coaches and podcasters at my Facebook group to take your business to the next level. or head on over to Kristin Fitch that comm to find out more about my online growth system

  • Staying Focused as an Online Entrepreneur

    Staying Focused as an Online Entrepreneur

    Hey, on today’s podcast, we’re going to talk about being more productive and staying focused. And how do we avoid following shiny object syndrome? Hey there, I just wanted to let you know in the month of July, if you do a five star rating, and a review of my podcast on Apple podcasts, and then post it in my Facebook community, I am going to be giving away several of my website, website lead audit coaching sessions. Okay, here’s what you need to do in order to be entered in the giveaway. When you do the five star rating review, screenshot it before you hit Send or submit, and then you’re going to share it in my Facebook community, the link is in my podcast description. If you’re not already a member of the community, then go ahead and join. And you’re just going to put a post with that review. You can tag me Kristin Pierce Fitch, and then put the hashtag podcast giveaway. And you will be entered into the giveaway for several of my coaching sessions. Hey there, I don’t know about you. But I have definitely been guilty of chasing shiny objects over the years. And the honest truth is often it’s when we’re frustrated in our business, maybe we’re not hitting all of our goals. Or maybe we’re in the messy middle when things are a little bit monotonous. And those shiny objects seem a lot more exciting to chase those new ideas. So on today’s episode episode, I’m going to talk about six ways that we can try to stop chasing the shiny objects and stay more focused on our business. So we can actually hit our goals and accomplish what we want to set out to accomplish your beautiful friend. Welcome to Business and breakthroughs. 


    Do you want to optimize your online presence so you can get more traffic to grow your writing, speaking or coaching business? Are you constantly trying things online? And wondering what actually works best to grow your email list? get leads and book more opportunities? Are you looking for ideas that will help you grow your brand? I’m Kristin, an online traffic growth coach who built an online brand that reached millions of people. I’ve worked in online marketing for over 20 years. And I know how frustrating it was to work so hard and feel like I wasn’t seeing more engagement opportunities or leads until I learned to optimize my online presence. After putting the systems in place, I was able to grow an online audience to over 10 million with 38 million pageviews and grew an email list to 50k, all with one brand, I want to help you do the same. Getting traffic online doesn’t have to be so hard, I created an easy to follow online growth system in online marketing strategies that work to grow your audience and increase your traffic, grab your coffee in a notebook, and let’s grow your traffic. Alright, here we go six ways to stop chasing shiny objects and stay more focused. So I think there’s different reasons some of us fall into this trap. I think for some of us, it’s because we’re still unclear on what our real business offer is our real focus on our message and who we really are serving. Maybe we’ve recently stepped into our business. So we’re still figuring that out. But often, it’s because we pivot, before we actually let it we didn’t test it long enough to see if it would actually work. So we didn’t give enough time to actually do the work to make the effort or the the offer to stick. 


    So the first thing, of course, is if we want to make sure we’re on the right track, we have to do market research with our ideal customers or users and see are we actually putting together have we actually created a program a plan, or a product or service that they actually want that will actually help them and that they’re willing to pay for. So that’s the first thing I would just say to you is if you’re feeling like you keep trying the next thing, you keep shifting in your business, and you’re not feeling very focused. Often this can be the first issue. So I didn’t want to bring that up. I’m going to talk about that and an entirely different different episode. But I thought it was relevant to point out here. So today though, we’re going to talk about six ways that we can try to limit or minimize chasing those new ideas, those new shiny things that get us excited, because let’s be honest, sometimes in business, the day in and day out, can seem a little bit mundane, especially when it’s not the beginning of the project, or near the end, we’re going to see the benefits of it, have it pay off. Alright, so number one is how do we stop chasing shiny objects. Keep an idea and inspiration journal, you need to have a place where you can do a brain dump when these ideas come to you. It can be a physical notebook, it could be a spreadsheet or in a project management tool, wherever you want to capture the information. 


    The reason we do this, and I recommend brain dumping for all sorts of things, get it out of your head and onto paper or onto a you know somewhere so that you can go back and review it but you don’t have to keep trying to remember it in your brain because you need to clear that stuff out so you can actually get to work on the things that are your goals currently. And what I like to do is every 30 days just review your ID and inspect ration list, and then have another tab or page for the ones that really seem like they’re ones you’d want to consider at for a future project or future effort. Okay? That way, you have your big brain dump sheet, which can just stay, you know, to one side, and then you have your list of things that are could really be feasible ideas down the road. And that should obviously be a much smaller list. But if you do that, you’re going to find that all those shiny ideas can kind of be put aside so you can really get focused in your business. Number two, set clear, achievable goals, what, what seems to happen is a lot of us and I’ve been there with you, we pick too many priorities and goals for our business. And so everything that I’ve ever seen, that people recommend, is that we should pick three top goals for this quarter that we’re going to commit to Okay. And so what are your biggest three priorities in your business? And what are the outcomes that you want to have happen from them? The next thing about that, though, is is are you picking the right goals? Because some of us, I think, pick the wrong goals. 


    Maybe it’s a goal that actually won’t bring in revenue for us. Or maybe it’s really not the most important goal, and we’re spending time on busy work that’s not actually helping us reach our quarter, or I’m sorry, our quarterly goals. So what can you do about that? Well, check in with other people to make sure that it makes sense, you know, you could talk to a business coach, maybe in one of your business groups. The other thing too, is sometimes, you know, when when you’re picking the goals, you have to make sure is it a realistic goal to hit in that timeframe? Do you have enough time to accomplish it? Do you have the resources you need? And then is it realistic? Is it actually going to get you what you want? Is it achievable? Alright, so that’s the second thing. Number three, use time blocking to stay focused. So if you look at your week, and then you have times blocked each day for what type of work you’re going to do to time batching, and time blocking, actually, actually, it will help you stay focused during that duration that time. Because often it’s it’s when we’re not sure what we’re supposed to focus on that we waste a lot of time thinking about, what’s the priority, what’s the priority, and then we probably do things like we jump on social media and other things like that. So the next thing is limit your distractions. If you’re if you find you’re doing everything, but work, take a 15 minute break to clear your head, take a walk, read something inspirational or listen to a podcast, and then commit to a focused 1530 minute or 45 minutes of work. 


    Or you can really hunker down, get, do a block of work, and then reward yourself for getting the block done. You know, maybe you say, Okay, after I finish this, next 45 minutes are our tasks, then I’m going to go on a walk or I’m going, you know, to go get a snack or whatever you might want to do. But you know, just but get set, get your mind in the right place. The other thing is, you can use apps that limit help you limit your distractions. So there’s many, many distraction free apps or plugins that go with your browsers you can use but a couple are. One that’s free is called leech block in G and it’s L e c h, black in G. And you can install that extension or plugin on your browsers, I have installed it on Chrome and I’m just testing it out. Now. There’s another one called cold turkey. And that actually allows you to even do things like block work sites at night after a certain hour and then blurt block, social sites and other sites that you don’t want to be going on to during the day. There’s one called serene, in, there’s another one called freedom and blast blocks distractions on all of your devices, I believe, including your phone, that one 699 a month. And then there’s one called forest, and then Rescue Time, which actually use that it’s a time tracking app. They also have a feature as part of their product that you can block different things as well. But that isn’t ideal for you. If you find that you’re kind of squirrely, you’re kind of jumping from thing to thing that is something that you might want to consider trying. I know for me, that’s something that I’m starting to implement more of because I really do need those super distraction free timeframes. 


    Alright, the next thing is track your big and small wins and your successes, because this helps us stay motivated. And it keeps us from being frustrated if we don’t see progress in our business in the way we want. You know, that could be revenue wins. That could be audience size. It could be your email list. I mean, there’s all sorts of things you can be tracking, just make sure that they’re the most important things for your business and where you’re at with it. Okay, next up is number. Let’s see, I think that was number five, review your progress at the end of the day and plan out the next day. So while I think you should have time blocks, and you should know what your goals are for the week, if you see what you had, what you got done today, you can see if there was anything that needed to get done that you need to move to tomorrow, okay, like, for instance, to me, I recorded two podcasts today, I wanted to get a third one done, I didn’t get it done. So that’s going on my list for tomorrow, because I’d like to knock it out. Alright, so that’s why we want to review at the end of the day. So we start off tomorrow, knowing exactly what we need to get done as our highest priorities. And then, the next thing is, oh, and I should have mentioned with limiting distractions, also, you have to limit how much and how frequently you go on social media. I should have mentioned that before. And then number six is accountability. You need to have accountability check ins. 


    And I would say either a partner or coach, if you don’t have a team of people that you’re checking in with regularly to make sure that you’re actually one hitting your goals, or I should say, hitting your milestones for those goals. But two is, is anyone keeping you on track? Is there anyone asking those hard questions like well did, posting 16 things on social media actually help you accomplish or help you reach that milestone? You know, so in other words, are we do we have the right goals? And then are we do we need to change them? If they’re not working? And how frequently should we change them? How long do we stay the course. And so these are six things that we can do to try to stay more focused in our business and more productive. And also to stop jumping for the next new idea or feeling like we’re aimlessly getting a lot of stuff done, we’re busy, but we’re not actually hitting our goals. And so let me just review those. Again, keep an ID and inspiration journal. Set clear, achievable goals, but not more than three for each quarter. Use a time blocking, time blocking for your calendar, track your big and small wins. Review the progress at the end of the day. Limit your distractions by using software or shutting you know closing everything on your computer except what you’re working on. Or use a timer. Write for set blocks, like 30 minutes, and then you’ll know that you worked, you push through for those 30 minutes. And then have accountability check ins, make sure you’re regularly you know, coming back to see if you’re hitting your milestones and that you’re going and reaching towards your goals. 


    And then one last bonus that I would just mention is if you’re tracking your wins and your successes, it’s important to go back regularly, you know, at least monthly and review those, you know, don’t just look at them that day that you write them down, go back and review because I think you’ll realize you’ve accomplished more than you imagined. And that feels really good to do that. And it keeps the momentum going even more than just writing them down daily or weekly. So that’s the only thing that I had mentioned to you. And you know what, share those sometimes in some of your groups, because, you know, I like to celebrate with other people and celebrate them and what they’ve accomplished. And I hopefully they like to do that with other people as well. And I just wanted to wrap up with this quick excerpt of the book, undistracted by Bob Gough. He says, What has got you distracted? What is the big ambition you’ve been trying to launch that seems to be stuck on the tarmac. I know it’s hard, much of life is hard. Get back at it. Keep showing up for yourself and the people who will benefit if you don’t quit. You are probably just a few sentences away from the next green adventure. Find a couple of people who will make themselves available to you be the kind of person who will be available to others and start pointing towards the stars once again. With all and wonder and undistracted and relentless determination. Start the countdown. The angels in heaven are itching to look at look your way and say, We have liftoff. Look at you go where will you land. So this is just a reminder, don’t let the shiny objects distract you get back to your purpose and your mission. And keep reviewing that mission to remind yourself of why you’ve stepped into what you’re doing. And get going. If today’s show got you pumped about building your online traffic so you can grow your business. Let’s celebrate. pop over and leave a review. Tell us what you loved about today’s episode or share this with another boss who’s ready to grow next level comm network with other entrepreneurs, authors, speakers, coaches and podcasters at my Facebook group to take your business to the next level. or head on over to Kristin To find out more about my online growth system

  • Get More Traffic to Your Website from Other Websites

    Learn How To Get Traffic From Other Sources

    Hey, and welcome back. This is Kristen and I am so excited. Today we are going to dive into part three of the six part series secrets to optimizing your website so that you can grow your business. Today we’re going to dig into how other traffic sources help you grow your traffic and get you more leads. And what we’re going to do is we’re going to jump into how referrals or referring links from other websites really help you not only get more traffic, but help your SEO. And then of course, how posting on social media sites, whichever ones you use, also help you get you know more clicks to your website. Before we get started, though I want to tell you about something exciting in July, I am going to be running a contest, I will pick several winners over the month that they will get a website and liens audit and coaching session with me. And they can also either do that, or they can do a business coaching session with me they can pick. So over the month, I’m going to pick several winners. But what you need to do is you need to do a review of my podcast on Apple podcast or another platform, take a screenshot of it, and then share it in our Facebook community. If you’re not already part of that community, there is a link at the bottom of every episode, you can just click on that and join the community. So I hope you will participate too beautiful friend, welcome to Business and breakthroughs. Do you want to optimize your online presence so you can get more traffic to grow your writing, speaking or coaching business? Are you constantly trying things online? And wondering what actually works best to grow your email list? get leads and book more opportunities? Are you looking for ideas that will help you grow your brand. 

    I’m Kristin, an online traffic growth coach who built an online brain that reaches millions of people. I’ve worked in online marketing for over 20 years. And I know how frustrating it was to work so hard and feel like I wasn’t seeing more engagement opportunities or leads until I learned to optimize my online presence. After putting the systems in place, I was able to grow an online audience to over 10 million with 38 million pageviews and grew an email is 250 K all with one brand. I want to help you do the same. Getting traffic online doesn’t have to be so hard. I created an easy to follow online growth system in online marketing strategies that work to grow your audience and increase your traffic, grab your coffee and a notebook and let’s grow your traffic. Okay, let’s dive right in. Alright, so we’re really going to break this down into two or three parts. Okay. So here’s the deal. When you look at your website traffic, which we would do that through having something like Google Analytics installed on our website, it’s free, if you don’t have it installed, you literally just have to go to And you would sign up for, you know, a free analytics account. And there’s a snippet of code that would have to go on your website, obviously, if that’s something where you’re like, oh, my gosh, I can’t do that. There’s plenty people that can help you do that. And some of you are already going to have Google Analytics. And so what I’m talking about is in Google Analytics, there’s an area that that’s called acquisition. And then within it, it shows you where you’re getting your traffic from. 

    Okay, so that’s what we’re talking about today is how do we get traffic to our website? All right. And there’s really two main ways. Well, I guess there’s three if you pay for traffic, but we’re talking about organic traffic, so traffic you’re not paying for. The first is people may type in your domain directly. Because they have talked to you or you’ve shared it somewhere. Or let’s say you have a podcast, then you might mention the URL. So people might type in your domain directly. Or they’ve bookmarked it, because they’ve been there before. Okay. But the second way is that other websites, or social media platforms, or sites like YouTube, link to your website, because you have content there, or because you’re part of a group or, or a content article is linking to you because you’re a good resource for something. Okay. So that is what we’re talking about is how do we grow traffic from other sources, not just what we do on our own website to pull traffic in from Google search, or Bing or MSN or whatever it might be. Alright, so besides all the stuff we can do our to our own websites. And then on another part of the series, we’re going to talk about how having several long form blog posts can really help us also grow traffic. But once again, those are organic ways that we use our own website to get traffic. 

    This episode, we’re talking about how do we get other websites to link to us, which will help us get more traffic and leads. Alright, so the first is, Google will reward you for links that you have the I’m sorry, links that are being sent to your website. What am I talking about? So let’s say there’s an article at a larger site, right like a much more popular site. type in yours, that links to you about a certain topic. In other words, they might link to multiple websites or blogs, that link because that that other site ranks really high and has, you know, it’s, I guess you’d say it has more authority, it will give you more clout, if you will, for Google on how they PageRank you for the that link or the keyword the topics that that other site is linking to you for? Okay. And so how do you get those? Well, if you know that you have content, or you decide to create content for a certain topic, then you can reach out to sites that cover that and just let them know about your resource. Alright, so that’s one way. So for instance, on the site, I have a good, which is, you know, it is a content site. So it has a lot more content than most of us will like as for my consulting and coaching business, right now, I don’t have as much content, of course, but I am working on that that’s on my list of somewhere to do. 

    But we’re seeing the zoom, we have people linking to us for all sorts of content for our activities and our crafts and our things that we’ve created. So in that case, let’s see we have. So that’s a large site, and it’s been around a long time. But we get about 1000 links, or you know, 1000 different links are sent to us like traffic per month, from maybe, let’s see, like 30 other websites that are linking to a specific page on our website. And then we do get some that give us more traffic, like from social media platforms. And we’re going to talk about that part in a minute. But for instance, to my Kristin website, which I’ve just recently launched. And I have I don’t have any blog content there yet yet, or long form content. Because I’ve just launched the primary pages, I’m getting, just in the last two or three weeks, I have 28 links that came from other websites like referring links, okay. So here’s how you can go about getting other sites to link to you. One is what I mentioned before is you can reach out to the owner of that website. The second is, try to get onto websites, let’s say that you’re a member of a certain organization or association will if they list your information, make sure they link to your website as well. Okay, and other ideas would be things like, if you write for or if you post your content on sites, like, or many other ones, right, where you can basically publish and write content, you know, articles that you’ve you’ve done, link back, of course, where they allow it to your website, you know, you’ll get traffic eventually from that as well. Another option is, is be a guest contributor on a website. 

    Now, you may have to start out with a smaller site or someone you know, maybe you do a guest contribution article, or you swap, you know, both of you right for each other. But over time, a lot of people if it’s the right target, they’ll find an outlet or a magazine or an online magazine, or whatever it might be online site to write for. So on occasion, you might see somebody that writes for, or Fast Company or Forbes, well, they just pitch that right. A lot of these sites do have freelance guest contributors, that will bring a idea to that site or that magazine. So those are other ways that you would be able to get more traffic to your website from these bigger websites that get so much more traffic than our sites would ever get, you know, because of the volume and the size and how much coverage they have of different content. So those are some ideas. And like I said, this is not a go out and do this all at one time. This is just something that throughout your year, you can be strategic about how you’re getting more traffic to your website. One because you’re posting in other places where you’re letting yourself be seen, right, you’re getting exposure, you’re also letting yourself be seen as an expert, or someone that writes on those topics. And then thirdly, over time, you will get some links back to your website from these other places. And then I did want to jump over and talk about links from social websites, social platforms a little bit more. 

    So this is everything from you know, Facebook, You Tube, could be Instagram, it could be Pinterest, or Twitter or any other sites. It could be other web sites that have video content, you know, whatever works for you wherever your audience is. But the first thing I want to say about this first and foremost is don’t try to be all the places and don’t try to put so much effort in lots of different social media platforms. It for most of us, it’s just too exhausting. And the payoff won’t be there for all the places. So choose the place that makes the most sense for the sense for the next type of content you have. And then also for who you’re trying to reach? How old? Are they? What? How do they like getting their content? Are they where you want, you know, and sometimes you do have to test out what you like, where you like being in and to where your target person is, you know, where do they show up. So for me, I really have always loved Pinterest, I was on Twitter, I’ve been on all the platforms at some point over many, many, many years. But Twitter was never really my thing. And surely, it could be someone else’s thing. And there’s certain industries that make a lot of sense for someone to be there. It’s just that I started there, when it first came out when it didn’t even have images or videos that you could post with it. And of course, for years, you could do that. So why does social matter? Well, like I said, one, don’t try to be all the places and don’t feel stressed out about being on social media. 

    But if you’re going to use it to try to get traffic to your website, then pick one or two places, and then post your content. And so for us, and I mentioned this a little bit, we get I get traffic to both of my my main big content website, you know, every month, we get 1000s of referring links back to ziggity. Zoom, and we get tons more saves on Pinterest, or people just save a pin of something from our website, but they don’t necessarily click it then. And then for Kristin, which I’ve just, you know, recently launched, I’m only getting a few. I’m not getting a ton of traffic there yet per month, but I’m only posting a handful of pins right now that come back to my website, but people are seeing are starting to see those pins. But you know, and so if you have a Facebook community, and even if you don’t, you can post something, sometimes to your own Facebook profile. But you will start seeing in your analytics that you’re getting links from this. So for Instagram every month, for my Kristin Fitch, I do get traffic to my website. Now it’s not a big number right now, and I don’t need it to be a big number. But some people right will read one of my posts. And then they will go you know, normally I’ll say Lincoln bio, and most people know that, you know, at this point Anyways, if they’d been on that platform, but they’ll then click my link in my bio, in my page that it goes to lets them go straight to stuff I have going on, they can join my email list, of course, they can get straight to my newest podcast episodes, they can go and learn more about how to work with me. 

    And then if I have any cool things going on at the moment, you know, freebies or things like that. So once again, I will mention it in my post on occasion, you know, how where can they find more about this topic that I wrote about or I talked about. So the reason the social media links matters, because Google will give you more credit, if you will to have those links, because they’re coming from bigger sites. So it’s giving your site more authority. And it’s saying to Google, Hey, someone else thinks that this page on your website, matches for what this person is searching for. In other words, it’s not just them saying, hey, this seems to have the right topic and enough content that the person is looking for, they now have third party validation that you are getting traffic for that that topic or that page, you know, and whatever that page is about. So that’s why it’s super important. Okay, so let’s review and then wrap up. The reason this topic is so important is because, you know, I one person that I’ve talked with, and I’ve done some coaching with before said, Gosh, if you build it, they don’t come in, it’s true. You can’t just put a website up, don’t do anything, you don’t do any of the back work, you don’t do the things to optimize your website to get found. And then you’re not showing up anywhere else for people to know about you. There’s so many websites, just like there’s so many podcasts and everything else, there’s always gonna be lots of content. So the only way you stand out is by showing up places and telling people and then sharing what you’re doing. 

    That’s how it works. Now, obviously, if you’re already a well known person, where you have a huge following a huge email list, maybe you’re an author, you’ve written several books, of course, you are already going to have a bigger following. So it’s going to be easier for people to find you or look for your content, because they’re already, they’ve already established that pattern behavior. They’re already coming to your website, they’re already getting your email. That’s amazing. But for everybody else who still has a new business, or they haven’t really used their website as the business tool, it can be you have such a huge opportunity. And the great news is is this is something you just build on over time. And I promise the work you do each year each quarter each month to improve your website to add some really great content and like I said, it doesn’t mean you have to add content all the time. But write a really long bigger content piece on how you can you know on an area that you know a lot about got, you know, how can you help your ideal person, right about that, you know, and have a couple of those posts, because over time, you will get traffic to those pages. And of course link to your other pages as well in that post. But it will be people that are looking for exactly what you’re talking about. And so you’ll start being matched really well with who it is you’re trying to reach. 

    When we just have a several page website that’s just like, hey, here’s my services, here’s about me just a little bit. And here’s how to contact me, here’s my program, you know, or whatever you’re doing. That’s amazing. But you’re not getting people to your website that way, unless you’re just pushing stuff, other places, and then they’re finding you through the other content you’re producing elsewhere. And that’s okay, too. There’s obviously more than one strategy to get people to your website. And the goal of your website, of course, is get them to sign up for your email list if they’re not there already, so that you can communicate with them directly. The other is get them used to coming to your website to find out about new things you have going on. So start establishing it as a pattern. But if your website never changes, or if you never have anything new to offer, then there’s no reason for me or whomever is visiting your website to come back. And surely I’m not saying start off with oh my gosh, I have to update it all the time. That’s not what I’m saying. If you have a different program, or even something new to offer, it could even be a blog post every month, let them know that or some people send out a weekly email with a little blog post or a how to favorite things, devotional. 

    But if you get them used to what is it you’re delivering, and how frequently, they will expect that then so whether it’s via email, or it’s on your website, you just want people to know how how often are you going to be doing something right providing value. And to that you’re going to do it consistently. If you say every Friday in your email box, you’re going to get this you know, tips from you, then you need to make sure you get those out to people every Friday. Now if that’s too much for you, that’s okay, don’t start with that maybe you start out with just once a month, maybe you need to start off with once a quarter until you have the time to do it more often. So the idea of this, this series is not to put pressure on you and feel like oh my gosh, I have 1600 things to do. It’s giving you information, it’s giving you knowledge, so that as you have time to work on your website, as you have time to try to grow your business, you know some of the strategies and tactics to do it in a way that will allow it to be evergreen, in a way that allow you to get traffic, even when you don’t have time to post something new. Even when you don’t have time to go and get links from other directories, we still have people referring late or sending links to us sending traffic to us, that probably have been around for over 10 years, 12 years. So what I’m saying is, that’s nothing new I’m doing to keep that, you know, there’s people coming to our website for that specific content. In other words, I don’t have to keep doing the work for all the links we already have. Now, if I wanted to get new links or new people, then I might have to pin new pins. 

    Obviously, I’d be sending an email reminding people of the content we have for whatever seasonal or whatever is going on right now. But the work you put in now the work you put in in the future, or if you get someone to help you, it will pay off tenfold over time. So the things I’m telling you is because these are strategies that have worked, you know, I’ve been in industry for over 20 years in many different ways. The same things still work, yes, they’ve been tweaked to Yes, they’ll keep being tweaked. But the overall concepts have stayed the same. All right. So once again, make sure that you’re getting traffic from other online sources. So that can be of course, if you’re on social media, you can get traffic from wherever you’re at. You just have to make sure you’re sharing with people. What content do you have in why should they visit your website? You know, show them why there’s value there? Why should they click your link, and then get links from other websites. This can be everything from doing guest contributions or guest writing. This can be because you write other places like a type of website or platform. Or this can be because you are part of different memberships, or you do guest posts with people you know, in a similar or same industry that you’re in. So all these things will help drive traffic to your website, which will help you get leads over time. 

    So it’s super important. And like I said, you don’t have to implement everything in this series right now. But it’s important to know the information so that as you say, oh gosh, I do need to put a little time into my website, you know, some of the things to work on. Okay, so good luck. I hope you have an amazing week and I will see See you back back here next week with the next part of the series. Do you wish there was a way to optimize your online presence so you can get more traffic to grow your writing, speaking or coaching business easily in an authentic way. I know what it feels like to be all over the place showing up online and feeling frustrated with lack of growth. They learned the strategy and tactics that work to grow organic traffic and leads in and out in a more authentic way. Imagine if you knew how to create and build organic traffic online to help grow your audience with ease. So your website email list, and community grows and converts without being salesy, sleazy, or using high pressure tactics. That’s why I created this opps this website optimization coaching well, where I’ll teach you the steps to get more traffic and leads from your website, you’ll be able to stop struggling with tech and know exactly what to do to grow organic traffic and get more leads. You’ll walk away with customized recommendations and a 30 day unique online growth roadmap with the exact steps to follow to grow your online audience. 

    I was able to grow my all time pageviews to over 38 million and reach 10 million visitors for a brand I co founded all using simple easy to follow time tested organic strategies I learned along the way. So if you’re ready for your ideal audience to find you online, opt in to your list and connect with you without trying every new social media trend or spending so much time on tactics that don’t deliver. Then let’s dive in together. For a limited time I’m offering a summer promo. It’s a special price for the month of June that you can get a website optimization coaching session with me, head over to Kristin for all the deets in my summer promo deal. I can’t wait for you to learn the steps to grow your audience using your website so you can get more leads with all the fuss overly salesy salesy copy and high pressure tactics instead are easy, repeatable and will align with you and your clients. So head on over and check it out because I would love to do a session with you and help you kickstart your online presence growth. If today’s show got you pumped about building your online traffic to grow your business, let’s celebrate pop over and leave a review. Tell us what you loved about today’s episode or share this with another boss who’s ready to grow next level comm network with other entrepreneurs, authors, speakers, coaches and podcasters in my Facebook group to take your business to the next level. or head on over to Kristin Fitch Pratt comm to find out more about my online growth system.

  • Feeling Stuck and Unsure About Your Business?

    Finding Inspiration and How Your Gifts, Talents and Skills Intersect to Build an Authentic Business

    Hey, and welcome back to business and breakthroughs. This is Kristen, and I’m really excited for today’s conversation. We are going to talk about how do you find your intersection? How do you find your secret sauce? And how do you blend your ingredients together your the things you offer the world? So they come together in a way that you feel so aligned, you feel like yes, this is it. And people want to come work with you because you have connected the dots, if you will. Why are we talking about this today? Because I continue to talk to so many people, and where they’re stuck, where they’re struggling is here. They know things they’re good at, they know what direction they think they want to go into business. And maybe they’ve started it. But then they get stuck. They question what they’re doing. Or maybe they need to pivot because of what they’ve done in the past and where they think they need to go. This is what we’re gonna jump into today. And I cannot wait. Hey, and welcome to Business and breakthroughs. This is your host, Kristen, and I am so glad you’re here with me today. I cannot wait to dive into the topic and get going with you. Today we’re going to talk about how do you find your secret sauce? How do you step in the world with more curiosity. And I just hope this episode just is exactly what you need to hear today. Alright, let’s dive right in. 


    Here’s the crazy thing about life. I had actually written down to talk about this topic, because it’s come up in conversation with several people recently, they’re still working on starting their podcast or launching something or launching something new or doing a pivot in their business. You know, one friend of mine is a writer, but she’s about to launch something new. Another friend has a podcast but would like to do more speaking coming up. So there’s all these twists and turns like it is for all of us. But I had written down to talk about find your intersection. What’s your secret ingredient? And how do you bring them together in the world to make a living or to make a better living? Well, so I had this idea. And then I happened to listen to a podcast, I think it was on Saturday by Martha Beck now, I have found her podcast before but it’s not when I regularly listen to but maybe I should. But I listened to one recently called Find your muse. It’s episode 82. And I’m going to tell you a little bit about it. And then we’re gonna dig into the topic today, because they’re so aligned. But I literally, I needed to hear her episode, it was literally like music to my soul of where I’m at currently, because I’ve been feeling a little burned out, I have been just worn out lately and just not feeling the productivity. I wanted to, you know, feeling behind and some of my work. 


    So the gist of the show the gist of her podcast was, if you first of all, it’s that you should just go towards what you interest. You know, like, in other words, her whole life, she’s like, I didn’t do what someone told me to do. I didn’t try to fit into a job like, Oh, I’m going to become a lawyer. She just always followed the things I’m about to tell you to where she got. And if you don’t know her, she’s a writer, MIT. She’s written many books. She’s a sociologist. And she’s also a well known world renowned life coach. She has some amazing programs. And then I think she also has some sort of Life Coach School. But here’s the gist. She said, how do you find your muse? In other words, how do you find your inspiration? How do you stay inspired. And so she gives us three kinds of ideas on how to do this, or how to keep doing it. The first is a concept that she says, is to follow the heat. And what she’s talking about is what interests you What do you feel excited about. And it might be that you have to try several things at once to see which thing interests you versus which thing feels like, you know, cold or, or, you know, it’s not really warming you up, it’s not getting you excited. And so one of the ways we kind of find our way through life, the one of the ways we find our inspiration, which often then leads to the next project we should be working on or the next will work is by following our heat. Or if you think about it, it’s like a game of hide and seek or I mean, like you’re hotter, you’re colder, you know, when you’re near the person. 


    That’s what we’re talking about. In other words, open your eyes and be aware which things get you excited when you when you work with that product that service you talk about that topic. You know, what things do you read or seem to be drawn to? That’s the heat, right? That’s the thing that you could just keep doing and it interests you. So that’s the first thing she talks about. The next is, let’s say you can’t find your heat. Let’s say that you can’t. You can’t even decide which things are kind of like getting you excited. She says, then what you need is you need rest, she said depressed people think it’s bad right in our culture. But she says no, if there’s no heat, you need to physically sleep. Because it basically allows your brain to go to work. And it lets your brain kind of let go of all the things that it doesn’t need, okay? Or if you’re numb, you feel numb, you’re not getting excited, and you can’t decide what’s warm, and what’s cold for you to go towards sleep. And she says, You can’t get too much sleep. It’s our body’s way of healing, right? It’s our body’s way of repair, of renewing. Okay. And then she said, once though you feel rested, and you can start to sense what things you’re drawn towards what things you are interested in. She said, she calls it follow your nose. But really what she’s talking about is be open to new experiences. And I guess I’d say, have a childlike wonder, I guess I’d say is the way I understood what she’s saying. 


    She explains, you know, a child kind of threw a park in there, just kind of like, oh, my gosh, look over here. Did you see that bird? Oh, I’m gonna go towards the stream right there. They’re literally awakened to everything around them. And they’re going to take it in, in other words, take it in through your senses. And if we all just showed up in life more like that, I mean, truly, how wonderful would it be, I mean, think about even in the kitchen, and someone’s cooking food and my gosh, cookies, and maybe like a tomato sauce, you walk in the door, and you’re just hit with those smells as aromas. It’s much like that. So when you’ll be drawn to go see what that’s amazing smell is, what I’m saying is taken, what she’s saying is take that sense of like, let me follow the smell and do it with all your senses in your life every day. But if we were more open to not being super stuck in routine and structure, we would actually know the things that interest us the things that we became, you know, deciding, like, gosh, I would really love to go walk down near the water that day, instead of sitting at my computer for eight hours, if I don’t have any, you know, appointments or calls, coaching calls. So the next thing she says is the third thing, follow your curiosity, right? And she says, if you can connect to curiosity about anything, it removes our fear, our worry. And then we can ask the question, why is this happening? Or why do I like this? Why is this interesting to me? Okay, and so once again, if we’re more curious in life, this could be about our relationship, about a topic, maybe we’re getting super into a certain topic right now of books, we’re reading documentaries, you know, a movie, but we need to be aware of those things, okay. But if we do these things, you know, her point is, we won’t feel stuck like that, we just can only go into law medicine. And she names a third category, and I can’t remember what it is. In other words, we don’t have to have a career that someone says we have to have, it doesn’t have to fit in a box.


    It truly can be our, to our own making, and it can keep changing. And she shares a story about a female comedian, I think it’s cuz she’s like a stand up comedian, I guess. And she explains how she keeps doing what she wants. And she’s always doing different things. But she always calls it stand up, okay. And she basically, Martha Beck says, if you have a deep passion, keep following it. And you have to, because you have to have the heat. If you don’t, then go towards the thing that does give you that hate that curiosity of interest that wonder, okay, and then she has this great comment or thing she says what she says, Wait, you’re not sampling the whole universe to see what you love? Oh my gosh, imagine if we all from childhood on had that approach to life, how much more alive we would all be? How much more happy we would all be. Right? Because I think so many people we do get stuck in obligation, we get stuck in this sense of routine. And that we have to make a living and we somehow have been trained, we’ve been brainwashed to think that it has to be in some nine to five job or even if we already have our own business, it doesn’t have to fit in certain constraints.


    Maybe you’re a you hate working first thing in the morning, maybe you’re you know someone that loves working at 11am You know, to six or something or maybe you say I only really am good for four hours a day to really work that’s okay. Maybe you were wired that way right because of the type of creation that you’re you’re doing you’re making. Okay, so why did I tell you all that? I told you all this because I have recently been feeling that need for rest. I’ve been feeling that need to remember what all lights me up and of course I noticed Some of the things, but I felt disconnected from some of them lately. And let’s be honest, a lot of us feel I don’t want to use the word guilty. But we feel like when arresting, we’re not being productive, which in our society, we have, many of us have been trained that we need more productivity time instead of more rest time. But this, this podcast episode, it just really I listened to it twice, because for me, it was so good. And it really just reminded me to pay more attention to myself to my body, to my thoughts, to the things that I feel that urge to move towards to go do to get off the paved path on, you know, in into the woods, if you will. Okay, so how does this have to do with finding our intersection? How does this have to do with coming up with where our, you know, our gifts and our talents come together? Well, I think it has a lot to do with it. Because if we’re in touch with our, you know what, what we enjoy, if we’re in touch with our curiosity and our wonder, and if we are rested, then it’s going to be a lot easier to look at what I’m talking about today. 


    And I want to share this little excerpt from the book, Big Magic from Elizabeth Gilbert, about this topic, she says, If you don’t have clear passion, and somebody blithely tells you to go follow your passion, I think you have the right to give that person the middle finger. Because that’s like somebody telling you that all you need in order to lose weight is to be thin, or all you need in order to have a great sex life is to be multi orgasmic. That doesn’t help. I’m generally a pretty passionate person myself. But not every single day. Sometimes I have no idea where my passion is going off to. I don’t always feel actively inspired. Nor do I always feel certain about what to do next. But I don’t sit around waiting for passionate strike me. I keep working steadily, because I believe it is our privilege as humans to keep making things for as long as we live. And because I enjoy making things. Most of all, I keep working because I trust that creativity is always trying to find me even when I have lost sight of it. So how do you find the inspiration to work when your passion has flagged? This is where Curiosity comes in. I believe that curiosity is the secret. Curiosity is the truth in the way of creative living. Curiosity is the Alpha and Omega, beginning in the end. Furthermore, Curiosity is accessible to everyone. Passion can seem intimidatingly out of reach, at times, distant our flame accessible only to geniuses and to those who are specially touched by God. But curiosity is a milder, quieter, more welcoming and more democratic entity. 


    The stakes of curiosity are also far lower than the stakes of passion. Passion, makes you get divorced and sell all your possessions and shave your head and moved in Nepal. Curiosity doesn’t ask nearly so much of you. In fact, curiosity only ever asked one simple question. Is there anything you’re interested in anything? Even a tiny bit, no matter how mundane deign or small, the answer need not set your life on fire or make you quit your job, or force you to change your religion or send you into a fugue state. It just has to capture your attention for a moment. But in that moment, if you can pause and identify even one tiny speck of interest in something, then Curiosity will ask you to turn your head a quarter of an inch. And look at the thing a wee bit closer. Do it. It’s a clue. It might seem like nothing, but it’s a clue. Follow that clue? trust it, see where Curiosity will lead you next, then follow the next clue in the next in the next. Oh my gosh, how many of you can relate to those words? I surely can. And I think that’s the point is, as humans, this is the condition most of us are in because we’ve gotten disconnected. Right? With our, with our creative, curious selves, that part of us. And I do think that, you know, God is really here to partner with us, right to allow us to create amazing work through you know, these gifts He’s given us and through the inspiration that we feel from, you know, this all inspiring curiosity and creativity that we are given, but we have to get in touch with it. 


    Okay, so what happens if you’re in a place where you don’t feel like you know what your secret sauce is? You don’t feel like you really know where your intersection is that sweet spot in your business or or just in what you’re going after? What do you do? Well, the first thing I’d say is, let’s get a piece of paper and a pen. And let’s write some things down. Okay, so I’m going to give you the main things to write down and most of you have probably done some version of this at some point. I want you to write down these these little topics or categories. And then later you can fill them in. It’s right down gifts, right down talents, write down skills, passions, pain, struggles for what you’ve ever overcome, okay? And then write down what two people say I’m good at. Now, before you do this, and like I said, you can either pause the show, and then fill these out, or you can do it later. I want you to really think deeply about this and make sure you put some things in each of these buckets. But next, don’t just think of things that you’ve gotten paid for in the past. I mean, those things are great, obviously, to put down right as your skills, your abilities, whatever it might be. But many of us have gained skills, or we have an ability that either we just had naturally, right, we had a knack for it, if you will, it’s one of our gifts or talents, even if we’ve never gotten paid for it. Or maybe you you gained the skill working, you know, being at home, or maybe you did it volunteering, it doesn’t matter.


    If you got paid for it, it matters if you develop something that other people are like, Oh my gosh, are so organized, or you are so good at putting events together, you know, or you everyone comes and talks to you about, you know, their personal struggles, and you you lift them up, you make them feel better, you know, so the things can be where you have to think about it. But I want you to really think about these things, and then put down interest to so what things are you drawn to? What things what kind of content do you consume? And what are we talking about, for instance, for me, when I was little, I wrote poetry and lyrics, but it wasn’t something I shared regularly with people I just was drawn to do it. In college, I liked my religion in my philosophy classes, my classes on morality. I’ve had a passion towards taking pictures for as long as I can remember, not when I was little, but maybe by college or after. I love being in conversation with people. I love gift giving. And I love food for sure. But people come and talk to me about their lives, right, and I help them shift their perspectives. And so these are just some of my indicators. Of course, I’ve worked in tech for 20 years, I’m good at taking something complex and making it a more simple idea. I am obsessed with certain types of books, right? 


    But not everybody is I love Christian Christian inspiration books. And I like other sorts of books too. And I have poetry books, things like that. But that’s not what everybody has interested in, you know, what pulls at your heartstrings, that pain struggle or what you’ve overcome. Maybe you’ve been divorced, maybe you have dealt with childhood trauma that took years to overcome. All of these things are indicators. And if we can really look at them and start to see hmm, what what area am I working in? Or what area have I been wanting to move into. But these things will help inform us on where we should be going towards, and pay attention to what pulls you what gets our attention? And then as we interact with the world, what are you most passionate about? Right, that my friend has a gift? What are you passionate about? And, you know, one thing is how do you find your intersection? Well, I think it’s what is it that you’re good at? What is it that you literally are so passionate about that? You? You just you kind of obsessive about it, right? And then where is it that you think people are saying that they need help that you could help them with? And remember, this could be anything you could you could be the most amazing Baker, or you could be the most amazing coach to help people with their children that may be have certain maybe they have special needs. 


    And you’ve worked in that area. Maybe you have taught in that area. Maybe you’re a parent that has gone through that you know, with your child, but what is it? In other words, how can you dis I mean, how can you connect these disparate things? Where do they come together? And maybe you don’t know or maybe you’ve been trying out coaching, but you still can’t seem to find that sweet spot for yourself? My guess is is because you’re you’re just trying it all instead of really getting quiet with yourself looking at all these different you know, what are your gifts or talents or skills, your interests, your passions? In seeing Where do my passions and interests intersect with my skills in that I want to be a coach because you might be trying to fit in a box, you don’t need to like, oh gosh, I’m going to be a business strategist type coach, I’m going to be a life coach. Well, those are so broad and big and vague. That one, you might not feel super connected to it. And two, people aren’t going to really be drawn to you for it, because it’s too broad. So how do you Yes, niche or niche niche down however you want to say it with these? These areas? Right, this intersection of yours? 


    How do you blend your signature ingredients into what you do? Okay. And so for instance, another exercise is that you take all those things, and you think, you know, who do you serve, but you keep going down four levels? And what do I mean by that? Like, you can’t just say like, oh, I help people that need life coaching. It’s that you Who do you help? Okay, I help women under 50, let’s say, okay, women under 50, who are typically moms who work full time, and they’re trying to navigate a big transition in their life. Do you see I’m saying, so keep niching? Down? Who exactly you help? And then how you help them? Are you helping them make a transition, you know, in their life? Are you helping them step out and become more bold, right in this in this next part of their life, the clearer you get, the more specific you get, the more it will match up with your skills and your gifts and your talents, that intersection, and that you will start finding more success, because it’ll make sense to people and it will make sense to you, it’ll feel you’ll feel feel more authentic in that place. The other thing I think happens is, we often try to fit in. And this has happened to me before too. I tried to say, Oh, I’m this and it even now with this podcast. As I’ve been rebranding, I’ve been honing it, I still have resistance, I’m still working through what I’m going to be when I grow up on this podcast, right? Because I think I niche down to so much, because that’s how he’s being guided by the program I was in. 


    But it’s starting to feel I started to feel like no, no, no, no, this isn’t it. So I’m going to be pulling it back just a bit. It’s, I still educate, you know, on some of these topics. But my heat wasn’t there as much, right? This is a sort of thing I love talking about. This is really how I like helping people. And yeah, tech, of course, I can help with that. But that’s not where the heat is. Okay, and so for me, I’ve got to keep going towards the heat, I gotta keep twisting and turning, turning. And that’s okay. And I need to be honest about it. Because so many of us find ourselves on this path where we go down one little alley, and then we find that it’s blocked off or it’s cold. And we’re not sure how to go forward. You know, and we don’t want to embarrass ourselves, right? We don’t want to see, it seemed like, it’s silly that we keep trying new things. But, but if it’s blocked, or it’s cold, I have to turn around and go back to the main road and find the next path that is opened, that does have the heat. The other thing is, talk to people about it, ask them, gosh, what am I what do you think I’m good at? If you thought I was going to do something as a business, you know, as my thing that I made money that I could do my whole life, what would it be? And then listen to what they say and really accept what they say. 


    Because often we hear somebody say something, and we, we don’t really believe it about ourselves, especially if it’s something we’re stepping into that we’ve never done before. The other thing I would say is what if we just took the pressure off ourselves? What if we did follow the things that excite us? What if we tried new things without the expectation of the outcome? What if we only said yes to the things that we said, Heck, yeah. I’m so excited to do this. If we didn’t do the things that we weren’t really, we didn’t feel that sense of wonder, that sense of curiosity, that excitement about it. And I don’t mean that everything in our business or in our lives is going to be Yay, it’s so fun. But I’m saying are we have it? Do we have things in our life everyday that we’re excited about? And that we’re getting curious about and we’re following that kernel? That’s the question. And you know, I think it’s we have to keep being willing to learn right to be a lifelong learner to be a beginner and I think it’s okay we should commit ourselves to being more you know, a filled with wonder that childlike sense of excitement about our days. shake up your routine a little bit, you know, get out of your comfort zone. Get away from your computer. or your zoom calls or whatever it is, you’re doing a lot of in just do something different. 


    That you, you have that little inkling that says, Hmm, what would happen if I did this today? What would happen if I picked up the paintbrush, or I went and had a conversation with somebody I’ve admired, whatever it might be. So what I want to leave you with today is just, you have so much ability. The question is what’s holding you back? Is it because you’re stuck in the mundane, you’re stuck in routine, and you’re not even seeing the amazing things right around you that you could literally grab, you’re not giving yourself credit for the things that you’re actually so skilled and gifted at? Because you’re still questioning how you should move forward. So instead of questioning how you should move forward, just take a little step. Take a little step and say, You know what, I am going to just try it. And my goal is you just want to do it long enough so you don’t give up and you actually grow from it. Right? You can you just keep trying things and you’re going to learn. Okay, so that’s it. I can’t wait to see if you check out Martha Beck’s episode, I just think it was so life giving for me. And it really is what I needed to hear right now. So if you check it out, let me know what you think. And let me know what you think about today’s episode. And next up is the next, I think a third of the six part series about optimizing your website, very tactical. But sometimes we do absolutely have to do that side of business as well. You wish there was a way to optimize your online presence so you can get more traffic to grow your writing, speaking or coaching business easily in an authentic way. 


    I know what it feels like to be all over the PLACE showing up online and feeling frustrated with lack of growth. Then they learned the strategy and tactics that work to grow organic traffic and leads in and in a more authentic way. Imagine if you knew how to create and build organic traffic online to help grow your audience with ease. So your website email list, and community grows and converts without being salesy, sleazy, or using high pressure tactics. That’s why I created this opps this website optimization coaching well, where I’ll teach you the steps to get more traffic and leads from your website, you’ll be able to stop struggling with tech and know exactly what to do to grow organic traffic and get more leads. You’ll walk away with customized recommendations and a 30 day unique online growth roadmap with the exact steps to follow to grow your online audience. I was able to grow my all time pageviews to over 38 million and reach 10 million visitors for a brand I co founded all using simple easy to follow time tested organic strategies I learned along the way. 


    So if you’re ready for your ideal audience to find you online, opt in to your list and connect with you without trying every new social media trend or spending so much time on tactics that don’t deliver. Then let’s dive in together. For a limited time I’m offering a summer promo. It’s a special price for the month of June that you can get a website optimization coaching session with me, head over to Kristin for all the deets in my summer promo deal. I can’t wait for you to learn the steps to grow your audience using your website so you can get more leads with all the fuss overly salesy salesy copy and high pressure tactics instead are easy, repeatable and will align with you and your clients. So head on over and check it out because I would love to do a session with you and help you kickstart your online presence growth. If today’s show got you pumped about building your online traffic so you can grow your business. Let’s celebrate pop over and leave a review. Tell us what you loved about today’s episode or share this with another boss who’s ready to grow next level comm network with other entrepreneurs, authors, speakers, coaches and podcasters at my Facebook group to take your business to the next level. or head on over to Kristin Fitch Beck calm to find out more about my online growth system.