
  • Is it Time to Tell Your Story & Write a Book

    Everyone has a Book in Them & What Holds Us Back From Doing the Next Time

    Join Kristin as she interviews, Abigail Gazda, an author, publisher, life coach and podcast host of the Hearts Unleashed Podcast, to talk about starting new things, being authentic, and what it’s like to be an author and publisher. Kristin and Abigail also talk about the continous process of editing, assessing and discovering who we are becoming and doing the work to build a life that works for us. They talk about the concept of asking who am I supposed to be instead of what am I supposed to do as this allows each of us to keep growing into the person we are meant to be and focus less on the current identities we identify with in our current season.

    Another important question they discuss is why do we settle in lives and sometimes set goals or desire that aren’t our own. If you are a writer, speaker or podcaster or interested in stepping into these areas this is a great conversation around what that looks like. And each of us has a book or books inside of us or a story to tell so the question posed is- is it time to get started?



    Mon, 5/23 2:31PM • 54:26


    work, people, life, grow, world, book, coach, realize, long, authentic, trauma, part, love, business, heart, gift, water, important, feel, step


    Kristin Fitch


    I cannot wait for you guys to listen. In today’s episode, we are going to talk about how do we be your most authentic selves. We are going to talk about how if we take care of ourselves, we we can take care of our calling, we are going to step into what it looks like to be a writer. We’re going to talk about what it looks like to start a book to be a podcaster. We are going to talk about the future work and we’re really going to talk about how do we step into who we’re supposed to be. So that it comes from our heart our calling, instead of what am I supposed to do? I think you’re gonna be so blessed and just really get so much out of today’s episode, so I cannot wait for you to listen in. 

    Hi, today on the podcast. I would like to welcome Abigail Gazda. She is a heart centered entrepreneur, a best selling author and publisher. She is the CEO of hearts unleased, which is also the name of her podcast like to welcome her today. Welcome, Abigail.

    Thank you. Thank you for having me. I’m excited to be here.

    Absolutely. Can you start off with telling us a little bit about your backstory, and then how you got into what you’re doing and what you’re up to now,

    I’ll start with backstory. But I’m going to start with the end in mind, which is it’s a constant evolution, right? I am now the CEO of hearts unleashed. I’m a publisher. And funny funny piece of that is, I don’t think I finished any book that wasn’t assigned to me before the age of at least 24. Right. Like, I wasn’t interested in books, I never spoke true that I would be an author that wasn’t a big dream of mine. But as I grew, and I was a teacher in my past life, and then I was a manager of a fitness gym. And as I continue to grow, and as a specifically as a coach, so I I’m gonna start from there.

    Like my, my real backstory, being a coach and a leader and a CEO, is in 2016 is when I was introduced, I was managing a gym and I had hired a gal who worked part time for me. And after about like three weeks of working together, she said, you know, will you come check out my coach training program, everything that I’m being trained to say like you already, that’s how you speak, and I think you’d be really interested in it. And I went in Chicago in 2016, to the coach training programs, accomplishment coaching, I 10 out of 10 recommended, I think it’s great, but I walked into that room. And it was like I had found some promised land or I found family I didn’t know I had they were speaking a language that my heart knew. And I was like, What is this?

    And I was sold I was in and I mean, like the rest is history as many people say, but it developed because then the the next level of transformation came from being a really great coach naturally, but not naturally a good business woman. So I had all this skill, all this intuition, all this understanding and how to work with people specifically being trained to be a teacher.

    But that then I had to learn how to offer it, sell it, explain it talk to people enroll people register. And so that was a real evolution as well, which was then I put my head down and figured out how to do that. Started getting so inspired. I was writing books about it. And yeah, it’s really developed over time. That’s so good.

    So tell me about that. Like you said, You’ve been a teacher, you’ve you know, you’ve been a manager, the fitness club, you definitely didn’t think when you were growing up that you are going to write books or become a coach. So can you talk to us a little bit about and you know, both of us talk about trying to be authentic, how do we really dig in and be our true selves? And you sort of mentioned this, it’s an iteration, right?

    It’s a continuing process of evaluating assessment, editing, trying things, but what can you tell us about how you shifted into these things? And was that was it uncomfortable as you got new when he left? identities or titles behind him when you get new ones are you did both. So tell us about that. And was that hard? Was it painful to walk through? Or was it pretty like easy for you?

    I love that question. I’m like, I don’t think I’ve ever been asked that way. So thank you. Because I want what I want to say is at every level of the journey, I always thought and figured I was being my most authentic self. So I think that that’s really important for people to hear. Because we, we don’t need to hate our past selves, we don’t need to make ourselves wrong for the way that we are. It is acceptance, like authenticity comes from acceptance. And then as we grow, we naturally discover more about ourselves, we naturally get more clear about our preferences, right. And so that has been a really important part of the journey. So so to speak to that. Every time that I, I sort of, let’s say, discovered a new part of me.

    Or that an old part of me was sort of revealing itself as outdated. That’s how I want to say it because we, I don’t want to shame any past self. Like I’m always doing my best. We’re always doing our best. So shedding. Shedding was a challenging experience. And then teaching people particularly from my past, who might have liked the old version of me. So teaching people, this is who I am now, this is how I am now this is what I’m interested in now. A lot.

    I’ve got it I’ve gotten a lot of feedback that I would call negative or critical, saying what I just wish that we knew, like we missed the old ABBY I missed the old Abby, I want old Abby back. And I’ve had to tell people, you do know that that version of me was completely structured on people pleasing and, and working really hard for validation and approval. And so that was a challenging thing, because I like the statement, you teach people how to treat you. Right?

    So I was teaching I had to read teach people how to treat me how to see me how to relate to me, and some people decided they didn’t like that version. And some people have followed me all along the way. And the ones that really loved me really loved me through it all. But the to answer your question very specifically, no, it was not easy. This has not been easy. It doesn’t always feel good. And and it’s not about the external. It’s the internal. I have love from my people, really, I’ll say no matter what. And, and it’s me confronting my own fears of rejection, or my own fears of disappointing people that I’ve had to face.

    And that’s where the discomfort has really been, you know. So yes, I have felt authentic the entire way. But the more I develop, the more I find out about me, the more I mature and become a woman and have these different preferences and everything. So it’s been an evolution. Yeah, that yeah, that’s, that’s good. And I think you’re right. I mean, for instance, when I worked more so heavily in tech, I worked with a lot of guys, which I’m totally comfortable with that.

    But what I didn’t know is subconsciously I was maybe trying to fit in, instead of be completely myself. So it was more like I was tamping myself down. It wasn’t about me trying to not be myself or being authentic. It was literally just, oh, well, okay, I need to be sort of like this, you know, and of course, I was still myself when I was still girly and everything, you know, but it’s still I wasn’t till I reflected back in those periods that I realized that I was holding myself or part of myself back. It was not purposeful at all. And that was still me, but it wasn’t all of me.

    You know, like it was it was like a dial down version, if you will. And so over time, like you’re saying it’s about discovery, it’s about thinking, what am I left behind in my past that I loved in somehow I’ve put it on pause, or I went into a new season. And I didn’t realize how important that part of me was, you know, like, for instance, I love taking pictures, not a professional. I’m not trying to be professional at it. But there was a long time way back that I didn’t I wasn’t doing that, you know. And so it’s things like that, where you say, oh, wait a minute, there’s this thing I really love for me. It’s very artistic. It’s very creative.

    Maybe I need to pick back up the camera or my phone to take pictures which I do every single day. Yeah, I never was I needed those outlets, right. And so part of it is accepting, you know what, maybe I shouldn’t have left that behind, or I need to pick it back up. Because that’s part of me. And it’s a part of me, that makes me happy and joyful.

    I love what you’re saying. And as I’m listening to you speak, I just I wanted to accentuate the multifaceted parts of us the multi dimensional being that we are right, like, we’re not just a mom, just a CEO, just a woman, just a man, anything. And so being able to accentuate all the parts of us and let all the parts of us play and be seen and be free and unleashed.

    Because I think even in branding, you know and you know, your audience may diversify. It’s it’s not all about business. It’s not all about relationship but but that we get like, and let’s let’s backpedal for a second we live in, we’re currently interviewing in 2022. It’s really sexy right now, to turn your passion into an income. So it’s like, we can’t almost just have a hobby, without feeling a pressure to perform with it, when really, we might just like to paint bad paintings or cooking, you know, whatever. And so we don’t need to turn it into business. But that we really are not just one thing, and we have permission to be all the people all the versions of us that we are.

    Absolutely. So on that, you know, I, there’s definitely times in our life that I think we, we don’t choose a change in our life, right? So you might be you, maybe you lost your job. And now you aren’t going to be working in that same industry. Maybe you were married and you got divorced, right? There’s so many things where our the way we relate it to the world with an identity gets taken, the rug gets pulled out from under us, if you will, we’re still us.

    But we have to get changed when we didn’t choose it. So anything to say about that, because I think I hear people talk about stuff like this all the time. And it’s, it’s when they’re working, walking through hard season that this happens. And how can we make that easier? You know, what have you found, you know, that helps us understand that’s just a piece of us, it is just a title, even though there might be pain or trauma associated with it. But how do we step through that to really fully embrace ourselves?

    I love this question as well. Good, thank you for all the good questions, because this is very diverse, but um, the, for me, that was divorce, the season that I didn’t pick, you know, what you were kind of referencing or like something that felt forced upon you. So when I and that was a very tough season for me. And I was 27. And I had married my college sweetheart, we were together for six years, and, and he decided that he didn’t want to be married. And and that was, you know, he was trying to be and that wasn’t working for him. And that was really disruptive for me, because I was here on cloud nine in my own sort of like fantasy world.

    And in then it all went away. And and so I heard your question about like, how can we move through those seasons to stay authentic to keep coming up that time. So one, I’m a huge proponent for professional support, if that’s therapy, if that’s coaching, if that’s consultant, and there’s lots of free resources, also to be able to process but I 10 out of 10 encourage people to process what they’re going through a lot of us become completely compartmentalized. And then we avoid, and that’s not functional, we can not live our most authentic selves, if we’re trying to talk are a part of us away pain, anger, confusion, resentment. So we have to bring all the totality of who we are out.

    And we’re not good at doing that alone, like professional support is so powerful. I’m also just going to if you are someone who’s in the process, journaling is one of the most the simplest. And then also one that’s not so talked about is mirror work, sitting down in front of the mirror with yourself eye contact, and really get in touch with who you are in what’s going on within you. Because we’re so used to looking out all day long, that we forget, we even have a body we forget, we even have feelings that we’re struggling with. And we try to hide them and we do so well in the world. But when it’s just us at night, and and those feelings want to be seen and heard, like there’s no way through them, but through them. And that’s what I would love to say to anybody in a tough season who’s really committed to being authentic.

    Listen, if you want to hide and, and put on an identity and put on a mask and try to make it you can, everybody probably goes through those phases. But eventually, like I believe that eventually that will catch up with you. And it’ll kick your butt up and down the road if you’re trying to hide from them. And so I just really encourage people to process what they’re going through. Yeah, yeah.


    So let me ask you, I think you know, both both of us kind of aligned with you know, it shouldn’t just be all work you have to really curate and nurture these other parts of us these other relationships things that bring us joy are that you know, just fill out fill us up to tell us a little bit about your lifestyle and your work with your lifestyle you want and like the fun creative adventurous things you do.

    I would love to thank you i a live a very unconventional life to most people. I definitely have dismantled the nine to five a lot of societal norms, all of those things. And I grew up in the Midwest, from a from a blue collar family and we believe that hard work is good and rites and there’s that is fine. And I personally based on my zodiac and making In design, and like all these different features that I started to learn as they grew, I’m not built to work super hard. I’m not built to work. 24/7 part of my greatest gift is rest, and relaxation and being fully sourced and restored. And so my life looks maybe lazy for some people where, oh, why are you sleeping till this time? Or why are you You know, you, you haven’t worked in four days. But the what I know about myself in my alignment, is that I can do more work in four hours than some people can in four days.

    And so I’ve really, again, I’m laughing because I saw there’s so much self acceptance, acceptance tied into this, when I it, it took literal years. So I want to tell anybody who’s working on this, it took literal years to decondition me talking so badly to myself, like, you should be working harder, you’re lazy, you’re, you’re going to get beat, you’re never going to succeed that way. Like all that stuff. Because I grew up, I played college basketball, all I knew was be tough. And when I stopped being tough, I started being sensitive, and kind and gentle and tender one with myself.

    But with that helped me be that way with other people. But it opened up something because I’m a sensitive person. I’m an intuitive, I’m an empath times 100. And so with that my greatest gift is being slow and rest and insensitive. And so my life looks very different. I’m here in Costa Rica right now. But I’m a nomad. And I travel all over. And I’m sourced by nature. So I love spending time, you know, in the trees and in the water. And so it’s a little unconventional.

    Oh, I think it’s fantastic. I think most people should pick up at least some of that, right? I mean, definitely getting a nature wherever you live, and just trying to find something that you enjoy doing, you know, especially if it’s outside or it’s, you know, get you moving and things. But I think it’s so good. And I also think what’s really important, what you said is not just that you’ve Well, a couple of things. One is that it does take time for us to deconstruct what society and what our upbringing and what culturally we’ve been subconsciously told as well as consciously, like, this is how life should look, you know, and you should, oh, my gosh, a regular job and you know, good paying job, and it should be traditional, and then you get married. Like, I know, a lot of that has changed. But what I’m saying is, when we were growing up, we were hearing those or seeing those messages, right? That’s changed today a lot. But when when I was little that was still being told, or you were you were. And so a lot of us like you know, even myself, we are doing lots of different things like I worked for myself, same sort of thing. Now I have kids so I have a little more at the moment tied obligation that I’m that I’m here more otherwise, I’m a nomadic soul as well. You know, like I said, Sir, and I wouldn’t be gone, I would be gone taking the road. So that’s coming up soon again, for me. But, you know, I think though, the point I would make is one, you have to question is what you’re pursuing is what the priorities that you, you know, I’ve talked to people, they were making millions of dollars in their 20s. And then they realized they were just a bitter person, like, they got most aligned with their true goals for themselves. They were chasing after some other ideal. And so one is you need to, you need to ask yourself and revisit this regularly. What really are the priorities in your life? What do you what would make your life feel the most rich and meaningful, and you’ve done that and then too, you don’t have to fit into the mold with what anyone else wants you to fit into, because it has to fit best for you. And then talking about thing, this is so important. You talked about the rest and the needing to recharge to be fully present with your gifts. Yeah. So I mean, of course, I talk to people in the show quite a bit about that. But I think in general, you know, the populace. That is we do we we shove away our feelings and our emotions, and we want to just not deal with them. But to I think it was two weeks ago, two or three weeks ago, something with my oldest son had had happened and he’s fine and everything, but it was emotionally and mentally draining for me. Totally. And it was almost like what didn’t happen, but it made me feel like you know, as the mama bear kind of like, oh my gosh, like, thank the Lord, like everything was okay. But my point is, is I went into that work week thinking I was fine. And I found myself not able to get my work done. And so I’ve had to like really sit with that and realize that thing had happened to me and well, it wasn’t a trauma. It was it drained me so much emotionally. I had to just realize that week, I was gonna get a little bit of work done, but I had to just take a lot more time to not sit and do work on this and then at this level, and even the next Monday after that I was working and I realized at for two, three hours, I hit my wall. That’s not normal for me, but it’s because that stuff that was going on was so emotionally draining that I had to, I’ve had to step away. And I think it almost a year, I had never not published a podcast episode. And I mean, normally have them booked out six weeks, and they’re scheduled. But I happen to be in between my DAP where I was really getting episodes ready. So I had recorded, I couldn’t even get him. I couldn’t book I couldn’t get the two things done that week, I just had to say, Okay, this is gonna be a break week, just to because I could have gotten them up. But I was feeling overwhelmed. And I said, Okay, this means this is time that I have to acknowledge that instead of pushing through it, because I have to be rested and recharged, otherwise, it won’t be good for myself, for my business or for my family. You know, and so I think we under, we downplay the importance of what you just said, and I think it’s so important.


    Thank you for that. And for the listeners, there’s a term I’d like to introduce if they in case they haven’t heard it, but emotional endurance, right, like when we are tapped out we are tapped out period. And, and so and I what I love about this is it’s not it’s you, you know that you know, this, like at the depth of who you are, this isn’t a new concept, right? And so but what’s so cool about this is our emotional endurance is exactly like our physical endurance, rest, water, healthy food, you know, those sorts of things is the same thing that if we’re doing the right things to care for our body, we’re also caring for our mind. Obviously, there’s more like this, our spiritual practices, maybe some rituals, or again, like I said, journaling and mirror work, but but the thing we need to be sourced, we need to be energized. And when you like you said when you face too many obstacles for a lot of people 2020 And beyond has been like that work, we are facing emotional trauma after emotional trauma after and we’re expected to get back up and go to work. It’s crazy. And so we have to become more responsible at these days, these times the the time space reality that we are on the leading edge of like all of that is that we are supposed to become much more responsible for our emotional wellness. Yeah, right. And when you say building a life you love, you can when you’re well, when I had to reorganize me, you were mentioning like pride priorities. And I that’s kind of what I was picking up on. It’s like, my priorities are myself. And we’ve mostly have been taught to believe that that’s selfish, right? But if, and I’ve tried to rearrange my priorities, so my priorities myself and my well being, and then it’s spirit or God, or or source, and then it’s service, and I want to, I want to give this to the audience, because service means your family service means your client service means your whatever, right? And so but if you put service first, you will drain out, if you put spirit first you will drain out, you have to take care of your being so that you can show up for your calling. Right.

    And I just love that because our emotional endurance if we let that slide, if we get and it’s just maintenance, you wouldn’t not you know, when you don’t change the oil in your car, you’re going to end up on the side of the road. If you don’t change the oil in you, you’re going to end up with a problem. However that looks. Yeah.

    And I think part of that, right, that emotional endurance is also you know, like decision decision fatigue, right. I mean, it’s definitely emotional, because you’re so right. And I talked about that often, we’re going through so much. It’s like we thought we were close to done with the major part of COVID. And then now there’s, you know, war in the world and a threats of it. It’s just, it just keeps layering on. Right. And yeah, so even if you don’t think it’s affecting you, subconsciously, we’re having to think about all these things, you know, or not think about it, but we’re still having to, it’s still there. Yeah, and I think it’s decision fatigue, too, because I see some of my girlfriends, you know, some evenings and they just seem so frazzled. And so whether it’s partly emotional, right, that have a lot of emotional baggage for that day or week, they’re, you know, they’re going through things. But it’s also like they live, you can just tell like they don’t need, they don’t want to think about another thing they have to figure out today, because they’ve just had to do too much. And they didn’t take a break. They didn’t rest.

    And it’s very apparent when you see one, you know, one person who has done this one person that hasn’t and if they had the same going on, I mean, you and I can probably spot him from like a mile away at this point. Yeah. You know, I mean, I’m sure we all have our moments, but yes, people are there. So their concern? Yeah. And so what would you say? Any, any thoughts? I mean, I’m assuming you would say like, just how do we how do we make sure we’re, we are changing the oil in ourselves, right? Like, would you just say it’s the the nature and movement and journaling and like ritual type things?

    Yeah, there’s a there’s another layer to this too, though, because you’re right about the day Today in the week to week, but let’s talk about the decade to decade now. Because when I went through my divorce Yeah, I was sad about that breakup. But if I took that off the table, I what it up rooted in me was my own love ability from childhood, my mom’s relationship stuff. So So where are we at? We think we’re reacting in the moment. But we’re reacting to 10 to 15 years worth of memories. And so if you want to, if you’re really interested in I love what you said, like you could spot them when people are side by side, if you can see who’s done the work and who hasn’t. And that’s not a make wrong, we I know, you know that. And I know your listeners know that. But it’s like, if you really want to get to the depth of like a new level of peace, a new baseline of operation, and not end up on the side road, then we need to start clearing the traumas, we need to start taking a look at what’s really sticky in our life, because anything we are manifesting in our adult reality is a communication of our subconscious beliefs. Right? So it’s the subconscious fears and beliefs and insecurities that are literally mirroring because it’s communicating to us, Hey, I’m unresolved in within you. And I’d really like to be resolved, like I’m ready to go now.

    Most of our wounds are ready to be healed, but we’re just not addressing them. And you can empower the heck out of yourself by just deciding to take on some of that work.

    Yeah, I mean, two things. Recently, one, when I had recently an interview, I think the data, the statistics that he shared, one of my guests said 40% of people have three or more childhood traumatic things that happen to them. Now, they may not even know right, I’m not saying every one of these are horrifying things, right. And things you’ve internalized in that are still impacting the way you see yourself in in your life and the narrative so vastly that I think that’s fascinating, because I don’t think a lot of people, I mean, I’m hearing a lot more people talk about doing healing work and about trauma and things nowadays, but I would say even five years ago, I wasn’t hearing this sort of stuff as much. So I definitely think we’re a lot more people are working on these things. And I think that’s fascinating, because I think it’s so important. You’re so right, because you’ve been a fine. And that’s everything I heard. It’s like a nature, if there’s something inside that has to get out of truth that needs to get out. So whether it’s healing work you need to do or whether it’s that you’re holding on to a truth you need to speak to someone or to yourself. It’s gonna keep trying to circumvent until it gets for till it comes forth. And it’s just like a river, it’s gonna find its way. So we can’t stop that truth from coming out eventually. And we’re normally we’re having physical, right ailments until we get that out until we address it. You will.

    Yeah, I love that you use the river water always forces an outlet. And I also wanted to backtrack to what you said, because too many people have not been affirmed in this is like trauma is not a competition. Yeah. If that thing was lodged in your memory, or that’s the day that your brain developed, it doesn’t matter how traumatic or or like what we would qualify as traumatic, like a grotesque act or, you know, a heart being harmed. It could be that someone literally looked at you the wrong way with or with disapproval or that somebody snickered when you said something?

    Or you answered the question wrong, right. And I would, again, I would love to give your listeners this is something that they can do immediately to do this work, is sit down in the mirror or sit down in the journal and say, so you you saw something and like you said, three to four major benchmarks in childhood, right? So you witnessed something, and then you you then concluded something about yourself about the world about people, and then you started compensating for it. So there’s three steps to this. What did you see? What did you conclude? And how do you compensate so if I saw my mom going to work all the time, and I concluded she likes work more than me, I’m an I concluded that I’m unlovable and then I compensated by becoming the perfect daughter, the perfect angel, the star student, the studded athlete. Right.

    And I my entire identity was born from that for the first 25 years of my life, right? And then you’re like, Oh, good. Like we could peel those layers back and be like, Oh my God, I am not who I think I am. And it just like, unravels, but it’s a beautiful unraveling, because now we have this, like you said, people are so wound so tight because they’re trying to uphold some version of perfect and got it all together and adult, whatever, whatever we’re trying to uphold, but if we would let ourselves unravel, that’s why you see peace on those people because they’re not spending any time keeping anything together because we know we have no control. I’m gonna pass it back over because I can end up down a whole deep rabbit hole

    Oh my gosh. Yeah, I mean, let me tell you, I, for most of my life, I didn’t realize, you know, some of the ways I was probably showing up in the world, because of, you know, my upbringing and not like you said, it was only, you know, I’m the fourth of five kids. I’m the first girl, but like, certain patterns, certain happening in your life, and you’re like, No, I’m the one that loves helping everyone. But I don’t really want to ask for help. Right, that kind of thing? Well, obviously, that was I internalized that when I was growing up, you know, whether it’s just five kids, and it’s like, Was there enough for me like, or somebody wasn’t available? Who knows? Right? But yeah, I was like, I’m independent. I’m fine. Right. But that’s, you know, I’m also obviously always the one that’s organizing everything right. You know, those are both patterns that have to do with, you know, childhood, and so they’re still on works in progress, right? Like, I’m still working on those things, you know, trying, like, whoa, hold on, am I just am I reverting back to something that’s been comfortable?

    Because I’ve done it for so long, you know, and so I have to, I have to revisit that and realize, am I doing this? Because it really is what I want to do, or am I defaulting to this response or act? You know, like, Oh, I’m going to plan something, you know, instead of like, oh, do I really want to do that? Or is this really what I want? So, you know, it is definitely a work in progress, right? It’s a, I mean, you might have the initial kind of reflecting, understanding, doing the work and the healing. But then I think if we’ve done these things long enough, it takes time, you know, to be different, if you will.

    Yeah, you’re because you’re deprogramming and reprogramming. And what’s what we were kind of back to the beginning of the conversation is like, not, it’s really important not to make any of those parts of us wrong, that some of those things you said, are probably some of your greatest gifts too. And like your strengths. And so it’s just the it’s not about the weight, what you’re doing, it’s about how you’re being, right. So you can do those same beautiful gifts. But if you’re, as long as you’re not doing them from like scarcity mindset, or fixing and changing and controlling, then then it’s probably still a great gift. And I think that’s where we can’t make the past versions of us wrong. That’s so important.

    I so agree. And like you said, and we’re, it’s like anything, I mean, you just, it’s like a tree in nature, it’s gonna keep growing, right, it doesn’t stay stagnant. I mean, even if it has a season of stagnant, it’s still growing, it’s changing. We are to, you know, like you said, we’re just, it’s just versions of us that we are learning about ourselves. We’re learning about the world. We’re growing. We’re learning other information, hopefully. So I think that’s so good. Well, let me ask you, I do want to jump into, you have done, you know, a good amount of things. At this point, you have a podcast, you’ve written several books, and you know, also do publishing. And, you know, you coach people, your clarity coach, so tell us about, what does that look like? And if somebody’s wanting to step into something, you know, any just words of wisdom you have for them?


    Yeah, thank you. So, um, I, the one major word of wisdom I want to start out with is you got to accept your gift, for the gift that it is. I am a gifted writer, I am gifted with words. And because it came second nature to me, I overlooked it. And I didn’t value it or price it even appropriately in the beginning of my career. And so I would love to encourage people to accept their what comes second nature to them is probably their gift and exactly where they can make a living. And so I’d love to offer that, especially build a life you love is like, do get paid to be you or be rewarded to be you get to like working should I believe I genuinely believe that our work should be as simple and natural as breathing. And so that is what that’s what I’m going to speak into. I have written nine books in the last five years. Three of them are published in my name, but I’m so gifted at writing that I wrote I helped other people. So I was a ghostwriter. And I helped other people write their books. And I’ve also coached a lot of people to write their books. And if someone first off, I think we can all baseline that everyone has a book in them, it’s just matter if they really want to write it or not. Or at least everybody has a story. And, you know, there’s the if if someone on here is listening and wants to get started writing a book. The first thing you got to start doing is journaling. It’s really that simple. Now you can computer journal, you can paper journal, you can audio journal, meeting voice notes or video notes to yourself, but it has to start coming out. Because the more you speak your truth the more you speak your story, the more it’s going to reveal itself to you and take shape. My books reveal themselves to me and then I am obligated to write them and put them like pen to paper or fingers to keyboard. And so I would love to offer That is like just start writing. And if a book is not for you, it’s like, really just start expressing your truth on any level if you want to be living the life you love, because I that’s actually something I’ve been saying for years and years and years as it’s something that I it’s kind of a tagline that I have it a lot of the end of my post is I’ll always be living my life I love or live the life you love. And because I genuinely believe that as long as you’re expressing as long as you’re creatively, energetically, socially, sexually, mentally, emotionally, spiritually expressed, then you’ll you will be living a life you love. So, expression is a big piece of that. And then something something else I’d like to share around like that career aspect, you know, there’s the writing. And then I’m also a podcaster. So that’s it’s the same thing, speak up, speak your truth, unlock your throat chakra. And so I love podcasting and love showing up on my air. I don’t know if we said it explicitly in the episode so far, but my areas of expertise are emotional intelligence, and subconscious reprogramming. I could talk about that all day long. And I’ve so much so that I built a career out of it, because it’s what I want to talk about. And so I think that for anybody really looking into their life to chase their dreams is what are you the most passionate about? And how can you monetize that? It’s not to put pressure on it on performance, but it’s how can you live into your truth in the most expressed way? Because you that would be you giving your gift to the world? Because then I again, I can’t stop talking about it. I’m so passionate. I’m so excited, because this is what I came here to do. I did not come here for other reasons. And there’s other people who are gifted at other things. And I believe that if we all followed our innate gifts, we would fill all the roles that Nature needs. And so I believe in that harmony.


    Oh, yeah, that’s so good. And I actually speaking of throat chakras, I you know, I mean, I’m not sick. Often, my family isn’t sick often, but if ever I was, had high stress, like one time, I was going to this publicity summit event, you know, so you’re going to be meeting with reporters and all this stuff. This is years ago, right before I went, I hadn’t been sick. And I get laryngitis. Right, like so the only place I’ve ever been sick in my whole life practically. throat and sinus. Yeah, never below and never above. So it’s right there. Yeah, and, and I haven’t in a long time now. But But part of that was I probably wasn’t truly I didn’t feel I could speak speak about something, some things. But I mean, of course, I’ve I’ve, that’s not true. Now look at obviously, I have a podcast out speaking. But it’s just interesting how sometimes we don’t realize, you know, that me getting sick there. It’s like, if you if you pay attention to people, if you ever get sick, usually people get sick in the same way in the same area of their body. Right. But I mean, it is a signal, it’s a signal to us, you know, like, maybe you’re have something unresolved here something you’re not realizing that’s related to your spiritual, you know, or that kind of side. So, I only mentioned that because if someone’s like, I could never podcasts because I’m scared or I’m, it’s like, it’s okay. Like, if you have something a message to say you just find the, the platform reality in which to do it. So for some it’s going to be writing and for some, it’s going to be opening a shop, or just being a wonderful mom or starting a podcast, you know, whatever that thing is.


    I love it. I love it. There’s so many expressions of our creativity anymore. In this day and age, it’s endless. It really is. It’s


    quite amazing. And I try to tell my kids, you know, because they’re, they are high school and like, Oh, my God, you can really do anything. And I still don’t think they see it. But they’re not. They’re not living it like we are every day. You know, they’re still in school. And it’s kind of very structured still. Yeah, I mean, I know online, they see a lot of stuff, of course, because there’s all the social, you know, things, but I think it is it’s so promising for the future, I hope. And I guess that’s one thing I would ask you. So I want one thing I talk about sometimes is the future of work. And I think for 15 years, I’ve probably said this, but it’s more so true now than ever. And this is going to be strange. I know you’re gonna be like where’d this come from? But with the war machine learning more AI in some jobs will go away, which, you know, I think some people would be like, Well, how am I supposed to what am I supposed to do in the future? And I and I say you have to lean into what the gifts we were given which is our curiosity or creativity. And I just was curious, do you have anything to say about that? Because I think we we underplay those as such huge assets in all parts of our life.


    Hmm that’s I love that question. In no not too left field for me because I think it’s perfect, but I want I love the question and I want to flip it on its head is like what am I supposed to do? Let’s let’s scratch that and ask Who am I supposed to be? What you’re supposed to do? will be very clear when you realize who you’re meant to be. Right. Because when it comes from doing, it’s really about performance, it’s very achieve, you know, and it’s not heart centered, it’s head centered. So we’re doing a lot of figuring a lot of calculating, we are very creative problem solvers, for sure. And that’s a brilliant aspect to so many of us, but let it come from the heart. And it’ll be so much more authentic, because, you know, goodness gracious, it would be so relieving for so many people if they follow their heart, because I know those people because I was one of them who felt like they were pushing that rock up a hill, or let’s, I mean, like, water up a hill, like trying to just make the impossible happen or banging your head on the same wall. And it’s, it’s exhausting. And so it’s just not coming from that heart centered place. And the one thing I wanted to say specifically about what you asked, like the future of work, we are such a resourceful species. And we will always adapt and recalibrate. And there’s a beautiful book the soul of money, which I think is brilliant. And she’s she’s she goes, I’m trying to think of the author, I just can’t at the moment, but she goes into tribal communities, to help them sustain their life in this developing world, in a way where modern society is starting to sort of take over and close in on on communities and again, tribes that are trying to maintain their original style of living. And so they need to be able to come up with water and the source the sources that they need. And she’s and so she says this about humanity, though, if we were to run out of fossil fuels, if we were to run out of all the oil or all the water, the freshwater, we are so resourceful, we will always come up with a solution. There is no such thing as running out. We that’s a narrative. So if you think jobs are running out, if you think opportunities are running out, if you think there’s no room for you, that is a narrative you’re running, and it’s not your fault, but you you have to become conscious and willing to reprogram that, because there is so much abundance available. It’s just unrecognizable. Yeah. So it’s it’s it’s new territory, for sure. And it’s, you know, the unfamiliar and then you got to look at your relationship with the unfamiliar and the unknown and heal that. Because from your heart, you have your guidance about how to survive in this world. That’s for sure. So good. Yeah,


    that that reminded me of that movie that’s based on you know, a true story. I think it’s called the boy that harness the wind.


    Oh, yes. Oh, I just got goosebumps. I love that movie. Yeah,


    it was such a good movie. But the quick just if you haven’t seen it, and it’s worth seeing is I don’t was it in Africa? I can’t remember where it was, but it is some


    some country. Yeah, some African


    country where they have a very long drought, right. And so basically, they’re not able to grow anything. And I think they they get from the state or the country, you know, maybe some wheat or something, but they it gets stolen from them. So anyways, it’s their young son who’s I will say middle school, I don’t not really sure how old he is. Then he figures out a way to get them water from very far distance, but just enjoy it. Enjoy the game and talk and


    Genuity Yeah,


    and just using his, you know, like being super resourceful, being a creative problem solver, like what do I have around me he’s like, parts of a bicycle to be the power source like so. But this is the sort of thing all of us have available to us. But like you said, we, we get too comfortable being comfortable that we we don’t stretch ourselves in these creative ways. You know, and we really, this is the sort of thing we should be doing in schools and at home. But often we’re not, you know, not to the level we really don’t push ourselves as nearly as far as we could go with our with our resourcefulness. So I think that what you said was really poignant, and really important, actually. Cool.


    Thank you. And I think, um, you know, it’s to our advantage, but also to our disadvantage that we’re growing up in such an advanced world, like, we have so many conveniences and luxuries, that it’s I would call like an underdeveloped muscle in our brain and our heart. Because there were other generations there. Our ancestors had to figure stuff out, had to build stuff had to create. And I love that story. I wish I knew. I remember I remember more of the details, like his location and stuff. But yeah, he Harnessed the Wind and the Sun to be able to move that water and it’s like, it’s fascinating. And then we just have water coming out of faucets. So we don’t even have to think about that sort of thing. So, and my one tip for that is you guys get out and travel the world. I’m here in Costa Rica and like I went to Mexico last year, that was the very awakening time for me to see people living a different way. Forgetting having to leave a lot of American luxuries behind you know, and so it’s just go on a mission trip, go out of the country go even even in our country. We, there are so many underprivileged underdeveloped places. And so it’s really possible. But if you get outside of your bubble, you’re gonna, it might really inspire that part of you that that really is going to tell you more about your future.


    That’s so good. And actually, I visited Costa Rica a long time ago. I mean, it was just probably 20 years ago.


    So but it’s so different.


    That’s why I’m saying is back then it really was a lot different. You know what I mean enough, but it was amazing. So yeah, I think that’s, that’s good. And I think that’s really the thing, right, is we should shake it up, we should look to discover new things and have new experiences, whether that’s through meeting new people or going places that even places and people that maybe we feel that don’t seem like us, that might feel uncomfortable at first, but you you are going to miss out on so much if you’re not willing to just step a little bit out of your comfort zone regularly. Totally. Yeah, totally. So any last things you want to leave us with just wondering if that’s on your heart before we find out how people can connect with you online.


    This is so it’s just been so great. I’m really experiencing like a sense of grant such a sense of gratitude. So just thank you, thank you to the listeners who are here today. And I want to like thank you for listening to us. But thank you for investing in yourself by listening to such a conversation. Right? Even if it feels like a stretch for you to live the life you love by by listening to things like this and reading the books that will stretch you or or taking signing up for the next program. I just acknowledge I acknowledge the listeners for being here with us as well because this is how it happens.


    Oh, it does. Just keep feeding yourself keep feeding your soul. You know, I just read a quote I don’t I actually miss him. It’s on my phone. But it was it was just so


    short but


    clear. But it was your mind will believe what you tell it repeatedly feed it hook feed it truth and feed it positivity, which we both so aligned with so I think that’s kind of a thing, right? Is if you feel down, you feel hopeless, you feel like maybe you’re in a rut, whatever, whatever it is. You just have to keep feeding yourself as much as you can throughout the day with these these things that are just good. Yes. Love it. So Abigail, tell us how can people connect with you online and learn about your podcasts, your books, your coaching and all that amazing stuff?


    Yes, I’m gonna keep it real simple. Had to Abigail gazda.com. That’s if you find me there you find me everywhere. All the links are on there. Although we have lots of I heard some leashed is that as a transformation company, I have a team. So we are always hosting really great programs like book clubs, like personal development book clubs. And we have a purging workshop coming up, which is about you know, decluttering spring cleaning and, and so we’re always hosting something new. I love hosting little mini master classes and and then we have bigger programs like things that you can work with me on or just follow me. I’m gonna tell people Instagram is my favorite place to hang out. So I say Instagram is my love language. And I’m Instagram will like i n s t a Gail. And then otherwise, though, head to Abigail Gazda that come to surf around.


    I love it. Well, thank you for being with us today. Thank you for sharing your heart. And thank you for just showing up in the world fully yourself. And just being that empathetic person that’s putting so much goodness out there.


    Thank you so much. And thank you for having me. And I would love to encourage your listeners to come listen to the hearts English podcast to your episode.


    All right, wonderful. Thank you so much. Oh my gosh, so many great nuggets. In that episode with Abigail. I hope that you guys really listened and took that in. And I am going to wrap up some of the highlights from what we talked about. So grab a pen and a pad of paper in here we go. First, what is it you need to learn? What is it you’re good at, but if you learned the other side of it, you would just take off your business or life would take off. So as she gave an example, she was great at coaching, she’s gifted and writing and words, but she didn’t understand the business side of things. So she she got busy and she learned the business side of things so she could grow a business that supports her life and her her calling. Number two, we teach people how to treat us and how to relate to us. And as we grow and change, it’s okay we can really teach them and share with them how it is we need them to connect with us to you know, engage with us. Number three, are multifaceted developing beings. Allow yourself to remember the things you loved and bring those things back and allow yourself to change and grow and step into new things. And maybe some of the the old things are no longer serving you whether it’s beliefs or thoughts or the type of work you’re doing. Be okay with it as you grow and change. Next is we have to do the work to process our past. And so, as she mentioned a tough season There’s no way through, but through it, to process your requests and your trauma and your belief. And she gave us a great exercise as an example. As, as she mentioned, to us, trauma is not a competition. So get in front of your mirror or pull out your journal, and write down these three questions when you know, there’s something that you need to work through the first question, what did I see or hear, you know, maybe this is from childhood or from 10 years ago, or going through a divorce? Or an embarrassment? or trauma? What did I conclude? From the thing you hear, heard? Or saw? And then what? Or how did I compensate for it? So how did that thing you saw or felt or heard? How did it impact you, that you’ve been holding on to or maybe the way you’ve been interacting in your life in your relationships, or the way you’re showing up in the world? And then journaling that or think through that, and then use this exercise? Every time you need to do that work? And she said, let’s see, the next thing was, what is your emotional Intel? Endurance? That’s a word we definitely all need to know. So are you at the end of your, you know, your wit’s end, if you will. And, as you said, if we’ve gone through a hard season, maybe a decade, we may need to do more of the work I just mentioned, we’re if you’re having a tough day, we have to give ourselves more time and space to rest more time and space to be who were meant to be, instead of just pushing, pushing, pushing. Next, are you creating the life you truly desire? Or chasing what others said, matter? Right? And how do we how do we address that we think about what are our truest priorities, what truly would bring us happiness? And let’s deconstruct the things that aren’t working for us in our lives? And then next, focus on what I’m sorry, who am I supposed to be? Which is heart centered? Instead of what am I supposed to do? I think that’s so good. And then, as we wrap up, she mentioned, express your treat, speak up. And we can do this through writing through coaching through podcasting, you know, through speaking, but we all have a story to share or a book to write. And if we’re not already doing it, we need to figure out how to do that. How do we share our story, so that we can serve more people. And I love how she says this, except your gift for the gift it is it should be as simple and natural as breathing. And she also says we should be able to use our gift as the gift to the world, right?


    These innate gifts are given and then how can we monetize it? The thing is, is that comes too easy to us, often it’s going to seem like play. So chase that work that feels so easy to do, but yet, you know people keep telling you that you’re so good at it. And I just want to wrap up and said keep writing, keep speaking or podcasting or coaching in some of us are doing all of those things. But just keep being encouraged in know that this community is here for you. We want to see you step out and grow and impact and grow your income. And part of how we’re going to do that is our tactical episodes where we’re going to talk about how we build traffic, how we build our authentic voices, and how we do things that will let us get more exposure. So until next time, have a beautiful week. 


  • Are You Ready for a Life with Full Freedom?

    On today’s podcast episode Kristin interviews Skye Barbour, an International Business Coach, Author and Podcast Host of Full Freedom for Entrepreneurs, about going from a corporate career to starting her own coaching business while starting a family.

    This episode is all about how we can create a business that allows us to do work we are passionate about, have more time to do the things we love and allows us to get support for the things at home and in work we want to delegate.

    This episode is about understanding our limiting beliefs or freedom blocks and how working on our mindset can help us move into putting in place the right systems, people and processes so we can build and grow our business.

    To learn more about Kristin’s programs, coaching and podcast go here: Kristin Fitch.com

    To Connect with Kristin on Instagram follow her @KristinFitch

    You can Connect with Skye at SkyeBarbour.com

    Or Take her Freedom Blocks Quiz at : SkyeBarbour.com/quiz

    #productivity #FullFreedom #WorkFreedom #GreatResignation #WorkLifeBalance #Processes #Entrepreneur #FemaleEntrepreneur #CEO #SmallBusiness

    Show Transcript:


  • Taking a Break when you are Emotionally Drained


    On today’s solo episode Kristin shares the importance of stepping away from work or other obligations when walk through emotionally or mentally draining life events or challenges. She explains if you feel worn out or like you don’t have the mental space to do work or certain work then it’s ok to step back and take time to rest, recharge, process your emotions. It’s healthy to recognize when we need to slow down and let our bodies experience what we went through.

  • Ep 111: Launch Your Creative Side Hustle


    Ep 111: Launch Your Creative Side Hustle by the New Year to Make Extra Income


    On today’s episode Kristin talk about the first steps to decide how your talents, passions, interested, and knowledge can intersect to create a product, solution or service that helps someone solve a problem, or get a transformation and why you need to test it out as soon as possible even before you think about your colors, website, perfect wording or anything else.  Come listen in and see what you can conjure up to start this year.

    What is holding you back from going after your dreams, defining life on your terms and from finding meaningful work you love? What is holding you back from going after your dreams to start your business or to write a book or launch a podcast, to sell your art or clothing, or to start an online business?   What is holding you back from finding real joy and meaning in your life?

    Each week on the show we are going to help you figure out how to go after your dreams and find work you love.  And how to find a healthy work-life balance and how do you fit in the things that are meaningful to you and have flexibility of time and income.  We will also talk about mindset and self-development to be your best possible self in your work life and personal life.  We will take the idea of meaningful work you want to do and how you create and start a business and monetize it.  Let’s be happier, healthier and find ways to create meaningful lives that bring us more joy and connection to our every day.

    Let’s start taking action to create and monetize our creative ideas and passions and turn them into thriving businesses- let’s go after our dream work, make more money and spend more time with people we love living our best lives.  And learn how Curiosity, Creativity, Mindset, Communication, Play, and Faith play a role in improving our lives.

    Join podcast host, Kristin Fitch to be encouraged throughout your week and to be reminded you are needed, you matter and now is the time to step into your future and all the possibilities waiting for you- it’s time to step into what you’ve been called to share with the world.  To learn more or connect with Kristin go to KristinFitch.com. And we’d love for you to join our private Facebook group Building a Life You Love where Kristin and friends share encouragement, ideas and extra resources to help you go after your passion and define life on your terms.

    Focus: Coaching- Starting a Business-  Personal Development, Find Your Purpose, Do Work You Love, Escape the 9 to 5, Quit Your Job, Side Hustle, Work from Home, What’s Your One Thing, What is Your Magic Sauce, Who Are You, What Lights You Up, Don’t Keep Your Day Job

    Transcription of the Show:

    Kristen here, welcome back to another episode of building a life you love. Today is a special episode because I’m going to talk to you about launching and creating a creative side hustle or business. And I think this is so important as we get to the end of the year, because as December hits, so many people start thinking about, you know, all this new year’s resolutions that they make or don’t make, but they start wondering, you know, am I happy in my job? Do I want to look for a new job? Am I happy with, you know, physically and you know, how I’m treating my body? Right? Like, how we look? Are we exercising? Or are we eating well. And so this is the time of year, you know, now through probably February that people start wondering, you know, how else can I make money? Could I work for myself? What would that take, maybe I should start a you know, business on the side. So I can start bringing in more revenue. Because one of the things we found at the pandemic is, nothing is guaranteed, whether you own your own business, or you still you work for someone else. So many businesses were shut down. So many businesses are currently being impacted by this supply chain issues. People you know, that either have COVID, they’re worried they had COVID, you know, there’s the vaccine debate. So there’s just a lot going on. And so one of the things that I want to empower you to do is go after what you really want, you know, find work that you’re you love, and that fulfills you. But also if you if you’re in a job that you like, fine, why not start building additional revenue streams so that if ever there comes a time where the job you thought had stability, you know, goes away, it dries up, or it can’t operate. So today we’re going to dig into this a little bit, and I’m excited to share with you a November 1, I’m actually launching a course called launch your creative side hustle. And it is going to be so great, it’s going to it’s going to wrap up before the end of the year. But for those people that get started in it, and it gets busy in December, I’m going to have a you know, kind of a revisit session in January that will be included in that program. So today, I want to dive in and help you think about this and kind of think about what are those first steps you need to take. So let’s dive in. But before we jump into some of that, I want to ask you this question. I want you to think about this. What about to ask you? How would your life be changed? If you could either bring in additional revenue every month? And and what would that do for you? What would that do for your you know, if you’re have a family, your family? How would your life be changed by that? Would it let you pay down debt? Would it let you take a vacation? Would it let you you know, save towards some big dream you have like a new house or getting a new car or another car. So next question I asked you is how would your life be different if you actually went after something you’re passionate about, instead of possibly settling for a job or career, that maybe you stepped into it one point way back. But now you realize it doesn’t fill you up, you feel empty, and you’ve just feel like it’s soul crushing or exhausting, you find that in the morning, you’re not excited to go to the job and you’re you know, at night you just feel worn out and tired, deep down in your soul. And I would say to you if either of those situations are true, either making additional revenue would really make a big impact in your life, whether it’s a few $100, or a lot more than that. Or if you’re in a job that you just know isn’t right for you. Even a career, maybe even a professional career. Like a lawyer, you know, a doctor, an engineer, a nurse, whatever it might be, but if you’re finding it’s not the right place for you, you don’t have to accept that as your future. And the whole point of this episode is to say it doesn’t mean you should go and quit your job now although many people are finding that there’s this pressure put on them right now, where they’re having to choose between, you know, freedom to make their own medical choices and you know
    Basically being told what to do, and there are people leaving their jobs, you may find yourself in a situation like that in the future, where you have to choose between your beliefs and your values and what your job mandates. Once again, we want to be prepared so that we can still take care of ourselves and our families, if something like that were to happen to us for whatever the reason was.
    And so ask yourself those questions. How would your life look different? or How could you step towards something that you’re more interested in stepping towards? Or how would starting your own business gives you the freedom, right, and the flexibility of time and financial freedom to not worry about possibly losing your job if this pandemic keeps going on or mandates get, you know, even more extreme? So
    take a minute right now and really think about that. And once you do, I want to now step into some things that you consider to try to move towards this side hustle that, of course, can become a full time business, if that’s what you choose to do with it. Okay, as we start thinking about starting something new, starting a new business testing a side hustle idea, the first thing we need to do is write down what are, you know, what are the things that we’re interested in? What are the things that excite us? What are the things we’re passionate about? You know, and that we feel drawn to? You know, is there certain content, you’re always reading about certain genres? Is there certain type of things you always love, like you’re into cooking, you just can’t you can’t help but you know, read recipes, and you want to make them, it could be that you love, you know, reading about medical literature and things like that, whatever the thing is, it doesn’t matter. But you know, start writing those things down. So what are your interests? And your hobbies? What are you passionate about? What’s the thing in the world, that you just feel like, gosh, if I could help in this way, I would love to help moms, I would love to help, you know, students that need someone to tutor them, you know, whatever it is, but there might be this deep down passion you have. The next thing you want to do is, what are the experiences you’ve had? What is the knowledge that you have in the world, so this can be through jobs? This can be through things in your personal life. For instance, maybe you’re a mom of eight kids, and you’ve homeschooled them? Well, you’ve now been through homeschooling, probably for 15 or more years, there’s people just coming up and starting that knew nothing about that, well, you’re the veteran homeschool parent at this point, if that’s you. So it can be anything, it doesn’t have to be you know that you’re a lawyer, and you know how to review and write up contracts, right? It doesn’t have to be professional experience. But you do have to have experience or knowledge in the area or the subject. The next thing you want to write down and look at is how do all of these things intersect? In other words, where’s their dots that connect, and then you want to look at what is a problem that you can help someone solve that you’re passionate to help them with? So the first thing is, what’s the problem in the world that you want to help with, and then to how do you help the person solve it or make a transformation happen, or improve their outcome. And this can be everything from that your mom and you have come up with systems to make dinner less stressful, and have healthy simple quick meals that you can make in under 15 or 20 minutes, you know, from prep to done. So if that’s you and you’ve kind of mastered a system to do this with, you know, maybe clean simple ingredients, you know, that doesn’t bust the bank. That’s something that you can offer to other moms, because you now have, if you will, your own system, or you’ve improved upon a system maybe that you learned, these are the sort of things though, that that are solving a problem, you’re helping those moms, be less stressed out, get dinner on the table quicker, you know whether they prep it and do it in the morning, or whether it’s just a really quick dinner time prep, like maybe one sheet meals, you know what I mean? So anything is any content, any passion you have any people that are on your heart, all of those things can help us determine who and what you can, how you can serve a group of people in the world. Okay, and I want to talk about two additional things that we have time for today on this topic. The next is ask people. So once you’ve sort of brainstorm you know these things and what you sort of want to test out what you’re interested in where you have some knowledge, ask people, Hey, what are you struggling with? What’s your biggest challenge right now. So of course ask people that are connected to the area that you might want to focus on, you know, so if you’re saying
    Get you’re going to help moms with something, asked moms right? with kids of similar age. If you’re thinking that you’re going to create a product, you know something that you’re able to make with your hands or in your kitchen, ask people that would be looking for that sort of thing. If you have knowledge, and maybe you’re going to do a workshop or a course, or, you know, sell, maybe like up PDF printables, then ask the people that you’d be possibly talking to about this product or the solution. So just pull people pull your friends, send them a text, post to Facebook, or LinkedIn survey, or whatever you want Instagram. And then after that, after you get a little bit more feedback, I just want you to think about testing the idea out and not talking about doing all the steps to start start a business, you know, I’m not talking about spending a lot of money to get a product created. I’m just saying, Can you show up and invite a couple people to zoom? You know, workshop, you know, free workshop first, or just for a couple, you know, a little bit of money? Can you bake goods and see if you can sell, you know, a dozen cookies? What can you do that will we show you oh my gosh, like somebody would actually pay me for this. And just go for it. Because too many of us. And I have been guilty of this before too, we get so worried about every detail on our checklist, create the website, incorporate the business, all these things that we we forget to test the idea. and hone that in before we spend all the time and effort and thought on our colors. And you know, all of our social media handles all the things. But to be honest, when we spend so much time on those upfront, we missed the whole point of this side hustle or business, which is can we help someone solve a problem or have a transformation. And if we can do that, we can keep honing that, then we’re able to create a legitimate side hustle that can turn into a business. So I just want to leave you with these first steps. Because if you can start your mind thinking around these things, I promise you, there’s always a way to bring in extra money. There’s always a way to be creative and clever with things that we put out into the world, we just have to be willing to have a little bit of courage to you know, think about this, to ask people their opinions, and to just try to get that first sale. So I would love to connect with you. If you’re interested in learning more about my course coming up November 1. Just go to Kristin Fitch comm slash side hustle, I cannot wait to help the students that join me. And I know it is going to be so transformative for so many people so that before the beginning of the year, they’re starting to bring in money to show themselves that they are capable and they’re able to step into something new. So here’s to going after new things, and making ourselves more financially stable. And I want to leave you with these words by Glennon Doyle in her book untamed. She says, each of us was born to bring forth something that has never existed. A wave of being a family, an idea, art, a community, something brand new. We are here to fully introduce ourselves to impose ourselves and ideas and thoughts and dreams onto the world, leaving it changed forever by who we are and what we bring forth from our depths. So we cannot contort ourselves to fit into the visible order.
    We must unleash ourselves and watch the world record itself in front of our eyes. But knowing what we do not want is not the same as knowing what we do want. So how can we get from not this to this instead? How can we move from feeling discontent to creating new lives, new worlds? In other words, how can we begin to live from our imagination instead of our indoctrination?
    Oh, I think that’s so good. And I hope those words speak to you like they did to me because just reminds me, we don’t need to be afraid because we were meant to do something unique, right? Each one of us is unique. We have unique fingerprints, and everything about us is different in some way from other people. So let’s use our imaginations and start unlearning all the indoctrination we’ve learned for our entire lives. Here’s to going after who we truly are, I think we do need to know what we want in order to define life on our terms. And we have to be willing to break the past scripts so that we can move into a better and more beautiful and amazing pool. I also wanted to let you know if you have been having ideas swirling around your head about what can you start, how can you bring in extra money. Then I would love for you to check out the site and learn a little bit more about a program I’m launching called launch your creative side hustle which will start now
    First. So if this is of interest to you, I would love for you to check it out. We are going to help you figure out your your focus, we’re going to help you get this first step started, get your first sale and get going so that you can start bringing in more money. Your could have Kristin fitch.com slash side hustle to learn more. And for people that sign up between now and November 1, I am giving away several extra bonus episodes as well as having a couple surprise guest speakers and lots of other goodies. So if you want all those extras, check it out now and get signed up. I cannot wait to get started and work with you. And if you enjoyed the show, we’d love it if you’d subscribe and leave us a review and rating on Apple podcast or wherever you listen to podcasts. And if you have ideas for the show, or guests that you’d like to recommend, I’d love to hear from you. So DM me on Instagram at Kristin Fitch or you can email me from the website. Thanks so much. And thanks again for listening in. Until next time, have a great week.

  • Ep 110: Creating Successful Businesses while Prioritizing Our Family Life


    Ep 110: Creating Successful Businesses while Prioritizing Our Family Life


    On today’s episode Kristin talks to Ryan Braves, a serial entrepreneur, father and husband, about building businesses that allow you to support your family and give you flexibility of time so you can spend more time with your children and spouse and attain financial security and freedom. Ryan also shares how he’s overcome a chaotic and difficult childhood and how he helps other men build the lives they want.  Kristin and Ryan talk about creating the systems and finding the team to allow you those freedoms and why we need to create space to think about what we truly want, what we need in our business and how we make incremental shifts to get where we want to go.  If you struggle with seeing yourself as the provider and work too much and don’t spend enough time with your family this is a must listen episode- it’s time to make the changes to put the people you love before chasing the next achievement or monetary level.

    What is holding you back from going after your dreams, defining life on your terms and from finding meaningful work you love? What is holding you back from going after your dreams to start your business or to write a book or launch a podcast, to sell your art or clothing, or to start an online business?   What is holding you back from finding real joy and meaning in your life?

    Each week on the show we are going to help you figure out how to go after your dreams and find work you love.  And how to find a healthy work-life balance and how do you fit in the things that are meaningful to you and have flexibility of time and income.  We will also talk about mindset and self-development to be your best possible self in your work life and personal life.  We will take the idea of meaningful work you want to do and how you create and start a business and monetize it.  Let’s be happier, healthier and find ways to create meaningful lives that bring us more joy and connection to our every day.

    Let’s start taking action to create and monetize our creative ideas and passions and turn them into thriving businesses- let’s go after our dream work, make more money and spend more time with people we love living our best lives.  And learn how Curiosity, Creativity, Mindset, Communication, Play, and Faith play a role in improving our lives.

    Join podcast host, Kristin Fitch to be encouraged throughout your week and to be reminded you are needed, you matter and now is the time to step into your future and all the possibilities waiting for you- it’s time to step into what you’ve been called to share with the world.  To learn more or connect with Kristin go to KristinFitch.com. And we’d love for you to join our private Facebook group Building a Life You Love where Kristin and friends share encouragement, ideas and extra resources to help you go after your passion and define life on your terms.

    Focus: Coaching- Starting a Business-  Personal Development, Find Your Purpose, Do Work You Love, Escape the 9 to 5, Quit Your Job, Side Hustle, Work from Home, What’s Your One Thing, What is Your Magic Sauce, Who Are You, What Lights You Up, Don’t Keep Your Day Job, Putting Family First, Process Automation, Overcoming Hardship, Create Space to Think, People Stuck in Fear, Work Life Balance, Emotional Healthy Entrepreneurs, Coaching for Married Men & Dads, How to Structure Your Business to Make More Time for the People & Things You Love

    Connect with Ryan:


    Facebook:  @AscensionoftheEntrepreneur

  • Ep 109: Showing Up Fully Ourselves, and being Endlessly Curious


    Ep 109:

    Finding Success by Showing Up Fully Ourselves, and being Endlessly Curious


    On today’s episode Kristin talks to Sarah Hawley, serial entrepreneur, investor and Founder & CEO of Growmotely, about her book Conscious Leadership.  Sarah and Kristin also talk about bringing our whole selves to work, how we create authentic and meaningful company culture and giving ourselves permission to create a life we love.  Sarah shares stories about following business ideas that we are passionate about and can’t stop thinking about, using endless curiosity to innovate and creative problem solve, and working in our zone of genius.

    What is holding you back from going after your dreams, defining life on your terms and from finding meaningful work you love? What is holding you back from going after your dreams to start your business or to write a book or launch a podcast, to sell your art or clothing, or to start an online business?   What is holding you back from finding real joy and meaning in your life?

    Each week on the show we are going to help you figure out how to go after your dreams and find work you love.  And how to find a healthy work-life balance and how do you fit in the things that are meaningful to you and have flexibility of time and income.  We will also talk about mindset and self-development to be your best possible self in your work life and personal life.  We will take the idea of meaningful work you want to do and how you create and start a business and monetize it.  Let’s be happier, healthier and find ways to create meaningful lives that bring us more joy and connection to our every day.

    Let’s start taking action to create and monetize our creative ideas and passions and turn them into thriving businesses- let’s go after our dream work, make more money and spend more time with people we love living our best lives.  And learn how Curiosity, Creativity, Mindset, Communication, Play, and Faith play a role in improving our lives.

    Join podcast host, Kristin Fitch to be encouraged throughout your week and to be reminded you are needed, you matter and now is the time to step into your future and all the possibilities waiting for you- it’s time to step into what you’ve been called to share with the world.  To learn more or connect with Kristin go to KristinFitch.com. And we’d love for you to join our private Facebook group Building a Life You Love where Kristin and friends share encouragement, ideas and extra resources to help you go after your passion and define life on your terms.

    Focus: Coaching- Starting a Business-  Personal Development, Find Your Purpose, Do Work You Love, Escape the 9 to 5, Quit Your Job, Side Hustle, Work from Home, What’s Your One Thing, What is Your Magic Sauce, Who Are You, What Lights You Up, Don’t Keep Your Day Job, Zone of Genius, Gay Hendricks, Conscious Leadership, Being Authentic, Company Culture, Resigning as Boss, Book Launch

    Connect with Sarah:


    Instagram: @SarahHawley__

  • Ep 107: Always Wear Pants and other Insights on Working from Home, being Intentional, and Finding Work that Lights Us Up


    Ep 107

    Always Wear Pants and Other Insights on Working from Home, being Intentional, and Finding Work that Lights Us Up


    On today’s episode Kristin talks to Kevin Rizer, entrepreneur, author, and speaker, about his new book Always Wear Pants and 99 Other tips for Surviving & Thriving While You Work from Home about working from home, and how to balance our work and personal lives and set healthy boundaries.  Kristin & Kevin also talk about being intentional with your schedule and asking yourself regularly- do you enjoy your work, does your work fulfill you or give you purpose and what to do if it’s not.  They also dive into asking for what you want and how to address some of the biggest challenges folks around the world are dealing with working from home. 

    What is holding you back from going after your dreams, defining life on your terms and from finding meaningful work you love? What is holding you back from going after your dreams to start your business or to write a book or launch a podcast, to sell your art or clothing, or to start an online business?   What is holding you back from finding real joy and meaning in your life?

    Each week on the show we are going to help you figure out how to go after your dreams and find work you love.  And how to find a healthy work-life balance and how do you fit in the things that are meaningful to you and have flexibility of time and income.  We will also talk about mindset and self-development to be your best possible self in your work life and personal life.  We will take the idea of meaningful work you want to do and how you create and start a business and monetize it.  Let’s be happier, healthier and find ways to create meaningful lives that bring us more joy and connection to our every day.

    Let’s start taking action to create and monetize our creative ideas and passions and turn them into thriving businesses- let’s go after our dream work, make more money and spend more time with people we love living our best lives.  And learn how Curiosity, Creativity, Mindset, Communication, Play, and Faith play a role in improving our lives.

    Join podcast host, Kristin Fitch to be encouraged throughout your week and to be reminded you are needed, you matter and now is the time to step into your future and all the possibilities waiting for you- it’s time to step into what you’ve been called to share with the world.  To learn more or connect with Kristin go to KristinFitch.com. And we’d love for you to join our private Facebook group Building a Life You Love where Kristin and friends share encouragement, ideas and extra resources to help you go after your passion and define life on your terms.

    Focus: Coaching- Starting a Business-  Personal Development, Find Your Purpose, Do Work You Love, Escape the 9 to 5, Quit Your Job, Side Hustle, The Importance of Celebrating Small Wins, Podcasting, Don’t quit your day job, Side Gig, What do You Truly Desire, Work from Home, How to Work from Home Successfully, Be Intentional, Work Less, Be Kind to Yourself, Healthy Work-Life Boundaries, Work Life Balance

    Connect with Kevin:


    Check out the above website to buy the book, enter in a Home Office Makeover, and more.

    Instagram:  @Kevin_Rizer


    Fri, 10/15 · 9:02 AM38:08


    peoplelifeworkhomestarteddaykristendreamsspendscheduleimportantyearsjobvaluingabsolutelymonday morningbookbreaklearnburnout


    Speaker 2 (50%), Speaker 1 (50%) 

    Speaker 1
    Here’s what I want to ask you. What is holding you back? What is the thing that’s holding you back from going after your dreams and from finding meaningful work you love? Aren’t you ready to wake up to the possibilities that are in your life and go after the things you’ve dreamt up, it’s time for you to feel alive again lit up, and for you to know that you’re deserving, and you are worthy for the future that’s waiting for you. I want you to feel fulfilled and find abundance in your life. I think it’s time and I’m ready to help you get started. Now, I’m your host, Kristen, of building a life you love. And each week on the show, we’re going to help you figure out how you do go after your dreams and find what you love. Here we go. Let’s get started. Hey, beautiful friends. It’s Kristin, your host. And welcome back to another episode, we are going to have a great conversation today about working from home, the ins and the outs, how we can be intentional with our schedules, and our time to really keep those boundaries of our personal and work lives in a place where we can really enjoy our days. And how do we make sure we’re doing work that we enjoy, and that we feel good about and why we need to check in with ourselves regularly. So I think you’re gonna get a lot out of this conversation and I can’t wait to get started. Here we go. Hi, today on the show, I would like to welcome Kevin riser. He is an entrepreneur, and he is the founder and CEO of Emmys best pets. He’s also the author of the new book, always wear pants and 99 other tips for surviving and thriving while you work from home. Welcome, Kevin.
    Profile icon of Unknown Speaker
    Hey, Kristen, thank you so much. It’s great to be here.
    Speaker 1
    salutely? Well, I know we’re gonna have a great conversation because as I shared with you what, before we started recording, I have also like yourself worked from home for a very long time, actually, since the early 2000s. So I look forward to to this conversation, one to encourage people that you really can make this a really great way to work, and to just to give them tips and ideas and some encouragement.
    Speaker 2
    Absolutely. You and I are both veterans, I guess they’re working from home.
    Speaker 1
    We definitely are we were not just thrown into it during the pandemic, for sure. So let me first ask you can you share with the audience a little bit about your journey and your backstory through you know, what you’ve done, and then what you’re currently doing now?
    Speaker 2
    Yeah, thanks so much. You know, I’d like to think that I was born an entrepreneur, I was the kid with not only the lemonade stand out in the front yard, and, and selling cookies and wanting to get the biggest prize from the fundraiser that my school or my sports team was doing each year. But it took me a while to actually become an entrepreneur, I studied journalism and broadcasting and the first half of my career was spent working in TV news and traveling the world and seeing lots of neat things and meeting lots of neat people. And then after a while I kind of got tired of that and kind of felt that I had realized and gone as far as I wanted to go in that field. So I got into marketing and and eight years ago I was doing marketing for health care facilities and I was working 60 to 80 hours a week I was just miserable at my job and so I had a friend that had gotten into e commerce and started in that journey and I kind of watched with amazement like most of our other friends for the first year or so and and thought he was crazy and then after after a while I kind of started to get interested so eight years ago I learned everything I could learn about e commerce because I knew nothing at that time. And I started a pet products brand selling products online and and so I’ve spent the last eight years doing that and meeting lots of interesting people and experiencing the ups and downs of not just entrepreneurship but of life. You know, the struggles, the pitfalls, the successes, the failures, but I’ve enjoyed most of it, I’ll say and it’s been a great experience and you know, so that’s that’s what I do and or that’s what I’ve done the past eight years or so. And so when the pandemic hit last year, the working from home for me was nothing new the new thing was watching so many millions of other people learn to do it for the first time and and I’ve had had fun kind of talking with them and writing about that over the past year.
    Speaker 1
    Yeah, I was just going to ask you, what kind of prompted you to want to write that and it was I think it was basically that right was watching people that seem to be struggling or not sure how to figure this thing out quickly. Well, when they had to.
    Speaker 2
    Yeah, it was the funny means on Instagram and Facebook. That was quite what led me to it was the funny videos and the pictures of people’s kids. We were talking offline about kids in the background or pets in the background and So it was watching people both struggle but also succeed and finding the humor in it that first drew my attention to it and made me want to study it a little bit closer.
    Speaker 1
    Oh, I love that and actually get to share a funny story related, but I was doing a podcast interview this summer with a woman, she’s a writer, and she has young children. And her child was coming in the background, you know, in her diaper, but we’re recording right on, it wasn’t live, but it was it is a recorded video. And eventually, the young little toddler ends up you know, on the desk, and a sofa jumping up and down without any clothing on and you know, and I’m sitting here trying to, you know, keep the interview going. And of course, afterwards and I mean, it was the it was literally the highlight of my day, it was like the best thing, because I was like, That kid is just free, right? And so but it just once again, hit home, that whole point, like, there’s gonna be these moments now, you know, as long as it’s not the adult doing that, you know, that the kids or the dogs are going to come in. And, you know, so to me, it makes me kind of happy actually, because, as I talked about before, you know, 10 or 15, or 20 years ago, if your kid or your dog came in the room, you felt like it was not very professional, you know, if you’re working from home, but now everyone kind of gets but real life is gonna keep going on right around us. You know, and so what I would ask you from that is is in doing the book researching to do the book, what would you say that one of the biggest challenges is that, you know, folks are having currently working from home, you know, during this pandemic.
    Speaker 2
    Yeah, Christian, what a great question. I think exhaustion and burnout has to be at or near the top of that list. You know, I think that for a lot of companies, when we all shut down in the early days of the COVID pandemic, a big fear was that people would just sit on the couch and eat potato chips and watch TV and wouldn’t actually work, right. Meanwhile, study after study shows that most people actually work more when they’re working from home, they work harder, the productivity goes up. So we’re really good as it turns out, at working from home, what so many of us struggle with, and I put myself in the same box, even, you know, a decade into it is taking time for ourselves, it’s those mental health breaks, it’s making sure that we’re eating properly, it’s making sure that our bodies are moving, and being active. It’s connecting with other people so that we don’t get isolated. So I realized I crammed four or five things in there, but I’d sum it up, sum all of it up. It’s just saying that the lack of so many of those things, for many of us working from home is leading to burnout and exhaustion.
    Speaker 1
    Yeah, so So in other words, and that’s basically because we’re not doing a good job of balancing or setting boundaries, right? Around work, or working personal, I guess, because it’s all in one space now for so many. What would you say in that sense, though? Like, do you have any Top Things that either you do or you know, that you’ve seen people are doing to try to make sure we’re scheduling in those things, right, connecting with people having a little fun, and making sure that our day isn’t so jam packed or evening because we’re not shutting shutting things off, that we can actually breathe a little bit and actually enjoy this this new construct, if you will? Yeah, absolutely.
    Speaker 2
    I think the first step for me and for many is to just take control over your schedule, right, so the workday should have a start and end time and that doesn’t mean that that can’t change from day to day or week to week or project to project and it also doesn’t mean that you can’t have some flexibility in there after all that’s one of the great things about working remotely is that it can’t afford us more of that flexibility. But taking control over your schedule allows you to free up some time then for some of the things that you may have been neglecting things like going for a short walk in the middle of the day to clear your mind and get your blood pumping a little bit or taking time to actually eat a lunch and not at your desk while you’re hammering away at that report but rather leaving your home workspace and and eating lunch somewhere else to give yourself a little bit of a break I think there’s there’s some really quick easy wins that people can realize by having a dedicated start in time and by scheduling in some time for you even during the work day.
    Speaker 1
    Yeah and I think a lot of people do feel they feel this pressure that they shouldn’t do that but that means the studies have been out that show we’re more productive when we take time to prep we take time to learn we take time to take a little break you know let our mind get clear and so you know I would say to the people that are struggling with come you know scheduling in a little bit of time for themselves those breaks though taking a little walk and by the way you know if you have to you could actually do one of your calls on your walk you know you don’t have to not be working if you really can’t put it down. So I think it’s that’s important to mention right is but like you said they were in control of this, you know And we might say, oh, but our boss or employer, but I disagree. And if it’s really that tough of an environment, maybe it’s not the right place for you in the long term, you know, which I think we have to look at that honestly, to if, if there’s not some flexibility and some level of respect for our work, you know, that they realize that, look, we are in a very different place we are now than we were two years ago, you know, my family or my, my own personal things might need something different than two years ago, what was acceptable, and so I think that’s a real conversation people have to have, too.
    Speaker 2
    Yeah, I couldn’t agree more, you know, and look at the big companies who employ workers on a job site, right? They’re mandated to give breaks. And every state every situation is a little bit different. Sometimes it’s a 15 minute break every four hours, there’s typically a longer break more suitable for a meal if you’re working a full day shift. And, and that’s because of the harm that can come from workers. Not taking breaks, right. And so we need to be mindful of that. And most organizations do allow for breaks. What they may not do when you’re working from home is stipulate, okay? From this time to this time, this is your break, it’s a little bit more free flowing, like everything when you’re working remotely. So taking ownership of that, and scheduling those in if you’re the type of person that kind of lives and breathes by your calendar, put a 15 minute break in there every couple of hours. Put time in there to take the dog for a walk, or to check in with with your kids or a spouse if they happen to be home as well be intentional about setting yourself up to succeed. And try it out. Because I like you. I know many skeptics who think that they just need to work from the beginning of the day to the end. And they often don’t take breaks, but give it a test run. And I think I think you’ll see that that it really does improve the level of performance, and most importantly, the way you feel about the work that you’re doing.
    Speaker 1
    Oh, absolutely. So I know another challenge, right? That we can all have, whether we’re working from home or not, but most importantly, when working from home is, you know, there’s been lots of isolation, we are not we don’t have time to chit chat, you know, in the office, maybe we’re not seeing our friends as much. So there’s one that isolation that’s going on, but there’s also because of everything going on the world, there’s a lot of stress, there’s a lot of anxiety, we were holding on to a lot more. And so I like one thing you talk about your book, and like the way you talk about it is you talk about, you know, what’s the one thing so what’s the one thing that’s holding you back? And you know, in what’s where’s the resistance? So can you talk to us a little bit about that? Because I think that’s an important thing for us to continue to look at revisit.
    Speaker 2
    Yeah, there’s, there’s something that I call the Monday morning feeling, Kristen, and that is, how do you feel on Monday morning? That alarm clock goes off? Are you excited about getting up and starting your day? Are you dreading it, wishing you could sleep just a little bit longer wishing it was still Saturday or Sunday. And throughout my career, regardless of what job I’ve had, or what work I’ve been doing, it’s been a good barometer, it’s been a good way of saying, okay, am I on the right track here? Or is something a little bit off course. And so I think for a lot of people that one thing is just that gut check, right? Because if if that’s amiss, if the if the work you’re doing, and I’ve seen many studies continuing you even up until recently, where the majority of Americans hate their job, right? They’re not happy with the work that they do. And we spend more time most of us in our work life than we do on anything else, right? Think about that more time than we do sleeping more time than we do. Hanging out with our family and our friends more time than we do on our hobbies and our interest. That’s an awful big percentage of our life to be miserable. So the one thing is really about just identifying what is it that’s holding you back most because when we get into a place of despair, or of unhappiness, or depression or anxiety, we’re not happy with the direction that our career is going or life is going. It can seem insurmountable. There’s all of these things that seem wrong and I think it’s important to have that gut check and start to diagnose Am I happy with the work I’m doing my happy with with where I’m at or do I need to make some changes and and go from there?
    Speaker 1
    Yeah, I think what’s important is we shouldn’t wait until maybe so much is piled up right like it like you said it might feel overwhelming or insurmountable but if we check it with ourselves every week, right you know, even beginning end of the week, but it just comes like you said how’s how’s it going for me, you know, or for you or whoever. I think it’s a good way to sort of set you know, a litmus test to say like, okay, where am I at right on this range. And if you find that You keep kind of going up on it and not in not in such a positive way. And we like you said, we need to address it, we need to say like, is this something I can I can address I can deal with it I can make a change happen? Or is it really just not the right fit or what you know, but I think it’s up to us to try to continuously check in with ourselves and then make those shifts if we need them, you know, not wait until it’s gonna explode, if you will, you know, blow up.
    Speaker 2
    Yeah, I couldn’t agree more. You know, I was, I was on vacation recently, first one, I’ve been able to take in a while. And in addition to all of the things of getting ready, you have COVID, now that you’re thinking about, and you’re trying to make sure that you can travel safely, and so on and so forth. And the vacation was great for me in so many ways. But one of the things I noticed is that I had waited way too long, right? In order to do that, I pushed it off and told myself that it wasn’t a good time, and there was too many things going on. But it was a great realization that you’re so right, you got to take these things on as they come and bite off little chunks instead of waiting so long, to the point where you’re in a position of burnout, or of extreme fatigue, and that type of thing.
    Speaker 1
    Absolutely. Well, so let me let me ask you this, we both talk about or discuss, kind of defining our lives, you know, so that we can when left live our best lives go after passion and work in purpose in our work, but then, you know, we also kind of have this thing about, we should be able to redefine our work for ourselves, right? And maybe not today. But at some point, we should kind of I think most people have the goal of wanting to set their schedule that aligns with what they want their life to look like. And so what did you what, if anything, do you have to say about that about how can we do that? How can we take that maybe those first couple steps to work towards redefining our life, which might include redefining our work schedule?
    Speaker 2
    Yeah, absolutely. It kind of goes back to what we’ve we’ve been discussing around, you know, being happy. I mean, I believe a couple of simple things. One is that I believe people should enjoy the work that they do, I think it should fulfill them and give them a sense of purpose and passion. And I think people should, you know, be paid a living wage and be able to, you know, meet their obligations and their needs and have a little bit for fun, have a little bit left over at the end of the day. And, and so those are a couple of basic things. And when you talk to people that aren’t happy with what they do, and so often you’re right, that can translate into just not being happy. Because again, work is such a huge proportion of what most of us do throughout the course of our life. If that area is not fulfilling if it’s not supporting our needs, if it’s causing financial duress, etc, then it makes the rest of life a lot more difficult as well. So I think that gut check is is an important one. And I think getting really clear on what would a great situation, what would you enjoy doing is often the next best step? If the answer to the first question that Monday morning feeling is Oh my God, I’m miserable. I can’t believe I have to get up and do this again today. If that’s the answer, then my suggestion for the next step is to take out a sheet of paper and just dream a little bit. I think so often we get caught in a career. I talk to people every week that say, Well, I’m a you know, I’m a doctor, I’m an attorney, I’m a teacher, I’m, I’m this I’m that. And I hate it. I’m so burned out, I wish I had never done this. And then you say so. So why not make a change. And immediately you see the wall come up, right? And they say, Well, I’m too old, or I spent too much money to go to school and learn this, or, you know, I could never replace my income if I were to start over. And most of that is just head trash that we tell ourselves, right? I love hearing stories of, of the woman in her 70s who decided that she was finally going to become an artist or the man who quits is, you know, well paying job in his mid 40s and says screw this, I’m going to I’m going to do something that that I really love. So I think most most of those challenges and obstacles can become, can can be overcame, but we have to be willing to make that decision or to at least explore it. So I’m a big believer in and kind of, you know, starting over and dreaming a little bit about what might be more fulfilling for you in that area.
    Speaker 1
    Oh, absolutely. In two things there that I would add. The first is 100% agree with you. I think we are always iterating or hopefully we are because I think if you’re not growing, if you’re not learning then there’s stagnation, which as we know is is never a healthy place to be right. You’re shriveling up, if you will. So I think one you should be iterating. And you should be saying, Hmm, what would happen if I did this thing? You know? Or what would you know? What would this look like? And on that, I think if people realized that no one’s saying, like, go quit your job tomorrow, and you have no income, and you have no, you know, unless it’s really just a really dangerous or bad place, like there’s a serious risk. But otherwise, you know, it’s like, just go explore, just take a tiny step into learning something new, like when you jumped into e commerce, you don’t really think about it, you said, You know what, there’s something here that I think, interests me enough that I’m going to spend time learning. And so I would just encourage people, where’s that? Where’s that kernel? Where’s something that you’re like, you know, what I really love baking or whatever it is, will maybe just take a step in that direction? Have somebody test your food, or whatever it is. The other thing, you know, it’s on the mindset you were kind of alluding to, but a lot of people take those statements of what if what if someone laughed? What if I can’t make up my own income? So we take the what if statement and make it negative? Instead of the people that can shift that and go? What if I could actually make this into my business, and I could have unlimited success, you know, I could have financial security and then some. And so I think one thing we have to do is we have to realize we were keeping ourselves in the box, right? We’re keeping ourselves there because of what we believe to be security or safety. But really, it’s not it’s it’s literally just keeping us in a in a box, instead of saying, like, well, what’s outside, what’s the big wide world? What else is out there? And like you said, I think too often we don’t follow our passion, our instinct, because we were told for most of our lives, especially, you know, maybe not the youngest generations, but those of us that came up with, you know, came up for, you know, like, Oh, you need a job, a serious type of job, a stable type of job in they tried to say that creative type jobs wouldn’t necessarily pay as well. But of course, as we all know, there’s a million ways to make plenty of money to support yourself, and it can look like anything, you know. So I think you’re right in saying you do have to dream, kind of, like, what is it you want your life to look like? And what is the work you want to spend your hours doing? And there’s always a way, even if you can’t figure it out, there’s people to help you figure out how to put those things together. You know,
    Speaker 2
    that’s, that’s some great wisdom there. Did you share Kristin and keep in mind, when I got into ecommerce, it was supposed to be a hobby, right? Like I had a job, I was making decent money, I hated what I did, right? So in a sense, I was where we were talking about here, I was miserable, and a horrible attitude about Monday mornings. And, and I had all the head trash too. But I decided that I was going to focus on the what ifs, this is successful, and not the what if this fails, and pursue that and plenty of people thought I was crazy, you know, my mom was still sending me job openings until about three or four years ago. There’s that but you know, you’re so right. So often we can be our biggest limiting factor. And so having conversation and this is another one is surrounding yourself with the people that you want to be like, or the people who have something that you want. That was an early piece of advice for me, that I got from someone that really changed the trajectory of my life. And when they presented it, to me, it was something like you are the sum of the five people you spend the most time with, right. And so when I took some time, and let that kind of marinate and sink in, and I looked around at the people I was spending the most time with, and I began to see the similarities, I began to see the negative ways of thinking, the waste of time, the waste of resources, the way that it affected the outlook on my life. And so that’s another kind of quick win that I think people can take is to just, it’s not in a judgmental way. And people always ask me, can I do I have to count my spouse, you know, so you can exclude them, you can exclude the people that that are in your everyday life for a reason. But we all have have a choice about the people that we surround ourselves with the people that we spend the most time with, doesn’t mean that you have to cut people out of your life necessarily, although sometimes that may be necessary as well. But if we take a look at who we’re spending the most time with, and then make some strategic changes there. The sum of averages means that, you know, we will begin to do and to think more like they do.
    Speaker 1
    So lately there’s been so there’s so many stories on this 1000s probably millions, that someone literally lived in one town. They ended up having a move getting connected in with a different group of people doing similar things, what they’re doing and what happened. You know, for two years, they struggled to make their business kind of get going. They move in I had no clue what the minister had to do if they found a community of people. So whether it’s an online community, whether it’s in person, but they found me People that help lift them up and help teach them and that they could then teach others. And like you said, it’s so important, that connection and like you said, it’s not necessarily getting rid of people, it’s saying, I want to make this change in my life, it might be that you want to start something like a business or side hustle. You what you have to do is say, What am I interested in? What do I need to learn, even if you don’t need to learn, go find people that are trying to do something similar. It can be joining groups online, it can be, you know, paying to be in groups, which is absolutely fine. If you’re gonna be learning and with people that are going to help lift you up, you know, it could be reading books and pot or listening to podcasts that are going to start putting that right, like you said, the right mental mindset work in your head that you can start thinking new thoughts instead of kind of get stuck, like you said, with the head trash. So I think you I’m glad you brought that up, because I’ve talked about this often, and it’s so important, and I think people really undervalue it, you know, the impact that can have, I mean, I even have many examples from my own life, you know, I have one girlfriend, she’s wanting to start a business for some time. And I told her recently, actually about an e commerce program, and she, she jumped into it, she’s never done anything, she’s not tech savvy at all. And she still has, you know, worked with this other thing. But my point is, is just for me kind of sharing stuff with her over the time. And I finally said, You know, I almost didn’t mentioned it to her and I said, hey, there’s this one program you might be interested in and she looked at it, she’s never even spent money on stuff like this, you know, I’m like me and you in our spaces, we probably have quite a bit and, or we know people that have, she had not, but it was because we talked about it often, you know, and I’ve shared things with her. And then I said, You know what, I’m gonna tell her she doesn’t have to do it. It doesn’t benefit me at all right? It just, and she said, I’m gonna do it. I’m so excited. And she’s been on top of it, right? But it’s because there’s people around her that are doing other things that no other information in her sharing it. So I think we got undervalue. And I think we need to not be afraid to mention to people things, you know, because even if they say, No, you know, eventually people, you hear it multiple times, and you start, then it starts processing. So I think it’s important to keep bringing it up, you know, I mean, my friends can’t get away from me from talking about, you know, what, if you’re not happy, you’re thinking, aren’t you starting something, let’s talk about what that could be, you know, like, you’re probably sick of me saying that, but
    Speaker 2
    I’m gonna you’re an entrepreneur, evangelists, Christian, you know, and I,
    Speaker 1
    I do, I love helping people figure out what they could do. The other thing I want to mention, though, that we’ve sort of script and talking about kind of maybe it’s secondary, is value. If people are in a place where they’re not valued, then I think you need to seriously look at that. And I sort of mentioned that earlier, if you work at a company, and they’re so stuck on, you have to work these hours. And now you have to be in at 7am until whatever hour, okay, if you work on assembly line, or something that’s your, you know, trash person, I get it, there might have to be set hours. But if you’re somebody that works at a computer all day, or something where it’s remote, there’s really no reason, in most cases where you can’t have some flexibility. So if a company values, the work you do, and the value you bring to that company, then they should be willing to compromise with you at some level. So that’s the first thing I tell people, because I’ve talked to some people, they’re like, no, now they want me to work these different hours. But it’s really hard for me to do that. And I’ll be like, why? And they’re like, they just said, I have to, you know, and I’m like, Okay, well, you might need to delve into that a little further. You’ve been there for 15 years, and they, they’re really not valuing your time or what you need. And I said, that’s maybe a problem. The second thing is, with the valuing, or I’m sorry, the defining are what we want. For instance, I’ve mostly worked for myself for oh my gosh, I don’t even know, let’s say 15 years. But three and a half years ago, I ended up taking a full time position until just this past December for an old colleague of mine, marketing technology. And, but the thing is, is I knew some time ago, like, okay, I’ve done it, but get back to being doing my thing. Like I have all these things that were on my list to do, and I need to get back to it. And so I went to them and said, Look, I’m I’m ready to move on to other things, but I’m not necessarily trying to step out the door fully. So I went to them. And he’s like, What are you thinking? And I just said, Well, I’m thinking 10 hours a week at my consulting rate, you know, and he’s like, okay, you know, and so that’s what we did for most of this year, that’ll wrap up, you know, sometime in the next month or two. But my point was, is it gave me a little bit more runway, right to kind of get things going that I wanted to move into that I wasn’t doing for some time. But people are afraid to ask for what they want. And so I think it’s important to remind people what’s the worst that would happen, he could have said to me, well either choose to stay in the position as it is, or you can just have a runway to get out of here in a month or 60 days or whatever, right like, but to me there was really no neck I wasn’t going to lose from asking and too many people are afraid to ask because I think they think they’re going to get fired. But if you actually bring any value to the company, they’re not going to fire you today. And if they are maybe to leave anyways. You know
    Speaker 2
    Yeah, absolutely, if they’re if they’re that willing to let you go, then you may not need to be there long term to begin with. I think the key, Kristen is, is that no one’s ever going to value you more than you value yourself, right. And so it starts with that internal dialogue of, of what I’m worth, and, and what, what I want to do, right. And when when do I want to do it, and it sounds very selfish. But again, I keep coming back, we spend most of us more time working than we do anything else. So it’s worth it to get really clear and really intentional. But don’t expect your employer to value you more than you do yourself. So if that desire is to start your own thing, if that desire is to simply make more money, I see people all the time who are afraid to ask for a raise for fear of being fired, right or afraid to ask for more time off, for fear of being fired, the world is a big place, and especially if you work from home, your potential employers are almost limitless, your potential is so much greater than it was even five or 10 years ago. And so sometimes that difficult realization is that the place that we’re currently at is not ever going to value us in the way that they should. And it’s time to look elsewhere, either by starting your own thing or by simply looking for a new fit elsewhere. But But getting creative as you suggested, and as you did is a great way to go. I never advise people to just throw caution to the wind and and you know, quit what they’re doing now, obviously, unless there’s some existential reason, some immediacy involved but take the time, be thoughtful. Just decide for yourself what success and what value would look like. And then make a plan through small actions through small imperfect actions, right? To start making some changes.
    Speaker 1
    Oh, absolutely. Oh, such good stuff there. So let me ask you before we wrap it up, and maybe you can share a couple little tips or resources with us. Any other words of encouragement you’d have just for people that are navigating through this, this crazy world we’re currently living in with you working from home? And hopefully they’re wearing pants already, you know, but bear with them.
    Speaker 2
    Yeah, thanks so much, Kristen. Be kind to yourself. That’s tip number one, you know, as you mentioned, we’re all dealing with a lot right now. Life can seem very heavy, the world can seem crazier than ever. It’s really easy to let our fuses be burnt to the end and, and then that has a way of kind of spreading throughout throughout society, you know, people that are pissed off and angry and, and, and that type of thing have a tendency to kind of become infectious. But you know, it’s really cool. So does positivity, sodas, really small gestures of kindness for other people, I always love going to a coffee shop and being told, oh, the person in front of you has paid and then doing that, and, and seeing that chain, that one small act, you know, brightens so many days. So be kind to yourself, be kind to others. Life is too short. And we’ve all got so much to look forward to.
    Speaker 1
    Oh, absolutely. So what about any tools or resources that you’ve really enjoyed as being you know, as somebody that works from home that you’d like to share?
    Speaker 2
    Yeah, absolutely. And I can send you a list too. And feel free to post these. But there’s a couple of things that I read each morning, which kind of helped with some of that mindset. And one of them is called the daily motivator. It’s a blog by a man named Ralph Marston. It always has a way of kind of setting my perspective for the day and putting me in a good mood. Another is a tool called Vox, which I’m a big fan of communication tools, and anything that can get me out of email. I’m a big believer that email, especially when you work from home, is can be the death of anyone or any organization because a recent study showed that most people working from home spend as much as four hours a day in their email boxes, and it’s so counterproductive when there are other resources, whether that be slack. One of my favorites now is Vox, which allows you to send short audio messages either to one person or an entire team.
    Speaker 1
    Awesome. Yep. But definitely use both of those as well. So fantastic. And can you let us know how can we connect with you learn more about your book and all that good stuff?
    Speaker 2
    Yeah. And let me say first, Kristen, thanks so much for having me on. This has been a great conversation and I’ve enjoyed it so much. I’m pretty easy to find on the social networks and You can always visit always wear pants calm To find out more about the book, which is available at Amazon and Barnes noble and pretty much anywhere that you can find good books these days. And I love meeting people. So please reach out and connect and say hi, I can’t wait.
    Speaker 1
    I’m sorry, you under Kevin riser then online as far as Instagram and those kinds of places.
    Profile icon of Unknown Speaker
    I am. Yes. Wonderful. Well, thank
    Speaker 1
    you so much for taking the time to be with us today. I think it’s such an important and, you know, informative conversation we got to have today,
    Speaker 2
    Chris, and I so enjoyed it. Thank you so much.
    Speaker 1
    Thank you. Oh, my gosh, such good stuff in that conversation with Kevin today. I loved it. And I just want to leave you with this idea. But from my friend, Rebecca float in her book, on your brush, she says this, every moment of your life is a seed. You’re either planting seeds for your vision of what you want, or you are planting seeds of doubt that your dreams will not happen. Every moment you don’t invest in your future. You are doubting what could and will happen. Dream large and take action, creativity reigns and what is available to you now, don’t wait for your dreams to come to you. Use what you have and start planting. Ah, I love it. Seriously, it’s up to us, we have to step into the things we want. We have to go after our dreams. We are responsible for finding the work that will fulfill us in that we will be passionate about and want to show up on Monday mornings with that good Monday morning feeling as Kevin mentioned. So I would just encourage you check in with yourself. How’s it going? Are you happy in your job are you fulfilled if you’re not do something about it, don’t wait. either ask for what you want in your position. Find the next thing or start something new and shirt started on the slide get it going. But just start think we do need to know what we want in order to define life on our terms. And we have to be willing to break the past scripts so that we can move into better and more beautiful and amazing thing. And if you’re looking to figure out what it is you can go after what creative pursuit you can start. jump on over to my website at Kristin Fitch calm and go under Resources. There is a no limits create skill and monetize your creative passion printable PDF, that I would love for you to grab and start taking your dream seriously and get let’s get going. You can start going after your dreams today. And if you enjoyed the show, we’d love it if you’d subscribe and leave us a review and rating on Apple podcast or wherever you listen to podcasts. And if you have ideas for the show, or guests that you’d like to recommend, I’d love to hear from you. So DM me on Instagram at Kristin Fitch or you can email me from the website. Thanks so much. And thanks again for listening in. Until next time, have a great week.

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  • Ep 105: Let Your Passion and Purpose Guide You to Your Life’s Work


    Ep 105

    Let Your Passion and Purpose Guide You to Your Life’s Work

    On today’s episode Kristin talks to Lillian Reekie, a parenting strategist, and author of six books, about finding work we love, following your passion, and do work that keeps you in flow and motivated.  Kristin and Lillian also talk about parenting and navigating our professional lives and using online tools to build our own businesses.

    What is holding you back from going after your dreams, defining life on your terms and from finding meaningful work you love? What is holding you back from going after your dreams to start your business or to write a book or launch a podcast, to sell your art or clothing, or to start an online business?   What is holding you back from finding real joy and meaning in your life?

    Each week on the show we are going to help you figure out how to go after your dreams and find work you love.  And how to find a healthy work-life balance and how do you fit in the things that are meaningful to you and have flexibility of time and income.  We will also talk about mindset and self-development to be your best possible self in your work life and personal life.  We will take the idea of meaningful work you want to do and how you create and start a business and monetize it.  Let’s be happier, healthier and find ways to create meaningful lives that bring us more joy and connection to our every day.

    Let’s start taking action to create and monetize our creative ideas and passions and turn them into thriving businesses- let’s go after our dream work, make more money and spend more time with people we love living our best lives.  And learn how Curiosity, Creativity, Mindset, Communication, Play, and Faith play a role in improving our lives.

    Join podcast host, Kristin Fitch to be encouraged throughout your week and to be reminded you are needed, you matter and now is the time to step into your future and all the possibilities waiting for you- it’s time to step into what you’ve been called to share with the world.  To learn more or connect with Kristin go to KristinFitch.com. And we’d love for you to join our private Facebook group Building a Life You Love where Kristin and friends share encouragement, ideas and extra resources to help you go after your passion and define life on your terms.

    Focus: Coaching- Starting a Business- Self Development – Personal Development, Christian Entrepreneurs, Christian Living, Find Your Purpose, Do Work You Love, Escape the 9 to 5, Quit Your Job, Side Hustle, The Importance of Celebrating Small Wins, Podcasting, Don’t quit your day job, Side Gig, What do You Truly Desire, What Do You Truly Want, Know What You Want, Go After Your Dreams, Parenting Strategies, Get in Flow, Be Open to New Opportunities, Network Marketing

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  • Ep 101: The Experience of You- Understanding Your Personal Cultural and Why It Matters


    Ep 101

    The Experience of You- Understanding Your Personal Cultural and Why It Matters

    On today’s episode Kristin talks to Maura Barclay, Neuro-Facilitation Practitioner, Author and Chief Mindset and Culture Officer on the board at Numme, about the importance of understanding your personal culture and others culture and what experience others get from you.  Kristin and Maura talk about using curiosity and inquiry instead of judgement and accusations in our relationships and work environment.  And how changing our thoughts and mindset can help us create the life we want.

    What is holding you back from going after your dreams, defining life on your terms and from finding meaningful work you love? What is holding you back from going after your dreams to start your business or to write a book or launch a podcast, to sell your art or clothing, or to start an online business?   What is holding you back from finding real joy and meaning in your life?

    Each week on the show we are going to help you figure out how to go after your dreams and find work you love.  And how to find a healthy work-life balance and how do you fit in the things that are meaningful to you and have flexibility of time and income.  We will also talk about mindset and self-development to be your best possible self in your work life and personal life.  We will take the idea of meaningful work you want to do and how you create and start a business and monetize it.  Let’s be happier, healthier and find ways to create meaningful lives that bring us more joy and connection to our every day.

    Let’s start taking action to create and monetize our creative ideas and passions and turn them into thriving businesses- let’s go after our dream work, make more money and spend more time with people we love living our best lives.  And learn how Curiosity, Creativity, Mindset, Communication, Play, and Faith play a role in improving our lives.

    Join podcast host, Kristin Fitch to be encouraged throughout your week and to be reminded you are needed, you matter and now is the time to step into your future and all the possibilities waiting for you- it’s time to step into what you’ve been called to share with the world.  To learn more or connect with Kristin go to KristinFitch.com. And we’d love for you to join our private Facebook group Building a Life You Love where Kristin and friends share encouragement, ideas and extra resources to help you go after your passion and define life on your terms.

    Focus: Coaching- Starting a Business- Self Development – Personal Development, Christian Entrepreneurs, Christian Living, Find Your Purpose, Do Work You Love, Escape the 9 to 5, Quit Your Job, Side Hustle, Your Personal Brand, Personal Culture, Work Culture,Changing Work Culture, Personal Authority, Being Authentic, Why You Need to be Vulnerable, Manifesting, Creating with Intention, Feedback informs what’s going on Inside, Inclusion, Kindness First, Transformational Leadership, Share Your Failures, Struggles

    Connect with Maura:


    Instagram @Soulfuleader

  • Ep 99: The Magic of Stories & Finding Your Truth


    Ep 99

    The Magic of Stories & Finding Your Truth

    On today’s episode Kristin talks to Rebeca Seitz, writer, producer and Founding CEO of The One C Story Network, about producing and sharing stories that leave you a better human.  Kristin and Rebeca talk about start new projects and going after your passion and the importance of sharing your ideas with others in order to bring your vision or dream to life.  And they finish off the conversation talking about how our world view either frees us or limits us and why it’s important to check in with ourselves.

    What is holding you back from going after your dreams, defining life on your terms and from finding meaningful work you love? What is holding you back from going after your dreams to start your business or to write a book or launch a podcast, to sell your art or clothing, or to start an online business?   What is holding you back from finding real joy and meaning in your life?

    Each week on the show we are going to help you figure out how to go after your dreams and find work you love.  And how to find a healthy work-life balance and how do you fit in the things that are meaningful to you and have flexibility of time and income.  We will also talk about mindset and self-development to be your best possible self in your work life and personal life.  We will take the idea of meaningful work you want to do and how you create and start a business and monetize it.  Let’s be happier, healthier and find ways to create meaningful lives that bring us more joy and connection to our every day.

    Let’s start taking action to create and monetize our creative ideas and passions and turn them into thriving businesses- let’s go after our dream work, make more money and spend more time with people we love living our best lives.  And learn how Curiosity, Creativity, Mindset, Communication, Play, and Faith play a role in improving our lives.

    Join podcast host, Kristin Fitch to be encouraged throughout your week and to be reminded you are needed, you matter and now is the time to step into your future and all the possibilities waiting for you- it’s time to step into what you’ve been called to share with the world.  To learn more or connect with Kristin go to KristinFitch.com. And we’d love for you to join our private Facebook group Building a Life You Love where Kristin and friends share encouragement, ideas and extra resources to help you go after your passion and define life on your terms.

    Focus: Coaching- Starting a Business- Self Development – Personal Development, Christian Entrepreneurs, Christian Living, Find Your Purpose, Do Work You Love, Escape the 9 to 5, Quit Your Job, Side Hustle, Magic of Story, Storyteller, Storytelling, Walt Disney, Ideation, Building a Business, Pitching Your Idea, Be Authentic, Your World View, Living a Creative Life, Overcoming Failure

    Connect with Rebeca:


    Instagram: @RebecaSeitz


  • Ep 95: Asking the Question- How do I live an Impactful Life


    Ep 95

    Asking the Question How do I Live an Impact Life

    On today’s episode Kristin talks to Manpreet Bawa, an Empowerment Coach and Mind Architect, about asking the question- what impact am I making in the world and stepping into work and purpose that allows us to create a legacy in the world.  Kristin and Manpreet talk about making intentional choices and how to make changes that stick.

    What is holding you back from going after your dreams, defining life on your terms and from finding meaningful work you love? What is holding you back from going after your dreams to start your business or to write a book or launch a podcast, to sell your art or clothing, or to start an online business?   What is holding you back from finding real joy and meaning in your life?

    Each week on the show we are going to help you figure out how to go after your dreams and find work you love.  And how to find a healthy work-life balance and how do you fit in the things that are meaningful to you and have flexibility of time and income.  We will also talk about mindset and self-development to be your best possible self in your work life and personal life.  We will take the idea of meaningful work you want to do and how you create and start a business and monetize it.  Let’s be happier, healthier and find ways to create meaningful lives that bring us more joy and connection to our every day.

    Let’s start taking action to create and monetize our creative ideas and passions and turn them into thriving businesses- let’s go after our dream work, make more money and spend more time with people we love living our best lives.  And learn how Curiosity, Creativity, Mindset, Communication, Play, and Faith play a role in improving our lives.

    Join podcast host, Kristin Fitch to be encouraged throughout your week and to be reminded you are needed, you matter and now is the time to step into your future and all the possibilities waiting for you- it’s time to step into what you’ve been called to share with the world.  To learn more or connect with Kristin go to KristinFitch.com. And we’d love for you to join our private Facebook group Building a Life You Love where Kristin and friends share encouragement, ideas and extra resources to help you go after your passion and define life on your terms.

    Focus: Coaching- Starting a Business- Self Development – Personal Development, Christian Entrepreneurs, Christian Living, Find Your Purpose, Do Work You Love, Escape the 9 to 5, Quit Your Job, Overcoming Adversity, Live on Purpose, Focus on What Truly Matters, Mindfulness

    Connect with Manpreet:

    Linkedin: Manpreet Bawa


  • Ep 93: How to Nurture Your Creativity and Grow Your Passion


    Ep 93

    How to Nurture Your Creativity and Grow Your Passion

    On today’s episode Kristin talks to Steve Ploum, an Art Therapist, Licensed Professional Counselor and Podcast Host of Kite and Strings, about the need for creativity and how we can use creativity to help grow our passion to do work we love that feels more like play than work.  Kristin and Steve talk about being open to try new things and test out ideas and take the risk because we can always come back from a new effort even if it does not work out.

    What is holding you back from going after your dreams, defining life on your terms and from finding meaningful work you love? What is holding you back from going after your dreams to start your business or to write a book or launch a podcast, to sell your art or clothing, or to start an online business?   What is holding you back from finding real joy and meaning in your life?

    Each week on the show we are going to help you figure out how to go after your dreams and find work you love.  And how to find a healthy work-life balance and how do you fit in the things that are meaningful to you and have flexibility of time and income.  We will also talk about mindset and self-development to be your best possible self in your work life and personal life.  We will take the idea of meaningful work you want to do and how you create and start a business and monetize it.  Let’s be happier, healthier and find ways to create meaningful lives that bring us more joy and connection to our every day.

    Let’s start taking action to create and monetize our creative ideas and passions and turn them into thriving businesses- let’s go after our dream work, make more money and spend more time with people we love living our best lives.  And learn how Curiosity, Creativity, Mindset, Communication, Play, and Faith play a role in improving our lives.

    Join podcast host, Kristin Fitch to be encouraged throughout your week and to be reminded you are needed, you matter and now is the time to step into your future and all the possibilities waiting for you- it’s time to step into what you’ve been called to share with the world.  To learn more or connect with Kristin go to KristinFitch.com. And we’d love for you to join our private Facebook group Building a Life You Love where Kristin and friends share encouragement, ideas and extra resources to help you go after your passion and define life on your terms.

    Focus: Coaching- Starting a Business- Self Development – Personal Development, Christian Entrepreneurs, Christian Living, Find Your Purpose, Do Work You Love, Escape the 9 to 5, Quit Your Job, Overcoming Adversity, Live on Purpose, Focus on What Truly Matters, Mindfulness, Movement, Mindset, How to Get Into Flow, Increase Creativity, How to be Fit in 20 minutes a day, Using Movement to get into Mindfulness

    Connect with Steve:


    Instagram: Kites and Strings 

    Facebook: Kites and Strings


  • Ep 87- How Your Business Can Have Real Impact In the World and Create a Lasting Legacy using Intentional Strategy


    Episode 87

    How Your Business Can Have Real Impact In the World and Create a Lasting Legacy using Intentional Strategy with Alex Brueckmann

    On today’s episode Kristin talks to Alex Brueckmann, who is an entrepreneur, author, executive coach, about how we use a purpose-driven, intentional strategy to build businesses that can have real impact in the world, create lasting legacy and help us to continue to innovate to stay relevant.  Alex and Kristin talk about leading business as if your kids are watching, the importance of the personal, and human aspect of business and why your story and ensuring your customers understand what the value or your product or service is to them.   

    What is holding you back from going after your dreams, defining life on your terms and from finding meaningful work you love? What is holding you back from going after your dreams to start your business or to write a book or launch a podcast, to sell your art or clothing, or to start an online business?   What is holding you back from finding real joy and meaning in your life?

    Each week on the show we are going to help you figure out how to go after your dreams and find work you love.  And how to find a healthy work-life balance and how do you fit in the things that are meaningful to you and have flexibility of time and income.  We will also talk about mindset and self-development to be your best possible self in your work life and personal life.  We will take the idea of meaningful work you want to do and how you create and start a business and monetize it.  Let’s be happier, healthier and find ways to create meaningful lives that bring us more joy and connection to our every day.

    Let’s start taking action to create and monetize our creative ideas and passions and turn them into thriving businesses- let’s go after our dream work, make more money and spend more time with people we love living our best lives.  And learn how Curiosity, Creativity, Mindset, Communication, Play, and Faith play a role in improving our lives.

    Join podcast host, Kristin Fitch to be encouraged throughout your week and to be reminded you are needed, you matter and now is the time to step into your future and all the possibilities waiting for you- it’s time to step into what you’ve been called to share with the world.  To learn more or connect with Kristin go to KristinFitch.com. And we’d love for you to join our private Facebook group Building a Life You Love where Kristin and friends share encouragement, ideas and extra resources to help you go after your passion and define life on your terms.

    Focus: Coaching- Starting a Business- Self Development – Personal Development, Christian Entrepreneurs, Christian Living, Find Your Purpose, Do Work You Love, Escape the 9 to 5, Quit Your Job, Overcoming Adversity, Live on Purpose, Focus on What Truly Matters, Purpose-Driven Strategy, Intentional Business Strategy, Create Lasting Legacy, How to Make an Impact in the World, Storytelling, Business is Personal

    Connect with Alex:


    Instagram: @AlexBrueckmann

  • EP 83: What to Do When Your Job Isn’t Working For You


    Episode 83

    What to Do When Your Job Isn’t Working For You with Kelley Shields

    On today’s episode Kristin talks to Kelley Shields, a life and career coach, who previously practiced law for 12 years and found herself burned out and unfulfilled in her law and business career. If you are someone who feels drained, burned out, or knows you need to make a career change then this is the episode for you.  Learn how you can begin to decipher what it is you can move into, how to start something new on the side and use your core values to help you find work you love, that fills you up and aligns with the lifestyle you want to create.

    What is holding you back from going after your dreams, defining life on your terms and from finding meaningful work you love? What is holding you back from going after your dreams to start your business or to write a book or launch a podcast, to sell your art or clothing, or to start an online business?   What is holding you back from finding real joy and meaning in your life?

    Connect with Kelley:

    Kelley’s Website: KelleyShields.com

    Instagram:  @KellyShields_

  • Ep 81: The Importance of Resilience and Choosing to Show Up Everyday


    Episode 81

    The Importance of Resilience and Choosing to Show Up Everyday with John Thurman

    On today’s daily episode Kristin talks to John Thurman, a licensed mental health professional, work-life consultant about overcoming our fears, how we stay positive during tough time like the pandemic, and why we need to learn to be resilient in all part of our lives.  Kristin and John discuss having a flexible and positive mindset and that we have to make a choice to show up every day for ourselves and those around us and that we need to continuously grow ourselves by what we read, listen to and who we surround ourselves with.  At the end of the day we have to ask the question- are these thoughts helping or hurting me and if they are not helping us grow, be positive or move towards our best life we need to work to replace those thoughts- we always have a choice and there are plenty of resource and people to help us through tough times.

    What is holding you back from going after your dreams, defining life on your terms and from finding meaningful work you love? What is holding you back from going after your dreams to start your business or to write a book or launch a podcast, to sell your art or clothing, or to start an online business?   What is holding you back from finding real joy and meaning in your life?

    Connect with John:

    John’s Website:  JohnThurman.info

    John’s Blog- JohnThurman.net

  • Ep 75: Stop Playing it Safe and Go After Your Dreams Today


    Episode 75

    Stop Playing it Safe and Go After Your Dreams Today with Lorie Tesny

    On today’s episode Kristin talks to Lorie Tesny, the podcast host of Sailing through Life and two-time melanoma cancer warrior, about overcoming adversity, how we focus on what truly matters and how we go towards our purpose.  Lorie and her husband have set out on a Sailing Adventure of a lifetime and Lorie shares about making that dream come true and starting her podcast to support others to feel empowered and encourage them to focus on what matters. Lorie and Kristin talk about why we shouldn’t wait to make our dreams and desires a reality this year and how we can redefine our work to support our goals, lifestyle and season of our lives.   And they talk about how it feels when your resistance goes away and you are following your passion, purpose and desires.  It’s a great episode that will give you that push to stopping playing it safe and go after those ‘one day’ dreams you’ve been keeping in your back pocket- it’s time to pull out those dreams, dust them off and give them your attention.

    What is holding you back from going after your dreams, defining life on your terms and from finding meaningful work you love? What is holding you back from going after your dreams to start your business or to write a book or launch a podcast, to sell your art or clothing, or to start an online business?   What is holding you back from finding real joy and meaning in your life?

    Connect with Lorie:


  • Ep 74: The Money Trap Many People get Stuck In, How to Build Wealth and Why Our Health Should Be Our Top Priority


    Episode 74:

    Ep 74: The Money Trap Many People get Stuck In, How to Build Wealth and Why Our Health Should Be Our Top Priority with Krisstina Wise

    On today’s episode Kristin talks Krisstina Wise, a best-selling author, podcast host and creator of Wealthy Wellthy and Sovereignty Academy, about the intersection of health and wealth.  Kristin and Krisstina talk about why our health needs to come first, and we can’t stay in a flight or fight or high stress lifestyle without paying the price.  Krisstina explains why we need a relationship with our money and the money trap many people fall into and how we change our relationship to money and begin to build real wealth.  It’s a can’t miss conversation.

    What is holding you back from going after your dreams, defining life on your terms and from finding meaningful work you love? What is holding you back from going after your dreams to start your business or to write a book or launch a podcast, to sell your art or clothing, or to start an online business?   What is holding you back from finding real joy and meaning in your life?

    Each week on the show we are going to help you figure out how to go after your dreams and find work you love.  And how to find a healthy work-life balance and how do you fit in the things that are meaningful to you and have flexibility of time and income.  We will also talk about mindset and self-development to be your best possible self in your work life and personal life.  We will take the idea of meaningful work you want to do and how you create and start a business and monetize it.  Let’s be happier, healthier and find ways to create meaningful lives that bring us more joy and connection to our every day.

    Let’s start taking action to create and monetize our creative ideas and passions and turn them into thriving businesses- let’s go after our dream work, make more money and spend more time with people we love living our best lives.  And learn how Curiosity, Creativity, Mindset, Communication, Play, and Faith play a role in improving our lives.

    Join podcast host, Kristin Fitch to be encouraged throughout your week and to be reminded you are needed, you matter and now is the time to step into your future and all the possibilities waiting for you- it’s time to step into what you’ve been called to share with the world.  To learn more or connect with Kristin go to KristinFitch.com. And we’d love for you to join our private Facebook group Building a Life You Love where Kristin and friends share encouragement, ideas and extra resources to help you go after your passion and define life on your terms.

    Focus: Coaching- Starting a Business- Self Development – Personal Development, Christian Entrepreneurs, Christian Living, Find Your Purpose, Do Work You Love, Escape the 9 to 5, Quit Your Job, How to Get Your Money to Work for You, How to Build Real Wealth, The Money Trap, Why We Need an Intimate Relationship with Our Money, Why Our Health Comes First, Healthy Lifestyle

    Connect with Krisstina:



    Instagram: @krisstinawise

  • Ep 73: How Inspiration and Curiosity Help Us Step into Our Passion and Purpose and the Importance of Using Our Personal Stories in Our Business


    Episode 73:

    Ep 73: How Inspiration and Curiosity Help Us Step into Our Passion and Purpose and the Importance of Using Our Personal Stories in Our Business with Jo Ingram

    On today’s episode Kristin talks Jo Ingram, a business coach and strategist and the podcast host of Action Takers Tribe, about the importance of sharing our personal stories in our business and learning to make room for inspiration and to allow our intuition and curiosity help guide us on what to work on.  Kristin and Jo talk about stepping into a new business, and how taking action helps inform our next steps and how we follow that little voice that’s whispering for us to step into our future to explore the possibilities and build a life around our passion and purpose.

    What is holding you back from going after your dreams, defining life on your terms and from finding meaningful work you love? What is holding you back from going after your dreams to start your business or to write a book or launch a podcast, to sell your art or clothing, or to start an online business?   What is holding you back from finding real joy and meaning in your life?

    Each week on the show we are going to help you figure out how to go after your dreams and find work you love.  And how to find a healthy work-life balance and how do you fit in the things that are meaningful to you and have flexibility of time and income.  We will also talk about mindset and self-development to be your best possible self in your work life and personal life.  We will take the idea of meaningful work you want to do and how you create and start a business and monetize it.  Let’s be happier, healthier and find ways to create meaningful lives that bring us more joy and connection to our every day.

    Let’s start taking action to create and monetize our creative ideas and passions and turn them into thriving businesses- let’s go after our dream work, make more money and spend more time with people we love living our best lives.  And learn how Curiosity, Creativity, Mindset, Communication, Play, and Faith play a role in improving our lives.

    Join podcast host, Kristin Fitch to be encouraged throughout your week and to be reminded you are needed, you matter and now is the time to step into your future and all the possibilities waiting for you- it’s time to step into what you’ve been called to share with the world.  To learn more or connect with Kristin go to KristinFitch.com. And we’d love for you to join our private Facebook group Building a Life You Love where Kristin and friends share encouragement, ideas and extra resources to help you go after your passion and define life on your terms.

    Focus: Coaching- Starting a Business- Self Development – Personal Development, Christian Entrepreneurs, Christian Living, Find Your Purpose, Do Work You Love, Escape the 9 to 5, Quit Your Job, Being Happy, Finding Abundance. Happiness, Happiness Coach, Business Coach & Strategist

    Connect with Jo:


    Instagram:  @iamjo.ingram

    FB Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/actiontakertribepodcast

  • Ep 72: Finding Happiness in the midst of Everyday Life- How Our Choices, Priorities and Listening to Our Bodies can Improve Our Lives especially when living with Chronic Illness


    Episode 72:

    Finding Happiness in the midst of Everyday Life- How Our Choices, Priorities and Listening to Our Bodies can Improve Our Lives especially when living with Chronic Illness with Shannon Klenk

    On today’s episode Kristin talks Shannon Klenk, a Happiness Coach and Self-care Strategist about turning our inner critic into our inner cheerleader and how we learn to live our best lives regardless of what we are going through or living with.  Shannon share strategies on managing a chronic illness in the midst of working, family time and everyday life.  Kristin and Shannon talk about scheduling your work and life around your energy and bandwidth instead of time, how we add in more sustainable self-care practices, how to understand the need behind our feelings and find other ways to feed those needs when we can’t join, or make something and the beauty of the Sacred Pause and how slowing down can sometimes be exactly what is needed.

    What is holding you back from going after your dreams, defining life on your terms and from finding meaningful work you love? What is holding you back from going after your dreams to start your business or to write a book or launch a podcast, to sell your art or clothing, or to start an online business?   What is holding you back from finding real joy and meaning in your life?

    Each week on the show we are going to help you figure out how to go after your dreams and find work you love.  And how to find a healthy work-life balance and how do you fit in the things that are meaningful to you and have flexibility of time and income.  We will also talk about mindset and self-development to be your best possible self in your work life and personal life.  We will take the idea of meaningful work you want to do and how you create and start a business and monetize it.  Let’s be happier, healthier and find ways to create meaningful lives that bring us more joy and connection to our every day.

    Let’s start taking action to create and monetize our creative ideas and passions and turn them into thriving businesses- let’s go after our dream work, make more money and spend more time with people we love living our best lives.  And learn how Curiosity, Creativity, Mindset, Communication, Play, and Faith play a role in improving our lives.

    Join podcast host, Kristin Fitch to be encouraged throughout your week and to be reminded you are needed, you matter and now is the time to step into your future and all the possibilities waiting for you- it’s time to step into what you’ve been called to share with the world.  To learn more or connect with Kristin go to KristinFitch.com. And we’d love for you to join our private Facebook group Building a Life You Love where Kristin and friends share encouragement, ideas and extra resources to help you go after your passion and define life on your terms.

    Focus: Coaching- Starting a Business- Self Development – Personal Development, Christian Entrepreneurs, Christian Living, Find Your Purpose, Do Work You Love, Escape the 9 to 5, Quit Your Job, Being Happy, Finding Abundance. Happiness, Happiness Coach, Living with Chronic Illness, The Sacred Pause, Listening to Your Body, Kindness, Self-care Essentials.

    What is holding you back from going after your dreams, defining life on your terms and from finding meaningful work you love? What is holding you back from going after your dreams to start your business or to write a book or launch a podcast, to sell your art or clothing, or to start an online business?   What is holding you back from finding real joy and meaning in your life?

    Each week on the show we are going to help you figure out how to go after your dreams and find work you love.  And how to find a healthy work-life balance and how do you fit in the things that are meaningful to you and have flexibility of time and income.  We will also talk about mindset and self-development to be your best possible self in your work life and personal life.  We will take the idea of meaningful work you want to do and how you create and start a business and monetize it.  Let’s be happier, healthier and find ways to create meaningful lives that bring us more joy and connection to our every day.

    Let’s start taking action to create and monetize our creative ideas and passions and turn them into thriving businesses- let’s go after our dream work, make more money and spend more time with people we love living our best lives.  And learn how Curiosity, Creativity, Mindset, Communication, Play, and Faith play a role in improving our lives.

    Join podcast host, Kristin Fitch to be encouraged throughout your week and to be reminded you are needed, you matter and now is the time to step into your future and all the possibilities waiting for you- it’s time to step into what you’ve been called to share with the world.  To learn more or connect with Kristin go to KristinFitch.com. And we’d love for you to join our private Facebook group Building a Life You Love where Kristin and friends share encouragement, ideas and extra resources to help you go after your passion and define life on your terms.

    Focus: Coaching- Starting a Business- Self Development – Personal Development, Christian Entrepreneurs, Christian Living, Find Your Purpose, Do Work You Love, Escape the 9 to 5, Quit Your Job, Being Happy, Finding Abundance, Happiness, Happiness Coach, Living with Chronic Illness, Scared Pause, Self-Care Routines

    Connect with Shannon:


    Instagram: @finallyeffinghappy

    Facebook:  @FinallyEffingHappy

  • Podcast Episode 71: Stepping Out of Your Comfort Zone- Going After Your Travel Bucket List and Going Solo


    Episode 71:

    Stepping Out of Your Comfort Zone- Going After Your Travel Bucket List and Going Solo with Angela Saint-YL

    On today’s episode Kristin talks to Angela Saint-YL about going after our Bucket List Travel Destinations and Experiences and how we step out of our comfort zones in planning, going to new places.  They talk about traveling solo and how to DIY your travel planning and experiences.  Whether you want to travel to a new nearby town or travel internationally this episode will inspire you to pack your bags, book your ticket and set out on an adventure.  Life is too short not to take the trip.

    What is holding you back from going after your dreams, defining life on your terms and from finding meaningful work you love? What is holding you back from going after your dreams to start your business or to write a book or launch a podcast, to sell your art or clothing, or to start an online business?   What is holding you back from finding real joy and meaning in your life?

    Each week on the show we are going to help you figure out how to go after your dreams and find work you love.  And how to find a healthy work-life balance and how do you fit in the things that are meaningful to you and have flexibility of time and income.  We will also talk about mindset and self-development to be your best possible self in your work life and personal life.  We will take the idea of meaningful work you want to do and how you create and start a business and monetize it.  Let’s be happier, healthier and find ways to create meaningful lives that bring us more joy and connection to our every day.

    Let’s start taking action to create and monetize our creative ideas and passions and turn them into thriving businesses- let’s go after our dream work, make more money and spend more time with people we love living our best lives.  And learn how Curiosity, Creativity, Mindset, Communication, Play, and Faith play a role in improving our lives.

    Join podcast host, Kristin Fitch to be encouraged throughout your week and to be reminded you are needed, you matter and now is the time to step into your future and all the possibilities waiting for you- it’s time to step into what you’ve been called to share with the world.  To learn more or connect with Kristin go to KristinFitch.com. And we’d love for you to join our private Facebook group Building a Life You Love where Kristin and friends share encouragement, ideas and extra resources to help you go after your passion and define life on your terms.

    Focus: Coaching- Starting a Business- Self Development – Personal Development, Christian Entrepreneurs, Christian Living, Find Your Purpose, Do Work You Love, Escape the 9 to 5, Quit Your Job, Being Happy, Finding Abundance, Traveling, Travel Bucket List, Adventure, DIY Travel Planning, Go After What You Want

    Connect with Angela:

    Instagram: @theflexitariantravels