Spark of Faith Podcast Episodes

  • From Overworking and Grinding to Grace and How Partnering with God Changed Everything with Angee Robertson

    On today’s episode Kristin talks with Angee Robertson, Founder of Freedom Virtual Assistant School, where they talk about doing life and business with God and the back seat vs. allowing God to be in control. Angee shares how life changed when she partnered with God in her life and business. She has had difficult seasons (overworking, miscarriages, and her husband’s cancer diagnosis) and she questioned everything including God but she learned to seek him and grow in relationship with him and everything changed.

    These are some of the other topics discussed:

    Are you working so much you are ignoring God?

    Learn how you can turn around workaholism with God’s help.

    Learn how to partner with God in your business & Life.

    How to focus on our God given callings, talents and gifts.

    Going through hard things and questioning God and how to seek him during those times.

    And how we can choose Grace over Grind and live how God intended us to live.

    “God is the source and everything else is a resource.”

    Connect with Angee here:,,

    Do You want to feel less frazzled, more joyful and at peace in your daily life? Are you ready to put more focus into what God has promised us and how to talk to God and hear from him?

    Are you ready to be encouraged as a Christian mom, wife and friend? I know how easy it is to let life get busy and not put God first but I am here working on doing just that right along side you.

    I have been there and I continously have to keep checking back in to make God and following Jesus my focus. It’s not always easy but I keep working on following God’s plan instead of pushing my own. And I want to help you do the same.

    How can we choose to do life a little bit different? To accept the invitation we’ve been given to step into the Adventure of pursuing God and what he has for us.

    Learn about Kristin Fitch and her podcast Faith Fueled Woman and to sign up for her email and 7 Day Faith-based Encouragement Challenge (7 days of Encouragement sent to your inbox)- click here.

    Reach out to Kristin to have her speak at Your Event, Summit, Church or Group – Go to

    #faith #christianinspiration #christianlife #followjesus #christianliving #slowdown #learningtoloveyourself #unconditionallove #godslove #surrenderingtoGod #illnesstohealth #transformation #personaltransformation

  • Breaking Barriers – How to Rise Above Obstacles and Achieve Success with Support and Faith – a conversation with Kay Ready

    On today’s episode Kristin talks to Kay Ready, TV Host, Realtor, Coach & Pastor, about breaking barriers and challenges to achieve success in our lives.

    Kay shares with us going froma teen mom and high school drop out to a successful mother, wife and business woman. She shares how her mindset, support sytems and God helped her unlock her power from within.

    She also shares the importance of having a Vision and Why for your life matters and remembering to know your worth in God.

    Kay is also the podcast host of WIRED (Women Inspired to Rise, Empower & Dominate) and she is an advocate for Bridging the Gaps Community and Family Development Center.

    Connect with Kay on Instagram @kayready_empowers

    Do You want to feel less frazzled, more joyful and at peace in your daily life? Are you ready to put more focus into what God has promised us and how to talk to God and hear from him?

    Are you ready to be encouraged as a Christian mom, wife and friend? I know how easy it is to let life get busy and not put God first but I am here working on doing just that right along side you.

    I have been there and I continously have to keep checking back in to make God and following Jesus my focus. It’s not always easy but I keep working on following God’s plan instead of pushing my own. And I want to help you do the same.

    How can we choose to do life a little bit different? To accept the invitation we’ve been given to step into the Adventure of pursuing God and what he has for us.

    Learn about Kristin Fitch and her podcast Faith Fueled Woman and to sign up for her email and 7 Day Faith-based Encouragement Challenge (7 days of Encouragement sent to your inbox)- click here.

    Reach out to Kristin to have her speak at Your Event, Summit, Church or Group – Go to

    #faith #christianinspiration #christianlife #followjesus #christianliving #slowdown #learningtoloveyourself #unconditionallove #godslove #surrenderingtoGod #illnesstohealth #transformation #personaltransformation

  • How to Trust God through all of Life’s Seasons with with Christine Andrews

    On today’s episode Kristin talks with Christine Andrews, Author, Certified Nutrition Consultant and Widower, about following God’s direction into new opportunities and places even after the loss of her husband.

    Christine has faithfully trusted God throughout her life and has continued to see His divine timing reveal itself. Christine changed careers after getting her first degree because she felt God leading her somewhere else and after the loss of her husband she wrote her second book to share what she learned and what helped her through that loss with others.

    Christine shares her story of finding the blessings and goodness of God even in the midst of hard things and loss. She reminds each of us to trust God, look to Him and to remember to be teachable.

    This is an inspiring episode for anyone needing encouragement and a reminder to trust God through all of life’s seasons.

    Connect with Christine at

    Do You want to feel less frazzled, more joyful and at peace in your daily life? Are you ready to put more focus into what God has promised us and how to talk to God and hear from him?

    Are you ready to be encouraged as a Christian mom, wife and friend? I know how easy it is to let life get busy and not put God first but I am here working on doing just that right along side you.

    I have been there and I continously have to keep checking back in to make God and following Jesus my focus. It’s not always easy but I keep working on following God’s plan instead of pushing my own. And I want to help you do the same.

    How can we choose to do life a little bit different? To accept the invitation we’ve been given to step into the Adventure of pursuing God and what he has for us.

    Learn about Kristin Fitch and her podcast Faith Fueled Woman and to sign up for her email and 7 Day Faith-based Encouragement Challenge (7 days of Encouragement sent to your inbox)- click here.

    Reach out to Kristin to have her speak at Your Event, Summit, Church or Group – Go to

    #faith #christianinspiration #christianlife #followjesus #christianliving #slowdown #learningtoloveyourself #unconditionallove #godslove #surrenderingtoGod #widower #lossofspouse #lossofhusband #death #author #divinetiming #newwidow

  • Living with Purpose and Why It’s the Cure to What Ails Us with Mark & Adena Delaney

    On today’s episode Kristin has a conversation with Mark an Adena Delaney, Purpose & Life Mentors and hosts of The Purpose Mastermind Podcast, about how important having a purpose in life is and why without knowing our purpose and being able to live it out can cause us to feel hopeless, lost, depressed, anxious, aimless or addicted to unhealthy habits.

    This is a must listen to episode about finding our reason for being and understanding that we were made for purpose. Mark an Adena also share their story of feeling like a bird in a cage in their jobs and their journey to discover and step into their purpose and now help other people do the same.

    Connect with the Delaneys at or check out their podcast The Purpose Mastermind here.

    Do You want to feel less frazzled, more joyful and at peace in your daily life? Are you ready to put more focus into what God has promised us and how to talk to God and hear from him?

    Are you ready to be encouraged as a Christian mom, wife and friend? I know how easy it is to let life get busy and not put God first but I am here working on doing just that right along side you.

    I have been there and I continously have to keep checking back in to make God and following Jesus my focus. It’s not always easy but I keep working on following God’s plan instead of pushing my own. And I want to help you do the same.

    How can we choose to do life a little bit different? To accept the invitation we’ve been given to step into the Adventure of pursuing God and what he has for us.

    Learn about Kristin Fitch and her podcast Faith Fueled Woman and to sign up for her email and 7 Day Faith-based Encouragement Challenge (7 days of Encouragement sent to your inbox)- click here.

    Reach out to Kristin to have her speak at Your Event, Summit, Church or Group – Go to

    #faith #christianinspiration #christianlife #followjesus #christianliving #slowdown #learningtoloveyourself #unconditionallove #godslove #surrenderingtoGod #illnesstohealth #transformation #personaltransformation

  • How Unconditional Love Transforms Our Lives: A Journey of Barely Surviving Chronic Illness to Thriving & Loving Life

    On today’s podcast Kristin talks to Erin Wood, an Ontological Life Coach, about how our limiting beliefs and mindset can keep us living a life feeling like a victim or our diagnosis and how looking to God and understanding our why and puporse can help us to thrive.

    Erin shares her own journey with chronic illness and going through depression and anxiety and fatigue and how she was able to go from an identity as disabled with countless limitations to an empowered, healthy and successful coach.

    Connect with Erin online at

    Do You want to feel less frazzled, more joyful and at peace in your daily life? Are you ready to put more focus into what God has promised us and how to talk to God and hear from him?

    Are you ready to be encouraged as a Christian mom, wife and friend? I know how easy it is to let life get busy and not put God first but I am here working on doing just that right along side you.

    I have been there and I continously have to keep checking back in to make God and following Jesus my focus. It’s not always easy but I keep working on following God’s plan instead of pushing my own. And I want to help you do the same.

    How can we choose to do life a little bit different? To accept the invitation we’ve been given to step into the Adventure of pursuing God and what he has for us.

    Learn about Kristin Fitch and her podcast Faith Fueled Woman and to sign up for her email and 7 Day Faith-based Encouragement Challenge (7 days of Encouragement sent to your inbox)- click here.

    Reach out to Kristin to have her speak at Your Event, Summit, Church or Group – Go to

    #faith #christianinspiration #christianlife #followjesus #christianliving #slowdown #learningtoloveyourself #unconditionallove #godslove #surrenderingtoGod #illnesstohealth #transformation #personaltransformation

  • Stepping into a Life of Freedom – How One Family is Living Intentional Lives of Faith, Freedom and Fulfillment on an RV

    On today’s episode I have a conversation with Cheree Sauer, the CEO of Success without Sacrifice, who is also a mom and wife to discuss their family’s journey to take life on the road and roadschool their kids and work remotely. Cheree shares how they’ve learned to follow the path that allows them to live intentional lives of faith, freedom, success and fulfillment.

    You can connect with Cheree at or follow her on Instagram @chereesauercoaching

    We also discuss starting a business, and her method for helping female entrepreneurs bring together life, business and faith in a way that is manageable and keeps us from burning out. And Cheree talks about the role of faith in their lives and decision to live in an RV and roadschool.

    Do You want to feel less frazzled, more joyful and at peace in your daily life? Are you ready to put more focus into what God has promised us and how to talk to God and hear from him?

    Are you ready to be encouraged as a Christian mom, wife and friend? I know how easy it is to let life get busy and not put God first but I am here working on doing just that right along side you.

    I have been there and I continously have to keep checking back in to make God and following Jesus my focus. It’s not always easy but I keep working on following God’s plan instead of pushing my own. And I want to help you do the same.

    How can we choose to do life a little bit different? To accept the invitation we’ve been given to step into the Adventure of pursuing God and what he has for us.

    Learn about Kristin Fitch and her podcast Faith Fueled Woman and to sign up for her email and 7 Day Faith-based Encouragement Challenge (7 days of Encouragement sent to your inbox)- click here.

    Reach out to Kristin to have her speak at Your Event, Summit, Church or Group – Go to

    #faith #christianinspiration #christianlife #followjesus #christianliving #slowdown #roadschooling #lifeoffreedom #christianentrepreneur #christianfemaleentrepreneur #homeschool #successwithsacrifice

  • Why We Need to Connect with Our Purpose and What Brings Us Joy

    Maybe you’ve felt uninspired, burned out, unclear or uncertain about your future and how you are meant to show up in this season of your life and I’m here to tell you – God has big plans for you on the other side of the uncertainty and fear- you’ve just got to be willing to tap into the joy, and peace and dreams he offers you.

    I think many of us have become disconnected with the purpose & joy that God put in our hearts to share with the world.

    You don’t have to stay stuck in a job or situation that’s sucking the life out of you. What I learned is that it all starts with getting clear on who we are made to be and tapping into our inner gladness (Joy).

    Maybe like me, you’ve felt disconnected from your purpose or joy through much of your life. 

    So much of my professional identity and assumptions needed to be peeled back for me to see clearly the vision God had for me to encourage others to live a more joyful, creative, open hearted life that allowed them to serve the world doing work that fills them up.

    Do You want to feel less frazzled, more joyful and at peace in your daily life? Are you ready to put more focus into what God has promised us and how to talk to God and hear from him?

    Are you ready to be encouraged as a Christian mom, wife and friend? I know how easy it is to let life get busy and not put God first but I am here working on doing just that right along side you.

    I have been there and I continously have to keep checking back in to make God and following Jesus my focus. It’s not always easy but I keep working on following God’s plan instead of pushing my own. And I want to help you do the same.

    How can we choose to do life a little bit different? To accept the invitation we’ve been given to step into the Adventure of pursuing God and what he has for us.

    Learn about Kristin Fitch and her podcast Faith Fueled Woman and to sign up for her email and 7 Day Faith-based Encouragement Challenge (7 days of Encouragement sent to your inbox)- click here.

    Reach out to Kristin to have her speak at Your Event, Summit, Church or Group – Go to

    #faith #christianinspiration #christianlife #followjesus #christianliving #slowdown #joy #fruitsofspirit #purpose #findyourpurpose #purposedrivenlife

  • Ready for More Peace, Calm & Joy in Your Day? It May be Time to Prune Your Schedule

    Are you ready to experience more peace, calm and joy in your day? I think it’s when we get clear on our intentions & priorities and take inventory of everything we are allowing onto our schedules and into our day we can see what might need to be pruned to allow more space and time for rest, connection and communion into our days. I don’t think God intended us to fit so much into a day but society glamorizes crammed schedules and overworking- God has a different way for us to live that feels more peaceful.

    Do You want to feel less frazzled, more joyful and at peace in your daily life? Are you ready to put more focus into what God has promised us and how to talk to God and hear from him?

    Are you ready to be encouraged as a Christian mom, wife and friend? I know how easy it is to let life get busy and not put God first but I am here working on doing just that right along side you.

    I have been there and I continously have to keep checking back in to make God and following Jesus my focus. It’s not always easy but I keep working on following God’s plan instead of pushing my own. And I want to help you do the same.

    How can we choose to do life a little bit different? To accept the invitation we’ve been given to step into the Adventure of pursuing God and what he has for us.

    Learn about Kristin Fitch and her podcast Faith Fueled Woman and to sign up for her email and 7 Day Faith-based Encouragement Challenge (7 days of Encouragement sent to your inbox)- click here.

    Reach out to Kristin to have her speak at Your Event, Summit, Church or Group – Go to

    #faith #christianinspiration #christianlife #followjesus #christianliving #slowdown

  • Cast Your Worry & Fears Aside- God Promises to Strenghten Us & Fight For Us

    Are you stuck in a pattern of worrying and fear? It’s easy to focus on our problems and what ifs for the future when we aren’t focused on God’s promises to strengthen us as he takes away or fear and worry.

    I read a thought recently that Worry is Idolatry (Kristin Clark Welch noted this on IG) and it really struck me- am I putting my worry above God?

    Am I so focused on my fear that I am not looking to God for his promises? And I realized it was time to think about this and shift my gaze to God and His Word.

    Do You want to feel less frazzled, more joyful and at peace in your daily life? Are you ready to put more focus into what God has promised us and how to talk to God and hear from him?

    Are you ready to be encouraged as a Christian mom, wife and friend? I know how easy it is to let life get busy and not put God first but I am here working on doing just that right along side you.

    I have been there and I continously have to keep checking back in to make God and following Jesus my focus. It’s not always easy but I keep working on following God’s plan instead of pushing my own. And I want to help you do the same.

    How can we choose to do life a little bit different? To accept the invitation we’ve been given to step into the Adventure of pursuing God and what he has for us.

    Learn about Kristin Fitch and her podcast Faith Fueled Woman and to sign up for her email and 7 Day Faith-based Encouragement Challenge (7 days of Encouragement sent to your inbox)- click here.

    Reach out to Kristin to have her speak at Your Event, Summit, Church or Group – Go to

    #faith #christianinspiration #christianlife #followjesus #christianliving #slowdown

  • A Simple Invitation and Story Brings People to Christ more than any Church or Bible Speak Will

    If we want to point people to God and following Christ we’ve gotta show them how it’s changed us and our lives. We have to share our story. We need to show them through loving them, serving them and being humble not be telling them with complicated church or bible speak. In 1 Corinthians 14:5 Paul explains sharing the gospel and living it in a way people can understand (both Christians and non-believers) is more important than speaking in tongues because people have to understand it or else it doesn’t help point each other to God.

    Do You want to feel less frazzled, more joyful and at peace in your daily life? Are you ready to put more focus into what God has promised us and how to talk to God and hear from him?

    Are you ready to be encouraged as a Christian mom, wife and friend? I know how easy it is to let life get busy and not put God first.

    I have been there and I continously have to keep checking back in to make God and following Jesus my focus. It’s not always easy but I keep working on following God’s plan instead of pushing my own. And I want to help you do the same.

    How can we choose to do life a little bit different? To accept the invitation we’ve been given to step into the Adventure of pursuing God and what he has for us.

    Learn about Kristin Fitch and her podcast Faith Fueled Woman and to sign up for her email and 7 Day Faith-based Encouragement Challenge (7 days of Encouragement sent to your inbox)- click here.

    Reach out to Kristin to have her speak at Your Event, Summit, Church or Group – Go to

    #faith #christianinspiration #christianlife #followjesus #christianliving #slowdown

  • Be Encouraged with God’s Word even on Social Media – Christian Instagram Accounts to Follow

    If you are on social media, in particular Instagram I am sharing some of the folks and accounts I follow who share scripture, Christian Encouragement and more that keep my feed focused on God. I like to save any faith based posts that I want to come back to so I can reread the scripture, hear the sermon or keep the quote.

    We have control over what content we allow in even on social media. I choose to use Instagram to post on and view because I follow people who lift others up, add value or speak God’s truth into my feed and I might have some food things too because well food is life.

    First, if you are on Instagram you can connect with me at @kristinfitch.

    Here are some of the Christian Instagram accounts I follow:


    @Seanfeucht and

    @lisabevere and her husband @johnbevere





    @p31obs (Proverbs 31 Online Bible Study)



    @bibleverse (biblical encouragement)



    @jentezen (Pastor Jentezen Franklin of @freechapel)

    @joyonchina – younger guy who makes sense of bible

    @crappychristianpodcast – Blake talks abou real life Christian topics of the day

    @refreshedquotes Christian Inspiration & Quotes

    @lysaterkeurst (Christian Author)


    Connect with me on Instagram- let me know you are over there (send me a DM or comment on one of my posts).

    Do You want to feel less frazzled, more joyful and at peace in your daily life? Are you ready to put more focus into what God has promised us and how to talk to God and hear from him?

    Are you ready to be encouraged as a Christian mom, wife and friend? I know how easy it is to let life get busy and not put God first.

    I have been there and I continously have to keep checking back in to make God and following Jesus my focus. It’s not always easy but I keep working on following God’s plan instead of pushing my own. And I want to help you do the same.

    How can we choose to do life a little bit different? To accept the invitation we’ve been given to step into the Adventure of pursuing God and what he has for us.

    Learn about Kristin Fitch and her podcast Faith Fueled Woman and to sign up for her email and 7 Day Faith-based Encouragement Challenge (7 days of Encouragement sent to your inbox)- click here.

    Reach out to Kristin to have her speak at Your Event, Summit, Church or Group – Go to

    #faith #christianinspiration #christianlife #followjesus #christianliving #slowdown

  • Why You Need Christian Friends and Community in Your Walk with Jesus

    Do You want to feel less frazzled, more joyful and at peace in your daily life? Are you ready to put more focus into what God has promised us and how to talk to God and hear from him?

    We are meant to live in community. One of the many blessing God has given us is friendship- when we cultivate friendships we will reap thee rewards- finding wise counsel/advice, someone to lift us up and encourage us, someone to share our burdens and struggles with, someone to pray for us and do life with.

    We should not underestimate true Godly friendships because they are so important to help us in our faith journey with Christ- they keep us grounded, and help us point each other back to God’s word and to Christ.

    Are you a Good Godly friend and do you have rich friendships or is this an area you ar praying God will help you find and cultivate strong, faith-based friendships? This is a replay of episode 40.

    Are you ready to be encouraged as a Christian mom, wife and friend? I know how easy it is to let life get busy and not put God first.

    I have been there and I continously have to keep checking back in to make God and following Jesus my focus. It’s not always easy but I keep working on following God’s plan instead of pushing my own. And I want to help you do the same.

    How can we choose to do life a little bit different? To accept the invitation we’ve been given to step into the Adventure of pursuing God and what he has for us.

    Reach out to Kristin to have her speak at Your Event, Summit, Church or Group – Go to

    #faith #christianinspiration #christianlife #followjesus #christianliving #slowdown

  • We are Called to Use Our God Given Gifts for the Glory of God

    We are called to use our God given gifts to glorify God and to point people to Jesus. And we are called to be a light in the world to shine it back to the Lord.

    Kristin shares encouragemen for you to keep listening to God’s promptings in your life to serve others and show up in love and to follow your God sized, God-given dreams- follow the vision God has given you- one step at a time.

    Do You want to feel less frazzled, more joyful and at peace in your daily life? Are you ready to put more focus into what God has promised us and how to talk to God and hear from him?

    Are you ready to be encouraged as a Christian mom, wife and friend? I know how easy it is to let life get busy and not put God first.

    I have been there and I continously have to keep checking back in to make God and following Jesus my focus. It’s not always easy but I keep working on following God’s plan instead of pushing my own. And I want to help you do the same.

    How can we choose to do life a little bit different? To accept the invitation we’ve been given to step into the Adventure of pursuing God and what he has for us.

    Learn about Kristin Fitch and her podcast Faith Fueled Woman and to sign up for her email and 7 Day Faith-based Encouragement Challenge (7 days of Encouragement sent to your inbox)- click here.

    Reach out to Kristin to have her speak at Your Event, Summit, Church or Group – Go to

    #faith #christianinspiration #christianlife #followjesus #christianliving #slowdown

  • Why Speaking Scripture Aloud Can be Powerful in Your Prayer Life

    Kristin shares several reasons speaking out to God audibly and reading scripture out loud can be powerful.

    Do You want to feel less frazzled, more joyful and at peace in your daily life? Are you ready to put more focus into what God has promised us and how to talk to God and hear from him?

    Are you ready to be encouraged as a Christian mom, wife and friend? I know how easy it is to let life get busy and not put God first.

    I have been there and I continously have to keep checking back in to make God and following Jesus my focus. It’s not always easy but I keep working on following God’s plan instead of pushing my own. And I want to help you do the same.

    How can we choose to do life a little bit different? To accept the invitation we’ve been given to step into the Adventure of pursuing God and what he has for us.

    Learn about Kristin Fitch and her podcast Faith Fueled Woman and to sign up for her email and 7 Day Faith-based Encouragement Challenge (7 days of Encouragement sent to your inbox)- click here.

    Reach out to Kristin to have her speak at Your Event, Summit, Church or Group – Go to

    #faith #christianinspiration #christianlife #followjesus #christianliving #slowdown

  • The Importance of Kindess: How Kind and Loving Words and Acts Change the World

    On today’s episode Kristin talks about how important it is for us to speak kind and encouraging words to other people about what we see in them- their potential. As the bible says, our words have the power of life or death. And how small acts of kindness and love can change someone’s life and generations to come.

    We are called to serve others and one of the ways we can do that daily is to encourage and use our words and actions to lift up others.

    Do You want to feel less frazzled, more joyful and at peace in your daily life? Are you ready to put more focus into what God has promised us and how to talk to God and hear from him?

    Are you ready to be encouraged as a Christian mom, wife and friend? I know how easy it is to let life get busy and not put God first.

    I have been there and I continously have to keep checking back in to make God and following Jesus my focus. It’s not always easy but I keep working on following God’s plan instead of pushing my own. And I want to help you do the same.

    How can we choose to do life a little bit different? To accept the invitation we’ve been given to step into the Adventure of pursuing God and what he has for us.

    Learn about Kristin Fitch and her podcast Faith Fueled Woman and to sign up for her email and 7 Day Faith-based Encouragement Challenge (7 days of Encouragement sent to your inbox)- click here.

    Reach out to Kristin to have her speak at Your Event, Summit, Church or Group – Go to

    #faith #christianinspiration #christianlife #followjesus #christianliving #slowdown

  • 136: How Big is Your God? The Lesson in David and Goliath- Focus on How Great God is and Not On Our Problems

    Today Kristin shares part of 1 Samuel 17 the story of David and Goliath and how David defeats Goliath with his sling shot. David has unrelently faith and trust in God to give him favor and kill Goliath. David knows God will protect his people and defeat their enemies and He does.

    This episode is a reminder to talk about how Mighty and Great Our God is instead of talking about how big our problems are. God is bigger than any challenges, hardships, problems or enemies we will encounter and we could all use greater faith like David.

    Do You want to feel less frazzled, more joyful and at peace in your daily life? Are you ready to put more focus into what God has promised us and how to talk to God and hear from him?

    Are you ready to be encouraged as a Christian mom, wife and friend? I know how easy it is to let life get busy and not put God first.

    I have been there and I continously have to keep checking back in to make God and following Jesus my focus. It’s not always easy but I keep working on following God’s plan instead of pushing my own. And I want to help you do the same.

    How can we choose to do life a little bit different? To accept the invitation we’ve been given to step into the Adventure of pursuing God and what he has for us.

    Learn about Kristin Fitch and her podcast Faith Fueled Woman and to sign up for her email and 7 Day Faith-based Encouragement Challenge (7 days of Encouragement sent to your inbox)- click here.

    Reach out to Kristin to have her speak at Your Event, Summit, Church or Group – Go to

    #faith #christianinspiration #christianlife #followjesus #christianliving #slowdown

  • Following God’s Plan for Our Lives Even When We Don’t Feel Qualified

    On today’s episode Kristin shares her experience of starting a faith-based Christian podcast and how she stepped through the feelings of not feeling ready, qualified and worrying that some people who criticize her and her messages. You see she isn’t a pastor, minister or in church ministry but she has felt called to be an encourager and share messages of hope, and encouragement with others and she decided it was time to step out in faith and move towards what God has called her into.

    She reminds us that God has put a dream on our heart or a prompting towards our next steps and we need to be willing to follow those promptings.

    Do You want to feel less frazzled, more joyful and at peace in your daily life? Are you ready to put more focus into what God has promised us and how to talk to God and hear from him?

    Are you ready to be encouraged as a Christian mom, wife and friend? I know how easy it is to let life get busy and not put God first.

    I have been there and I continously have to keep checking back in to make God and following Jesus my focus. It’s not always easy but I keep working on following God’s plan instead of pushing my own. And I want to help you do the same.

    How can we choose to do life a little bit different? To accept the invitation we’ve been given to step into the Adventure of pursuing God and what he has for us.

    Learn about Kristin Fitch and her podcast Faith Fueled Woman and to sign up for her email and 7 Day Faith-based Encouragement Challenge (7 days of Encouragement sent to your inbox)- click here.

    Reach out to Kristin to have her speak at Your Event, Summit, Church or Group – Go to

    #faith #christianinspiration #christianlife #followjesus #christianliving #slowdown

  • We Are Called to Love Our Neighbor Like Ourselves: You Can’t Love God without Loving People

    On today’s devotional Kristin encourages each of us to consider if we are truly loving others- are we showing up in love and kindness towards others- especially those suffering or are we holding grudges, not forgiving others, we dislike those that are different from us and holding back really loving hem?

    Also discussed is have we become desensitized and have allowed our heart or parts of it o become hardened? How do we begin to love others well? And how do we pray for our hearts to be softened and made flesh again? Kristin shares scripture from the Old and New Testament about to Love God means to Love other people- to serve them in love and kindness even when they are not loving.

    To learn more about Kristin Fitch and her podcast Faith Fueled Woman and to sign up for her email and 7 Day Faith-based Encouragement Challenge (7 days of Encouragement sent to your inbox)- click here.

    Reach out to Kristin to have her speak at Your Event, Summit, Church or Group – Go to

    Daily Devotional- Message of Hope, Christian Womens Devotional, Bible Study

  • 133: What Does it Take to Keep Honoring Each Other in Marriage? What Does the Bible Say About Loving Your Spouse

    On today’s episode Kristin talks about what the bible says about marriage and love and what it takes to keep a marriage alive and well. Marriage i requires we continue to show up each day by being respectful, honest, open, caring, and loving. Is it always easy- nope but it’s possible when we choose to show up each and everyday and when we ask God to be a part of helping us have a thriving marriage and to help us when things get hard.

    Do You want to feel less frazzled, more joyful and at peace in your daily life? Are you ready to put more focus into what God has promised us and how to talk to God and hear from him?

    Are you ready to be encouraged as a Christian mom, wife and friend? I know how easy it is to let life get busy and not put God first.

    I have been there and I continously have to keep checking back in to make God and following Jesus my focus. It’s not always easy but I keep working on following God’s plan instead of pushing my own. And I want to help you do the same.

    How can we choose to do life a little bit different? To accept the invitation we’ve been given to step into the Adventure of pursuing God and what he has for us.

    Learn about Kristin Fitch and her podcast Faith Fueled Woman and to sign up for her email and 7 Day Faith-based Encouragement Challenge (7 days of Encouragement sent to your inbox)- click here.

    Reach out to Kristin to have her speak at Your Event, Summit, Church or Group – Go to

    #marriage #marriageadvice #christianmarriage #maritaladvice #love #christianinspiration #christianlife #followjesus

  • 132: Nothing Can Stop God’s Plan for Your Life

    On today’s episode Kristin talks about Isaiah 14:27 which says ‘Nothing can stop God’s plan for your life.” and she shares that even in a slow season, a season of waiting, or a difficult season we can still be moving on the path God has for us. We can be used where we are right now and we should have faith and confidence that he is lining up good and useful things for us.

    Do You want to feel less frazzled, more joyful and at peace in your daily life? Are you ready to put more focus into what God has promised us and how to talk to God and hear from him?

    Are you ready to be encouraged as a Christian mom, wife and friend? I know how easy it is to let life get busy and not put God first.

    I have been there and I continously have to keep checking back in to make God and following Jesus my focus. It’s not always easy but I keep working on following God’s plan instead of pushing my own. And I want to help you do the same.

    How can we choose to do life a little bit different? To accept the invitation we’ve been given to step into the Adventure of pursuing God and what he has for us.

    Learn about Kristin Fitch and her podcast Faith Fueled Woman and to sign up for her email and 7 Day Faith-based Encouragement Challenge (7 days of Encouragement sent to your inbox)- click here.

    Reach out to Kristin to have her speak at Your Event, Summit, Church or Group – Go to

    #faith #christianinspiration #christianlife #followjesus #christianliving #slowdown